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Armed Forces of the World

Part I

The army of the Federal Republic of Germany, the
Bundeswehr, was formed in 1956 and was res-
iricted in size to 1 2 divisions by the 1 954 Agreement
of Paris, This restriction in size was an attempt to
prevent the worst excesses of influence and power
that the German army has generally exercised with-
in the German nation's affairs, and further to reduce
the impact of the army on society by introducing a
new concept of 'citizens in uniform'. ln reality neith-
er of these restrictions has prevented the new Bun-
deswehr from being one of the best trained, best
equipped and most powerful of the European
armies within the NATO structure.
The Bundeswehr can be divided into two main
components, the Field Army (Feldheed and the Ter-
ritorial Army (Territorialheer). The Feldheer is the
main force of the Bundeswehr, and in time of war
would take the field to become part of the NATO
'orces. The Territorialheer would remain under
iational control to defend rear areas.
The Feldheer is organized into three corps, I Corps
'':eadquartered at Mtinster, ll Corps at Ulm, and lll The Territorialheer is divided into a number of The Transportpanzer I entered service in I 979
districts under three commands; North (Nord), and is used for a wide variety of roles including
Corps at Koblenz. Between them the three corps
j,spose of six armoured divisions, four armoured South (SUd) and Schleswig-Holstein. Under these command and communications, engineering and
electronic warfare. It is fully amphibious and has
rfantry divisions. one mountain division and one districts and commands come three types of unit: anNBC system.
:'rborne division, but to these can be added a num- 12 home defence groups, 15 home defence regim-
:er of brigades and other corps troops that make up ents and 150 home defence companies. The home
: total of 66 tank battalions, 62 armoured infantry defence groups are virtually armoured infantry bri-
3attalions, 33 armoured artillery battalions, four gades, whlle the home defence regiments may be lncluded in the Bundeswehr are the Federal Bor-
'rrountain battalions and nine airborne battalions. likened to infantry regiments. The home defence der Guard (Bundesgrenzschutz or BGS), a force
-nere are also 1 1 armoured reconnaissance batta- companies cover a wide range of defence activities 20,000 strong and responsible for the security of a
cns, seven corps heavy artillery regiments, 1'1 di- and are intended mainly for locai use. To the above strip of territory 30 km (18,6 miles) deep along the
. sional artillery regiments, four heavy surface-to- can be added a fu rther 324 security platoons f ormed border with East Germany. lntended as a counter to
srrface battalions, three air-defence reg;ments from reservists, and again intended for local use. its East German equivalent, the BGS is organized
:lus one Roland alr-defence battalion) and 1 1 air- The Territorialheer also commands all other Bundes- lnto four commands, each with a number of groups
wehr units that do not come under the Feldheer, (Gruppen) containing two or three battalions. The
:efence regiments armed with 35-mm guns. ln
:Cdition there are three army aviation commands including schools, command staffs and so on. BGS is a fully militarized police force equipped with
:ach with one light helicopter regiment, one The Tenitorialheer also controls a number of units armoured vehicles, a few fixed-wing aircraft and 21
within the above-mentioned structure that do not helicopters. The BGS includes the now well-known
-edium transport helicopter regiment and one anti-
:ank guided weapon helicopter regiment. There is have exact counterparts in many other armies. They GSG9 anti-terrorist unit.
:tso a mixed aviation regiment. include reservist and conscripted local units who ln numerical terms the Bundeswehr contains ab-
I Corps has three armoured divislons each con- have a combat engineer function to create obstacles out 495.000 officers and men, of whom 230,500 are
: sting of two or three armoured brigades and one and demolitions to delay an advancing enemy. conscrlpts undergoing 15-month tours. On mobiliza-
:rmoured infantry brigade. Each armoured brigade Some o{ these units are at battalion strength, but tion thrs manpower total could be increased tc
-as two tank battalions (1 10 tanks), one armoured many are organized into purely local platoons. around 1,250.000.
lfantry battalion (46 APCs) and one artillery batta-
cn (18 self-propelled 155-mm/6.1-in howitzers).
-ne armoured infantry brigade has two or three
:rmoured infantry battalions (92 APCs), one tank
cattalion (54 tanks) and one artillery battalion (18
self-propelled 155-mm howltzers).
ll Corps has one armoured division, one armoured
nfantry division and the mountain division. The last
1as three brigades, whose infantry are carried in
'wheeled vehlcles and whose artillery battalions are
equipped wlth 1 05-mm (4.1 3-in) howitzers. ll Corps
also commands the single alrborne division but the
airborne brigades which form part of this divi-
sion are distributed between the three corps. Each
airborne brigade has three parachute battalions and
sJpporting units.
lll Corps has two armoured divisions and one
:rmoured infantry division. ln addition to the three
:crps there rs in Schleswlg-Holstein one indepen-
:ent division that works with the Danish army.

lhe Marder MICV is operated by a four'man crew,
anries a sk-maninfantry squad, and has atwo-
turret. All Bundeswehr Marders except
ammand versions are to carry Milan ATGWs'
Armed Forces of the World WestGermany G
Equipment more Marders are on order to replace some of the 'l
5 armoured infantry brigades
The basic service rifle of the Bundeswehr is the M 1 1 3s,and on the way are over 400 Transportpan- one mountain brigade
Heckler & Koch G-3, a 7.62-mm (0.3-in) assault zer 1 wheeled APCs. Numerically the most impor- three airborne brigades
weapon, The sub-machine gun is still the lsraeli tant tank is the 105-mm gunned Leopard 1 of which ln battalions terms the Feldheer has the following :

9-mm (0.312-in) Uzi, and the machine-gun is the some 2,43-l are in service, but these are now being 66 tank battalions
7.62-mm MG3, the modern version of the World joined by increasing numbers of Leopard 2s with 62 armoured infantry battalions
War ll MG42. Mortars are mainly lsraeli-made 120- 120-mm main guns. ln time the remaining American 33 armoured artillery battalions
mm (4.72-in) Tampella or Soltam models. Personal M4Bs in use will be entirely replaced by Leopard 2s. four mountain battalions
anti-tank protection continues to be the 44-mm Other armoured vehicles include the Jagdpanzer 4-5 nine parachute battalions
(1.73-in) Panzerfaust portable rocket-launcher, tank destroyer, armed either with a 90-mm (3.54-in) To these can be added:
while further up in size the Milan, TOW and HOT gun or a variety of guided missiles. A programme to '1
1 armoured reconnaissance battalions
guided weapons are used. Anti-aircraft defence is convert all of these to carry the HOT missile is under 1 1 divisional artilleryregiments (M1 O7/LARS)
given a high priority, with the Roland mlssile equip- way. For reconnaissance the Luchs armoured car is seven heavy artillery battalions (M 1 1 0)
ping corps anti-aircraft battalions. The bulk of the used. four Lance missile battalions
anti-aircraft regiments are equipped with 35-mm Helicopters include the French 46rospatiale three air-defence regiments
Gepard self-propelled guns, but elsewhere the 20- Alouette ll for observation and general light liaison 1 1 anti-aircraft regiments (Gepard)
mm Rheinmetall Rh202 is widely used. use. For the medium transport role 107 American three army aviation commands (Alouette, BO 1 05,
The artillery equipments cover a wide range. Sikorsky CH-53Gs are used. Other helicopters in- cH-53)
Smallest in calibre are the OTO Melara 105-mm of clude the ubiquitous Bell UH-1 D and a number of one mixed aviation regiment
the mountain art;llery battalions. The FH-70 155-rnm Alouette llls. For the anti-tank guided weapon role
towed howitzer equips the divisional artillery batta- the main type in use is now the PAH-1 , the MBB Territorialheer
lions, but most of the self-propelled howitzer batta- BO105P equipped with HOT, and another B0 There are three territorial comnmnds, five military
lions assigned to brigades are the 1 55-mm lV 1 0942 BOlO5Ms are for general utility use. districts, 29 military region commands and B0 sub-
from the United States. Mostof the M109A2s in use The equipment of the para-military BGS includes region commands overseeing :

have had some local modifications, such as a re- an indeterminate number of ex-British Saladin six home defence brigades. each with two tank,
vised breech mechanism to increase the rate of fire, armoured cars. APCs include large numbers of ex- two infantry and one artillery battalions
The Bundeswehr has two corps artillery battalions Swiss MOWAG SW-'1 s and SW-2s known generally six home defence brigades, each with one tank,
equipped with the long-range l75-mm (6.89-in) as the BGS Sonderwagen. For airborne reconnaiss- two infantry and one artillery battalions
M107 self-propelled gun. One battery of the di- ance use there are 21 Alouette lls and two Piaggio fou r territorial service support com mands
visional artillery is equipped with the 203-mm (B-in) P.149Ds. A single Dornier Do 2lA-3 makes up the 15 home defence regiments
M110 self-propelled howitzer. This howitzer has a strength. To back up its ground strength the BGS is 150 companies
nuclear capability, but the nuclear warheads are armed with numbers of mortars. 20-mm cannon and 324 security platoons
kept under US control, as ls the case with warheads some anti-armour weapons. plus communicatlons, military police and service
of the Lance surface-to-surface battalions. Also in- units on mobilization
cluded in the dlvisional artillery is one battalion Bundeswehr order of battle
equipped with the 1 10-mm (4.33-in) LARS unguided There are three corps formed f rom 1 2 divisions:
artillery rocket system. lt is expected that these will six armoured divisions
be replaced by the American MLRS (Multlple lour armoured infantry divisions A Leopard 1A4 takes part in Exercise'Lionheart',
Launch Rocket System) in the fairly near future. ) 984. The Leopard lA3s featured a new welded
one mountain division turret of spaced armour and a distinctivewedge-
For armour the Bundeswehr has a large number one airborne division shaped mantlet; the A4s were the final batch of
of equipments: in the APC category alone there are These 12 divisions are formed f rom 36 brigades: Leopard ls, with improved rangefinding
3,095 American M113s and 2,136 Marder lCVs; 17 armoured brigades equipment.


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