AdvEng M2 Student Grammar B

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ADVANCED ENGLISH Student Worksheet

Module 2 • Career Trends Set B: Grammar


Mixed Conditionals

A Circle the correct word/s in each conditional sentence.

1. I would definitely apply for a job like that if I have / had / would have the qualifications.

2. I could have introduced you to the boss if you arrived / had arrived / would arrive a bit earlier.

3. If I were you, I would consider / will consider / have considered changing my degree to something
more useful.

4. We don’t keep an applicant’s resume on file unless we thought / think / will think we may want to employ
them in the future.

5. If Mark had not dropped out of college, I’m sure they would offer / will offer / would have offered him
the job.

6. As soon as we would receive / had received / receive your letter, we will contact you to set up an interview.

7. I’ll call Jake just in case he will want / wants / would want to attend the meeting too.

8. If this applicant contacted / would contact / had contacted us a week ago, we could have offered her
a managerial position.

9. After George had graduated / would graduate / graduates, he’s going to look for a job in hotel

10. Harry will go to college in California unless he is deciding / would decide / decides to study overseas.

11. Anna would be promoted if she were / had been / will be better at her job.

12. Lynda wouldn’t have received / won’t receive / didn’t receive a diploma if she hadn’t completed the course.

13. “I might need some help with my resume.”

“Well, if you will / would / do, don’t ask me. I’ve no idea how to write one.”

14. If you go onto the organization’s Facebook page, you can find / are finding / found out what projects they’ve
been involved in recently.

15. “Should I include references in my resume?”

“Of course, supposing / otherwise / in case potential employers won’t be able to check your work record.”

Mixed Conditionals: Page 1 of 2

ADVANCED ENGLISH Student Worksheet
Module 2 • Career Trends Set B: Grammar

B Match to form sentences.

1. a. I would have studied abroad if someone gives me the opportunity.
b. I would study abroad if someone gave me the opportunity.
c. I may study abroad if someone had given me the opportunity.

2. a. If the job requires you to relocate would you have been willing to do that?
b. If your job required you to relocate will you be willing to do that?
c. If your job had required you to relocate would you be willing to do that?

3. a. If you save some money, you can’t go back to college.

b. Unless you can save some money, would you go back to college?
c. Supposing you could save enough money, you can go back to college.

4. a. Helen prefers to keep her evenings free she will be able to do overtime.
b. As long as Helen keeps her evenings free, on condition that she is well-paid for overtime.
c. Helen will only keep her evenings free in case she is asked to do overtime.

5. a. I would ask the boss for a raise until she returns to the office.
b. I can’t ask the boss for a raise provided she is in the office today.
c. I may ask the boss for a raise if she were in the office today.

C  omplete the interview with a young fashion designer. Use the correct form of the verb
in parentheses.

A: What made you consider fashion as a career?

B: Actually, it was one of my teachers. He told me I could never support myself as a fashion designer.
If he 1 (not say) that, I might not have been so determined to succeed!

A: How does your work affect your daily life?

B: I think about fashion constantly. If I 2 (be) at home, for example, I spend my time
drawing designs or reading fashion magazines. I wouldn’t last long in this business if I 3
(be / not) prepared to give it 100% of my time.

A: Next week is your first big fashion show. Are you excited?
B: I’ll feel more excited when the clothes 4 (be) ready and I’m under less pressure. There is
so much work still to do and it 5
(never / be) ready unless I 6 (work)
around the clock until the very last minute! If I 7 (know) it was going to take this long,
I8 (start) to prepare much earlier.

A: What advice would you give someone who wants a career in fashion?
B: You must have your heart set on it! It’s a tough industry but as long as you 9 (not / stop)
pursuing your dream, you’ll get your big break eventually. If you 10 (be) the kind of
person who only wanted a job in fashion because of the glamour and the earning potential, then I’d tell
you not to bother.

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