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Do not confuse between ‘abbreviation’ and ‘acronym’

While an abbreviation is “a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be
written out in full” (Trask, 1997), used to replace the whole for the sake of brevity and typically
consists of the first few letters or even just the first letter followed by a full stop, an 'acronym' is
created by combining the first letters of a group of other words Yule (1996).
For instance, “Corp.” is abbreviated from Corporation, whereas 'UNESCO' is the acronym fro
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The following are the economics abbreviations that are frequently used in Economics. In order
to translate them into Arabic, you should first learn their full forms.

Here are some frequently used acronyms in economics.

abbreviations: business terms and symbols

Terms are often abbreviated for the purpose of conserving space in routine business
correspondence. The following are common abbreviations used in tables and on business forms:
acct. (account)
Assn. (Association)
bal. (balance)
cont. (continued)
dis. (discount)
dtd. (dated)
fwd. (forward)
ins. (insurance)
Ltd. (Limited)
max. (maximum)
min. (minimum)
pd. (paid)
qty. (quantity)
treas. (treasury, treasurer)
Economic Acronyms
ATC - Average Total Cost: ‫ متوسط التكلفة الكلية‬، ‫إجمالي التكلفة‬
ALM - Asset Liability Management: ‫إدارة الخصوم واألصول‬
AMEX - American Exchange Market: ‫البورصة األمريكية‬
BIP - Balance of International Payment: ‫ميزان المدفوعات الدولية‬
C.O.D. - Cash on Delivery: ‫الدفع عند االستالم‬
A.A.R - Against All Risks: ‫ضد كل المخاطر‬

Find more abbreviations and acronyms on


- Trask, L. (1997). Abbreviations. Retrieved from
- Yule, G. (1996): The study of language. Cambridge University press.

The following videos will help you consolidate what you have studied in these sequences. Please,
take a moment to watch them. The link is provided to you below. Enjoy!

Let’s Talk Business

Business English Vocabulary! How to use them?

Business translation Economics synonyms translation (English-Arabic)

If you want to know more economics words and expressions translated from English to
Arabic or the reverse, always refer to the list that you can download from the link below:
1- Economics Translation Acronyms and Abbreviations

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