AFW - US Marine Corps Part 3

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Armed Forces of the World Pa:t 3

US tlcrl
-^: three active force Marine Aircraft Wings have a
-: nbined manpower strength of 35,600 men plus a
'":rt-line aircraft strength of about 440 aircraft and
-2 armed helicopters. Pride of place goes to the
';rter squadrons, of which there are 12. ln the
l-1970s, the US Marines sought the Grumman
Tomcat for their front-line squadrons, but
.:re forced by Congress to wait longer for a new
::reratlon fighter. The F-14A never became part of
-: US Marine Corps inventory, but because of that
, sappointment the US Marine Corps was able to
,. r an early place in receiving the McDonnell
l:uglas F/A-18 Hornet. Three F/A-18 squadrons
:-3 now operational. The remaining nine fighter
.:radrons fly the McDonnell Douglas F-4N and F-4S
:^antom. The ageing F-4N model will be retired by
::bruary '1
The US Marine Corps has 13 attack squadrons,
.^.ee of which are equipped with the AV-8 Harrier.
-.ough plagued by a series of crashes early ln its
-.rerican incarnation, the Harrier has always
=^ oyed the full support of US Marine flyers them-
:: ves. who now have total confidence in its capa-
: ties. The AV-BC Harrier, a slightly improved
,:'sion of the operational AV-BA. is now test.
:,' more advanced is the AV-BB, theunder big-wing
The US Marine Corps operates a full range of A Bell AH- I T SeaCobra escorts a UH- I N'Huev'.
aircraft, from fighters and strike airctaft to The SeaCobra is armed with TOW anti-tank
. : -s on of the Harrier scheduled to enter operational
tankers, transports and helicopters. Air power is missiles and a three-barrelled 20-mm cannon
.:.,,rce in 1985. The US Marine Corps' 10 remaining crucial to the success of amphibious operations; capable of firingup to 1,500 rounds per minute.
.:::ck squadrons include five each with the the fleet must be defended from hostile air attack The 'Huey' is a general-purpose transport and b
'.':Jonnell Douglas A-4M Skyhawk and the all- and air support provided for the Marines ashore. normally unarmed.
Armed Forces of the World {l./ ",_l
I c*: J

The Vietnam War saw the Marine Corps develop

,'"=.:-er Grumman A-6E lntruder. The US Marines The US Marine Corps also has two a ide'ence an infiight-refuelJing capaaty {or the first time.
-:.: : single photo-reconnaissance squadron flylng battalions equlpped with the lrnprcvec lA\ 'i( Today, M arnes may be committed at short notice
-= lF-48 Phantom and an electronic warfare heavy anti-alrcraft missile. to far-flung corners of the globe, so air support
.: -:dron operating the EA-68 Prowler. All of these The US Marine Air Reserve s kept at a n gn state over )ong distances remains im poilant.
: - -'r ts are expected to maintain the capability to of readiness and its 4th Manne A rcra=l !nr'ng '5
: :3.ate f rom US Navy carrier decks, and periodically formed from four aviat on g'o;os. o-e se 'r ce that ranges from massive 140-ton cranes to con-
:=: cy to carriers as part of an embarked Navy I
group, and one air control group. Tne '1 aircraft- tainer-handling tractors.
-'-. er Wing. operating squadrons of the Reserve are equipped Detachments of US Marines provide security on
>:anding behind the combat squadrons are the no with F-4N and F-4S Phantoms, A-4E, A-4F and A-4M board US Navy ships, at naval bases, and at 118
=-s mportant support squadrons, Two of these are Skyhawks, the EA-6A intruder, and the OV-10 embassies and consulates in 103 countries, Service
:,:<r'vell OV-10D Bronco observation squadrons, Bronco. A combined tanker/assau t squadron uses with a Marine Security Guard (MSG) detachment at
:-r ineTe are also several headquarters and main- 12 KC-l30Fs and is receivlng the new KC-l307 a US embassy is a sought-after perquisite. But in
::-ance squadrons with TA-4J and OA-4M Sky- model ahead of active-duty unrts. There are 10 US recent years, MSG members have been held
-:,., <s Lockheed KC-130F, KC-'l30R and KC-1307 Marine Reserve helicopter squadrons. One of these prisoner in Tehran and killed or injured in rioting in
-:':ries aircraft serve with three assault transport uses the armed AH-1J, and there are two squadrons Pakistan and Libya.
:-: :anker squadrons. Limited numbers of'17D
C-98, operating the UH-1 E/UH-1 N'Huey'in the light
The future
',:-:r American CT-39G and Douglas C-l air- transport helicopter role. For heavy lift tasks, there
:-:': nieet more mundane utility transport and are three squadrons with the CH-53A and a further The US Marine Corps enjoys the support of the
-::<'requirements. four squadrons operate the CH-46. The Reserve administration and the American public, even when
-^E US Marine Corps has no fewer than 25 opera- also has an air-defence battalion equipped with the committed to a controversial cause, as in Lebanon.
::-: nel copter squadrons. Eight of these use the HAWK heavy anti-aircraft missile. and there are a The US Marine Corps has the training, prepared-
-::.', Sikorsky CH-53D and CH-53E, and the US further 32 or so support units of one type or another. ness, mobility and firepower to fight and win on
'.':-^e Corps has 168 of these large helicopters almost any far-flung battlefield. With improved
.. .- Tore on order. There are 180 CH-46E And The support units artillery and armour support, and enhancement of its
l--:5: Sea Knights distributed among 11 squad- The US Marine Corps has to operate a large combat service support elements (the latter having
':-. a"d a couple of training units. The universal number of support units in addition to the combat purposely been given top priority) the US Marine
--3. s used in the transport role, there being and air arms. These units accomplish such f unctions Corps has an assured future. A large proportion of
:-'== 3: UH-1N squadrons, and a further three as transport (equipped with much the same types of the strength of the US Marine Corps is now involved
: : -: l -: ^ s are equ pped with the AH-1T SeaCobra wheeled transport as the US Army), fuel supply and with the RDJTF and is thus always kept at a high
'- - :-= :'-ed offensive role, carryingTOWanti-tank distribution, special signalling, equipment holding, state of readiness. New equipment for this and
-'-:: :s the US Marine Corps contributes a
F nal y, special maintenance and rearming. Normally, these other roles is on the way. The turmoil and violence of
::::- : F squadron to the USAF's Bgth Military variegated units are attached to MAUs and other these troubled times will almost certainly guarantee
- - - ,", :a at Andrews AFB, Maryland, operators of units as and when required, but one special group- the US Marines a place in the public eye for the
:-= r".s ient's 'Air Force One' which becomes ing is maintained at Camp Pendleton, California, for foreseeable {uture. While their long history of
',',- ^: One' when the chief executive is flying the specific support of the 7th Marine Amphibious achievement on the battlefield is an established
....'. e iS Marine Corps aircraft; this squadron is Brigade and the 1st Marine Division as part of the matter of record, members of the US Marine Corps
.: - ::ed w th the VH-53D, VH-46F and VH-1 N, all of RDJTF. This is the 1st Force Service Support Group. belleve (and seem to be right) that they will have
., - :- -ave been seen landing on and taking off It contains among its various components a number ample opportunity to add future achievements to
'-:-_ :^e Whrte House lawn. o{ units equlpped with materlal-handling equipment thelr long list of laurels.

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