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Armed Forces of the World

-1e army has been involved in some way or other
..ith the political running of Chile s nce independ-
:rce, but this tendency has increased greatly since
re military coup of 'l 973. Apart from internal anti --'=.+ * ,_
.:rrorist operations, whtch are now pr mari y the - -.*...#-"rei:
-",d &--!&"
sJs-_-e .--"ifrtr
:-ovince of the police, the armed forces are de u..i."r, :;.....,.G.i ,. .. - =
- . ..{:
: oyed mainly to coveT potential border disputes s$*$,6:l+:ut ""
,'.ith the neighbouring countries of Argentina, Boli- {F *'Fr |@ d
. a and Peru. During the 1982 Falklands war be-
:g -*-I - --b-' I
-.'reen Argentina and the UK, covert aid was 'T#
_"*"e;dT#. *,
;JE" --:- J
supplred to the latter in return for mtlitary J
.1 and spares.
country is divided for milttary purposes into **;:s*:r'!:;*"
\ nternai Security Complexes (or Divtsrons) nter
: _ -rb
-: Security Complex 6 faces Bolivia and Peru, lnter-
- 1*- ''
--'-6"':-..4:' *.;:.;,
- Security Complex 5 faces Argentina, and lnternal |=3t€
:::urity Complex 2 contains the major cit es and the
- : n military training centres. Although staunchly
: -:-Western, Chile stillfinds it difflcult to obtain new
- r J pment for the armed forces because of concern
- .:r civil rights abuses since the coup. It
Chilean army
-re Chilean army has six divisional headquarters,
-',. gned one to each Internal Security Comp ex. There is also a small army aviation service which T he Lirssen F as t A ttack C raf t ( tor p edo ). se€i i E--:
:.:r of these formations consists in theory of three operates a composrte fixed-wing and helicopter on patrol in the Beagle Channel. were
-',rtry regiments, one Andean mountain regiment, group with a tactical battalion and a support unit. commissionedin themid-l960s. Builtta a i|es:
. -:valry brigade (of two regiments), one f ield artrl This flies some 28 helicopters and 37 fixed-wing German design, they displace I34 tons ait a:e
:-. group, one mountain artillery group, one en- aircraft, of which the most important are the 10 fitted with four 533-mm (21-in) torpedo t;nes
carry two40-mm (1.57-in) qrns. and are:apa:.t::
- -:er battalion and supporting units. However, be- A6rospatiale SA 330FL Puma, 1O A6rospatiale SA
upto32 kts.
---se of the potential border disputes, the three 315B Lama and three Bell UH-l H helrcopters, plus
- -:'nai Security Complexes mentioned above have six CASA C-212 Iaclical transports and 1 B Cessna armour: AMX-3Oand M4A3 Snei-.-'.'l-- -'.",
==r reinforced at the expense of the others. For R172 Hawk lrght lia son and ground support aircraft. 13, M3A1 Stuartand M4143 lg-: -:-.. ::-:
'---', evel work there is an engineer regiment and The two armoured regtments operate a mix of Cascavel armoured car; M.l '3:.13,':::-,
'= 3ornas Negros special forces battalion. A f ull ist AMX-30 N/ BTs with both AMX l3 and M41 Bulldog MOWAG Piranha, EE-1 1 Ur-i- a-: ',': -r l.
-' :'rny units includes: light tanks. The last also serve in the mechanized .
artillery:(towed) 105-mm t4.i3- - -.', -:=- " --:
cavalry units, together with both wheeled and track, mm M56 pack howitzer, 105 -- :: ,:- - I - _ :=-
,, : visional headquarters, ed APCs. All the World War Il era armour has now {self-propelled) 155-mm(6.'i: ^,'.: -:",
', : armoured regiments, been relegated to training schools and second-line (mortars) 60mm(236-in)M.l I ----- : -='
. : -: cavalry ---
regiments (three mechanized and f ive units Since the mid-1 970s about 200 Brazilian-built M1/M29and 120-mm (4.f2 '. -,-.:^. ..-:".-:
- : -sed), EE-9 Cascavel armoured cars and some 250 FE-'l 1 anti-armourweapons:57-nrr \''3,-: _a,- -
-- ^'antry regiments (14 each with two battalions Urutu APCs have been procured to replace those 14.11-in) M40A1 recoil ess":s .':^.'-*:,.- -
,- i 1 0 Andean each with between one to f ou r vehicles not relegated to the reserve role. A local MilanATGWs;
- -.ialrons), firm, Cardoen, is also licence-building the Swiss anti-airweapons;20-mr,n GA -CC- .----- :-__-
, , -: Llery groups (six f ieid, three mountain and one MOWAG Plranha 6x6 wheeled APC as well as 35-mm Oerlikon K63.40 r- '.'- L': -. .-: -_,
. - lefence), severai indigenous APC designs. The same firm and mm Bofors Li70; and
.--:rgineerregiment, some others are also producing ammunition, explo- small arms.J.62-mm (0 3- n,S Ca-: - a: -- jj
- - -^ engineer battalions, and sives and locally developed anti-aircraft weapons. A and7.62-mm FN assau ir= :s 3 --'"',:.=-
, = scecialforces battalion. complete list of army equ pment includes: M53and0 45-in (1 1 43-n--','-l- - S'.' :.
f 62-mm MAG and 7 .62---'.'-:-:l _'.' :. .- -
0.5-in (12.7-mm) Brown r^c -','3

ln wartime a total o; z.ta aa:

be mobilized to jo;n :-: c3 L - :.-: -: : :- : - :
army. Of the latter 3!,1ll :-: ::-.
Armed Forces of the World
t2- Q't=s
PC-7 Turbo Trainers, and a helicopter squadron with transport, threetanker, one submarine depot, delivered refurbished BAe Canberra PR.Mk t high-
10 A6rospatiale Alouette llls and five Bell 206As for two tug and miscellaneous vessels. altitude photo-reconnaissance jets.
shipboard and shore base use. A small coast guard operates 1 0 43-ton coastal The transport element is just as diverse, and is
There is also a 5,000-man marine corps which is patrol craft, each armed with two 20-mm cannon divided into nine squadrons which f ly some 64 f ixed-
divided into four battalion groups that comprise and a pair of depth charges. on surveillance and wing aircraft and helicopters. Of these the most
amphibious warfare, coast defence and local secur- anti-smuggling patrols. notable are two Lockheed C-130H Hercules, five
ity elements, together with a specialized comman- Douglas DC-6s, 17 de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin
do unit. The weapons used include 16 M101 105- Chilean air force Otters, six 46rospatiale SA 3158 Lamas and 13 Bell
mm and 35 M114 155-mm howitzers, MOWAG The Chilean air force is the world's fourth oldest UH-1 H Hueys.
Roland 4x4 APCs, LVTP-S amph bious assault vehi- independent air force, and like the other two Chilean The training for all the above is conducted by a
cles, some 20 3f -mm M1A1 AA guns and a small services has suffered considerable difficulties in specialist training wing of three air schools. They are
number of Cactus (Crotale) SAM systems and 16 obtaining new aircraft since the coup. This has re- cu rrently replacing the Cessna T-37C jet trainer f leet
155-mm GPFM-3 coast-defence guns. The small sulted in the setting up of an indigenous aerospace with the T36, and the older Beechcraft T-34 Mentors
arms used are the same as those of the army. with industrythat is currently involved in building B0 mod- and other piston-engined trainers with the T35.
close support provided by 50 6O-mm and 50 B'1-mm ified Piper PA-28 Dakota primary trainers as the T35 For local deferice of air bases there are five anti-
mortars. Pillan, and 37 (with 23 more on option) Spanish- aircraft groups and four radar squadrons, The former
There are three naval zone commands, the equip- designed CASA C-101BB armed jet trainers as the has a mix of quadruple 12.7-mm M55 HMGs, twin
ment acquired over the last decade or so reflecting T36 Halc6n. 20-mm Rheinmetall Rh202 cannon, twin 35-mm
Chilean ties with the UK and West Germany. The The Chilean air force is divlded into three com- Oerlikon K63s and some two dozen elderly Amer-
most recent acquisitions have been two ex-Royal mands (Combat, Personnel and Loglstics), but only ican single-barrel M'1A1 37-mm guns. There are also
Navy 'County' class missile destroyers, two 'Type the first has any aircraft, its strength being deployed a number of Blowpipe SAMs issued to one battery
209' West German-built submarines. three lsraeli- in four combat wings and two combat groups. Each of each of the groups for use against low-leve1
built 'Saar 4' class missile boats, an ex-British RFA of the wings is also assigned a communications attackers.
tanker and three locally-built but French-designed flight with light aircraft and/or helicopters.
'Batral' class LSTs. Two of the three ground-attack squadrons fly Paramilitary force
The frll list of units in the navy :s. some 26 Hawker Hunter F.Mk 71 fighters and five The only paramilitary force available to Chile ls the
Hunter T.Mk 72 operational trainers, while the third 27,000-man Caribinero service. ln addition to their
submarines:two 'Type 209' class and two 'Oberon' is equipped with 15 Northrop F-5E and two F-5F normal police equipment, these units have some
class; Tiger lls; the Northrop fighter uses both AIM-9 Side- light infantry weapons and around 20 MOWAG Ro-
Iwo'County' class, two'Almirante'
d estroyers : winder AAMs and a small number of Hughes AGM- land 4x4 APCs. They also operate a small aviation
class and two ex-US 'Allen M. Sumner (FRAM ll)' 654 Maverick air-to-ground missiles. while the sole element of f ixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, plus a
class; interceptor squadron flies 14 single- and two two- number of small patrol boats.
f rigates:lwo 'Leander' class; seat Dassault-Breguet Mirage 50s armed with
light forces: three tug-type patrol vessels, three lsraeli Shafrir and French R550 Magic AAMs. A Two squadrons of the Chilean air force are
'Saar 4' class missile boats. f our Lu rssen type fast counter-insurgency (COIN) force of two squadrons assigned to the counter-insurgency role,
attack torpedo boats, three large patrol craft and flies the 29 survivors of 34 Cessna A-378 Dragonfly
equippedwith a total of 29 CessnaA-378
Dragonflies, one of the most cost-effective light
four coastal/harbour patrol craft; light attack aircraft delivered in the mid-'l 970s. combat aircraft ever built. This A-37 can carry a
a m phibiou s warfare fo rces : lhe' Batral' class LSTs For tactical and strategic reconnaissance duties pos sible 2 5 7 6- kg ( 5,680 - lb) weaponload ; here the
and two locally-built LCTs; and two units operate two Learjet 35As, nine CASA tip tanks are supplemented by underwing drop
support ships: one survey, one training, four C-101s and two survivors out of three recently- tanks.

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