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Armed Forces of the World

- couple of other SAC units are ocated o!a-seas,
-ese also falling within the numbereci A r ;orces
i cn ;o' de very oi grav ty weapons Avion
mprovements r,vil enhance the survivabi ty of the

,:railed earlier. These units are respons b e fcr a r B-52 fleet rn the near- to mid-term, but ong-term
=-relling support and sirategc recol-a sra-ce. planning currently antic pates those B-52s whlch are
-rderson AFB, Guam, is home to tne 3r-d A r st ll rn servlce in the 1990s berng mainly emp oyed in
I vision (1sth Air Force) which has a sing e Strategic the stand-off role, responsibility for penetration
.l:ng on the same base with B-52s as we I as the falling upon the B-1 B and the 'AT' (Advanced
j76th SW at Kadena, the latter having some RC- Technology) or'Stealth', bomber.
.35s lncorporating some elements of 'Stealth' tech-
with the B2nd SRS and a mlxed f leet of KC-
.35As nology, the B-1 B will be the first new purpose-buit
and KC-135Os with the 909th Air Ref uelling
,.quadron. ln Europe, the 7th Air Drvision (8th Air aircraft to join the SAC inventory for over 25 years be ng ab y suoporiej 3\ . ---.-:"
:crce) at Ramstein oversees the actrvities of a when it begins to enter servlce with the 96th BW at Trpeope':Leo o. f\C ; - -:-:.
-umber of units rncluding the 306th SW at RAF Dyess AFB, Texas, during 1985. Current pianning s another veteran, ana :--:': :-: r: -- - : :
'.llldenhall, Suffolk, with rotationaltankers; the 11th calls for the acquisition of exactly 100 aircraft by n p-O.e Oe'O'-J C- : I :
-itrategic Group at RAF Fairford, Glos, also with mid-1 9BB and lt will bring about a sgnificant and -ea^s o 'e-F'q - -g :. r
'otational tankers; and the '17th Reconnaissance long-overdue improvernent on both the nuclear and gam-es. ?e.-.r--: .,
.Ving at RAF Alconbury, Cambs, which rn the conventional bombing f ronts with effect f rom June conf ined lo : .it. : ''. '

3utumn of '1983 had three of a planned total of 1B 1986, when the first 15 aircraft are expected to Pratt & Whtney -T-31 -.-':,'.-:,- : - .-
-R-1 s for battlefield surverllance and other recon- attain initial operational capability.
raissance functions. RC-135s from the 55th SRW Existing miss le forces have aiso been subject to
:1so routinely operate from Mildenhall and Helleni- some mprovements in recent years, this effort
(on, Athens, on a temporary duty basis, whilst being devoted mainly to enhanced target selection
SAC's other reconnaissance unit, the gth SRW, capability and siio upgradrng to provide improved
raintains detachments of U-2Rs and/or SR-7'1As at protection against blast and electro-magnetic pulse known as the KC.l 3:r -'-.
(adena, Mildenhall, Osan (on TDY from Kadena), effects. But once again, the two basic weapons t'.a s at Ednards A'5 '.'. -
Akrotiri and Patrick. (lvlinuteman and Titan) are essentially old systems. tO l€tTlo n T f'O l- -( :. . '
With regard to the bomber force, the Short-Range Deployment of the new ME\l-l 1B Peacekeeper ce^lLr). b-I oI-e-:--- .: -- :
\ttack Missile (SRAM) has, in conjunction with lCBlvl, each of whrch will carry l0 rndependently sho-tage o'ta-Le'
gravityJall nuclear bombs, been the predominant targeted warheads, will go some way towards ol tne McDo-re L -- =. -
.^/eapon system of recent years but increasing closing the so-called 'wlndow of vulnerability' from l,:= ' - ,. - - -
to 20 aircraft oi rh s -
loubts about the ability of the B-52 to survive in the 1986, when the first 40 missiles are expected to go t^al wi ler€-I-d,. ':'.' '

'ace of Soviet defences has resulted in a shift in on alert. ln the meantrme, the Minuteman wtll con- comb nes w th an i.r-:'=.. . = :
chilosophy coincident with deployment of the tlnue in servlce, no less than 'l ,000 missiles of this txtendera \,aJao.c :-r.' "
3oeinq AGM-86B ALCM {Air-Launched Cruise type being operational with six Miss le Wings. Of KC-IO benQ po'tc-c.:
Vissile). Recently introduced to operational service this total, 450 are s ngle-warhead LGh/l-30F Minute- support of tactlca alrcra': :-:.:.
,vith the 416th BW at Griffiss AFB, New York, and man lls, the balance being LGM-30G Minuteman llls deployments wh ch are -:
:armarked for some 200 B-52s as well as the forth- with MIRV (Multiple lndependently-targeted USAF operations
:oming Rockwell B-18, ALCM will permit the Re-entry Vehicle) capability, each having three Mk
Stratofortress fleet to operate in either'stand-off' or 12 warheads; p ans are now in hand to update 50
shoot and penetrate' modes, the former envisaging LGM-3OFs to MIRV standard, an action whlch
ALCM-armed B-52s launchrng missiles from a posi- should more than compensate for the loss of 52 A Boeing KC- l 35QStraroranke: oi ::.: . ; .
. on of relative saf ety outside Soviet territory whilst LGIV-25C Tltans. Earmarked for wthdrawal by transfers specialJPZ fuel rc a Lo--i.- e+ -- --.:
.he latter involves f iring of mrssiles before penetra- 1987, the Titan is SAC's oldest ICBM, dating to the Blackbird of the 9th SRW.

i :.;=.-::=+=::=:': :l':=: j

r..: :'"=- :
?tA-. F
A Martin Marietta MEM- I I I Peacekeeper ICBM is
test launched. The mksile has l0 independently-
targeted re-entry vehicles, meaning that each
mrssi,le can engage 10 widely separated targets.

47th AD, Fairchild AFB, Wa

24 SRS (RC-1 35)
TDY (KC-1 s5)
92nd BW, Fairchild AFB,Wa
325 BS (B-52c)
43/92 ARS*iKC-1 35A)
32fth BW, MatherAFB,Ca
441 BS (B-52c)
904ARS (KC-1 35A)
341st SMW Malmstrom AFB, Mt
1 0/1 2/490 SMS {LGM-30F)

564SMS (LGM-30G)
57th AD, MinotAFB, ND
sth BW, MinotAFB, ND
23 BS (B-52H)
906ARS (KC-1 35A)
28th BW, Ellsworth AFB, SD
77 BS (B-52H)
28ARS (KC-1 35A)
4ACCS (EC-135A"iclc)
zl4th SMW, Ellsworth AFB, SD
66/67/68 SMS {LGM-30F)
91stSMW, MinotAFB, ND
740/7411742 SMS (LGM-30c)


7th Air Division, Ramstein AB, West Germany
1 1th Strategic Group, Fairford, UK (TDY KC-135A)
1 7th Reconnaissance Wing, Alconbury, UK
95th RS (TR-lA)
34th Support Squadron, Zaragoza AB, Spain (TDY KC-
1 35)

306 StrategicWing, Mildenhall, UK (TDY RG/KC-135,SR-

922nd SS, Hellenikon Airpon, Athens, Greece (TDY RC-
1gth AD, CarswellAFB, Tx
7th BW, CarswellAFB,Tx
9/20 BS (B-52H)
TABS (KC-135A)
340th ARG,AltusAFB, Ok
1 1 ABSiKC-l35A)
381st SMW, lvlcconnell AFB. Ks
532/533 SMS {LGM-25C)
384th ARW, Mcconnell AFB, Ks
91/384ARS (KC-1 35A)
308th SMW, Little RockAFB,Ar
373/374 SMS iLGM-25C)
351st SMW, Whiteman AFB, Mo
508/509i51 0 SMS (LGM-30F)
40th AD,Wurtsmith AFB, Mi
379th BW, Wurtsmhh AFB, Mi
524 BS (B-52G)
319th BW. Grand Forks AFB. ND
92oARS (KC-1 35Ai
410th BW, K.l. SawyerAFB, Mi
905ARS (KC-1 35A) 644 BS (B-52Hi
8th Air Force, Barksdale AFB, La 446/4471448 SMS (LGM-30G) 416th BW, GriffissAFB, NY
1Sth Air Force, March AFB, Ca 1 2th AD, Dyess AFB, Tx 668 BS (B-52c)
22nd ARW, March AFB, Ca 41 ARS (KC-1 35A)
1st Strategic Aerospace Division,
Vandenberg AFB, Ca I ARS (KC-1 0A) 42nd AD, Blytheville AFB. Ar
22ARS (KC-1 35A) 2nd BW, BarksdaleAFB, La
1 st Combat Evaluation Group, Barksdale 55th SBW, OffuttAFB, Ne 62/596 BS (B-52c)
AFB, LA 1 ACCS (E-4A/B) 32 ARS (KC-1 0A)
2 ACCS (EC-1 35C) 71 ARS(KC-l35A)
544th Strategic lntelligence Wing. Offutt AFB.
343 SRS (RC-1 35) 1gth ARG, RobinsAFB, Ga
Ne 96th BW, Dyess AFB,Tx 91 2ARS (KC-1 35A)
3902nd Air Base Wing, Offutt AFB, Ne 337 BS iB-52H) 68th ARG, SeymoutrJohnson AFB, NC
390th SMW, Davis-Monthan AFB,Az 97th BW, BlythevilleAFB,Ar
VANDENBERG AFB, CA 570/571 SMS (LGM-25C) 340 BS (B-52G)
394th ICBM Test Maintenance Squadron 14th AD, Beale AFB, Ca 97 ARS iKC-1 35A)
431 5th Combat CrewTraining Squadron 9th SRW, Beale AFB, Ca 305th ARW, Grissom AFB,In
4392nd Aerospace Support Group 1 SRS iSR-71A,/8. T-38A) 70 ABS iEC-1 35G/Li
99 SRS (U-2R) 305 ARS (KC-1 35A,/D)
4029 SRTS (TR-1 A/8. U-2CT) 45th AD, PeaseAFB, NH
3rd AD, Andersen AFB, Guam 349/350ARS (KCr 35O) 42nd BW, Loring AFB, Me
43rd SW, AndersenAFB, Guam Det 1 - Kadena, Okinawa (SR-7 1 A) 69 BS (B-52G)
60 BS (B-52H) Det 2-Osan. Korea (U-2R) 421407 ARS (KC-1 35A)
TDY {KC-1 35A) Det 3 -Akrotiri, Cyprus (U-28) 380th BW, Plattsburgh AFB, NY
376th SW, Kadena AB, Okinawa Det4-Mildenhall, UK(SR-71A) 528/529 BS (FB-1 1 1A)
909 ARS (KC-1 35AJO) Det5 PatrickAFB, Fl(U-2R) 4007 ccTS{FB-1 1 1A)
82 SRS (RC-1 35) 93rd BW, CastleAFB,Ca 31 0/380ARS {KC-l 35A)
4th AD, F.E. Warren AFB, Wy 328 BS (B-52G) 5o9th BW, PEASEAFB, NH
90th SMW, F.E. Watren AFB,Wy 401 7 CCTS {B-52G) 393/7158S(FB-111A)
31 9/320/3211400 SMS tLGM-30G) 93/924 ARS iKCr 35A) 509 ARS (KC-1 35A)

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