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Brac University

Brac Business School: BBA Program

MGT 301: Human Resource Management
Fall 2023: Final-Term Examination
Time: 2 Hour
Total Marks: 30


 Read the questions carefully. Think before you write.

 Write your name, ID and Section at the top of the MS Word File of your answer file.
 Be AWARE! Mark/s will be deducted for Plagiarism.
 Answer any 5 out of 6 (each question carries 6 marks)

1. a. In doing reference checks for candidates, recruiters might face certain limitations. List
four such limitations and state two most common ones faced in Bangladesh. Give reasons
for your answer. (3 marks)
b. Discuss two things that can be done to help overcome the above limitations. (3 marks)
2. With examples, explain when each of the following interviewing techniques are used:
situational interview, behavioral interview, job-related interview, stress interview. As a
recruiter, what two things you would do to help improve the Interviewing Processes in
your organization.
3. In a busy customer service center, supervisor Alex implements on-the-job training for
new agents. The scenario involves handling live customer inquiries under supervision.
Through immediate feedback and guidance, agents quickly learn to navigate the system,
address customer concerns, and enhance their problem-solving skills on the fly.
a. How does the on-the-job training scenario contribute to the rapid skill acquisition and
performance improvement of new customer service agents?
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job training methods?
4. Describe the Performance Management System (PMS) in an Organization in details.
Choose a particular industry and mention which particular type of Performance
Management System (PMS) would you prefer and why? Provide insights about the
Supervisor's effects on the Performance Management System (PMS) as well.
5. a. Discuss four things companies will do before they will start a Job Evaluation Program.
(4 marks)
b. Explain how companies in Bangladesh might decide the pay of their executives. State
one difference in the approach used by the Multi-National Companies and the Local
Companies in this regard. (2 marks)
6. What do you understand about harassment at the workplace? Choosing a particular
industry, explain with real life examples. In the light of the Bangladesh Labor Law,
discuss the ethical guidelines that organizations can use to reduce harassment at the

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