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This chapter describes the method utilized in this study. This includes the research

design, subject respondents, research instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis

procedure, and ethical consideration.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive quantitative method, which aims to gather

information to systematically describe the perceived psychological effects of language

shaming on students' personalities in terms of emotions, confidence, and behavior. This

research method also assessed the socio-demographic profiles such as sex, physical

features, and monthly income of the respondents to investigate the language shaming

experience of Grade 10 students of one of the schools in Talisay City, Negros Occidental.

This study used online random sampling, and the data was gathered using google forms

questionnaires involving the chosen respondents from grade 10 students.

The descriptive method was relevant to this study as it helps to describe the nature

of the particular phenomenon, which is to know the perceived psychological effects of

language shaming on the overall welfare of the students. This method's primary goal was

to collect information on the issue and the data collecting, as well as to tabulate the

proportion of students who experienced language shaming using mathematical and

statistical methods, which was also the goal of this research. To describe and interpret the

experiences that the students encountered about language shaming and how it

psychologically affects their personality which involves observing and describing the

emotion, behavior, and confidence of the respondents in a completely natural process to

prove that this problem indeed occurs and resolve it honestly and authentically without

influencing any variables and to answer the generating hypothesis of the study.

Respondents of the Study

Table 1: Profile of Respondents

Variables n Percentage

Male 64 36.57

Female 111 63.43

Total 175 100

Physical Features

Height 57 32.57

Weight 34 19.43

Complexity 15 8.57

Physical 8 4.57

Disability deformities 1 0.57

Others 39 22.29

None 21 12

Total 175 100

Monthly Family Generated Income

Php 3,000 - Php 5,000 54 30.86

Php 6,000 - Php 10,000 46 26.29

Php 11,000 - Php 15,000 50 28.57

Php 16,000 - Php 20,000 23 13.14

Php 21,000 - Php 25,000 2 1.14

Total 175 100


Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents. It is evident that 64 or 36.57% of the total

175 respondents are male, while 111 or 63.43% are female. For the next category for

profiling, the respondents chose a specific physical feature that subjected them to

language shaming. Out of 175 total respondents, 57 (32.57%) selected height, 34

(19.43%) chose weight, 15 (8.57%) chose complexity, 8 (4.57%) selected physical

deformities/ distinct physical features, 1 (0.57%) chose disability, 39 (22.29%) selected

others and 21 (12%) chose none. And for the monthly family-generated income, out of

the 175 respondents,54 (30.86%) respondents are categorized as poor or having Php

3,000- Php 5,000 as monthly generated income, and 46 (26.29%) are categorized as

having low income but not poor with a bracket of Php 6,000- Php 10,000 as their family

generated income, 50 (28.57%) of the respondents are categorized as lower middle

having a total generated an income of Php 11,000-Php 15,000, 23 (13.14%) of the

respondents are categorized as the middle bracket having a total generated an income of

Php 16,000-Php 20,000 and 2 (1.14%) of the respondents are being categorized as the

upper middle having a total monthly generated income of Php 21,000-Php 25,000.

The study's respondents were the selected Grade 10 students in one of the

secondary schools enrolled during the school year 2021-2022. Initially, one hundred

seventy-five (175) students of the stated school were chosen as the respondents in the

study. These students were downsized from the total population of three hundred (300)

Grade 10 students using Slovin's formula n= N / (1+Ne2) with the help of the teacher in

charge and their adviser since they have the capacity and resources to access the

questionnaires. Then, the researchers randomly selected through the fishbowl method to

pick out the official respondents of the study.


Research Instrument

The research instrument was researchers-made to provide and gather as much

information; this includes the use of online questionnaires through google forms.

Questionnaires were researcher-made types of tools. This survey that the researchers

conducted was composed of three sets of questionnaires. The first questionnaire was

divided into two parts.

At first, the respondents saw a short letter about the purpose of the survey, then

under the letter was the instruction on how the respondents would answer the


Part I contained the items needed to establish the profile of the respondents as to

name, sex, and monthly family-generated income.

Part II consisted of seven (7) questions that assess if the students have genuinely

experienced any shame-related classroom experiences. Question one measured the

behavioral aspect, and questions two to seven measured the respondents' physical

standing or self-esteem. The Part II questions in the questionnaire were composed of yes

and no choices and a checkbox for the respondents to determine the causes and their

experiences with language shaming.

The third part of the questionnaire is composed of twelve (12) questions that

assessed respondents to what extent, what kind of language shaming they have

experienced, and the level of shame they have experienced using the Likert scale.

Questions one to four, seven, and nine to eleven would measure the behavior of the

respondents in terms of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and accent. Question


number five measured the self-esteem of the respondents. Lastly, questions numbers six,

eight, and twelve measured the emotional aspect of the respondents in terms of their

relationship, classroom management, and feedback from the teacher to them.

The researchers provided a letter to the validators to ask for their assistance in

evaluating the research instruments before it was disseminated to the respondents. The

study's instruments underwent legitimate validation by professional, licensed, and

knowledgeable validators which were experts in their respective professions; these

validators included two English teachers and one psychologist teacher pertinent to the

situation under examination. The instrument was verified, edited, rewritten, and modified

until it was acceptable based on the jury of experts' evaluation.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers created a formal letter to ask permission from the teacher in

charge of the Grade 10 students of the school in which the study would be conducted to

allow the students to participate. Then, the questionnaires were created through google

forms, and the questionnaires completed underwent authentic validation by the validators.

After the validators approved the questionnaires, the researchers distributed the

questionnaire to the one hundred seventy-five (175) school respondents after securing the

permit. Copies of the approved questionnaires were distributed to gather relevant data.

The instruments would be retrieved after they were finished answering the questionnaire.

Lastly, after they finished answering the device, the researcher concluded, collected, and

tabulated the data of those respondents who experienced language shaming based on the

questions in the questionnaire.


In this study, the reliability of the questionnaires was established by means of

"parallel form reliability," involving thirty (30) random students from different schools in

Negros at any year levels as dry run respondents before conducting to the target

respondents. The thirty (30) students ages sixteen (16) to twenty-two (22) years of age

were given time to answer the set of questions in the google questionnaire to determine if

they experienced language shaming. For reliability, the researchers first conducted the

pre-test and post-test on the thirty (30) respondents s in order to make sure that the set of

questions was significant and reliable for the actual respondents of the study. And after

the results were shown, the researchers tallied the students' answers needed for the next

stage of the study.

This is focused on the psychological effects of language shaming on Grade 10

students. The principle of online survey sampling was considered to ensure that the

students in the target variables would be part of the sample. Benefits include their lower

cost, and the general availability of Internet access, online surveys conducted using

cellphones are becoming more and more common. Thus, the answers of the students were

sent through messenger or google forms.

The pre-test of the thirty (30) respondents in Part I questions shows that the set of

questions is good, while in Part II, the location of questions is better based on the

reliability statistics in the tables shown.

In the post-test conducted by the researchers on the same thirty (30) respondents

along with the same questionnaire, the results showed that in Part I, the set of questions is

good, and in Part II, it shows that the location of questions is better.

Therefore, the reliability of the questionnaire is reliable and acceptable for the

actual respondents who are part of the study.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were analyzed concerning the research objectives.

For problem number 1 on the perceived psychological effects of language

shaming on the students in terms of Emotional, Behavior, and Self-esteem, when grouped

and compared as to the variables as mentioned above, frequency and percentage were


T-Test and One-way ANOVA were used for problem number 2 on the notable

difference in the perceived psychological effects of language shaming on the students'

emotions, behavior, and self-esteem when grouped as to the variables mentioned above.

Ethical Considerations

A set of rules that direct your study designs and procedures are ethical

considerations in research. When gathering data from people, scientists and researchers

must always abide by a set of moral principles. With this, a letter of permission was made

and addressed to the principal of the chosen local of the study. As agreed, the school's

name remained confidential to protect its privacy. The consent of the person in-charge in

the school and respondents were secured to collect the data. For the convenience and

protection of both respondents and researchers, the study was conducted through online

survey forms to follow the health protocols to prevent COVID-19 and other related risks.

The dissemination of the questionnaires was also achieved through the created group

messenger chat of the researchers, including the Grade 10 respondents. It guaranteed that

the name of the chosen local of the study, respondents, and the collected data remained

confidential for their safety and privacy. The results were kept to secure the

confidentiality of the respondents’ information. The findings of the study will be

disseminated through research presentations and publications. All questionnaires will be

shredded after the publication of the study.

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