Essay - The Internet

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Essay (200-300 words)

"The internet is destroying political discourse"

In breakout rooms come up with ways in which technology affects the way we interact.

Also think of examples which demonstrate this.

Remember: Discourse = the way we talk about things

online discussions are different from real world interactions: people are more confident, more
resolute in their opinions. Opinions tend to be much more polarized.

People become more antisocial.... more withdrawn from social interaction. People become
scially incapable. People lose social skills.

Tendency to communicate with text rather than talking to people.

 corporate media consolidation
 power of Google (dominance of tech firms)
 The algorithm (filter bubble)
 Cambridge analytica

Confirmation bias
echo chamber
conspiracy theories


1. What do we know about her background?

2. What did she do?
3. What was the context?
4. How did people find it offensive?
5. Was what she did objectively offensive in your opinion?
6. How did her actions spread on the internet?
7. What happened to her as result?
8. Was this a fair outcome?

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