Shared and Distinctive Origins

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Child Development, September/October 2012, Volume 83, Number 5, Pages 1689–1702

Shared and Distinctive Origins and Correlates of Adult Attachment

Representations: The Developmental Organization of Romantic Functioning
Katherine C. Haydon W. A. Collins, Jessica E. Salvatore,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Jeffry A. Simpson
University of Minnesota

Glenn I. Roisman
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

To test proposals regarding the hierarchical organization of adult attachment, this study examined develop-
mental origins of generalized and romantic attachment representations and their concurrent associations with
romantic functioning. Participants (N = 112) in a 35-year prospective study completed the Adult Attachment
Interview (AAI) and Current Relationship Interview (CRI). Two-way analysis of variance tested interactive
associations of AAI and CRI security with infant attachment, early parenting quality, preschool ego resiliency,
adolescent friendship quality, and adult romantic functioning. Both representations were associated with ear-
lier parenting and core attachment-related romantic behavior, but romantic representations had distinctive
links to ego resiliency and relationship-specific romantic behaviors. Attachment representations were inde-
pendent and did not interactively predict romantic functioning, suggesting that they confer somewhat distinc-
tive benefits for romantic functioning.

Following the precedent set by those who elabo- eralized and romantic attachment representations
rated organizational processes in infant attachment have been independently linked to a number of
(e.g., Sroufe & Waters, 1977), recent romantic romantic behaviors. Generalized representations are
attachment research has turned toward the organi- typically assessed by the Adult Attachment Inter-
zational implications of attachment representations view (AAI; George et al., 1985), in which variation
for romantic functioning. At least two key gaps in discourse and states of mind regarding child-
exist within this literature, however. The first con- hood experiences with caregivers are used to assign
cerns the distinct or overlapping roles of general- an overall secure-autonomous or nonautonomous
ized representations (i.e., representations of early (i.e., dismissing or preoccupied) classification.
attachment relationships with caregivers; George, Secure-autonomous AAI classifications have been
Kaplan, & Main, 1985) and romantic attachment associated with more optimal romantic functioning
representations (i.e., representations of specific and relationship stability, whereas nonautonomous
romantic partners; Treboux, Crowell, & Waters, classifications have been associated with relation-
2004) in organizing romantic functioning. Both gen- ship distress, poorer functioning, autonomic reactiv-
ity, and relationship instability (Bouthillier, Julien,
This report is based on the doctoral dissertation completed by Dube, Belanger, & Hemelin, 2002; Cohn, Silver,
the first author at the Institute of Child Development, University Cowan, Cowan, & Pearson, 1992; Creasey, 2002;
of Minnesota. This research was supported by a National Insti- Holland & Roisman, 2010; Paley, Cox, Burchinal, &
tute of Mental Health grant to Byron Egeland, L. Alan Sroufe,
and W. Andrew Collins (R01-MH40864); by a National Institute Payne, 1999; Roisman, 2007; Simpson, Rholes, Oriña,
of Child Health and Human Development grant to W. Andrew & Grich, 2002; Spangler & Zimmerman, 1999; Wam-
Collins, Byron Egeland, and L. Alan Sroufe (R01-HD054850); and pler, Shi, Nelson, & Kimball, 2003).
by an NIMH predoctoral training grant to the third author
(T32MH015755-32). The first and fifth authors’ involvement with
this research was also in part supported by a grant from NICHD
(R01 HD054822). The authors gratefully acknowledge this finan-
cial support.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to  2012 The Authors
Katherine C. Haydon, Psychology Department, Mount Holyoke Child Development  2012 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075. Electronic All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2012/8305-0018
mail may be sent to DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01801.x
1690 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

Relatively less research has examined the role of ment. Overall, Fletcher, and Friesen (2003), for
romantic representations in these areas, but the pat- example, found support for a hierarchical model in
tern of links to romantic functioning is similar to which relationship-specific representations (i.e., of a
those observed for the AAI. One commonly used current romantic partner) were nested within
representational assessment of romantic attachment domain-specific representations (i.e., of all romantic
is the Current Relationship Interview (CRI; Crowell partners), which in turn were nested under a single
& Owens, 1996), which is analogous to the AAI in global representation (i.e., of all attachment rela-
structure and coding (i.e., it assesses states of mind tionships). This structure may develop in part
and coherence of discourse regarding romantic because of the temporal sequence of relationships
attachment experiences and assigns a secure, dis- on which different representations are based.
missing, or preoccupied classification) but differs in Generalized representations develop in response to
that it focuses on attachment experiences with a the accumulation of attachment experiences in mul-
specific, current romantic partner. Secure CRI clas- tiple relationships; thus, they may be more robust
sifications (analogous to secure-autonomous AAI and may exert greater influence on romantic behav-
classifications) have been linked to higher romantic ior than partner-specific representations, which are
functioning both with respect to behavior and cog- founded on relatively smaller accumulation of
nition (Roisman, Collins, Sroufe, & Egeland, 2005; interactions with one partner (Overall et al., 2003).
Treboux et al., 2004). Thus, the effects of the romantic representation
Although extensive literatures exist regarding may be constrained (i.e., moderated) by the pre-
their separate associations to romantic functioning, existing higher order generalized representation.
questions about each representation’s contribution Treboux et al. (2004) similarly proposed that
in the context of the other have been addressed romantic partner-specific representations are refer-
rather obliquely. Research to date has not fully enced to generalized representations as part of a
examined whether the two representations have feedback loop through which the attachment sys-
shared, distinctive, or interactive effects on various tem maintains its organization. In particular, gener-
aspects of romantic functioning. Attachment theory alized representations are thought to serve as
suggests that as concurrent components of the foundations on which partner-specific representa-
adult attachment system, generalized and romantic tions are based. The course of romantic partner-
representations should be associated and should ships is thus, according to this account, directed in
have overlapping influences on romantic behavior. part by the concordance or discrepancy of the two
Specifically, the prototype hypothesis, which postu- representations. Treboux et al. also argued that gen-
lates in its strictest formulation that early attach- eralized representations take primacy over partner-
ment relationships are templates on which all specific representations under conditions of stress.
subsequent relationships are based (Crowell & That is, the partner-specific representation may
Waters, 2005; Owens et al., 1995), anticipates inter- guide functioning under low-stress conditions but
dependence of generalized and romantic represen- under duress the more established generalized re-
tations due to their presumed shared basis in presentation is activated, for better or worse (i.e.,
earlier experiences. Prior research, however, has romantic representations are constrained by gener-
documented only moderate concordance between alized representations to some extent).
AAI and CRI classifications (64%, Owens et al., An alternative proposal is that generalized and
1995; 58%, Treboux et al., 2004). Such evidence that romantic representations are relatively independent
a substantial minority of adults have discordant elements of the adult attachment system that confer
representations (i.e., one secure-autonomous and somewhat distinctive benefits for romantic func-
one insecure nonautonomous representation) leaves tioning. The generalized representation, built on an
open the possibility that generalized and romantic accumulation of attachment experience across
representations are not as strongly associated in development, may be more closely tied to core
adulthood as expected by the prototype hypothesis. aspects of attachment functioning such as secure
Moreover, the prototype hypothesis does not pro- base behavior and conflict resolution, whereas the
vide a clear basis for predictions about whether the romantic representation may be more closely tied
two representations have distinctive or interactive to aspects of functioning that are more relationship
effects on romantic functioning. specific (e.g., current relationship conflicts, feelings
A more comprehensive argument for their inter- about a specific relationship). This possibility is
dependent influence on behavior is based on the bolstered by evidence that romantic representations
temporal order of the two representations’ develop- may be uniquely tied to relationship perceptions
Adult Attachment Representations 1691

(Roisman et al., 2005), although a recent study (b) stability of AAI classifications in adulthood
found associations between AAI security-autonomy (e.g., Crowell, Treboux, & Waters, 2002), or (c) in-
and self-reported satisfaction concurrently and tergenerational transmission of attachment patterns
across time (Holland & Roisman, 2010). (e.g., van IJzendoorn, 1995).
Despite such proposals regarding the indepen- An important facet of the prototype hypothesis
dent or interactive effects of generalized and romantic is the expectation that generalized and romantic
attachment representations on romantic behavior, representations share a common origin in early
Treboux et al.’s (2004) study remains the only pub- experience (Owens et al., 1995), but research to
lished test of the joint associations of generalized date has not examined fully whether this is the
and partner-specific representations with romantic case—especially in terms of antecedents other
functioning (but see Creasey & Ladd, 2005). than infant attachment security. One possibility is
Treboux et al. examined differences in romantic that they share some common origins (e.g., early
functioning based on within-person configurations parenting) but also have some distinctive anteced-
of AAI and CRI classifications to understand what ents (e.g., romantic attachment may be distinctly
happens when the generalized representation is tied to earlier voluntary dyadic relationships or
challenged or confirmed by a representation of a other experiences outside the family). Only one
specific romantic partner, and to test whether dis- published study to date has documented shared
tinct patterns of functioning are observed for each antecedents of both generalized and romantic rep-
of the possible AAI ⁄ CRI configurations. As resentations. Grossmann, Grossmann, and Kindler
expected, individuals classified as secure-autono- (2006) reported associations of parental support
mous on both the AAI and CRI displayed the most and coping strategies across childhood and ado-
effective romantic functioning, whereas those with lescence with secure-autonomous generalized and
concordant-insecure representations displayed the romantic representations in adulthood. Their anal-
least optimal functioning. Particularly interesting yses, however, did not include antecedents out-
patterns emerged for the AAI ⁄ CRI discordant side of the family of origin that may operate as
groups: Romantic behavior and perceptions were distinctive antecedents of the two representations.
associated with whether the relationship exceeded The processes by which experiences across
(or failed to meet) expectations set by the general- development organize the adult attachment system,
ized representation (see Treboux et al., 2004, for a and specifically how romantic representations
detailed discussion). These findings offer compel- emerge in the context of existing representations of
ling evidence that both representations play a role earlier experience, have not been fully addressed.
in organizing romantic functioning and suggest that Whether generalized and romantic representations
they may not be interchangeable in terms of the have shared or distinctive origins and whether they
benefits each form of security-autonomy provides. interact to influence romantic functioning remains
Nonetheless, this initial study has not been repli- to be seen. Answers to these questions would clar-
cated, and no study has explicitly tested whether ify the developmental processes that organize the
the two representations operate distinctively or attachment system in adulthood and clarify the
interact to affect romantic functioning. roles of each representation in organizing romantic
Questions about interdependent or distinct functioning.
functional roles of generalized versus romantic
representations also raise questions about their
The Current Study
developmental origins. A second gap in the litera-
ture concerns how the two representations are The current study addressed these questions
organized by earlier experience. The attachment using prospective data from the Minnesota Longi-
system becomes elaborated from infancy through tudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation (MLSRA;
adulthood as representations of early history are Sroufe, Egeland, Carlson, & Collins, 2005). We
consolidated and new representational targets (i.e., sought to examine whether generalized and roman-
romantic partners) are engaged; however, the tic attachment representations have shared and dis-
extent of the interdependence of the two repre- tinctive developmental origins and whether they
sentations’ origins is currently unknown. Instead, have shared, distinctive, or interactive associations
research has largely focused on correlates of with romantic behavior.
(dis)continuity of attachment representations Developmental origins. We used an analysis of
between either: (a) infant security and AAI classifi- variance (ANOVA) framework to test main effect
cations (e.g., Weinfield, Whaley, & Egeland, 2004), and interactive associations between AAI and CRI
1692 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

security-autonomy and developmental antecedents preschool ego resiliency and adolescent friendship
to examine whether generalized and romantic rep- quality).
resentations have shared or distinctive develop- Romantic functioning. Next, we examined whether
mental origins. Antecedent measures were chosen generalized and romantic representations had
to tap salient aspects of earlier functioning that shared, distinctive, or interactive associations with
were, on the basis of theory and previous empirical observed and self-reported measures of romantic
evidence, expected to be associated with adult functioning. To provide a basis for continuity with
attachment representations: infant attachment secu- prior research in this area, we chose measures of
rity, early parenting quality, ego resiliency in pre- romantic functioning that paralleled those assessed
school, and friendship quality in adolescence. by Treboux et al. (2004) as closely as possible:
Prior research documents links between infant secure base behavior, romantic conflict, conflict
attachment security and subsequent parenting qual- resolution, and self-reported feelings about the
ity with both generalized and romantic attachment relationship.
representations (Roisman, Madsen, Hennighausen, Hypotheses. As noted earlier, we anticipated two
Sroufe, & Collins, 2001; Roisman et al., 2005) and possibilities regarding the shared, distinctive, or
romantic functioning (Conger, Cui, Bryant, & Elder, interactive links of both representations to romantic
2000). Poor ego resiliency has been associated with functioning: one in which the generalized represen-
earlier infant insecurity (Arend, Gove, & Sroufe, tation moderates the romantic representation’s
1979) as well as concurrent nonautonomous AAI effect on romantic functioning, and a second in
classifications (Grossmann et al., 2006; Kobak & which the romantic representation has independent
Sceery, 1988) and romantic insecurity (Gjerde, associations with some aspects of romantic func-
Onishi, & Carlson, 2004). Ego resiliency has also tioning. Given our expectation that romantic repre-
been associated with adaptive regulation of nega- sentations have some shared and distinctive
tive affect and constructive persistence in interper- origins, we expected to find main, but not necessar-
sonal interactions (Arend et al., 1979; Hennighausen, ily interactive, effects of both generalized and
Hauser, Billings, Schulz, & Allen, 2004; Kobak & romantic security-autonomy on core attachment
Sceery, 1988). We thus expected that early self-regu- behaviors (secure base behavior and conflict resolu-
latory capacities (defined here as flexible atten- tion). Furthermore, we expected that romantic
tional, affective, and behavioral control in the face security would be uniquely related to more rela-
of changing environmental demands) might be tionship-specific aspects of functioning (discussion
especially relevant to establishing and maintaining of a current relationship conflict, feelings about the
romantic attachment relationships. We targeted current relationship).
preschool ego resiliency in light of its developmen-
tal salience during this period (Erikson, 1950 ⁄ 1963;
Sroufe et al., 2005). The quality of close friendships Method
in adolescence is also a known precursor of later
romantic functioning (Collins, Hennighausen, Sch-
mit, & Sroufe, 1997; Furman, Simon, Shaffer, & Analyses drew on data from the MLSRA (Sroufe
Bouchey, 2002; Simpson, Collins, Tran, & Haydon, et al., 2005). The MLSRA began in the mid-1970s as
2007; Zimmermann, 2004). Participation in extra- a study of 267 at-risk mothers who sought prenatal
familial close relationships that serve attachment- care from public health clinics in Minneapolis. The
like functions (e.g., mutual support giving and dis- target children of these mothers, now 35 years old,
plays of emotional vulnerability) may provide have been studied intensively since birth. Today,
opportunities for interactions that depart from pre- approximately 180 of the original children still par-
vious experiences in parent–child attachment rela- ticipate; the majority of attrition occurred in the
tionships (for better or worse) and thus may be first months after birth. Multimethod assessments
uniquely associated with romantic attachment have targeted salient tasks at each developmental
representations. period; the present study relied especially on
Hypotheses. We expected that generalized and assessments of participants’ functioning in close
romantic representations would have a shared basis relationships, including relationships with parents
in experiences in the family of origin (i.e., infant secu- in early childhood, with friends in adolescence, and
rity and early parenting quality) but that romantic with romantic partners in early adulthood.
representations would be uniquely associated with Subsample selection. The present study drew on
earlier functioning outside the family of origin (i.e., data from two waves of romantic relationship
Adult Attachment Representations 1693

assessments conducted when participants were 24-month parenting quality. At 24 months, target
between ages 20–21 and 26–28 (see Couples Assess- participants and their mothers completed a video-
ment Procedure). All participants who completed taped interaction task in the laboratory (see Sroufe
either wave were included in analyses (N = 112). et al., 2005). The task required toddlers to use
Some participants completed two assessments with available tools to solve a series of increasingly
the same partner (n = 24) or with two different part- difficult problems, which were designed so that
ners (n = 26). For these participants, the age 20–21 toddlers would need assistance from their mothers
assessment was selected. The final sample included at some point to accomplish the task. Mothers’
112 target participants (from 112 heterosexual cou- behaviors were coded on a 7-point scale of parent-
ples; 79 from the age 20–21 assessment and 33 from ing quality (a global rating of the parent’s sensitiv-
the age 26–28 assessment). In light of normative ity to the child’s emotional and developmental
changes in the content and quality of romantic rela- needs). The intraclass correlation (ICC) for this
tionships across the age groups represented by this scale was .82.
sample (see Collins & Madsen, 2006), we compared 54-month ego resiliency. Ego resiliency was asses-
participants from the age 20–21 assessment versus sed by compositing performance on four laboratory
the age 26–28 assessment on all romantic function- tasks developed by Block and Block (1980). The
ing measures. With the exception of mean relation- composite included the number of clicks correctly
ship length (27.6 months, SD = 21.1, at age 20–21 vs. responded to and story comprehension scores from
44.9 months, SD = 28.9, at age 26–28; t = )3.50, Block and Block’s (1973) Dual Focus Task, the num-
p = .02), groups did not differ on romantic behavior, ber of solutions generated in the Preschool Interper-
perceptions, rates of AAI and CRI secure-autono- sonal Problem-Solving Test (Shure & Spivack, 1974;
mous classifications, or AAI and CRI coherence. Spivack & Shure, 1974), the imaginativeness rating
These results informed our decision to combine age from the Lowenfeld Mosaics Test (Block & Block,
groups into one sample. 1980), and the exploration score from Banta’s (1970)
Target participants were 53% male, 67% White, curiosity box. Measures were standardized and
11% Black, and 18% Mixed Race. Paternal race summed to create the composite. Together, the
information was not available for the remaining 4% scales measured the extent to which target partici-
of the sample. Mothers’ mean age at time of birth pants could flexibly regulate attention, affect, and
was 20.6 years; 57% of target participants were behavior in response to changing environmental
born to single mothers. Participants in the selected demands.
subsample did not differ significantly from the full Adolescent friendship quality. At age 16, target
sample on these characteristics. Mean relationship participants were given a comprehensive interview
length was 32.7 months (SD = 24.9 months); rela- in which they described their closest friendship,
tionships ranged in length from 4 months to including whether they reported behaviors and
10 years 4 months. The majority of couples were feelings indicative of trust and authenticity and
dating at the time of assessment (61.5%); 14.7% examples of typical conflict resolution. Trained
were engaged, 18.3% were married, and 5.5% indi- raters coded responses on separate 7-point scales of
cated their relationship status was ‘‘committed.’’ Friendship Security, Disclosure, and Closeness.
Friendship security reflected the extent to which
target participants felt they could be themselves in
their friendships and expected friends to be avail-
12-month Strange Situation procedure. The quality able and supportive (ICC = .59; Spearman-Brown
of parent–infant attachment relationships was correction = .74). Disclosure reflected the extent to
assessed at 12 months using the Strange Situation which participants and their friends mutually
procedure (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, shared positive and negative experiences, thoughts,
1978). Certified raters classified infants’ attachment and feelings (ICC = .73; Spearman-Brown correction
patterns as secure, avoidant, or anxious-resistant. = .84). Closeness reflected the extent which partici-
Twelve-month attachment disorganization scores pants described their closest friendship as con-
were not available on the full sample (see Carlson, nected, special, and irreplaceable (ICC = .72;
1998, for details); consistent with prior work on Spearman-Brown correction = .84). Pearson correla-
links between infant attachment and romantic tions between scales ranged from .64 to .77. The
attachment (Roisman et al., 2005), infants classified Friendship Security, Disclosure, and Closeness
as disorganized were coded as insecure in the cur- scales were summed into a composite measure of
rent analyses. friendship quality (Cronbach’s alpha = .88).
1694 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

Couples assessment procedure. Between ages 20 ity) were used in the present study because self-
and 21, participants and their partners (with whom reported conflict measures were not available.
they had been involved for at least 4 months) com- Positive relationship feelings. Participants’ relation-
pleted a laboratory assessment of romantic func- ship satisfaction was assessed with the seven-item
tioning. A second assessment wave following the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick,
same protocol was collected when participants 1988; Cronbach’s alpha = .86). The Emotional Tone
were between ages 26 and 28. As noted previously, Index (ETI; Berscheid, Snyder, & Omoto, 1989)
there was partial overlap in participation in the two measured the frequency of 10 positive emotions
waves, depending on participants’ relationship sta- that participants typically experience in the rela-
tus at each wave. During the assessments, each tionship. Cronbach’s alpha was .87. The Subjective
partner was separately administered the CRI (Cro- Closeness Index (SCI; Berscheid et al., 1989)
well & Owens, 1996) and completed self-report assessed perceptions of relationship closeness based
measures of relationship perceptions. Partners then on two-7-point items. Cronbach’s alpha for the SCI
jointly completed a videotaped interaction that con- was .87. Pearson correlations between the SCI, RAS,
sisted of two tasks: the Markman–Cox procedure and ETI positive scores ranged from .50 to .68. To
and the Ideal Couple Q-sort. The Markman–Cox parallel the measure of positive feelings used by
procedure (Cox, 1991) involves a discussion of a Treboux et al. (2004), a composite measure was
jointly identified relationship problem. Participants constructed from these three scales using summed
and their partners were instructed to state their scores. Cronbach’s alpha for this composite mea-
individual views on the problem and then work sure was .85.
together for 10 min to try to identify a mutually sat- Generalized attachment representation. The AAI
isfactory solution. Following a brief discussion of (George et al., 1985) asks participants to describe
areas of agreement in their relationship, they com- their childhood experiences with caregivers and
pleted the Ideal Couple Q-Sort (Collins et al., 1999), evaluate the effects these experiences may have had
in which each couple was asked to sort 45 cards on them. The AAI coding system (Main & Gold-
describing potential qualities of an ideal couple. wyn, 1998) evaluates participants’ states of mind
Observed romantic behavior. Seven trained observ- regarding attachment experiences with multiple
ers rated the videotaped interactions on dyadic caregivers and coherence of discourse in order to
scales that assessed behaviors exhibited by both assign an overall major classification: secure-auton-
partners during each interaction. The Conflict Reso- omous or one of two insecure nonautonomous clas-
lution scale assessed the extent to which partners sifications (dismissing or preoccupied). Seventeen
effectively collaborated to reach a mutually satisfy- individuals received a primary unresolved AAI
ing solution to their relationship problem. The classification. Consistent with prior research
Secure Base Process scale assessed the extent to (Owens et al., 1995; Treboux et al., 2004), the pres-
which partners mutually and flexibly adopted care- ent study used the three major classifications rather
giving and care-seeking roles during the conflict than unresolved status to determine AAI classifica-
discussion. ICCs for these scales ranged from .82 to tions. The dismissing and preoccupied classifications
.95 (Collins et al., 1999). A separate group of three were collapsed into a single insecure nonautonomous
coders also rated each couple’s use of negative con- group. The AAI was administered to target partici-
flict engagement on a 5-point dyadic scale of Nega- pants at age 19 and again at age 26. AAI classifi-
tive Reciprocity, which occurs when partners cations assigned nearest the time of the CRI
exchange negatively framed demands for change in assessment were used in analyses (i.e., the age 19
the relationship or partner. Such exchanges involve AAI was used for participants who completed the
mutual criticism and blame and coincide with con- age 20–21 romantic relationship assessment and the
flict in the interaction. High scores reflected high age 26 AAI was used for participants who com-
frequency and intensity of negative reciprocity in pleted the age 26–28 romantic relationships assess-
couples’ discussions. Low scores were assigned ment). All interview transcripts were coded by
when couples did not exhibit negative reciprocity raters who had completed reliability certification
when engaging in conflict or when the incidence of through the University of California at Berkeley.
negative reciprocity was low. The ICC was .94. Interrater agreements were j = .72 for age 19 and
Measures from the MLSRA data set were chosen to j = .72 for age 26.
match Treboux et al.’s (2004) measures in terms of Romantic attachment representation. The CRI
construct and method where possible. Observer rat- (Crowell & Owens, 1996) was developed as a repre-
ings of relationship conflict (i.e., negative reciproc- sentational assessment of a specific romantic partner.
Adult Attachment Representations 1695

The interview protocol parallels the AAI in that par- romantic representations have independent associa-
ticipants are asked to describe their current partner- tions with romantic functioning.
ship and evaluate the effects it may have had on
them. The CRI coding system also parallels the AAI
Descriptive Statistics, Concordance Rates, and
in that secure, dismissing, or preoccupied classifica-
Zero-Order Correlations
tions are assigned on the basis of participants’ states
of mind and discourse strategies. Both the AAI and In contrast to prior research (Owens et al., 1995;
CRI classifications are thought to reflect attachment- Treboux et al., 2004), AAI and CRI classifications
related attentional and emotion regulation strate- were not significantly associated in the current sam-
gies. A key difference between the AAI and CRI is ple (55% concordant; j = .07, p = .46). Of 45 partici-
that the CRI classification is tied to one specific pants classified as secure-autonomous on the AAI,
romantic partner, whereas the AAI classification is 20 were also secure on the CRI. Of 67 participants
not necessarily tied to a specific caregiver. Tran- classified as insecure on the AAI, 42 were also inse-
scripts were coded by raters who had completed cure on the CRI. AAI and CRI classifications were
training for both the AAI and CRI scoring proce- also not significantly related when analyzed sepa-
dures. AAI and CRI transcripts were coded by inde- rately by age group (56% concordant, j = .04, p = .73
pendent raters who were unaware of participants’ in the age 20–21 group; 55% concordant, j = .09,
classifications on the other measure. Interrater reli- p = .60 in the age 26–28 group). Correlations between
abilities were j = .53 for age 20–21 and j = .77 for all variables, as well as AAI and CRI coherence and
age 26–28. Dismissing and preoccupied CRI classifi- relationship length, appear in Table 1. Antecedent
cations were collapsed into a single insecure group. variables were modestly correlated (absolute rs = .07
to .36); measures of romantic behavior were more
strongly correlated (absolute rs = .27 to .79). Means
Treatment of Missing Data
and standard deviations for all variables are pre-
Percentages of missing data within antecedent sented in Table 2.
variables ranged from 0% to 11.6%. The Prelis mul-
tiple imputation procedure was used to impute val-
Developmental Origins
ues for missing data on predictor variables. The
resulting means of measures including imputed Two-way ANOVA results are presented in
data were not significantly different from means of Table 3. Consistent with our hypotheses, the two-
measures with missing data. way ANOVAs indicated that both AAI and CRI
security-autonomy were positively associated with
early parenting quality. As expected, CRI security
but not AAI security-autonomy was associated
Results with preschool ego resiliency. Contrary to expecta-
tions, neither AAI nor CRI security-autonomy were
Analytic Plan
significantly associated with adolescent friendship
The current study examined the shared, distinc- quality. Notably, neither AAI nor CRI security-
tive, and interactive developmental origins of gen- autonomy was associated with infant attachment
eralized and romantic representations and their security. This null finding was further probed with
shared, distinctive, and interactive effects on con- a logistic regression in which a dichotomous mea-
current romantic functioning. We first conducted a sure of infant security versus insecurity was
series of two-way univariate ANOVAs to test for regressed on AAI and CRI security versus insecu-
main and interactive associations of AAI and CRI rity and their interaction term; the results did not
classifications with antecedent measures, which differ from the ANOVA finding (i.e., all effects
addressed whether generalized and romantic repre- were nonsignificant). Finally, no significant inter-
sentations have shared and distinctive antecedents. actions between AAI and CRI security-autonomy
Next, we conducted a series of two-way univariate were observed for any antecedent measure.
ANOVAs to test for main effects and interactions
between AAI and CRI security-autonomy on mea-
Current Romantic Functioning
sures of romantic functioning. This approach exam-
ined whether, as proposed in the literature, Two-way ANOVAs are presented in Table 4. Consis-
generalized representations moderate the effects tent with hypotheses, two-way ANOVAs indicated
of romantic representations or generalized and that both secure-autonomous AAI and CRI classifi-
1696 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

Table 1
Correlations Among Study Variables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. 12-month attachment security —

2. 24-month parenting quality .21* —
3. 54-month ego resiliency .20* .25** —
4. Adolescent friendship quality .07 .22* .36** —
5. RR positive relationship feelings .19* .17 .22* .32** —
6. RR secure base process .15 .20* .26** .24** .38*** —
7. RR negative reciprocity ).09 ).24* ).29** ).22* ).36*** ).47*** —
8. RR conflict resolution .12 .28** .27** .32** .27** .79*** ).47*** —
9. AAI coherence ).03 .26** .14 .20* .17 .27** ).13 .38*** —
10. CRI coherence .10 .33*** .25** .23* .29** .24* ).27** .34*** .31** —
11. Relationship length in months ).03 .09 ).08 ).08 .10 ).06 .00 ).10 .03 ).25* —

Note. RR indicates measures of adult romantic functioning. AAI = Adult Attachment Interview; CRI = Current Relationship Interview.
p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations for Study Variables by AAI and CRI Classification

Antecedent measures Romantic functioning

AAI Infant Parenting Ego Friendship Secure base Conflict Negative Positive
class CRI class N security quality resiliency quality behavior resolution reciprocity feelings

Ins Ins 42 1.59 (0.50) 2.83 (0.93) )0.24 (3.22) 13.22 (3.33) 2.50 (0.86) 3.29 (1.11) 1.88 (1.09) 17.23 (2.57)
Sec 25 1.68 (0.48) 3.32 (1.03) 0.81 (2.24) 14.72 (3.03) 3.00 (1.00) 4.44 (1.29) 1.28 (0.54) 18.55 (2.06)
Total 67 1.62 (0.49) 3.01 (0.99) 0.16 (2.92) 13.78 (3.28) 2.69 (0.94) 3.72 (1.30) 1.66 (0.96) 17.72 (2.46)
Sec Ins 25 1.56 (0.51) 3.20 (1.12) )0.60 (2.75) 14.91 (3.65) 3.24 (0.93) 4.60 (1.41) 1.68 (0.85) 18.00 (1.46)
Sec 20 1.55 (0.51) 4.05 (0.76) 1.14 (2.26) 15.14 (3.73) 3.35 (0.88) 4.95 (1.28) 1.40 (0.60) 18.82 (2.28)
Total 45 1.56 (0.50) 4.58 (1.06) 0.18 (2.66) 15.01 (3.65) 3.29 (0.89) 4.76 (1.35) 1.56 (0.76) 18.37 (1.89)
Total Ins 67 1.58 (0.50) 2.97 (1.01) )0.37 (3.03) 13.85 (3.52) 2.78 (0.95) 3.77 (1.38) 1.81 (1.00) 17.52 (2.24)
Sec 45 1.62 (0.49) 3.64 (0.98) 0.96 (2.23) 14.91 (3.33) 3.16 (0.95) 4.67 (1.30) 1.33 (0.56) 18.67 (2.14)
Total 112 1.59 (0.49) 3.24 (1.05) 0.16 (2.81) 14.27 (0.47) 2.92 (0.97) 4.13 (1.41) 1.61 (0.88) 17.98 (2.26)

Note. Ins = insecure nonautonomous; Sec = secure-autonomous. Standard deviations appear in parentheses. AAI = Adult Attachment
Interview; CRI = Current Relationship Interview.

cations were positively associated with effective origins, and whether their associations with roman-
conflict resolution. AAI security-autonomy was also tic functioning are independent or interactive.
positively associated with secure base behavior, but Results indicated that while both representations
CRI security was only marginally significantly asso- have some shared basis in early experience and
ciated with secure base behavior. As expected, only some shared associations with romantic behavior,
CRI security was associated in the expected direc- romantic representations appear to have some dis-
tions with positive relationship feelings and nega- tinctive origins in earlier development and some
tive reciprocity. Of particular note, AAI and CRI independent links to adult romantic behavior.
security-autonomy did not significantly interact to Despite theoretical predictions about their interde-
predict any romantic functioning measure. pendence—specifically, that the link between the
romantic attachment representation and romantic
behavior is moderated by the generalized represen-
tation—we found no evidence of interactions
between the two representations associated with
This study provides the first direct test of whether antecedent or romantic functioning. The present
generalized and romantic representations have results indicated that generalized and romantic rep-
shared, distinctive, or interactive developmental resentations have independent rather than interac-
Adult Attachment Representations 1697

Table 3 Table 4
Two-Way Univariate ANOVAs for Antecedent Measures Two-Way Univariate ANOVAs for Romantic Functioning Measures

SS df MS F p Partial g2 SS df MS F p Partial g2

Infant security Secure base

AAI .18 1 .18 .72 .40 .00 AAI 7.72 1 7.72 9.31 .00 .08
CRI .04 1 .04 .15 .70 .00 CRI 2.42 1 2.42 2.92 .09 .03
AAI · CRI .06 1 .06 .24 .63 .00 AAI · CRI 0.99 1 0.99 1.19 .28 .01
Error 26.67 108 .25 Error 89.61 108 .85
Total 313.00 112 Total 1,064.00 112
Parenting quality Conflict resolution
AAI 7.82 1 7.82 8.26 .01 .07 AAI 21.64 1 21.64 13.77 .00 .11
CRI 11.62 1 11.62 12.27 .00 .10 CRI 14.71 1 14.71 9.36 .00 .08
AAI · CRI .86 1 .86 .91 .34 .01 AAI · CRI 4.21 1 4.21 2.68 .11 .02
Error 102.22 108 .95 Error 169.68 108 1.57
Total 1,299.00 112 Total 2,135.00 112
Ego resilience Negative reciprocity
AAI 0.01 1 0.01 0.00 .98 .00 AAI 0.43 1 0.43 0.06 .81 .01
CRI 50.59 1 50.59 6.63 .01 .06 CRI 5.05 1 5.05 6.84 .01 .06
AAI · CRI 3.13 1 3.13 0.41 .52 .00 AAI · CRI 0.67 1 0.67 0.91 .34 .01
Error 824.34 108 7.63 Error 79.69 108 .74
Total 878.26 112 Total 379.00 112
Friendship quality Positive feelings
AAI 28.82 1 28.82 2.47 .12 .02 AAI 7.18 1 7.18 1.49 .23 .01
CRI 19.38 1 19.38 1.66 .20 .02 CRI 29.82 1 29.82 6.17 .02 .05
AAI · CRI 10.42 1 10.42 0.89 .35 .01 AAI · CRI 1.58 1 1.58 0.33 .57 .00
Error 1,259.51 108 11.66 Error 521.97 108 4.83
Total 24,162.10 112 Total 36,791.97 112

Note. ANOVA = analysis of variance; SS = sum of squares; Note. ANOVA = analysis of variance; SS = sum of squares;
MS = mean square; AAI = Adult Attachment Interview; MS = mean square; AAI = Adult Attachment Interview;
CRI = Current Relationship Interview. CRI = Current Relationship Interview.

tive links to romantic functioning, suggesting that hypothesis (i.e., that infant attachment in particular
the two representations offer some distinctive bene- provides the basis for all subsequent attachment
fits (or liabilities) for romantic functioning. relationships). Roisman et al. (2005), however,
reported an association in the MLRSA sample
between CRI security at age 20–21 and a composite
Shared and Distinctive Origins
of 12- and 18-month infant security. Of particular
Consistent with the prototype hypothesis, note, a security rating from the 24-month parent-
broadly construed, generalized and romantic ing assessment was used as a tie-breaker when
representations shared a common origin in early there was a mismatch between infant attachment
parenting quality. Experiencing higher quality par- classes at ages 12 and 18 months (see Roisman
enting in early childhood was associated with hav- et al., 2005, for details). The 24-month security rat-
ing a secure representation of early experiences ing was drawn from the same assessment as the
with caregivers and of the current romantic part- early parenting quality measure that was robustly
ner 20 years later. This finding underscores the associated with both AAI and CRI security-auton-
special role of early close relationships with care- omy in the current report. One possibility is that
givers in calibrating interpersonal capacities for the composite measure used by Roisman et al. cap-
engaging in new relationships and how these tured a broader window of attachment-related
capacities are applied in other social contexts early experience, which enabled more robust asso-
across development (e.g., in subsequent romantic ciations with adult attachment 20 years later. Thus,
relationships). Neither generalized nor romantic we interpret the current null association between
security-autonomy was associated with 12-month 12-month security and adult representations cau-
infant attachment security, however. These results tiously, given that both Roisman et al.’s and our
contradict the strictest formulation of the prototype results provide evidence of links between early
1698 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

experiences with caregivers (variously operational- the relatively more relationship-specific nature of
ized) and adult attachment representations. these aspects of romantic functioning. We note that
In addition to the shared origin in early parent- analyses not reported here (but available upon
ing quality, romantic representations had a distinc- request from the first author) largely replicated
tive antecedent in earlier functioning outside the findings regarding romantic functioning using the
family of origin: Ego resiliency in preschool was AAI ⁄ CRI profile approach reported by Treboux
positively associated with CRI security but was et al. (2004). These results supported the finding
unrelated to AAI security-autonomy. As expected, that romantic representations operate distinctively
it appears that early capacities to flexibly exert with respect to romantic conflict: Among those with
attentional and behavioral control and regulate neg- secure-autonomous AAIs, individuals who had
ative affect to facilitate constructive persistence are insecure CRIs engaged in significantly more roman-
associated with subsequent establishment of a tic conflict than those with secure CRIs, suggesting
secure romantic representation. Contrary to expec- that having a secure AAI did not buffer individuals
tations, CRI security-autonomy was not signifi- from the risks associated with having an insecure
cantly associated with friendship quality in CRI.
adolescence. One possibility, bolstered by prior evi-
dence from the MLSRA of links between adolescent
Independence of Generalized and Romantic
friendships and adult romantic behavior and per-
ceptions (Simpson et al., 2007), is that the develop-
mental provisions of adolescent friendships affect Attachment theory provides a rich basis to expect
subsequent romantic behaviors but are less closely interdependence of generalized and romantic repre-
tied to the development of romantic attachment sentations. As noted previously, the prototype
representations. hypothesis anticipates interdependence of adult rep-
resentations due to their shared basis in early expe-
rience. A second compelling argument for their
Shared and Distinctive Associations With Romantic
interdependence is that because of the temporal
order of their development and differences in the
Consistent with the pattern of shared and dis- kinds of experiences on which they are based (i.e.,
tinctive origins in earlier development, generalized one reflecting cumulative history with multiple
and romantic representations had both shared and attachment targets and the other reflecting shorter
distinctive links to romantic functioning. As term history with a current, specific attachment
expected, both AAI and CRI security-autonomy target), the preexisting generalized representation
were positively associated with effective conflict should moderate the romantic representation’s effect
resolution. Romantic conflict resolution is develop- on romantic behavior. Nonetheless, evidence from
mentally analogous to the goal-correction processes the current study points toward the relative inde-
in parent–infant relationships described by Bowlby pendence of the two representations with respect to
(1969 ⁄ 1982), who noted that attachment dyads are adult romantic functioning, at least in this higher
likely to experience ‘‘conflict until such time as risk sample. AAI and CRI classifications were not
set-goals are aligned’’ (p. 355) and that physical significantly associated with each other (but see
and emotional proximity maintenance depend on Owens et al., 1995; Treboux et al., 2004, in which
goal-realignment processes (i.e., conflict resolution; significant associations between AAI and CRI were
Kobak, Cole, Ferenz-Gillies, Fleming, & Gamble, observed). Most notably, despite compelling pro-
1993). Although we expected that secure base posals in the literature for the hierarchical organiza-
behavior, another fundamentally attachment-rele- tion of adult attachment system in which the effects
vant task, would be associated with both represen- of the romantic representation on behavior are con-
tations, only AAI security-autonomy was related to tingent on the quality of the generalized representa-
secure base behavior, perhaps reflecting the link tion, none of our analyses indicated that the AAI
between generalized representations and cumula- moderated the CRI’s effect on romantic functioning.
tive experience with secure base and safe haven These findings speak to several questions regard-
use across representational targets. Consistent with ing the origins and organization of the adult attach-
hypotheses, romantic representations but not gener- ment system. Results support the core premise of
alized representations were uniquely associated in the prototype hypothesis (i.e., that early experi-
the expected directions with both romantic conflict ences with caregivers are the basis for adult
and positive relationship feelings, perhaps due to attachment relationships) but do not support the
Adult Attachment Representations 1699

secondary proposal that this shared origin should level of states of mind regarding experiences with
result in interdependence of generalized and caregivers versus romantic partners. A potentially
romantic representations in adulthood. Considered rich direction for future research would be a con-
in conjunction with evidence that preschool ego ceptually parallel analysis examining convergence
resiliency was uniquely tied to romantic attachment between AAI and CRI inferred experience scales
representations, it appears that early experiences (which assess the valence of participants’ reports of
with caregivers are one basis for adult attachment their experiences with attachment figures along
relationships and that prototype effects are joined several attachment-related dimensions), as well as
by subsequent adaptations in other contexts to whether antecedent and concurrent correlates
shape the adult romantic attachment system. The of divergence can be identified. As the current
current results also do not support proposals study does, such an investigation would represent
regarding the hierarchical organization of adult one among several examples of what Roisman et al.
attachment representations. We found some joint (2005) described as ‘‘a family of interrelated
links (i.e., concurrent main effects) of generalized proposals’’ regarding the prototype hypothesis
and romantic representations to some aspects of (p. 118).
romantic behavior but unique associations of
romantic representation with others, and we found
Security Is Good: Revisiting the Inoculation Effect
no evidence that the romantic representation’s links
to behavior are constrained by the generalized rep- Treboux et al. (2004) noted that they found little
resentation. In contrast to the hierarchical organiza- evidence for an ‘‘inoculation effect’’ of having a
tion proposed in the literature, the current results secure-autonomous generalized representation (regard-
suggest that the two components of the adult less of the security of the romantic representation).
attachment system have some overlapping and In accordance with Treboux et al.’s interpretation,
some distinctive links to romantic attachment the present findings suggest the possibility, supported
behaviors. Said another way, the romantic repre- by evidence of distinctive origins and correlates of
sentation is not entirely subsumed by a higher romantic security, that having two secure-autonomous
order generalized representation. representations offers something more nuanced
The current results also suggest conceptualizing than a double dose of a broad-band form of
the two representations as governing relatively dis- security-autonomy. Generalized and romantic secu-
tinctive domains of attachment functioning in rity-autonomy in the MLSRA sample conferred dis-
adulthood. The intergenerational transmission liter- tinctive benefits for some aspects of romantic
ature (e.g., van IJzendoorn, 1995) speaks to the functioning, and having an insecure representation
robust associations between adults’ AAI classifica- of one form was a risk factor for some aspects of
tions and Strange Situation classifications in the sec- romantic functioning regardless of the security-
ond generation and the role of representations of autonomy of the other representation. Specifically,
early experience in organizing attachment behav- in the present study, secure-autonomous AAIs
iors in parent–child relationships. Consistent with were associated with effective secure base behavior
that literature, the current results suggest that what regardless of the security of the romantic represen-
is measured by the AAI is implicated in core tation. Secure-autonomous AAI classifications,
attachment-relevant behaviors observed across however, did not buffer individuals against the
attachment relationship types (e.g., secure base negative effects of insecure romantic representa-
behavior and conflict resolution). Romantic repre- tions on romantic conflict. Similarly, insecure
sentations, however, appear to be uniquely impli- romantic representations were associated with
cated in romantic relationship-specific functioning more negative feelings about the relationship
(e.g., relationship satisfaction and conflict behavior regardless of AAI security-autonomy. The current
in a horizontal, voluntary relationship with a peer). finding about somewhat distinctive origins of gen-
The current results suggest that generalized and eralized and romantic representations also suggest
romantic representations may be conceptualized as that simply having two secure-autonomous repre-
relatively independent components of the adult sentations in adulthood does not necessarily pro-
attachment system with a common origin in early mote optimal romantic functioning in adulthood; it
parenting but distinctive links to domain-specific is the organization of specific aspects of an individ-
attachment functioning in adulthood. ual’s developmental history and interpersonal
In the current study, we have addressed the capacities across time that predicts the adult
interdependence of adult representations at the romantic functioning in specific domains.
1700 Haydon, Collins, Salvatore, Simpson, and Roisman

with romantic behavior and perceptions in adult-

Caveats and Limitations
hood. These findings underscore that adult roman-
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spective approach—beginning in infancy and accounting for the distinctive contributions of both
extending through early adulthood—to examining generalized and romantic attachment representa-
attachment representational structure in adulthood. tions, including their shared and distinctive ante-
Currently, the MLSRA is the only data set with cedent and concurrent contexts, and how each is
which these questions can be tested. Our results built upon previous developmental adaptations.
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