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Received June 30, 2021, accepted July 21, 2021, date of publication July 27, 2021, date of current

version August 6, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3100773

Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost

Software-Defined Radio Dongles
1 TICLab, College of Engineering & Architecture, International University of Rabat, Rabat 11103, Morocco
2 ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat 10000, Morocco
3 Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, U.K.
4 Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Corresponding author: Yassine Ben-Aboud (

This work was supported in part by Belgium Ministry of Cooperation through the Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad - Universitaire
Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (VLIR-UOS) Program by the MoreAir Project under Grant MA2017TEA446A101.

ABSTRACT With the increasing use of wireless communication technologies, it is important to monitor
electromagnetic exposure (ideally with high temporal and spatial resolutions). In this paper, we explore the
use of low-cost software-defined radio dongle for electro-smog measurements and more specifically for
electro-magnetic fields power measurements and the estimation of the incident power density. We describe
how the raw data is collected and then compute the average electromagnetic field power. We then compensate
for the non-linearity of the amplifier and the antenna gain to get the corrected electromagnetic field power
measurements. We use these measurements to estimate the incident power density which is the metric that
we use to evaluate the electro-smog. The results show that the considered low-cost SDR dongle is stable and
provides good quality power measurements. The estimation of the incident power density is shown to be
accurate enough for monitoring the electro-smog.

INDEX TERMS Electro-smog, Internet of Things, low-cost sensors, sensor systems, signal processing.

I. INTRODUCTION to continuously monitor them and study their evolution, espe-

Electro-Smog (or electro-magnetic pollution) refers to all cially in urban areas.
man-made electromagnetic radiation present in our sur- A wide range of studies has been carried out to quantify
rounding environment. According to the International Com- electro-smog exposure. In [16], Sorgucu et al. used a Spec-
mission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), tran HF-6065 EMF meter to collect electro-smog levels at
electromagnetic pollution is increasing due to the fast and 80 points in Erciyes University (Turkey). They found that the
continuous development and deployment of new wireless highest measured exposure was around 2.5% of the ICNIRP
technologies [1]. Thus it is important to monitor its growth. limit.
Many studies have been conducted to investigate the Similarly in [17], Tuysuz et al. used a calibrated EMF
effects of EMF exposure on health. The studies are divided meter (Narda SRM-3006) on a larger scale. They collected
between the ones that reported evidence of adverse health 155 measurements at 43 different locations near GSM sta-
effects (e.g. [2]–[7]) and the ones that show insignificant or tions during November 2014 in Rize city, Turkey. They estab-
no health effects (e.g. [5], [8]–[13]). In [14], Leach et al. pre- lished an electro-magnetic pollution map for the city and
sented a novel database of 1485 peer-reviewed studies show- showed that The ICNIRP limits were respected in most of
ing bio-effects from non-ionizing radiations. A summary of the city. But numerous hot-spots were detected, especially in
relevant studies is reported by the Scientific Committee on buildings that are not respecting the required safety distance
Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to the GSM towers. Another similar work is presented in [18]
in [15]. While there is still no consensus on whether or not where Dhami et al. collected measurements in the city of
typical EMF radiations cause health hazards, it is important Chandigarh, India. They also showed that all measurements
report exposure levels below the ICNIRP limits. Other studies
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and explored the use of the personal electromagnetic field mon-
approving it for publication was Chin-Feng Lai . itor (or personal exposimeter of PEMs) for accurate EMF
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 9, 2021 For more information, see 107149
Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

exposure measurements. In [19], Miguel-Bilbao et al. present

a protocol to provide measurements of electro-smog, avoid-
ing the uncertainties associated with the use of PEMs thus
improving their use. Similarly, Gryz et al. analyze in [20] the
effect of the human body on the measurements of wearable
PEMs and the role of their location in accurately assessing
the electro-smog.
FIGURE 1. RTL-SDR RTL2832UDVB-T tuner dongle.
In the literature, a practical and widely used metric for
EMF exposure is the incident power density (W /m2 ), which
to the expensive EMF-meters for EMF power measurement.
is usually measured using EMF meters [21]. The ICNIRP [1]
The authors demonstrated that the amplifier of the RTL-SDR
uses this metric to evaluate their basic restrictions, namely the
is not linear. This non-linearity should be accounted for and
whole-body average specific energy absorption rate (SAR),
corrected. The goal of our paper is to further evaluate the
the local SAR (100 kHz to 6 GHz), the local specific energy
RTL-SDR as an EMF power data sensor and then use it to
absorption (SA) (400 MHz to 6 GHz), and the local absorbed
estimate the incident power density.
energy density (6 GHz to 300 GHz). In [4], Kundi et al. used
In Section II, we describe the EMF power measure-
the same metric in their study and concluded that an incident
ment process followed by the electro-smog estimation. This
power density around 0.5–1 mW /m2 must be exceeded to
includes the hardware selection, the EMF power correction,
observe long-term health effects. The wide use of this metric
and reference level estimation. In Section III, we present
suggests that it is a reliable metric for assessing the electro-
the results of our experimental evaluations. Conclusions and
smog. We have therefore based our work on this metric.
future directions are presented in Section IV.
The use of a high-end calibrated EMF-meter guarantees the
accuracy of the collected data. However, good EMF meters II. MEASUREMENT METHOD
cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars making their In this section, we describe our measurement process.
large-scale deployment very expensive. Another approach is We start with a brief description of the sensing unit, followed
the use of low-cost sensors, trading off some of the accuracies by how the EMF power is measured and corrected. Finally,
for a high density of sensors which allows for a higher spatial we describe how the incident power density is estimated.
The software-defined radio dongles are continuously gain- A. SENSING UNIT
ing in popularity. They cost as low as 20$ with the ability to The main component of our system is the Software Defined
scan up to 1700MHz for the low-end ones, and up to 6GHz Radio (SDR) (Fig. 1). We use the RTL-SDR RTL2832U
for the more sophisticated ones. An example of studies done DVB-T Tuner Dongle [29]. In addition to its low price,
with these dongles is presented in [22], where Rahman et al. it allows us to collect power measurements for frequencies
explored the use of the cheap RTL-SDR dongles as spec- ranging from 24MHz up to 1766MHz, with sampling rates
trum analyzers. They highlighted the advantages of using up to 3.2MS/s (Mega Samples per second), thus offering a
these devices (cost-effectiveness, portability. . . ). Their results good trade-off between accessibility and bandwidth.
show that the RTL-SDR dongles are a promising low-cost In order for the RTL-SDR to convert the signal into power
candidate for these kinds of applications. A similar study measurements, It uses an RT820 Tuner and an RTL2832U
is presented in [23], [24]. A notable case study on the chip. For a desired central frequency, the tuner chip produces
use of these dongles is the Electrosense project [25]. It is an intermediate frequency (IF) 4-6 MHz signal. The IF sig-
a crowd-sourcing spectrum monitoring platform using the nal is fed to the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of the
cheap RTL-SDR dongle to monitor a wide spectrum of fre- RTL2832U chip where it is sampled at 28 MHz. The resulting
quencies to ensure spectrum equality. In Electrosense+ [26], signal is digitally mixed with a locally generated 5 MHz
its successor, Calvo-Palomino et al. uses the centralized signal, with phases of 0 and 90 degrees (quadrature mixer).
architecture of the Electrosense platform and builds a real- The mixed signals are low-pass filtered with two cascaded
time peer-to-peer communication system for scalable spec- filters (with a combined cutoff frequency of 1.2 MHz) and
trum data decoding. The authors also introduce a reward down-sampled to a configurable sample rate (up to 3.2MS/s).
system to encourage people to host the Electrosense+ IoT The resulting signal is digitized and the resulting IQ sam-
sensors. These two projects highlight the potential of using ples are then sent to the PC via a USB link (Fig. 2). Note
the cheap RTL-SDR for large-scale deployments. that another popular RTL-SDR dongles’ design uses the
As part of the MoreAir Project [27] where we focus on E4000 tuner chip instead of the RT820; the main difference is
the use of low-cost sensors to assess and understand pol- that the quadrature mixer is on the tuner chip (analog) instead
lution in urban areas. We describe in this paper how we of the RTL2832U chip.
quantify the electro-smog in terms of incident power density
using a low-cost SDR dongle. Our work is motivated by the B. POWER MEASUREMENT
promising results of [28] where Reynders et al. presented an The RTL-SDR dongle provides the information about the
evaluation of the low-cost RTL-SDR dongle as an alternative EMF signal in a set of In-phase quadrature (IQ) samples

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

FIGURE 2. SDR dongle breakdown (144-146 MHz example) [31].

FIGURE 3. Experiment setup 1 - EMF power source directly linked to the


(complex form). To be able to estimate the incident power FIGURE 4. Effect of the warm-up process of the RTL-SDR.
density, a measurement of the EMF power is necessary. Let
Xf = {xf ,i }i∈[1,N ] be the set of samples collected for central
frequency f , with N being the number of samples. Equa-
tion (1) describes how the average power P̄f is measured (in
1 X |xf ,i |2
P̄f = (1)
2N Z

where Z is the system’s input impedance (50 in the case

of the RTL-SDR dongles). Throughout this paper, the power
is averaged over a duration 0.1ms. The RTL-SDR dongle
requires a warm-up period of around 15 minutes before pro-
viding consistent data. To demonstrate this, we plugged a
cold RTL-SDR dongle directly into an Aaronia BPSG RF
generator using a cable, to eliminate antennas-induced noise
(se Fig. 3). We then used Python with pyrtlsdr library to
extract and process the IQ samples from the RTL-SDR. FIGURE 5. Visualization of the amplifier non linearity.
To show the warm-up effect, We generate a −30dBm
continuous wave at 900MHz and take 40000 power measure- wave of −30dBm at 900MHz and collected data with different
ments using the cold RTL-SDR to capture the impact the RF gain settings (denoted by gRF ). By subtracting the RF
warm-up process has on the measurements. The measure- gain from the measured EMF power, the EMF power should
ments (Fig. 4) show that this step alone reduces the error normally be equal to that of the originally generated wave
by up to 2dBm for −30dBm signals. Thus, all the RTL-SDR (i.e. −30dmb). However, our experiment shows that a signif-
measurements in this paper will be collected after the warm- icant offset is present as shown in Fig. 5, which depicts the
up period. collected average power measurements (P̄f ) and the power
The EMF power measurement provided by the RTL-SDR measurements after subtracting the RF gain (P̄f −gRF ) versus
dongle P̄f is a function of the real EMF power which is the the reference generated signal power(−30dBm).
quantity that we are interested in, the RF gain, and the antenna With a linear amplifier, P̄f − gRF should be reduced to the
gain. We will next investigate these parameters and how they original −30dBm power. However, the difference is signifi-
can be corrected P̄f to estimate the real EMF Power. cant and must be accounted for.
We followed a similar procedure to that of
1) AMPLIFIER NON LINEARITY Reynders et al. in [28]. For a given frequency and RF gain
The RTL-SDR dongle offers the possibility of setting dif- setting, we compute the difference between the expected dif-
ferent values of the RF-gain. However, as demonstrated by ference P̄f −gRF (which is equal to the power of the generated
Reynders et al. in [28], the power measured by the RTL-SDR signal, i.e. −30 dBm) and the power measured using the
does not vary linearly with the RF gain setting. To show dongle. we repeat this process 100 times. This experiment
this, we used the setup in fig. 3. We generate a continuous was done over frequencies ranging from 400 to 1000 MHz.

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

FIGURE 6. Power offset over different RF gain settings. FIGURE 7. Power offset variation per received power.

We then associate the measured average difference to the the electro-smog (in Urban areas, EMF radiations are gen-
corresponding frequency and RF gain setting. We define erated from different sources). For every frequency, two runs
O = {og }g∈[0,50] as the set of values mapping the set of RF of measurements were taken and averaged. Fig. 8a shows two
Gains (0 to 50 dB) to their associated power offsets (shown runs of measurements of the frequency response, and fig. 8b
in fig. 6). shows the estimated antenna gain.
This offset is power-dependent, meaning that it varies We apply a centered moving average (equation (3)) to
depending on the received power. We verified this by repeat- filter out the outliers and use the smoothed result as our
ing the same experiment with different generated EMF pow- frequency-gain map Ĝ, given by
ers and compare the resulting offsets. Fig. 7 shows that indeed  Pf +w
j=f −w φ̂j

the offset per RF gain differs between different received
Ĝ = (3)
power values, but the differences are in the order of 1dBm; w f ∈F
hence, the average of these offsets is used to associate each
where w is the moving average filter’s window size. 9)
RF gain setting to a power offset (power offset mapping) to
correct the amplifier non-linearity.
Using the Friis Equation [32], we model the received power
Pf as a function of the transmitter power Pt,f , the gains
Antennas with different designs resonate differently with
of the transmitter and receiver (φt,f and φf respectively),
each frequency thus affecting the conversion efficiency of the
the frequency f , and the distance between transmitter and
EMF waves into electrical power which translates into differ-
receiver d as shown in equation (4)
ent power measurements. The antenna gain determines the
efficiency of this process and is thus another factor that influ-

ences the received power measurement. Correctly estimating Pf = Pt,f φt,f φf (4)
the antenna gain is thus crucial because it is used to correct
the EMF power, and to estimate the incident power density In our application, we have multiple transmitters at dif-
through the estimation of the effective area. To keep the cost ferent distances and with different transmission powers and
of the sensor low, we used a low-cost dipole antenna. Let antenna gains. Let M be the number of transmitters and T =
F = [300 MHz, 2600 MHz] denote the range of frequencies {Ti }i∈[1,M ] the set of transmitters. Each transmitter Ti has a
of interest (the majority of low-cost SDR dongles’ frequency transmission power PTi ,f , antenna gain φTi ,f , and a distance
bands fall within this range). For this purpose, We measure dTi to the receiver. The total received power is then expressed
the frequency response of the antenna at different frequencies as
(denoted ρf ) from which we estimate the antenna gain φ̂f over XM 
the range of frequencies F. Pf = φf PTi ,f φTi ,f (5)
4πdTi f
8̂ = φ̂f = 10 log10 (ginit ∗ (1 − |ρf |2 )) f ∈F

We are interested in measuring the total EMF power at
where ginit is the initial gain (gain of a lossless dipole the location of the receiving antenna represented by PT ,f =
PM 2
i=1 PTi ,f φTi ,f 4πdTi f . In other words, it is the total power
antenna). We did not include the antenna angle as a parameter
in the gain estimation because of the multi-source nature of that a human located at the receiving antenna will be exposed

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

FIGURE 8. Antenna measurements and gain estimations.

FIGURE 9. Antenna gain mapping.

FIGURE 10. EMF exposure estimation method.

to. Working with decibels, the received measurement can be
After correcting the EMF power measurement, we focus
(Pf )dB = (φf )dB + (PT ,f )dB (6) now on estimating the incident power density (Sf ). We first
estimate the antenna’s effective area (Âf ) for a frequency f
In practice, using an RTL-SDR with an RF Gain value gRF
based on the estimated antenna gain φ̂f using the equation
(which will generate a power offset ogRF ), and an antenna φ̂f
gain φf at frequency f , the power measurement produced at c2 10 10
frequency f can be expressed as Âf = 2 (9)
f 4π
(P¯f )dB = (φf )dB + gRF + ogRF + (PT ,f )dB (7) Then we estimate the incident power density using the cor-
rected EMF power measurement and the estimated effective
To estimate the total EMF power PT ,f , we correct the area
P̂T ,f
measurement by subtracting the estimated influences (in dB) Ŝf = (10)
(P̂T ,f )dB = (P¯f )dB − (φ̂f )dB − ogRF − gRF (8)
Using this model, we estimate the total power to which the The work carried out can be summarized as follows. We first
receiving antenna is exposed to. compute the average power P̄f from a set of measurements

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

FIGURE 11. Experiment setup 2 - EMF power source transmitting using hyperlog antenna.

(0.1ms time window) as described in equation (1). Then,

the average EMF power is corrected using the power offset
(O) and antenna gain (Ĝ) maps (which are obtained experi-
mentally) as described in equation (8). The antenna’s effec-
tive area Âf is estimated using the antenna gain, which in turn
is used along with the corrected EMF power measurement
P̂Tf to estimate the incident power density Ŝf . Fig. 10 summa-
rizes the complete incident power density estimation process
for a central frequency f .

Here, we present the set of experiments undertaken to eval-
uate the RTL-SDR dongle as an electro-smog measurement


We start by evaluating the consistency of the EMF power FIGURE 12. Histogram of a sample set of measurements’ error.
measurements provided by the RTL-SDR. In other words,
we evaluate the dongle’s inherent measurement noise. Toward 7060 antenna and plugged the low-cost antenna into both the
this objective, we use the setup shown in fig. 3. We generate RTL-SDR dongle and the Aaronia Spectran HF6065 spec-
continuous waves (CW) signals with different EMF powers trum analyzer (Fig. 11).
(−10, −20, −30, and −40 dBm) and collect 10000 measure- Using this setup, we generated different EMF power sig-
ments for each one. We consider the generated power as a nals at different frequencies which are transmitted to the
reference to compare against. We use the difference between RTL-SDR dongle and the Aaronia Spectran HF6065 spec-
the reference value and the mean of the measurements (bias), trum analyzer via the Hyperlog antenna. We evalu-
standard deviation σ and the root mean squared error (RMSE) ate the incident power density estimation against the
to quantify the quality of the measurements. The experiment measurements provided by the reference EMF meter.
is done for frequencies ranging from 400 MHz to 1000 MHz; We start with a similar theoretical evaluation to the
the average performance is summarized by an average mean one presented by Miguel Bilbao et al. in [33]. We use the
absolute error and average σ over the frequency range. Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test to compare the cumulative
density functions (CDF) of the estimation and reference
2) EXPERIMENT 2 - RTL-SDR POWER OFFSET CORRECTION measurements. We want to verify whether our estimations
We use the same setup as above, generating a −30dBm con- and the reference measurements are drawn from the same
tinuous wave at different frequencies to be used as a reference distribution (which is our null hypothesis). The computed
signal to evaluate the correction process. For every frequency, p-value of the KS test is an indicator of the goodness of fit
we collect 1000 measurements per RF-gain setting. We then between CDFs. We consider a significance level of 5%.
correct them by subtracting the RF-gain setting value and Then, we numerically evaluate the estimations against the
its associated power offset, and evaluate the output using reference measurements using the coefficient of determina-
the mean absolute error (MAE) and Root mean square error tion R2 , MAE, and RMSE as error metrics.
3) EXPERIMENT 3 - ELECTRO-SMOG REFERENCE LEVEL In this section, we present the experimental results of the
ESTIMATION experiments described above.
In this setup, and in order to present a comparison of our
system against calibrated ones, we use the Aaronia spectran A. RTL-SDR POWER MEASUREMENT VALIDITY
HF6065 spectrum analyzer as our reference. We plugged the Here, we evaluate the quality and consistency of the EMF
Aaronia BPSG signal generator into a directional HyperLog power measurements provided by the RTL-SDR.

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

TABLE 1. Measurement error evaluation at 900MHz frequency.

TABLE 2. Results over the testing frequencies.

We present a sample of the results from the first experiment

conducted at 900MHz with different generated EMF powers
(−10, −20, −30, and −40dBm). Fig. 12 shows a histogram
of the sample measurements’ errors (10000 measurements at
−30dBm). Since the measurement errors follow a normal dis-
tribution, the chosen metrics (i.e. measurement bias, standard
deviation, and RMSE) are suitable for this evaluation. FIGURE 13. Power offset correction example.
Table 1 shows the results of experiment 1 for 900MHz.
It shows that the RTL-SDR can measure EMF power at
900MHz with an average bias of ±0.34dBm. Since the errors
follow a normal distribution, the low standard deviation (σ )
values show that in 95% of the cases the errors fall within
±0.024dBm from the bias. These results are promising since
we have less than 0.4dBm error at −30dBm with a very small
standard deviation which shows that the measurements are
accurate and consistent.
To generalize the results, Table 2 shows a summary of the
results of experiment 1 repeated for the other frequencies
(400 to 1000 MHz).
This first set of experiments shows that the quality of EMF
power measurements of the RTL-SDR dongle is accurate
and consistent (Average MAE of 0.441dBm with Average
σ = 0.023dBm), thus validating its use as an EMF power
measurement device.
FIGURE 14. Sample electro-smog exposure estimation evaluation.

B. RTL-SDR POWER OFFSET CORRECTION averaged over all frequencies and RF-gain settings show good
As a first test, we use the obtained power offset map (fig. 7) results, thus validating the amplifier non-linearity correction
on the data presented in fig. 5. We can see in fig. 13 that the process.
offset is correctly adjusted.
Table 3 shows the results of experiment 2 in terms of MAE C. ELECTRO-SMOG REFERENCE LEVEL ESTIMATION
of the corrected measurement against the generated EMF To evaluate the incident power density estimation, we per-
power. It covers the tested frequencies and RF-Gain settings. form experiment 3 and compare its performance against that
The results show error averages in the order of 0.3dBm with of the calibrated Aaronia Spectran HF6065. We start by show-
0.88dBm at gRF = 12.5dB being the highest error. ing a sample measurement from experiment 3 at 900 MHz to
We repeated the same experiment for −25dBm generated visualise the accuracy of our estimation method (see Fig. 14).
power. In addition to the MAE, we computed the RMSE as The estimation shows a visually good fit to the reference
a second error metric. Table 4 shows the average MAE and data, which is numerically translated to an R2 of 0.994,
RMSE for different frequencies. We can see that both metrics an MAE of 12.202 µW /m2 and an RMSE of 8.107. The CDFs

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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

TABLE 3. MAE and RMSE values of the power offset correction per RF-setting.

TABLE 5. Numerical evaluation of the electro-smog estimation process.

With an average R2 of 0.996 and low MAE and RMSE

values, the RTL-SDR dongle combined with our estimation
method is shown to provide an estimate of incident power
density measurement whose error in the order of 12µW /m2
compared to the reference system.
Electromagnetic pollution (electro-smog) is a relatively new
FIGURE 15. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the estimation
concern related to the modern human activity and heavy use
of wireless communications. To help quantify the electro-
TABLE 4. MAE values of the power offset correction per RF-setting.
smog, we proposed a method of estimating the incident power
density using EMF power measurements from a low-cost
SDR dongle. We described how the average EMF power is
measured using the SDR dongle. Using a signal generator,
we showed that the SDR dongle is capable of providing EMF
measurements within 0.5dBm from the reference values, after
a warm-up period of around 15 minutes. This first result
is key because it validates the considered SDR dongle as
an EMF power measurement device, which is necessary for
subsequent estimation processes.
Next, we have experimentally shown that the amplifier
of the incident power density estimations and the reference of the SDR dongle is nonlinear. We have addressed this
measurements are presented in fig. 15. issue by associating every RF gain setting to its power offset
The figure shows that both the estimation and reference (power offset map), which we have averaged over different
CDFs follow similar distributions which can be approxi- frequencies and received EMF power signals. The evaluation
mated with a gamma distribution. This is backed up with the shows that the amplifier non-linearity can be accounted for
KS-test, which provided a D-statistic of 0.05 with a p-value and the power measurement can be kept under 0.5dBm from
of 0.13 which is above the 0.05 significance level. We hence the reference signal for all RF gain settings.
retain the null hypothesis that both the reference system’s After validating the power measurement of the SDR don-
measurements and the estimations obtained using our method gle, we introduced a low-cost antenna. The gain of the
were drawn from the same distribution. latter influences the power measurement which has to be
To thoroughly evaluate the estimation process, we repeated accounted for. To do so, we estimated the antenna gain based
experiment 3 for the frequencies of interest. Table 5 shows on its frequency response over all frequencies of interest and
numerical results of the evaluation in terms of MAE, RMSE, subtracted it from the measurements to get the real EMF
and coefficient of determination (R2 ). power values.

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on human alpha rhythms: Resting EEG in adolescents, young adults, and
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Y. Ben-Aboud et al.: Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost SDR Dongles

[23] E. G. Sierra and G. A. Ramirez Arroyave, ‘‘Low cost SDR spectrum processing, machine learning, and wireless communication, in which he has
analyzer and analog radio receiver using GNU radio, raspberry Pi2 and published over 300 journals and conference papers. He held invited scien-
SDR-RTL dongle,’’ in Proc. 7th IEEE Latin-Amer. Conf. Commun. (LAT- tist/professor positions at Telecom Paris-Tech, France; NII, Japan; BUPT,
INCOM), Arequipa, Peru, Nov. 2015, pp. 1–6. China; University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain; ENSICA, Toulouse; Technical
[24] E. Santos-Luna, A. Prieto-Guerrero, R. Aguilar-Gonzalez, V. Ramos, University of Darmstadt, Germany; and Minnesota University, USA. He was
M. Lopez-Benitez, and M. Cardenas-Juarez, ‘‘A spectrum analyzer based a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM Technical Com-
on a low-cost hardware-software integration,’’ in Proc. IEEE 10th Annu. mittee, the IEEE Signal Processing Society SPTM Technical Committee, and
Inf. Technol., Electron. Mobile Commun. Conf. (IEMCON), Vancouver,
the IEEE Signal Processing Society SAM Technical Committee. He is cur-
BC, Canada, Oct. 2019, pp. 0607–0612.
rently a member of the Steering Committee of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL
[25] S. Rajendran, R. Calvo-Palomino, M. Fuchs, B. Van den Bergh,
H. Cordobes, D. Giustiniano, S. Pollin, and V. Lenders, ‘‘Electrosense:
Open and big spectrum data,’’ IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 56, no. 1, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship, in 2000, and the IBM
pp. 210–217, Jan. 2018. Faculty Award, in 2013. He organized many conferences and workshops,
[26] R. Calvo-Palomino, H. Cordobés, M. Engel, M. Fuchs, P. Jain, M. Liechti, including the 2019 Intelligent Environments Conference, the 2018 ITCities
S. Rajendran, M. Schäfer, B. V. D. Bergh, S. Pollin, D. Giustiniano, and Workshop, the 2013 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
V. Lenders, ‘‘Electrosense+: Crowdsourcing radio spectrum decoding and the 2010 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing for Advanced Wireless
using IoT receivers,’’ Comput. Netw., vol. 174, Jun. 2020, Art. no. 107231. Communications (SPAWC). In the past, he served as an Associate Editor
[27] I. Gryech, Y. Ben-Aboud, B. Guermah, N. Sbihi, M. Ghogho, and for Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING,
A. Kobbane, ‘‘MoreAir: A low-cost urban air pollution monitoring sys- IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, and Digital Signal Processing journal
tem,’’ Sensors, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 998, Feb. 2020. (Elsevier).
[28] B. Reynders, R. Iyare, and S. Rajendran, ‘‘Using cheap RTL-SDRs
formeasuring electrosmog,’’ in Proc. IEEE Symp. Commun. Veh. Technol.
(SCVT), Ghent, Belgium, Nov. 2018. [Online]. Available: https://limo. SOFIE POLLIN (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree (Hons.) from KU Leuven,
vid=Lirias&search_scope=Lirias&tab=default_tab&lang=en_US&from in 2006. From 2006 to 2008, she continued her
Sitemap=1 research on wireless communications, energy-
[29] (2020). About RTL-SDR. Accessed: Sep. 14, 2020. [Online]. Available: efficient networks, cross-layer design, coexis- tence, and cognitive radio at UC Berkeley. In 2008,
[30] (2020). Raspberrypi.Org. Accessed: Sep. 14, 2020. [Online]. Available: she returned to imec to become a Principal Scien- products/raspberry-pi-zero/ tist at Green Radio Team. She is currently an Asso-
[31] How RTL-SDR Dongles Work. Accessed: Aug. 32, 2020. [Online]. Avail- ciate Professor with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, KU Leuven. Her research interests
[32] H. T. Friis, ‘‘A note on a simple transmission formula,’’ Proc. IRE, vol. 34,
include networked systems that require networks that are ever more dense,
no. 5, pp. 254–256, May 1946.
[33] S. D. Miguel Bilbao, V. Ramos, and J. Blas, ‘‘Assessment of polarization heterogeneous, battery powered, and spectrum constrained. She is a BAEF
dependence of body shadow effect on dosimetry measurements in 2.4 GHz Fellow and a Marie Curie Fellow.
band,’’ Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 315–321, Dec. 2016, doi:
10.1002/bem.22030. ABDELLATIF KOBBANE (Senior Member,
IEEE) received the M.S. (research) degree in
computer science, telecommunication, and mul-
YASSINE BEN-ABOUD received the M.Sc. timedia from Mohammed V-Agdal University,
degree from the National School of Applied Sci- Rabat, Morocco, in 2003, and the joint Ph.D.
ences (ENSA), Kenitra, Morocco, in 2016. He is degree in computer science from Mohammed
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the V-Agdal University, and the University of Avi-
National School of Computer Science and Sys- gnon, France, in September 2008. He has
tems Analysis (ENSIAS), Rabat, Morocco, and been a Full Professor with the Ecole Nationale
the International University of Rabat (UIR), Rabat. Suprieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Sys-
In 2017, he joined the Laboratory of Information temes (ENSIAS), Mohammed V University, Rabat, since 2009. He is an
and Communication Technologies (TICLab), UIR, Adjunct Professor with the L2TI Laboratory, Paris 13 University, France.
where he is mainly working on the Internet of His research interests include wireless networking, performance evaluation
Things platforms for environmental monitoring. He is specialized in infor- using advanced technique in game theory, and MDP in wireless mobile
mation systems security, especially in wireless sensors networks’ security. networks: the IoT, SDN and NFV, 5G networks, resources management in
wireless mobile networks, cognitive radio, mobile computing, mobile social
networks, caching and backhaul problem, beyond 5G, and future networks.
MOUNIR GHOGHO (Fellow, IEEE) received the He is the author of several scientific publications in top IEEE conferences
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the National Poly- and journals, such as IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IWCMC, ICNC, and
technic Institute of Toulouse, France, in 1993 and IEEE WCNC. He has more than ten years of computer sciences and telecom
1997, respectively. He was an EPSRC Research experience, in Europe (France) and Morocco, in the areas of performances
Fellow with the University of Strathclyde, evaluation in wireless mobile networks, mobile cloud networking, cognitive
Scotland, from September 1997 to Novem- radio, ad-hoc networks, and future network 5G. He is a Senior Member
ber 2001. In December 2001, he joined the School of ComSoc IEEE, an Ex-Secretary of ExCom IEEE Morocco Section,
of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Univer- the Vice Chair of IEEE Communication Software Technical Committee,
sity of Leeds, England, where he was promoted and the Ex-President and the Founder of Association of Research in Mobile
to a Full Professor, in 2008. While still affiliated Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (MobiTic), Morocco. He is
with the University of Leeds, in 2010, he joined the International Univer- also the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICC 2020, the TPC Chair of Wireless
sity of Rabat, Morocco, where he is currently the Dean of the Doctoral Networking Symposium of the International Wireless Communications and
College and the Director of ICT Research Laboratory (TICLab). He is Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019), the General Co-Chair of
also the Co-Founder and the Co-Director of the CNRS-Associated Inter- WINCOM 2020 and 2015, and the Executive Chair of WINCOM 2017.
national Research Laboratory DataNet. His research interests include signal

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