AFW - Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces

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Armed Forces of the Worid

Sodet Strategi

ln wartime the Strategic Rocket Forces (SRF) oper-

ate independently of the Soviets' other armed ser-
vices, the SRF's commander-in-chief being sub-
ordinated directly to the Soviet supreme comman-
der, who reports to the Defence Council which
makes the final decision on the mass use of the
nuclear weapons. The SFF's commander is re-
sponsible not only for the operational control of the
force in war and peace, but also for lts improvement
and development and for ensuring that it is up to
strength and properly equipped at all times.
The SRF was established as an independent ser- The USSR currently deploys nearly I ,400 silo capability(throughtheuseof flyingcomn aic ::- =
vice in December "l 959. With an active manpower launchers, eachwithone missile and anunknown to direct the launching of missiles from re_c -:-:=
total of 41 5,000 and a further 520,000 in reserve, the number of reJoads. Here an S,S-9(CBM is loaded and divisions whose command facilities f a.,. :::-
SRF's commander has under his control three Rock-
into its silo during the late 1960s. TfieSS-9 bases destroyed. The area of deployment of a roc<e. :'-. ,
were hardeneC in the I970s to increase
et Armies with intercontinental ballistic missiles suwivability before SS-l8s were installed. isverylarge', and takes in thousands olsq;a-: -
(lCBMs), three independent Rocket Corps. 10 to 12 of usually poorly populated land.
Rocket Divisions, three Iarge missile test ranges. The 10 or 12 separate rocket divisions "=
and a substantial number of scientific research, mis- in some circumstances, monthly bases, an operational strategic reseTve of the SRF. S:-: :'
sile construction and trainlng establishments. emergency missile repair battery, and a guard com- these divisions are equipped with the hrgr:es: . : :
The basic rocket army consists of 10 Rotket Divi- pany which uses some 50 guard dogs, extensive missiles in the Soviet inventory, whilst otre:-. -:.:
sions, Each of these divislons comprises 7,000 to anti-personnel minefields and barbed-wire obsta- standard missile types and can be moved as ^:::::
8,000 men, and is subdivided into 10 Rocket Regim- cles. The commander and his staff are located in a to any part of the Soviet homeland in order to .::,,-
ents and a technical base, the latter consisting of hardened underground command post Jrom which their vulnerability. The three independel:'::.=.
some 3,000 to 4,000 men and designed to carry out the duty operations team maintains direct com- corps are used to strengthen the forces o::r: ---:=
thetransport, malntenance, replacement, repairand munications links by telephone, radio and satellile main military commands (the Western, So;:- .'.:..-
servicing of the regiment's missiles. The regiment with the divisional commander, the rocket army ern and Far Eastern Directions) and are ai :^: : s
itself can have between one and i0 launchers de- commander, the SRF commander and the Soviet posal of the relevant commanders-in-chie:. - ,'. -: -
pending upon the type of missile with which it is supreme command authority. If by accident the corps (or just some of its three to four a,: =: =
equipped. lts strength lies between 250 and 400 command post is put out of action in times of peace, rocket divisions), can be used in suppcr-: :' .--
men, and the regiment ls tasked with simple an alternative vehicle-mounted mobile command advancing units in any of the Directions' i.re3.-:- -'
maintenance of the missiles, defending them in post unit is activated; in time of war or in periods of operation. The corps are equipped wrth t': :::-
their silos and launching thern as and when re- extreme tension, both units are operational to en- ational/strategic type of missrle which ia s -:: -=
quired. For these duties the regimental commander sure that missrle launch control is avallable at all medium-range ballistic missile (MRB\t .'. '
has available a headquarters staff, about five duty times. The headquarters of the army is responsible termediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM ca::;:- ::
launch teams which are rotated on eitherweekly, or for the co-ordination of its divisions and has the in Western terminology. These weapons aa^ : -:'
be fired from a hardened srlo (or fixec s:'- .----
pad in the case of the former SS-4 'Sa^:: -' :=
launched f rom wheeled transpcri:' :-:::- -
launchers (TELs) in tne case o' t"e -:: = ::--.
The SS-20 force is grouped nto reg -:- -: -'- -=
TELs that are situated at a centra ..^'.'. .-:
maintenancebase. lntimesof imm ne-- ---' -..-=
individual launchers are intended :c : s:=-.: :
w'dely spaced and presrveyeo la--:- j .:; -: :--
sure survivability and the nin mrn
tialguidancedatafeo ntoeach -s: : --:: .--:-
wheeled veh cles would also be t:i::--. : -: -: -
rying a reload round ard lne orre-< . -'':' ' : '':
launch conlrol rnit, lest equipnc": l.':': '- .- '
comrrunicat ons sysrems. l^ the :-. .::- - - :. -
has been revealed that some o' ii-e SS 2: .=-:-
A third-generation missile, tfi e 5S-9 Scarp .

appeared infivevariants, one ofwhich. Lhe S5-3

Mod 4, was the first Soviet multiple re-entq,' ;'e::cJe
(MRV), carrying three 3.5 -megaton
warheads. Nearly 300 SS-9s were deployed ::
underg:round silos.
Armed Forces of the World Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces t
^:ve been converted to house the new mobile SS-
2- ICBM, which uses the same TEL vehicle lt is
<e!y that these missiles are assigned to the SRF's
:perational reserve as a replacement for more
.:lnerable systems.
There are at present nine fields of the hot
arnched SS-'1 '1 'Sego' lightweight ICBM with 520
r ssiles, one field of the SS-13 'Savage' hot-
:rnched lightweight ICBM with 60 rounds, two
'ields of the cold-launched SS-1 7 lightweight ICBM
with 150 rounds, six fields of the cold-launched
neavyweight SS-18 ICBM with 308 rounds, and four
rields of the hot-launched lightweight SS-19 ICBM.
The SRF continually practises its command and con-
:rol iaunch arrangements under all types of scenar-
os, and has a policy whereby a missile is periodically
taken on a random basis from any of the rocket
armies to be launched under 'operational' condi-
iions to check the forces' effectiveness.
For a protracted nuclear war the Soviets have
made certain that their SRF has sufficlent war re-
serves, protection for its personnel and key equip-
ment, and the f acility to reload most of its launchers.
They have stockpiled extra missiles, propellants and
warheads throughout the USSR, and can thus refur-
bish and reload most types of mrssile silo within a
matter of days. For the contingency that a silo has
been contaminated by radioactive material from a
nuclear burst. facilities have been built in each ICBM
f ield to allow decontaminatlon to be undertaken. All
communications systems throughout the SRF are
nardened against the electro-magnetic pulse effect
jrom nuclear blasts, and are duplicated (or even i
triplicated in some instances) to ensure that com-
mand and control capability remains intact.
lntelligence of any possible Western nuclear sur-
prise attack is provided not only by human agents
but also by a satellite-based ICBM/SLBM launch-
detection network coupled to a ring of missile
launch-detection over-the-horizon and phased-array
radar installations throughout the USSR. Any offen-
sive action undertaken by the SRF would be co-
ordinated with the Soviet navy's SSBN fleet and the 3. 150 SS-17s (20 Mod 2 with a range of 1000 km/
P recursor of the SS- i 6 and SS- 0 mobile I RB M s w as

strategic bombers of the USSR's air forces. lt is also 6,835 miles and a single 6-megaton warhead, and during the I ate / 960s
tft e SS-X- J 5, which was tes ted

possible that in a limited nuclear exchange. a num- 130 Mod 3 with a range of 10000 km/6,214 miles but not deployed for operational sewice. Mobile
ballistic missiles are easier to conceal from
ber of the ICBMs would very likely be used in and four 750-kiloton yield MIRV warheads);
surveillance: a grcat advantage to a power
theatre roles against reduced-range targets. lt is 4.308 SS-'l Bs (26 Mods 1 and 3 with a range of engaged in disarmament negotiations.
also probable that a number of the ICBM f ields may 12000kmlT,456 miles or 'l 6000 km/9,942 miles
be protected by a llmlted anti-ballistic misslle (ABM) and a single 2O-megaton or 27 megaton warhead year or so; the SS-20 is used in the version with
network comprising SA-5 'Gammon' and the later respectively and 282 Mod 4 with a range of 1 1000 5000-km (3,107-mile) range and three l50-kiloton
SA-1 2 'Gladiator' SAMs. km/6,835 miles and 10 500-kiloton MIRV war- MIRV warheads; and
The current force of ICBMs stands at 1,398 silo heads); and 2. Some 2242200-km (1,367-mile) range SS-4'San-
launchers with one misslle in each, plus an unknown 5. 360 SS-1 9s (40 Mod 2 with a range of 10000 km/ dal' MRBMs with single 950-kiloton warheads de-
number of reloads and mobile SS-25 TELs. The 6,214 miles and a single 1O-megaton warhead and ployed in two or three fields of hardened silos and
actual breakdown is believed to be: 320 Mod 3 with a range of 10000 km/6,214 miles soft launch pads in the western USSR; the 'Sandals'
1.520 SS-1 1 'Segos'(100 Mod 1 with a range of and six 550-kiloton MIRV warheads). are gradually being phased out.
BB00 km/5,468 miles and a single 950-kiloton war- The force of operational strategic missiles stands at
First seen on parade in 1968, the second-
head, and 420 Mod 3 with a range of 9600/5,965 over 600 rounds with a breakdown of :
genera tion SS- 8'S as in' w as a development of the
miles and three 200-kiloton MRV warheads); 1 . 387 SS-20 mobile launchers in six f ields located in 55-6 and was gru ided by radio command. Carrying
2.60 SS-13'Savages'(all Mod 2 with a range of the Soviet Far East, ln central Asla, and in the west a i-megatonwarhead, ithad two stagesanda
8000 km/4,970 mlles and a slngle 600-kiloton war- ern USSR on the European side of the Ural moun- range of 1 2000 km (7,400 miles) but was deployed
nead); tains; more are scheduled to be deployed rn the next only in small numbers.

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