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Assignment assessment

Academic practices
Topic : emotional intelligence
Full Name : Douae Chouiba
Level 4 business management

Nowadays people became curious about their psychological side that’s why
They start searching and asking about the level of their emotional intelligence
How did this word dominate in their mind and how it becames a huge topic to

Well as it mentionned at the beginning this skill is not oabtained by everybody

Because a lot of us used to be apprehensive about it which means that people used to live
randomly until they realise that they are inside of a society full of relationship and self
integrated for this reason emotional intelligence has been developed recently due to Hr fact
that social factors caused about it .

So first let’s defined the meaning of this term emotional intelligence is the ability to manage
both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you as well as it
help us to communicate well with others own the capacity how to deal with things in life
especially at some specific jobs like having a business ,being a teach or being a manager in
such an international company so all of them need a special energy that comes from
controlling the level of our emotional intelligence. It is very important to take care of those
small details inside of our brain that could either manage or destroy our daily life .
In another hand some companies now are trying to fix this issue with their employees by
testing their emotional intelligence because at the end they are responsible for every small
details in this organization in this point they set some components in order to help them
having this skill :
1. Self-awareness
Self-awareness is about recognising and understanding your emotions – what you’re feeling
and why – as well as appreciating how they affect those around you. It’s the basis of good
intuition and decision-making, helping you to instinctively make the right choices for you in all
aspects of life. Self-awareness is also about knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and
what is important to you – your values or moral compass.
2. Self-regulation
Once you’ve mastered emotional awareness, the next step is managing those emotions –
particularly the negative ones – effectively. Always treat others with respect and try to stay in
control. If you have a tendency to emotional outbursts, practise being calm: step back and
take a deep breath. It’s also important to stay true to your values, and hold yourself
personally accountable for any mistakes.
3. Motivation
The third ‘personal’ element, motivation is about your drive to improve and achieve: setting
high standards for yourself and working consistently towards your goals. Take the initiative:
be ready to act on opportunities as they come along, and practise being assertive.
Motivation is also about optimism and resilience, and finding the positive in a situation, even
– or especially – those that didn’t go well.
4. Empathy
A key interpersonal skill, empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and
see a situation from their perspective. As well as having an awareness of others’ feelings, it’s
important to acknowledge and respond to them – even if you don’t agree with them.
Respecting diversity and inclusion is a vital aspect of empathy, as is communication: pay
close attention to what you and others say, whether verbally or through body language.
5. Social skills
Often described as a ‘people person’, those who are socially skilled are adept at dealing with
others. They are trustworthy team players and confident communicators: as good at listening
to other people as they are at speaking themselves. They also make great leaders, inspiring
and motivating colleagues, managing change and resolving conflict effectively, and giving
praise where it’s due.

Professional development is one of four parts of the ACA. Our professional development
ladders prepare you to successfully handle different situations that you’ll encounter
throughout your career.

Emotional intelligence as well it , refers to perceiving, controlling, and evaluating emotions.

Some researchers propose that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened,
while others argue it is an inborn characteristic. Because living in this world signifies
interacting with many divers kinds or individual and constant changes with life changing
surplus . Being emotionally intelligent is key to how one react to what life throws it’s
furthermore fundamental element of compassion and comprehended the deeper reasons
behind other people s action.
Some student still ask why emotional intelligence is important ?
student with high EQ can communicate better, lessen their anxiety and stress, resolve
conflicts, improve relationships, empathize with others, and overcome life's challenges.
Students with higher levels of emotional intelligence can check on their emotions better and
be empathetic to others around them.
And as we know As we know, it's not the smartest people who are the most successful or
the most fulfilled in life. You probably know people who are academically brilliant and yet are
socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships in another hand
emotional intelligence has so many factors as some scientists said such as:
Your performance at school or work. High emotional intelligence can help you navigate the
social complexities of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in your career. In
fact, when it comes to gauging important job candidates, many companies now rate
emotional intelligence as important as technical ability and employ EQ testing before hiring.

Your physical health. If you're unable to manage your emotions, you are probably not
managing your stress either. This can lead to serious health problems. Uncontrolled stress
raises blood pressure, suppresses the immune system, increases the risk of heart attacks
and strokes, contributes to infertility, and speeds up the aging process. The first step to
improving emotional intelligence is to learn how to manage stress.

Your mental health. Uncontrolled emotions and stress can also impact your mental health,
making you vulnerable to anxiety and depression. If you are unable to understand, get
comfortable with, or manage your emotions, you'll also struggle to form strong relationships.
This in turn can leave you feeling lonely and isolated and further exacerbate any mental
health problems.
For this reasons and more people have to control their actions to test as well their emotional
intelligence and to be careful about it
Finally emotional intelligence for me is a part of our psychological system that push us to
dream about our future life and organise our plans that’s why I always keep in touch my
emotional intelligence trying to understand my self first then the others in order to build
strong relationships.


Businessballs (no date). Available at: (Accessed: April 28,


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