Capstone Draft Proposal 1

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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Payton Song Date: 2024-02-23

Teacher: Mr. Robazza Block: C

The Capstone strand I have chosen is: Service Oriented Focus

Proposed title for my Project Proposal: (write the proposed title for your Capstone Project in one clear
Bleed Black and Blue; Re Mountain Blood Drive

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that connects with
a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that you cannot just google an
answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

How can I organize and promote a successful community blood drive to maximize donor participation and
impact on meeting local healthcare needs?"

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are choosing to
investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect to your passion(s),
purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I am choosing to pursue planning a blood drive for my capstone project because I have experience in event
planning, I want a career in healthcare, and I want to make a positive impact on my school and general

I have spear-headed planning two major events here in the school, which means I ave connections and a
background in this area. Both events were very successful, and I learned a lot about the hard detailed work
that needs to be done in preparation.

Currently I volunteer weekly at the langley memorial hospital, and I run a health club here at the school. I
am very interested in healthcare and I’m hoping to pursue this field career wise. I love helping people and
making a difference.

Completing a blood drive will directly save lives and provide an outlet to the community to come together for
the greater good. Another way I want to make a positive impact is making this an annual event for the
health club and including the grade 11’s to ensure it will happen again! If this becomes a long-standing
tradition it will have a great impact on our local society as a whole and save many lives.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this area of inquiry?

I have experience and the connections that come with that in event planning here in the school, I volunteer
at Langley Memorial hospital, and I run a health club.

I have connections in the school with admin and many teachers from becoming involved in REC leadership,
joining clubs, and running the Spring Formal and Mountain Manor. This will make it easier to discuss and
overcome hardships if I have support and relationships with people here at the school to help guide me. It
will also come in handy in case of teacher volunteers and getting approval.

I have been volunteering at the hospital for just over six months now, I have a great connection with my
supervisor. Shannen, could help provide some wisdom and put me in touch with people who may actually
run blood drives etc.

I run a health club, which is very helpful when it comes to advertising this event. They also can provide me
with support and feedback.

Lastly, I have great time management and I know this is very a daunting task but I am ready to work hard to
make this event a success. I have always been told my determination is one of my greatest strengths.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does this
inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

I intend to become a doctor, a doctor of which field and/or speciality is still an unknown factor for me. I have
always wanted to make a difference and help people, it fulfills me and that’s why I want to pursue a career
in healthcare. Blood donations are crucial for hospitals and save lives every day. I’m not yet able to help
people directly but by planning this blood drive I will be making a positive difference for the healthcare
community, one that I hope to be a part of soon. The connections with nurses and the blood donation
services I make along the way could also be helpful as I move towards my goal, and it will be a great
addition to my resume as well. I see this blood drive as a steppingstone towards my eventual goal of
becoming a doctor.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core competencies will
be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

I will be contributing to the community and caring for the environment. By planning a blood drive, I will be
contributing blood donations to the local community members that need it. I will work hard to contribute
meaningful with the blood drive and make sure that the participants know the utter importance of their

I can express my needs and seek help when needed. I know I cannot do this event alone, that is why I
have a mentor and other teachers who said they are willing to help. Through the health club, I also have the
support of my peers to help advertise and take some of weight off of me. That is why I think this is possible
is because I can seek help from those around me.
I understand the purpose for my work and consider my audience. This is key when getting people to donate
blood. I understand that only a very slim number of students from our school are eligible and I will need to
advertise heavily to get participation. May even some incentivizing with cookies and helping people
understand how important blood donations are. Another key audience to consider is parents, they are more
likely to donate blood if they get emails and well detailed explanation to why it benefits the school and the

I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive. Event planning is hard and there will be
setbacks but I will persevere and continue with my idea. I know it will not end up exactly how I have
predicted, and something will go wrong, but I am determined to make my idea a reality. Through the people
surrounding me and understanding that failure doesn’t mean the whole event is called off I will be able to
complete the blood drive.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

I will be making a powerpoint presentation. To document the planning, I will do detailed blog posts and take
pictures whenever relevant making sure to date down key dates in planning and what was accomplished
on those days. Then I will transfer this information to the slideshow. For the actual day of event, I will be
recording (with consent) some people and the set-up and take-down process. I have a friend who is in
photography class, and I will ask him to take some professional photos of the event to include in my
presentation. I will also do a reflection and future improvements so that if the health club makes it annual it
can be improved.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what will you
research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced at the end of this
project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your proposal.

Around May I hope to plan and host a blood drive here at the school. For this there are two options I’m
currently looking into with the help of my mentor and Mr. Kim. One of which, is hosting a large blood drive
with multiple nurses in one of our gyms here at the school. Ideally last block and continuing after school as
I know it’s hard to book gym space. I hope to get participants from 17 year old students and parents. I
would reach these audiences by advertising in the school and hopefully being included in a newsletter to
parents. The other option is the mobile van donation. There are a couple nurses in the van and this would
require a smaller volume of pledges that would go in at scheduled times. If I pursue this, I hope to have it
during the whole school day with he focuses being mostly on student donation. I would advertise this all
using email blasts, word of mouth, posters, announcements, and if possible, going to classes near the
actual date. I have sent out emails to my personal connections to see if anyone knows anyone that could
help me to execute this. There isn’t public access to this knowledge on any website for Canada it is only by
request through email. Therefore, for a more detailed plan I need to wait until admin approval to email the
specific companies and seriously inquire in the process.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and skills you will
need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to access/learn all of the resources
necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail your plans.

I need access to technology to design some media to advertise, I plan to do this through Canva which I
already have access to from a different class. I need connections to admin which I have a meeting with
March 27. I have support here in the school from my health club members and both REC and regular
leadership. Both teachers have offered support in any way possible. I will also need school permission
and/or gym access which I will discuss with the PE head, which is Mr. Weiss

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will you need to

help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you? What is your plan to access
the mentorship/community connections necessary for this project?

My mentor is Ms. Ross, she is my health club teacher sponsor. She has already committed and will be
helpful when communicating to admin and planning pieces involving the actual school. We message on
teams and have plans to meet during lunches or before/after school when needed. Since I volunteer at
the hospital, I have a connection there and I have emailed about information or a contact to help
coordinate this event. Mr kim and Mr Weiss have agreed to support me in anyway possible too. Wether
that be day of or planning. Mr Kim used to work with someone from blood services that provided the
mobile donation vans that could be a great option. I also have a meeting set up for March 28 with Mr
Gollub to seek admin approval and advice.

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee that might
affect progress with your Capstone Project?

Getting pledges will be difficult, advertising will be very important. Booking the gym might also be difficult
during days and after school due to the volume we host sports and other events. The scale of this event
will also be challenging, a van would be much smaller and simpler but if possible I would like to do the
gym. Parent waivers for student donations is something else I have to consider and speak with admin
about. If it was during school I would also have to talk to admin about students possibly missing some
class time to donate blood.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about your project
that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

This is rough proposal more detailed steps can be outlined after my meeting with admin and after
emailing directly to the companies that do these outreach events. This is just my hopes and general
expectations for the event.

References: Provide a literature review of 5-10 PEER REVIEWED ACADEMIC references: research,
videos, etc. that offer some preliminary research you have done for your project that shows you are able
to access the key information that you will need to be able to complete this project/work. Along with
providing the source, you will need to provide a description of what they source is good for and how you
may use it. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.

/ Gouvernement du Canada. (2023, June 14). Government of Canada.
ABCs of eligibility for donating blood, platelets and plasma. ABCs of eligibility to donating blood. (n.d.).
Aravindakshan, A., Rubel, O., & Rutz, O. (2015). Managing blood donations with marketing. Marketing Science, 34(2), 269–
Donating blood. Donating Blood | HealthLink BC. (n.d.).
Everything you need to know about donating blood: A guide for first-timers. Blood donation: The complete guide. (n.d.).
How hosting a blood drive works. How To Plan A Blood Drive | Red Cross Blood Services. (n.d.).


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