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for short : being a shorter form of a name or word ; kısacası, kısaltılmışı..

concoction : a strange or unusual mixture of things, especially drinks or medicines ; karışım,

karıştırarak hazırlama..
at times : sometimes ; bazen, ara sıra, arada bir..
9) embrace : kucaklamak, kabul etmek, benimsemek, içermek, to include something..
gear stick : vites kolu..
by heart : using only your memory ; ezberden..

as a matter of fact : actually ; used to add a comment on something that you have just said,
usually adding something that you think the other person will be interested in ; used to
disagree with something that somebody has just said ; nitekim, doğrusunu söylemek
gerekirse, zaten, işin doğrusu, aslına bakarsak, gerçekte, esasen..

just for once : bir kerecik olsun, kırk yılın başında, on this occasion (which is in contrast to
what happens usually)..

from time to time : occasionally but not regularly ; zaman zaman, ara sıra, arada bir..

out of place : not in the correct place ; not suitable for a particular situation ; uygunsuz,
yersiz, yakışıksız..

temperate : ılımlı, ölçülü, aşırıya kaçmayan ; behaving in a calm way and with control..
mild : equable ; (of people or their behaviour) gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or
violent ; (of a taste ) not strong, spicy or bitter ; (of feelings) not great or extreme ; (of
weather) not very cold, and therefore pleasant ; not severe or strong ; ılıman, hafif, ılık, uysal,
alike : benzeyen, birbirine benzer, farksız, aynı şekilde ; in a very similar way ; used after you
have referred to two people or groups, to mean ‘both’ or ‘equally’ ; aynı..

keep an eye on : to take care of somebody/something and make sure that they are not
harmed, damaged, etc. ; göz kulak olmak, gözü üzerinde olmak..

lose count of : to forget the total of something before you have finished counting it ; sayısını
hatırlamamak / unutmak / şaşırmak, sayarken şaşırmak..
make sense of : to understand something that is difficult or has no clear meaning ; anlamını /
ayrımını kavramak, anlamlandırmak..

catch sight of : gözüne ilişmek, birdenbire fark etmek..

gaze : stare ; to look steadily at somebody/something for a long time, either because you are
very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of something else ; gözünü dikmek,
dik dik bakmak..

guarantee : warranty ; a written promise given by a company that something you buy will be
replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period ; güvence,

under check : --

be / get / run out of control : to be or become impossible to manage or to control..

14) set sth off : to make a bomb, etc. explode ; to make an alarm start ringing ; to start a
process or series of events ; ateşlemek, patlatmak, dengelemek, hızlandırmak..

drop sth out :

finish with : to no longer need to use something ; to stop doing something ; ile işi bitmek, ile
işini bitirmek..

turn sth down : sesini kısmak ; to reduce the noise, heat, etc. produced by a piece of
equipment by moving its controls..

switch sth off : to turn a light, machine, etc. off/on by pressing a button or switch..

of no consequence : important , önemsiz, önemi yok..

persecute : persecute somebody (for something) to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair
way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs ; -den dolayı zulmetmek..

come over : uğramak, ziyaret etmek, izlenim yaratmak, taraf / yön değiştirmek, etkilemek..

come to : ilgili olmak, ulaşmak, karar vermek..

20) halve : ikiye / yarıya bölmek, eşit paylaşmak..

21) make up for : compensate ; to do something that corrects a bad situation ; telafi etmek,
karşılamak, eksiği gidermek..

go down with :

catch up with : to finally start to cause problems for somebody after they have managed to
avoid this for some time ; if the police or authorities catch up with somebody, they find and
punish them after some time ; assur

grow out of :

22) soothingly :

assurance :

24) on the strength of : because somebody has been influenced or persuaded by something ;

in charge of :

in return for : as a way of thanking somebody or paying them for something they have done ;
as a response or reaction to something ;

ardent : passionate ; very enthusiastic and showing strong feelings about something /
somebody ; coşkulu, şevkli, gayretli, heyecanlı..

in common with : in the same way as somebody/something ;

on good terms with : to have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with somebody ;

25) on behalf of : as the representative of somebody or instead of them ; in order to help

somebody ; because of somebody; for somebody ;

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