Introduction To The Use of Library

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Perpetua O. Ukwueze Emmanuel onoh

Coal City University, Enugu Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu.

Have you ever wondered why you are introduced to the use of library in your first
semester first year? That’s right! The purpose for instruction on library use to
freshmen in a university environment is to enable the students gain knowledge of the
resources and services which the University Library has to offer for his or her
academic benefit. As a new student in a new academic environment, it is necessary to
assist you in adjusting and adapting to the challenges of the new academic library
environment. Therefore, the aim of this course is to expose you to the proper use of
the library and its resources through the acquisition of skills in identification,
location, retrieval and exploration of information resources. It also involves the
acquisition of study skills and knowledge in ICT to enhance your reading and
knowledge acquisition.

What is a Library?
According to online dictionary of library and information science (ODLIS) the
word Library is derived from the Latin word LIBER meaning book. However,
the term Library has different definitions depending on one’s perspective of
the term. Some of these definitions are as follows:

Library may be defined as a building or room containing collections of books,

periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by
the public or the members of an institution.

It can also be referred to as a collection of sources of information and similar

resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing.
Nevertheless, a contemporary library is seen as a store house of knowledge
where access to information is guaranteed. It is a social institution that
carefully select, acquire, process and store information resources for retrieval
and utilization by her user community.

Library provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical

building or room, or a virtual space, or both. A library's collection can include
books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents,
CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, e-books, audiobooks, databases, and other

However, Library can be simply defined as a collection of information

resources processed and organized for easy retrieval in order to meet the
information needs of the users.

Brief History of Libraries

In earliest times, there was no distinction between a record room (archive) and
a library, in this sense, libraries can be said to have existed for almost as long
as records have been kept. However, the first libraries appeared 5000 years
ago in Ancient Mesopotamia, in the Southwest Asian regions of the world.
One of the oldest libraries found is that of the ancient library at Ebla, in
present day Syria. Before the invention of book, most information was written
on clay tablets (Rocks use for writing), papyrus scrolls (plants use for
writing), Parchment rolls (written material obtained from calf Animal skins)
and other things possibly available and preserved in highly secured
repositories, these repositories were converted into libraries. In the 1970s, the
excavation at the Ebla’s library underearthed over 20,000 clay tablets written
in cuneiform.

The various religions like Islam and Christianity also formed collections in
large volumes that later were converted into libraries. Most clergy have large
collections emanating from their daily religious activities,these collections
were securely preserved for use. as time goes on these collections becomes
voluminous that they have to convert the collections into libraries and
organize them systematically for easy access, retrieval, use and re-shelving for
future use.

Literacy, it is said, builds Libraries. The early collections may have surfaced
from the Near East, but the ancient Greeks propelled the idea of a library
through their heightened interest in literacy and intellectual life. The Greek
government was the first to sponsor public libraries. The Great Library of
Alexandria was a renowned in the third century. The library included a
museum, garden, meeting areas and of course reading rooms. The library was
open to those with the proper scholarly and literary qualifications.

In the Middle Ages, the library became a part of culture. During this period,
more people became educated and relied on libraries as a place to study and
gain knowledge. It continued through the Renaissance to this age, thanks to
the Great Library, Alexandria that assumed its position as the intellectual
capital of the world and provided a model for other libraries to follow.

In Nigeria, the history of library can be traced back to the 1930s when the
government established the Nigerian Division of West African Library
Association (WALA). At this time, the efforts and activities of this association
was geared towards producing a National Library.

Prior, to the establishment of the national library, there was already a major
library in Nigeria at the University of Ibadan. This library was established in
1948.Also, there was a library in Eastern region around 1959. At that time,
this region had created a 5-year plan to develop regional libraries and mobile
ones with over 1600 books. The establishment of a Library Advisory
Committee by the Nigerian Government in the 1950s led to rechristening of
the Nigerian Division of the WALA to the Nigerian Library Association
(NLA) in 1962.The Library Advisory Committee was able to work out plans
for library services in the country and the committee also persuaded the
government to set up a National Library. This became a reality after the
country attained independence. Prior to this, the Ford Foundation of America
had collaborated with the Federal Government by providing funds and the
necessary expertise for a feasibility study. This led to the appointment of Dr
Carl White, a distinguished Scholar/Librarian. Dr Carl arrived Nigeria from
the U.S in 1962 and he was pivotal in setting up the necessary technical
personnel for the National Library.

In September 1964, the government passed the first library-related legislation

which was the National Library Act and this Act later became the National
Library Decree No 29 of 1970. Consequently, the National Library of Nigeria
came into existence.

Importance of Library
A library plays a significant role in the quest for knowledge. Considering the
high cost of information resources, the library provides alternative source of
information materials to an information seeker with average income. That
having been established, the importance of library will be discussed under the
following headings:

Custodian of Knowledge: The main purpose of establishing a library is for

the preservation of human knowledge. Libraries are regarded as repositories
or store-house of knowledge. Consequently, they play important role in
safeguarding recorded information and preserving them from generation to

Educational Agencies: The educational importance of the library is seen in

the access to the information resources. Having been established for the
preservation of knowledge, the libraries provide these information resources
for educational purposes in order to improve teaching and learning. Libraries,
such as schools and academic libraries, collect information resources and
make them available for teachers as a teaching aid and to students as a study
aid. It is seriously suggested that teachers, lecturers, instructors, as part of
teaching and learning exercise, must refer students to relevant books and other
materials used in preparing the lectures. In other words, the lecture notes
should be a summary of the lecture while the students refer to the library for
full and further details. The library, on the other, hand will make the materials
readily available for easy access and use.

Satisfy Recreational Needs: In the effort to encourage reading habits,

libraries make provision for books that are not academically related. Most
times, “light” reading materials are used as recreational information resources.
These materials are often read not for educational purposes, but for relaxation
and fun. For this reason, libraries make provision for fiction books, books on
cultural contents, picture books etc.

Research Services: The library is often the first point of contact for a
researcher. This is because research begins from the known to the unknown
and the library provides information resources to back up existing theories in
the different fields of studies. Academic libraries provide resources that
enhance research; special libraries provide highly specialized resources to
satisfy the needs of a researcher. With a conducive environment, well
organized resources, effectively updated, the library presents a major
opportunity for discovery for any researcher.

Center for Information Acquisition: The library is the center for providing
information for all. The library houses information in different format that
deals on different aspect of life. Materials like daily newspapers, are collated
by the library and consulted by the library users to be informed on daily
happenings. Magazines and pamphlets are also acquired by libraries to keep
their readers informed.

Types of Libraries
Every library is established to serve a purpose, the purpose of establishing a
library determines the type of library it will become. There are six (6) types of
 National library
 Public library
 Academic library
 Special library
 Private library
 School library
 Children library

National Library: A National Library is the apex library of a nation. It is

established by a country to serve as a National repository. It is usually
established and funded by the executive arm of the government at the national
level with branches spread across the nation. The person in charge of the
National library is called the National Librarian. The library has legal right to
collect documents issued in a country such as books, periodicals and other
information material for the preservation of a country’s intellectual output for
posterity. It also has the responsibility for issuing ISBN and compiling
National bibliography of a Nation. E.g National Library of Nigeria. According
to Chime (2014) the following are the functions of the National Library
 It publishes the national bibliography and acquires foreign document
of national importance and interest.
 It collects preserves and makes available records of human culture
published in the country abroad by the nationals of the country and
about the country.
 It serves as a national bibliographic information centre and provides
leadership and advice necessary to achieve coordinated library and
information department.

Public Libraries: Like the National Library, the public libraries are
government owned and funded at state level with its presence in state capital
and branches in local government headquarters. The public libraries are
headed by the State Library Director. This type of library is for every type of
users; it has collections that meet information needs of farmers, lawyers,
Doctors, engineers, business men and all other members of the public.
Example of a Public library is the State Library, Enugu. Imo State Library,
Imo, etc.
The public library performs at least four basic functions:
 Promote and encourage reading habits among the people of the
 Promotes and provides resources for enlightenment and leisure
 Preservation and promotion of cultural heritage; and
 Promotion and use of public libraries as education agencies for

Special Libraries: Special Libraries are libraries established to meet special

information needs of its users. As the name implies, they provide special
services to special group of users. Special libraries are mostly established in
special Institutions to meet professional information needs. Everything about
the library is special: collections, subjects, users and parent body. Therefore,
they are meant especially for research on a particular field of study and often
for a limited group of users. The special library is headed by a professional
librarian. Examples of such libraries include: law libraries and medical
libraries. According to Chime (2014) the functions of special law are itemized
as follows;
 It provides comprehensive and balanced information resources relevant to the
activities of its parent organization.
 It is relatively concerned with periodical and technical report literature as
book can quickly become outdated in the long process.
 It equally conducts retrospective literature search for users as appropriate.
Private Libraries: These are individuals’ collection of information materials.
The purpose of such collection is to foster personal development, research,
references and consultancy services. Sometimes, the collections of a private
library are bequeathed by the owners to public or academic libraries.
Examples are Nwafor Orizu Library, Nnewi; Eni Njoku Memorial Library
donated to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Ikejiani collection bequeathed
to the college of medicine of UNN etc.

School Library: The School Libraries are established in pre-primary, primary

and secondary schools by the school authorities to support teaching and
learning and help pupils and students develop reading habits at tender age.
They also make teaching materials available for teachers as teaching aid.
Materials found mostly in school library collection are books, magazines,
periodicals, newspapers, with more emphasis on audio visual and graphic
materials (pictures, photographs, realia and diagrams). The nature and size of
a particular school library collection will depend on many factors such as
school’s objective and philosophy, school’s programmes and activities,
pupil’s needs and interests. Some school libraries function as a learning
resource centre and it is headed by a Teacher Librarian.

Academic library: These are libraries established by tertiary institutions like

Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities. They are established as
an integral part of a tertiary institution with the responsibility to meet the
information and research needs of its students, faculty and staff. Their
collections are tailored towards the achievement of institutional goals of
teaching, learning and research.
 It aids the parent institution in carrying its academic programme
 It provides research information materials need by the faculty and
 It provides information materials for aesthetic and personal self-
development of the clientele
 It creates room for inter-library loan and cooperation among other
academic libraries.
 It provides learning/reading accommodation and full range of
information and learning resources. The interior must be tremendously
durable, thoroughly accessible and aesthetically please for study.

Children’s libraries: Children libraries are established to provide information

materials specifically for children. They are often established by individuals,
NGOs and Governments. The collections of the children library are unique
and carefully selected to satisfy their unique personality. Considering the
users which are mostly pre-primary and primary school age children, their
collections are mostly story books, picture books, colour books, children
books, fictions, toys, puppet, audio-visual materials, etc. The essence of
developing such library is to inculcate reading habit among children while
enhancing their cognitive and psychomotor development. They also provide
facilities for recreation and entertainment.

The library is an integral part of any institution or a nation, it is a store house
of knowledge. The establishment of a library makes access to information
resources very easy. In the quest for knowledge, individuals must understand
the different available libraries and the collections they possess. This will
enhance effective use of these libraries and their numerous collections.
Having been established for use, students, staff, researcher and knowledge
seekers should endeavor to make good use of the resources which a library
provides and are readily available for use to satisfy their information needs.

Chime, L. I. (2014). Use of Library. Ebenezer production.

Idoko, M. O. (2010) Using the library. Gozie Publishing.

Omekwu, C. O. & Ugwuanyi, C. F. (2009). Introduction to the use of library.

In C. O. Omekwu, M. O Okoye & C. N. Ezeani (Eds), Introduction to
the use of library and study skills. (pp. 1-17). Liberty printing and
publishing co.

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