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Refund Ticket

Before Reissue Or Refund

1- Existing date of travel To check No Show time

2- Today date To check No Show time and IF TKT in Void Window or Not

3- FA line (Ticket number) Included price or its IT fare

4- TWD To check the Ticket Status

Before Reissue Or Refund
Before Reissue Or Refund
Refund Steps

01 Open the booking RT123ABC

02 Find ticket open for use RTTN

03 Open the ticket TWD/L22

04 Find the fare basis Option 1: Backdate (FXX/S2-5/R,10SEP17,UP)

Option 2: Pricing Without PNR Entries ( FQD , FQP )

05 Check ticket conditions FQN1*PE

06 Check Nonrefundable Taxes TWD/TAX

09 Communicate price After confirming penalties Communicate price

{ Tickets Total – ( AL Penalty + nonrefundable tax + used fare + Company Fees ) }

10 Delete Segments XE2-5

1.Retrieval of existing booking

2.Check the 4 mandatory Steps

01. Existing date of travel To check No Show time
02.Today date To check No Show time and IF TKT in Void Window or Not
03.Fa line (Ticket number) Included price or its IT fare (TQT If IT Fare) If not found Fa Line used FQP
04.TWD To check the Ticket Status

3.Price Past Date To Get the Fare Rules

01.FXX/ R, Date of Issuance (Manual) Or FXF/ S1,3 (Automatic)
03.Open The Original Ticket with TWD And well Copy The Fare basic Quote And the Total price in Sticky Note
Thank You For Watching
Abobakr Ahmed

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