Inventory Replenishment Planning of A Distribution System

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Omega 102 (2021) 102356

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Inventory replenishment planning of a distribution system with

storage capacity constraints and multi-channel order fulfilment ✩
B. Dai a,b, H.X. Chen b,∗, Y.A. Li c, Y.D. Zhang c, X.Q. Wang c, Y.M. Deng c
School of Management, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha, China
Industrial Systems Optimization Laboratory, Charles Delaunay Institute, University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France
Alibaba Supply Chain Platform (ASCP), Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd, Hangzhou, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, an inventory replenishment planning problem in a two-echelon distribution system of Al-
Received 3 August 2019 ibaba with a central distribution centre (CDC) and multiple front distribution centers (FDCs) is studied.
Accepted 26 October 2020
In the system, the CDC replenishes its inventories of multiple products from external suppliers, while
Available online 2 November 2020
each FDC replenishes its inventories of the products from the CDC. These products are jointly replen-
Keywords: ished at each stock. This problem arises when Alibaba prepares its annual “double 11” promotion. Facing
Inventory management stochastic demands of the products in the promotion period, the objective of the problem is to optimally
Distribution systems determine the inventory replenishment quantities of the products for each stock before the promotion
Multi-channel order fulfilment so that the expected total profit of the system is maximized, subject to the storage capacity constraint
Optimization of each stock. During the promotion, customer orders may be fulfilled through multiple channels, that is,
E-commerce a customer order may be fulfilled by its local FDC, other FDCs, or the CDC. This stochastic optimization
problem is formulated as a convex nonlinear programming model and solved optimally by a piecewise
linear approximation approach. The effectiveness of the model and the approach is demonstrated by nu-
merical experiments on instances generated based on data of Alibaba. The results show that our model
can lead to a significantly higher expected total profit compared with a deterministic planning model.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction time delivery to customer orders in such a promotion with huge

demands, Alibaba adopted an “early product pushing down” re-
E-commerce has emerged as a major means for selling and plenishment strategy, where the inventories of fast-moving and
buying products in recent years. To increase market shares, e- best seller products were largely replenished at the ending stocks
commerce companies have to deliver goods to customers more (front distribution centres) of its multi-echelon distribution system
quickly at lower costs. This requires effective inventory manage- in advance for the sales of the promotion period. The inventory re-
ment in their distribution systems. As one of e-commerce giants plenishment in this distribution system and its order fulfilment has
in the world, Alibaba is trying to improve its inventory manage- two important features: multiple products are jointly replenished
ment in order to obtain competitive edges over other e-commerce at each stock and customer orders may be fulfilled through mul-
companies. tiple channels. Here, multi-channel order fulfilment means that a
To increase the sales and visibility of its on-line e-commerce customer order may be fulfilled by its local FDC, other FDCs, or the
marketplaces and, Alibaba has performed CDC. Current inventory replenishment planning of Alibaba for the
a huge promotion on November 11th every year since 2009. This double 11 promotion is made by applying a deterministic planning
well-known annual promotion is called ‘double 11 promotion’ in approach based on demand forecast similar to that of conventional
China. In 2018, the transaction volume of Alibaba in ‘double 11 Distribution Requirements Planning [22] without explicit consider-
promotion’ reached 213.5 billion RMB. To ensure a high rate of on- ation of demand uncertainty.
In this paper, we study an inventory replenishment planning
✩ problem arising from the annual “double 11” promotion of Alibaba.
Area: Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics Applications. This
manuscript was processed by Associate Editor Akcay. This problem occurs in a two-echelon distribution system of Al-

Corresponding author. ibaba with a central distribution centre (CDC) and multiple front
E-mail addresses: (B. Dai), (H.X. distribution centers (FDCs), where the CDC replenishes its inven-
Chen), (Y.A. Li), (Y.D. Zhang), tories of multiple products from external suppliers and each FDC (X.Q. Wang), (Y.M. Deng).
replenishes its inventories of the products from the CDC. In the
0305-0483/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

system, the storage space of each FDC is limited. Rather than only bution centre and the second stage determining the transportation
considering deterministic demands obtained by demand forecast- and inventory decisions. Alnaggar et al. [2] considered a distribu-
ing, we explicitly consider stochastic demands. Facing demand un- tion planning problem in which multiple suppliers deliver goods
certainty in the promotion period, the objective of the problem to multiple customers with stochastic demands via an intermedi-
is to optimally determine the inventory replenishment quantities date consolidation centre. They formulated a two-stage stochas-
of the products for each stock before the promotion so that the tic programming model with recourse for the problem and ap-
expected total profit of the system is maximized, subject to the plied sample average approximation to solve the problem. There
storage capacity constraint of each stock. Here, the expected total are also papers studying inventory repenishment planning in se-
profit of the system is defined as its sales gross profit minus its lo- rial and assembly systems. For example, Fattahi et al. [10] studied
gistics costs, where the sales gross profit is the difference between a multi-period inventory system with one retailer and one man-
the sales revenue and the sales costs excluding logistics costs, and ufacturer and proposed mixed-integer linear programming (MILP)
the logistics costs consist of transportation costs, inventory hold- models based on two-stage stochastic programming and scenario
ing costs, and shortage costs. Since the inventory replenishment approximation. Avci and Selim [3] studied a three echelon con-
for the double 11 promotion is made in advance and only for sales vergent inventory system with a customer, a manufacturer and a
in the promotion period, the replenishment lead time can be ne- number of suppliers and proposed a decomposition-based multi-
glected. Consequently, the pre-promotion inventory replenishment objective differential evolution algorithm to minimize total hold-
problem can be treated as a single-period planning problem. ing cost, inbound and outbound premium freight ratios simulta-
Previous studies related to our work include deterministic dis- neously. Different from all previously reviewed papers, we study
tribution planning models, stochastic distribution planning mod- inventory replenishment in a distribution system, where multiple
els, single-period inventory planning models, and inventory models products are involved rather than a single product, and all stocks
with multi-channel order fulfilment. A stochastic planning model are allowed to hold inventory. Moreover, we consider order fulfil-
and a deterministic planning model for inventory management of ment via transhipment and adopt a profit maximization approach
supply chains including distribution systems were compared in De rather than a service level approach.
Kok and Fransoo [8]. Since our inventory replenishment planning model is a single
Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) is a determinis- period model, we also review previous studies on single period in-
tic planning approach based on demand forecasts. Wang et al. ventory models. Chung et al. [7] considered a single-period and
[22] proposed a just-in-time DRP system to pull materials through single-product inventory placement problem for an N-stage sup-
a supply chain effectively, where multiple warehouses and mul- ply chain facing a stochastic demand with the objective of maxi-
tiple retailers are involved. Their model minimizes the total cost mizing an expected profit. Inventory replenishment decisions are
of manufacturing, transportation, and earliness/tardiness penalty made before the occurrence of demand. The sales gross profit, sal-
for meeting all retailers’ requirements with limited warehouse ca- vage value, ordering, shipping, processing, and lost sales costs are
pacities. This model can be transferred into a linear program- linear and fixed costs at each stage are considered. They devel-
ming problem and solved by the simplex algorithm. Ivanov et al. oped an effective branch and bound algorithm for the problem. Qin
[15] studied a multi-period and multi-commodity distribution et al. [18] reviewed different variants of news-vendor models with
planning problem for a multi-stage supply chain with deterministic different features of customer demand, supplier costs, and buyer’s
and dynamic demand. A linear programming (LP) model is formu- risk profile. Later, Chung et al. [6] studied the same problem with
lated for the problem and transformed into a maximum flow prob- the objective of maximizing the probability of achieving a target
lem by excluding demand constraints from the LP model. Qiu et al. profit level. They proved the existence of optimal inventory deci-
[19] studied a production-inventory-routing problem with perish- sions with at most three stages holding inventory. They proposed
able products and presented a branch-and-cut algorithm for solv- an O(N3 ) algorithm for the problem. The well known news-vendor
ing its MIP model. Different from these works, we study an in- model is also a single-period inventory planning model [16, 23],
ventory replenishment planning problem with stochastic demands whose objective is to find the order quantity which maximizes
rather than deterministic demands. According to Guastaroba et al. the expected profit of a single stock over a single period facing
[11] and Alnaggar et al. [2], considering uncertainty in distribution a stochastic demand. Herbon [12] studied a continuous-review in-
planning for distribution networks with intermediate facilities re- ventory model with Poisson demand and lost sales and controlled
ceived very little attention in the literature. by the (Q, r) policy. He proposed an algorithm with polynomial-
Stochastic distribution planning is based on a stochastic model. time complexity to search for the optimal paramters of the policy.
For a multi-echelon distribution system, most papers investigated The performance of the proposed model was compared with that
inventory management of so-called one-warehouse multi-retailers of an adjusted newsvendor model. We also formulate our inven-
systems with only one product involved [9]. For a general N- tory replenishment planning problem as a single period model but
echelon distribution system that delivers goods to customers di- we consider a much more complex two-echelon distribution sys-
rectly or via cross-docking centers, Verrijdt and Kok [20] studied a tem rather than a single stock.
periodic review inventory policy for the system without batch size There are also few papers studying multi-period models for in-
and capacity constraint. It is assumed that only final stocks (stocks ventory management and replenishment planning. However, most
at the lowest echelon) in the system hold inventory, whereas in- of the models deal with a single stock. Zhang et al. [24] proposed
termediate stocks are pure distribution centers that allocate in- some convex stochastic programming models for multi-period in-
coming goods immediately to downstream stocks. They applied a ventory control problems with stochastic demand of a seasonal
service level approach which aims to achieve predetermined tar- fashion product. Their models minimize expected losses subject to
get service levels for the final stocks. In their study, the inter- risk aversion constraints. A sample average approximation method
mediate stocks can be interpreted as cross-docking centers. The was used to solve the models.
same authors proposed two adjusted methods which can be used In addition, multi-channel order fulfilment was usually studied
to improve the service performance considerably in certain situ- in multi-channel retailing, where the sales of products are realized
ations [21]. Kılıç and Tuzkaya [17] considered a two-echelon dis- through more than one channel. These channels may include phys-
tribution network with distribution centers and wholesalers and ical stores, e-commerce stores, and online marketplaces. Agatz
proposed a two-stage stochastic mixed integer programming ap- et al. [1] provided an overview of planning tasks and quantitative
proach with the first stage selecting the location of each distri- models for e-fulfillment in a multi-channel retailing environment.

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

According to this overview, some inventory management issues

for e-fulfillment can be addressed by inventory rationing models.
Most of those models consider two customer segments with differ-
ent profit margins and different service time requirements. Hüb-
ner et al. [13] also provided an overview of operations manage-
ment issues in multi-channel retailing. According to their overview,
studies on inventory management in multi-channel retailing were
mainly focused on inventory polices, allocation policies, and inven-
tory pooling effects. Bailey and Rabinovich [4] proposed an inven-
Fig. 1. A two-echelon distribution system with one CDC and multiple FDCs.
tory model for an internet book retailer who serves demand ei-
ther from its own inventory or by drop-shipping. They developed
analytic expressions for the optimal order quantities of two fulfill-
ment options under fixed plus linear cycle costs and showed that it other FDCs via transhipment, or the CDC. That is, customer order
might make sense to use both fulfillment options simultaneously. fulfilment has three channels. To reduce order fulfilment costs, the
Ishfaq and Bajwa [14] developed a non-linear mixed-integer profit distribution system tries to fulfil each customer order by its local
maximization model for online order fulfillment of multi-channel FDC first, then by other FDCs via transhipment, and finally by the
retailers, where an online order can be fulfilled by a distribution CDC. In addition, each FDC has a limited storage space as it is lo-
centre, a direct-to-customer fulfillment centre, a vendor facility, or cated in an urban area, so the storage capacity constraint of each
a retail store. However, the customer demand (online orders) in the FDC must be considered.
model is represented by a price-dependant, linear and determinis- We consider the inventory replenishment planning of the dis-
tic function. Our study is different from the above mentioned stud- tribution system for the sales in the annual “double 11” promotion
ies on inventory management for multi-channel order fulfilment in period. As this inventory replenishment is made in advance before
four aspects. Firstly, we consider three fulfilment options including the promotion period, its planning problem can be approximately
order fulfilment via transshipment which was never considered in formulated as a single-period inventory replenishment planning
those studies. Secondly, we consider multiple products with stor- problem with zero lead time for the inventory replenishment of
age space limitation at each FDC rather than a single product with- each stock in the system. In the following, this inventory replen-
out storage space limitation. Thirdly, we consider both inventory ishment is referred to as pre-promotion inventory replenishment.
replenishment planning before a promotion and order fulfilment Before the promotion, each stock holds a certain amount of
during the promotion. Finally, compared with the work of Ishfaq on-hand inventory of each product. During the pre-promotion in-
and Bajwa [14], although we also propose a non-linear profit max- ventory replenishment, multiple products are jointly replenished
imization model, the customer demands in the distribution system at each stock. During the promotion, customers place orders to
we study are stochastic rather than deterministic. buy the products, and each order may be fulfilled by its local
To the best of our knowledge, no paper has studied the problem FDC, other FDCs, or the CDC with the priority from the highest
we study. For this new problem, we propose a novel mathematical to the lowest. In case all FDCs and the CDC run out of stock for
programming model with nonlinear objective function and an ef- a product ordered by customers, lost sales for the product occur.
ficient piecewise linear approximation method to optimally solve At the end of the promotion period, holding costs and lost sales
it. Numerical experiments on instances generated based on data of costs are charged in addition to order fulfilment costs and ship-
Alibaba show that the model can lead to a significantly higher ex- ping (transportation) costs of the pre-promotion inventory replen-
pected profit compared with a deterministic planning model. ishment, where the shipping cost of each replenishment depends
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de- on the volume (in m3 ) of the products replenished and the ship-
scribes the studied distribution system and its inventory replen- ping distance. The sales gross profit of each product in promotion,
ishment planning problem. Section 3 proposes a convex nonlin- holding cost of each product per unit in the promotion period at
ear programming model for the problem. Section 4 presents a each stock, lost sales cost of each product per unit, and order ful-
piecewise linearization approximation approach for optimally solv- filment cost of each order fulfilled by each channel, and shipping
ing the model. Section 5 discusses the performance evaluation cost per m3 and per km are given. The objective of the inventory
of the model by comparing it with its deterministic counterpart. replenishment planning problem is to maximize the expected total
Section 6 evaluates the performance of the model by numeri- profit of the distribution system gained in the promotion. This de-
cal experiments on instances generated based on data of Alibaba. cision problem can be formulated as a convex nonlinear program-
Section 7 concludes this paper with remarks for future research. ming model to be presented in the next section.

2. The inventory replenishment planning problem

3. Mathematical model
We consider a two-echelon distribution system of Alibaba with
In this section, we propose a nonlinear programming model
one CDC (Central Distribution centre) and multiple FDCs (Front
for the studied stochastic optimization problem. Before formulat-
Distribution Centers) as shown in Fig. 1. This system is operated
ing the model, we first introduce the following notations.
in an e-commerce environment, where each stock holds multiple
fast moving products. The demand of each product at each FDC in
the promotion period is stochastic subject to a known distribution. 3.1. Sets and indices
However, our model proposed below can also be applied to the
case where the demand is subject to another probability distribu- NFDC : set of all FDCs in the distribution system, NFDC ={1, 2, …,
tion. n}, where n is the number of FDCs.
In the system, multiple products are jointly replenished at each N: set of all stocks in the distribution system, N = {0}∪NFDC ,
stock. The inventories of the products at the CDC are supplied by where 0 denotes the CDC.
external suppliers, while the inventories of each FDC are jointly re- K: set of all products in the distribution system.
plenished from the CDC. Each FDC serves customer orders directly. i,j: stock index, i,j ∈ N.
However, each customer order can be fulfilled from its local FDC, k: product index, k ∈ K.

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

3.2. Parameters If part of demand dik cannot be fulfilled locally, it will be par-
tially or totally fulfilled by other FDCs and the CDC. Since f ck1 ≤ f ck0 ,
0 : initial on-hand inventory of product k at stock i at the be-
Iik if a customer order cannot be fulfilled locally, it will be first ful-
ginning of the pre-promotion inventory replenishment, i ∈ N, k ∈ filled by other FDCs if possible and then by the CDC.
K. Therefore, the order fulfilment quantity of product k by
dik : demand of product k at FDC i in the promotion period, i ∈ the CDC is given by min(I0k , max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik ,0 )),
NFDC , k ∈ K. dik , i ∈ NFDC are independent for any product k ∈ K. where i∈NF DC dik and i∈NF DC Iik , are all FDCs’ total de-
μik , σik : mean value and standard deviation of the demand of mand and total on-hand inventory of product k, respec-
product k at FDC i in the promotion period, i ∈ NFDC , k ∈ K. tively, max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik ,0 ) is the amount of the
fik (x ),Fik (x ): probability density function and distribution func- total demand of product k that cannot be fulfilled by all FDCs.
tion of dik , i ∈ NFDC , k ∈ K. From this unfulfilled amount, we can derive that the amount
dk : total demand of product k observed by all FDCs in the pro- of the total demand of product k that can be fulfilled by all
motion period, dk = i∈SF dik , k ∈ K. FDCs is given by i∈N dik − max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik , 0 ). Con-
μk ,σk : mean value and standard deviation of dk , μk = sequently, the order fulfilment quantity of product k by other

FDCs is given by i∈N dik − max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik , 0 ) −
i∈SF μik , σk = i∈SF σik , k ∈ K.
i∈NF DC min (Iik , dik ), where i∈NF DC min (Iik , dik ) is the amount of
fk0 (x ), Fk0 (x ): probability density function and distribution func- the total demand of product k fulfilled locally.
tion of dk , k ∈ K. Next, we formulate the on-hand inventory and lost sales of each
pk : Sales gross profit of product k, which is the difference be- stock at the end of the promotion period.
tween the sales revenue and the sales costs (excluding logistics Since the holding cost hck of each product k is assumed the
costs) for each unit of the product sold, k ∈ K. same for all FDC, we only need to consider all FDCs’ total on-
hck0 : holding cost of product k per unit at the CDC in the pro- hand inventory of product k after order fulfilment for calculating
motion period, k ∈ K. their total inventory holding cost of the product. This total on-hand
hck : holding cost of product k per unit at each FDC in the pro-   
inventory is given by
  i∈NF DC Iik − min ( i∈NF DC dik , i∈NF DC Iik ) =
motion period, k ∈ K. It is assumed that this unit holding cost is max( i∈N Iik − i∈N dik , 0 ). The on-hand inventory of prod-
the same for all FDCs and hck > hck0 for any k. uct k at the CDC after order fulfilment is thus given by I0k −
lsk : lost sales cost of product k per unit, k ∈ K.  
min(I0k , max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik ,0 )).
sci : shipping (transportation) cost per unit of volume (m3 ) for The lost sales quantity of product k after order ful-
the inventory replenishment of stock i from its supplier, i ∈ N. filment is given by max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik , 0 ) −
f ck0 : order fulfilment cost of product k for each unit fulfilled by min(I0k , max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik ,0 )), where the first term
the CDC, k ∈ K. is the amount of the total demand of product k that cannot be
f ck1 : order fulfilment cost of product k for each unit fulfilled by fulfilled by all FDCs, and the second term is the amount of the
other FDCs, k ∈ K. It is assumed that the cost for fulfilling a cus- total demand of product k fulfilled by the CDC.
tomer order by another FDC does not depend on the FDC involved. Finally, the sales quantity (the total quantity of all ful-
f ck1 can reasonably approximate the real order fulfilment cost if filled orders) of product k is given by its total demand minus
it is interpreted as the average order fulfilment cost of product k its lost sales, i.e., i∈NF DC d − max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik , 0 ) +
  ik F DC F DC
by other FDCs via transhipment. This assumption is introduced for min(I0k , max( i∈N dik − i∈N Iik ,0 )).
simplifying the mathematical formulation of the problem, because The objective function of the model is the distribution system’s
if the cost is FDC-dependant, the mathematical model of this prob- expected total profit (ETP), which is defined as the sales gross
lem will involve multi-dimensional (multivariate) probablity den- profit of all products minus the logistics costs composed of in-
sity functions which are difficult to deal with. Moreover, we as- ventory holding costs, lost sales costs, order fulfilment costs, and
sume f ck1 < f ck0 for any product k. shipping (transportation) costs for inventory replenishment. From
v pk : volume of product k per unit (in m3 ), k ∈ K. the above derivations, we can formulate ETP as:
CiS : storage capacity of FDC i (in m3 ), i ∈ NFDC .    
CiR : maximum joint replenishment volume of stock i from its ET P = E pk · dik − max dik − Iik , 0
supplier (in m3 ), i ∈ N. k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
α : expected service level for each product at each FDC.   
zα : z-value corresponding to the service level α . + min I0k , max dik − Iik ,0
3.3. Decision variables    
qik : inventory replenishment quantity of product k for stock i. − hck0 · I0k − min I0k , max dik − Iik ,0
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
3.4. Other variables  
− hck · max Iik − dik , 0
Iik : on-hand inventory of product k at stock i after the pre-
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
promotion inventory replenishment.   
With the above notations, we first formulate the quantities ful-   
filled by the local FDC, other FDCs, and the CDC for the demand of − lsk · max dik − Iik , 0
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
each product k observed by each FDC i during the promotion pe-   
riod and the inventory level of each stock at the end of the period.  
Obviously, for dik , the demand of product k observed by FDC − min I0k , max dik − Iik ,0
i, the amount of dik that can be fulfilled locally by the FDC dur- i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
ing the promotion period is given bymin(Iik , dik ), where Iik is the
on-hand inventory of product k at FDC i at the beginning of the − f ck0 · min I0k , max dik − Iik ,0
period. k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

    piecewise linear approximation of its objective function. In the fol-
− f ck1 · dik − max dik − Iik , 0 lowing, we first prove the concavity of the objective function, then
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC i∈NF DC introduce a piecewise linearized model of SIRP and its properties,
  and finally present a piecewise linear approximation approach for
− min (Iik , dik ) − v pk · qik · sci (1) solving SIRP. The proofs of all propositions in this section can be
i∈NF DC i∈N k∈K
found in Appendix A2.
After a mathematical transformation, the objective function (2)
The expected total profit can be rewritten as Eq. (2) (see can be rewritten as follows (see Appendix A1 - Transformation of
Appendix A1 - Transformation of Eq. (1) into (2)): Eq. (2) into (9)):
ET P = ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − ( pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 ) ET P = ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − (hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 )
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K
+∞  +∞ 
(x − ) (x )dx
Iik fk0 · (x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx

i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
+ ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · I0k fk0 (x )dx − ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 )

Iik +I0k k∈K
k∈K i∈NF DC

i∈NF DC Iik +I0k  · 
(x − Iik − I0k ) fk0 (x )dx
(x − ) (x )dx
Iik fk0 i∈NF DC Iik +I0k i∈NF DC
i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC  
   − hck0 · I0k + hck Iik
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 k∈K i∈NF DC
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K
  +∞ Iik
 +∞ Iik + f ck1 · Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx
· Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx k∈K i∈NF DC
Iik 0
Iik 0 
 − v pk · qik · sci (9)
− v pk · qik · sci (2) i∈N k∈K
i∈N k∈K +∞
Define G0k ( y ) = y (x − y ) fk0 (x )dx, Gik (y ) =
Thus, the stochastic inventory replenishment planning problem +∞ y
−( y y fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx), i ∈ NF DC . The objective func-
of the two-echelon distribution system can be formulated as the
tion can be rewritten as Eq. (10).
following nonlinear programming model SIRP.
ET P = ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik
k∈K i∈NF DC
subject to − (hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 ) · G0k ( Iik )
0 k∈K i∈NF DC
Iik = Iik + qik , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K (3)
I0k = I00k + q0k − qik , k ∈ K (4) − ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · G0k ( Iik + I0k )
i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC
vk · Iik ≤ CiS , i ∈ NF DC (5)    
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik − f ck1 · Gik (Iik )
 k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC
vk · qik ≤ CiR , i ∈ N (6) 
− v pk · qik · sci (10)
i∈N k∈K
Iik , qik ≥ 0, i ∈ N, k ∈ K (7)
Proposition 1. If hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 > 0 and pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0
where constraints (3) and (4) are inventory balance equations for > 0 for any product k, the objective function ETP is strictly concave
all FDCs and the CDC respectively, constraints (5) are storage ca- with respect to its variables.
pacity constraints of the FDCs, and constraints (6) are transporta- Note that hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 > 0 is derived directly from
tion capacity constraints for the replenishments of all stocks.
hck > hck0 and f ck1 < f ck0 . The assumption pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 > 0
In addition to profit maximization, if the distribution system
is also reasonable, because if pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ≤ 0, we have
wants to achieve a given service level α for each product at each
FDC during the promotion period, then the following constraints f ck0 ≥ pk + hck0 + l sk > pk + l sk . In this case, it is more profitable
(8) must be added. to let an order of product k lost rather than fulfilling the or-
der from the CDC. In the following, we assume the conditions in
Iik ≥ μik + zα · σik , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K (8) Proposition 1 hold.
According to Property 1, SIRP is a linear constrained concave
4. Resolution of the model by piecewise linear approximation maximization problem which can be solved by piecewise linear ap-
proximation of its objective function
Because model SIRP is a nonlinear programing model with a  
Let u0k = G0k ( i∈N Iik ), i∈NF DC Iik ∈Fk DC , v0k =
nonlinear integral objective function, we cannot solve it directly   F DC
G0k ( i∈N Iik + I0k ), i∈N Iik
+ I0k
∈  N , andw = G (I ),
k ik ik ik
by using a commercial MILP solver like that of CPLEX. Fortunately, F DC F DC

we can prove that the objective function is strictly concave under Iik ∈ FikDC , i ∈ NF DC , where set Fk DC is a set of considered values
the assumption hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 > 0 and pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 of i∈N Iik , N
is a set of considered values of i∈N Iik + I0k ,
> 0 for each product k, so we can optimally solve the model by and FikDC is a set of considered values of Iik in the piece-wise

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

approximation of ETP. The three functions u0k , v0k , and wik can Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA) Procedure:
be respectively approximated from below by the following linear
inequalities (11), (12) and (13). Here, G0k (. ) and Gik (. ) are the first Step 0. Initialize Fk DC = Fk DC,0 ,N
= N,
, FikDC = FikDC,0 for
derivative of G0k (. ) and Gik (. ), respectively. all i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K, and LB = −∞.
Step 1. Solving linear programming model SIRP by a commer-
  cial LP solver to obtain its optimal solution (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ,
u0k ≥ G0k (I¯) + G0k (I¯) Iik − I¯ , I¯ ∈ Fk DC , k ∈ K (11)
i∈NF DC ū0k ,v̄0k ,w̄ik ). The optimal objective value of SIRP , denoted by
  UB, is an upper bound of the optimal objective value of
 model SIRP. Compute the objective value of the feasible solu-
v0k ≥ G0k (I¯) + G0k (I¯) Iik + I0k − I¯ , I¯ ∈ Nk , k ∈ K (12)
tion (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ) of SIRP and update the best lower bound
of the optimal objective value of SIRP by LB = max(ETP(q̄ik ,
wik ≥ Gik (I¯) + Gik (I¯)(Iik − I¯), I¯ ∈ FikDC , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K (13) q̄ ,I¯ ,I¯ ), LB).
0k ik 0k
Step 2. If the relative gap (UB − LB)/UB < ε (ε is a given
Define a piecewise linearized model of SIRP as: small number representing the maximum admissible rela-
SIRP: tive gap), stop and output the solution (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ). Oth-

  erwise, update Fk DC = Fk DC ∪{ i∈N I¯ik }, N = N
Max ET P = ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik  F DC k k
∪{ i∈N I¯ik + I¯0k }, ik = ik ∪{I¯ik } for all i ∈ NF DC ,
k∈K i∈NF DC F DC
 k ∈ K, and go to Step 1.
− (hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 ) · u0k
k∈K The above procedure generates a series of lower bounds and
 upper bounds for the optimal objective value of SIRP. According to
− ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · v0k Proposition 3, the upper bound UB is strictly decreasing in each
  iteration of the procedure until UB = ET P ∗ , and the best lower
    bound LB is weakly increasing according to its definition. This im-
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik − f ck1 · wik plies that the upper bound and the lower bound finally converge
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC to the same value with UB = ET P ∗ . At this value, an optimal so-

− v pk · qik · sci (14) lution of SIRP is obtained, since UB = LB and UB = ET P ∗ together
i∈N k∈K imply LB = ET P ∗ , and the feasible solution (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ) of SIRP
corresponding to the best lower bound LB is an optimal solution of
subject to (3)-(7) and (11)-(13). SIRP. So the above procedure always converges, it finds an optimal
This model depends on the sets Fk DC , N k
, FikDC , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ or near-optimal solution of SIRP with relative gap smaller than ε
K. Let  = {Fk DC , N k
, F DC , i ∈ N
ik F DC , k ∈ K }. In the following, in terms of objective value.
SIRP is represented by SIRP  if we want to show this dependence,
otherwise it is simply represented by SIRP. 5. Evaluation of the model

Let ET P ∗ and ET P denote the optimal objective value of SIRP
and SIRP, respectively, x∗ and x̄ denote the value of a variable x As the inventory replenishment planning problem in this pa-
at an optimal solution of SIRP and SIRP, respectively, we have the per has not been studied in the literature, we cannot compare our
following three propositions: model SIRP with an existing one. Since currently Alibaba applies a
deterministic approach based on demand forecasts to plan the in-
Proposition 2. The optimal solution of SIRP is also a feasible solution ventory replenishment of its distribution system for the double 11

of SIRP and ET P provides an upper bound forET P ∗ . promotion, we evaluate the performance of SIRP by comparing it
with its deterministic counterpart which replaces each random de-
Proposition 3. For any given  = {Fk DC , N k
, FikDC , i ∈ NF DC mand in SIRP by its mean value, where the mean as the unbiased
, k ∈ K } and an optimal solution x = (q̄ik , q̄
  ,I¯ ,I¯ , ū estimation of the demand can be considered its forecast. Moreover,
   0k ik 0k +N 0k
,v̄0k ,w̄ik ) of SIRP  , let k = k ∪ { i∈N Iik } , k =
F DC ¯ this comparison can help us to evaluate the value of the stochastic
solution [5] obtained by SIRP.
N ∪ { i∈N I¯ + I¯ } , +F DC = F DC ∪ {I¯ } , + = {+F DC , +N
k ik 0k ik ik ik k k
F DC The deterministic model, which is denoted by DIRP, can be for-
, +
, i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K }. If ET P (x ) > ET P ∗ , SIRP + has an op- mulated as follows:
+ + + + ,I¯+ , ū+ ,v̄+ ,w̄+ ) such
timal solution x = (q̄ ik
, q̄
,I¯ik 0k 0k 0k ik DIRP:
that ET P (x ) < ET P (x ) or ET P (x ) = ET P ∗ .
Proposition 4. If SIRP has an optimal solution (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k , ū0k Max pk · μik − max μik − Iik , 0
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
,v̄0k ,w̄ik ) such that ET P (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k , ū0k ,v̄0k ,w̄ik ) = ETP(q̄ik   
, q̄ ,I¯ ,I¯ ) then (q̄ , q̄ ,I¯ ,I¯ ) is also an optimal solution of  
0k ik 0k ik

0k ik 0k
+ min I0k , max μik − Iik ,0
SIRP. In this case, ET P =ET P ∗ .
According to Proposition 3, the linear constraints (11)-(13) used   
to approximate the objective function of SIRP in a piecewise linear − hck0 · I0k − min I0k , max μik − Iik ,0
way can be added to model SIRP dynamically (iteratively) until the k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC

condition in Proposition 4 is satisfied or the difference between the

upper boundET P (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k , ū0k ,v̄0k ,w̄ik ), denoted by UB here- − hck · max Iik − μik , 0
after, and the best lower bound of the optimal objective value of k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
SIRP , denoted by LB, is reduced to a given maximum admissible
relative gap (error). With this in mind, we propose the following − lsk · max μik − Iik , 0
iterative linear approximation procedure for solving SIRP. k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

  erated based on data of Alibaba. We compare SIRP with its deter-
− min I0k , max μik − Iik ,0 ministic counterpart DIRP for inventory replenishment planning of
i∈NF DC i∈NF DC the distribution system studied. For sake of confidentiality, some
   data of the instances will be not provided hereafter.
− f ck0 · min I0k , max μik − Iik ,0 For these instances, the number of FDCs in the distribution sys-
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC tem is set to 9 with totally 10 stocks (1 CDC and 9 FDCs), the
   number of products is set to 500 or 1000. The sales gross profit
    of each product is generated in a range between 10 and 200 RMB
− f ck1 · μik − max μik − Iik , 0 Yuan. The holding cost per unit of each product k at the CDC in the
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
 promotion period is set to pk × 12% × 10/365, where pk is the sales
 gross profit of the product, 12% is an annual holding cost rate, 10
− min (Iik , μik ) is the number of days in the promotion period including the time
i∈NF DC for delivering customer orders placed in the period, and 365 is the
 number of days in each year. The holding cost of each product at
− v pk · qik · sci (15)
each FDC is set as 1.2 times of the holding cost of the same prod-
i∈N k∈K
uct at the CDC. The lost sales cost per unit of each product is set
subject to constraints (3) to (7). where μ is the mean value of the according to its holding cost and its expected service level (90%,
demand of product k at FDC i in the promotion period. 95%, or 97.5% in three scenarios). Note that the service level is only
By introducing additional variables x, y and used to set the lost sales cost, the safety stock constraints (7) are
zik to represent max( i∈N μik − i∈N Iik , 0 ), not considered in our numerical experiments. The shipping (trans-
min(I0k , max( i∈N μik − i∈N Iik ,0 )), i∈NF DC min (Iik , μik ), portation) cost of each inventory replenishment from the CDC to
DIRP can be reformulated as the following linear programming an FDC or from suppliers to the CDC is set according to the re-
model. plenishment volume in m3 (i.e., the total volume of the products
   shipped in this replenishment) and the shipping distance in km.
Max pk · μik − hck0 · I0k − f ck1 · μik Since all FDCs are located in a region with their distances from the
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC CDC ranged from 30 to 150 km and the shipping cost per m3 per
   km is approximately one RMB Yuan, the shipping cost is generated
− x · pk + hck + lsk − f ck1
in a range between 30 and 150 RMB Yuan. The cost of fulfilling
a customer order by other FDCs linearly depends on the shipping
     cost per m3 and the volume of the product(s) ordered. The cost of
+ y · pk + hck0 + lsk − f ck0 + f ck1 · zik
fulfilling a customer order by the CDC is set as 1.25 times of that
k∈K k∈K i∈NF DC
 by other FDCs. The volume of each product is generated from a
− v pk · qik · sci1 (16) range between 0.005 and 0.05 m3 .
i∈N k∈K Furthermore, the mean value of the demand of each product
subject to constraints (3) to (7), and: at each FDC in the promotion period is generated in the interval
  [3750, 60 0 0], with the standard deviation of the demand set as the
  mean value multiplied by the coefficient of variation generated in
x≥ μik − Iik , k ∈ K (17) the interval [0.1, 0.4]. Two types of probability distribution are con-
sidered for the demand of each product at each FDC: one is normal
x≥0 (18) distribution and the other is gamma distribution. In case of gamma
demand, the two parameters “shape” and “scale” of each gamma
distribution involved at each FDC is set according to its mean value
y ≤ I0k , k ∈ K (19)
and standard deviation.
The storage capacity of each FDC i is set as 0.7 times of the
y ≤ x, k ∈ K (20) space required for stocking all products with mean demand, i.e.,

0.7 k∈K vk · μik . According to Alibaba’s practice, not all products
zik ≤ Iik , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K (21) can be pushed down to FDCs in the “double 11” promotion period,
so the coefficient 0.7 is taken less than 1 in our numerical exper-
iments. Note that here μik is not the mean daily demand but the
zik ≤ μik , i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K (22)
mean demand of product k observed by FDC i in the promotion
Since the ending inventory levels Iik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K can be derived period. Because of the limited storage capacity of each FDC, only
from the replenishment quantities qik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K in both models highly profitable products are pushed down to FDCs by the pre-
SIRP and DIRP, any solution of the two models can be represented promotion inventory replenishment. The storage capacity of the
by(qik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ). Let(qSik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) and (qD ik
, i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) de- CDC is sufficiently large and considered unlimited. Two scenarios
note the optimal solution of model SIRP and the optimal solu- are considered for joint replenishment capacity of each stock: one
tion of model DIRP respectively. The value of the stochastic solu- is unlimited and the other is limited. In the scenario with lim-
tion obtained by SIRP can be calculated asET P (qSik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) − ited capacities, the maximum joint replenishment volume (in m3 )
ET P (qD , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ), where ET P (qSik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) and ET P (qD ,i ∈ of each stock is set to 100∗ the number of products for each FDC,
ik ik
N, k ∈ K ) are the expected total profits (objective values) of SIRP and 100∗ the number of products∗ the number of FDCs for the CDC.
obtained at the stochastic solution (qSik , i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) and the deter- Here, 100 is the volume (in m3 ) of a truck with 15 m in length.
ministic solution (qD ik
, i ∈ N, k ∈ K ) respectively. The remaining parameters to set for the distribution system are
its initial inventories of all products at all FDCs and the CDC be-
6. Numerical experiments fore the pre-promotion inventory replenishment. In normal sales
periods, the inventory of each product k at each FDC i is used
In this section, the performance of our model SIRP and its solu- to cover its demand during the lead  time. This inventory is es-
tion method proposed is evaluated numerically on instances gen- timated by μ · (L + R ) + zα · σ  · L + R , where μ and σ 
ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Table 1 Table 3
Parameters of six sets of instances. Average and maximum profit gap between SIRP and DIRP for the instance sets with
limited joint replenishment capacity and normal demand.
Number of Expected Joint replenishment
Instance set products service level capacity instance set 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 500 90% Unlimited average gap 9.74% 9.83% 11.36% 8.83% 9.78% 11.3%
Limited maximum gap 11.82% 11.64% 12.88% 9.66% 11.69% 13.58%
2 500 95% Unlimited
3 500 97.5% Unlimited Table 4
Limited Average and maximum profit gap between SIRP and
4 1000 90% Unlimited DIRP for the instance sets with unlimited joint replen-
Limited ishment capacity and gamma demand.
5 1000 95% Unlimited
Limited Instance Set 2 5
6 1000 97.5% Unlimited Average Gap 3.8% 3.84%
Limited Maximum Gap 3.93% 3.94%

Table 5
Average and maximum profit gap between SIRP and
DIRP for the instance sets with limited joint replenish-
Table 2 ment capacity and gamma demand.
Average and maximum profit gap between SIRP and DIRP for the instance
sets with unlimited joint replenishment capacity and normal demand. Instance Set 2 5
Average Gap 9.67% 9.62%
Instance Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maximum Gap 11.51% 11.56%
Average Gap 3.57% 3.84% 4.46% 3.6% 3.88% 4.51%
Maximum Gap 3.76% 3.96% 4.59% 3.75% 3.98% 4.61%

6.1. Evaluation of the piecewise linear approximation (PLA) procedure

Our numerical experiments show that the number of iterations

of our PLA procedure is less than 25 and its computation time is
are the mean value and the standard deviation of daily demand quite short and in several seconds for all instances. Although the
of product k at FDC i, L and R are the replenishment lead time
ik ik
PLA’s maximum admissible relative gap ε is set to 10–5 (0.001%),
and the review lead time of product k at FDC i, and zα is the z- we observe that the real relative percentage gap may be small
value corresponding to service level α . For the products consid- than 0.001% and is ranged from 0.0 0 02% to 0.001% for all instances,
ered in the distribution system of Alibaba, L =R = 1,σ  ≤ 0.5μ which proves that PLA can quickly obtain a solution very close to
ik ik ik ik
for each FDC i and each product k, and zα ≤ 2, so we haveμ · the optimal solution for all instances.
(Lik + Rik ) + zα · σik · L + R ≤ 2 · μ · (L + R ) = 4 · μ . Accord-
ik ik ik ik ik ik
ing to this, the initial inventory of each product k at each FDC i
 6.2. Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP
is randomly set to an integer number less than 4 · μ . The initial
inventory of each product at the CDC is set in the same way ex-
We have compared SIRP with DIRP for all instance sets in case
cept that its mean demand of each product is the sum of the mean
of demand with normal distribution and for two representative in-
demands of the product at all FDCs. Note that the mean demand
stance sets in case of demand with gamma distribution. The sum-
of each product at each FDC in the promotion period is set as 25
marized results of this comparison are presented in Tables 2 to
times of the mean daily demand of the product, because accord-
5, where column “Average Gap” represents the average value of
ing to a statistics of Alibaba, the total demand of all products in
the relative (percentage) gaps between the expected total profit of
the “double 11” promotion is about 25 times of their total daily
the solution of model SIRP found by the PLA procedure and the
expected total profit of the optimal solution of the deterministic
By combing 2 possible numbers of products, 3 possible ex-
planning model DIRP for 10 instances in each instance set, and col-
pected service levels, 2 possible scenarios of joint replenishment
umn “Maximum Gap” denotes the maximum relative gap of 10 in-
capacity, we generated 6 sets of instances as indicated in Table 1,
stances in each instance set. The detailed results of the relative gap
where each set contains 10 instances.
for each instance are given by Tables 6 to 21 in Appendix A3.
Our proposed models SIRP, DIRP, and piecewise linear approxi-
From Tables 2 and 3, we can see for the instance sets with nor-
mation (PLA) procedure were implemented in C++ and Cplex 12.9
mal demand, our proposed stochastic planning model can generate
and all instances were tested on a personal PC with i7–8565 U
a higher expected total profit compared to the deterministic plan-
CPU and 16GB RAM. The maximum admissible relative gap ε of
ning approach with average percentage profit increase ranged from
PLA was set to 10–5 , and Fk DC,0 , N, 0
, and FikDC,0 were set (initial-
 k 3.57% to 4.51% and maximum percentage profit increase ranged
ized) as k F DC,0
= {0, 1, 2, …, i∈N max Iik } , N, k
= {0, 1, 2, …, from 3.75% to 4.61% in case of unlimited joint replenishment ca-

i∈NF DC max Iik

+ max I0k
},  F DC,0
= {0, 1, 2, …, max Iik }, for all pacity. In case of limited joint replenishment capacity, the average
i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K, where max Iik and max I0k are the maximum inven- percentage profit increase becomes ranged from 8.83% to 11.36%,
tory level of product k at FDC i and at the CDC, respectively. The and the maximum percentage profit increase becomes ranged from
maximum inventory level of product k at each stock is estimated 9.66% to 13.58%. This implies that the joint replenishment (trans-
as the storage capacity of the stock divided by the volume of the portation) capacity for each stock has a significant impact on the
product. All linear programming models involved in the numerical relative profit increase of SIRP versus DIRP. Similar observations
experiments were solved by using the MILP solver of Cplex 12.9. can be obtained for the results of the instance sets with gamma
The summarized results of the experiments are given in Table 2 demand presented in Tables 4 and 5. It seems that demand distri-
to Table 5, whereas the detailed results are provided by Table 6 to bution has no significant impact on the performance of SIRP versus
Table 21 in Appendix A3. DIRP.

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Fig. 2. GapSD between model SIRP and DIRP with different initial inventory levels for instance set 2.

Fig. 3. GapSD between model SIRP and DIRP with different initial inventory levels for instance set 5 .

6.3. Sensitivity analysis of the initial inventory levels of model SIRP based on the data of Alibaba have validated the model and demon-
strated the efficiency of the solution approach.
To evaluate the influence of the initial inventory levels on the Our study provides some managerial insights for pre-promotion
performance of our stochastic planning model SIRP versus the de- inventory replenishment planning. Firstly, taking into account the
terministic planning model DIRP, a sensitivity analysis on the lev- demand uncertainy rather than only demand forecasts in this plan-
els was conducted for instance set 2 and 5 in case with unlimited ning can create an important value which is not sensitive to cus-
joint replenishment capacity, where the initial inventory level of tomer demand distributions. Secondly, the relative profit increase
each product k at each stock k is set to one of four possible val- or cost reduction derived by a stochastic planning approach with
ues: Iik 0
= 0 (Case 1), Iik = 4μ /3 (Case 2), Iik 0 = 8 μ / 3 respect to a determinstic planning approach is not signficantly af-
ik ik
0 = 4μ (Case 4). The results of this analysis are
(Case 3), and Iik fected by the initial inventory levels of the products involved.
presented in Fig. 2 and 3 where GapSD represents the relative per- This study can be extended to a distribution system with more
centage gap between the expected total profit of the solution of than two echelons and to a distribution system with order fulfil-
model SIRP found by PLA and the expected total profit of the opti- ment channels different from what we have considered in this pa-
mal solution of model DIRP. per. Another extension is the consideration of multiple periods in
From Fig. 2 and 3, we can see that the relative percentage gap the replenishment planning. Considering non-stationary demands
of SIRP versus DIRP only changes slightly as the initial inventory in a multi-period planning model is also worthy to be investigated.
levels increase largely. This implies that the performance of SIRP
versus DIRP is not sensitive to the change of the initial inventory CRediT authorship contribution statement
B. Dai: Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Software,
7. Conclusions Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft. H.X. Chen: Con-
ceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writ-
An inventory replenishment planning problem in a two eche- ing - review & editing, Supervision, Project administration. Y.A.
lon distribution system of Alibaba is studied in this paper. In the Li: Investigation, Data curation. Y.D. Zhang: Project administration.
system, the demand of each product at each stock is stochastic, X.Q. Wang: Project administration, Funding acquisition. Y.M. Deng:
multiple products are jointly replenished at each stock, the storage Funding acquisition.
space of each stock is limited, and customer orders may be ful-
filled through multiple channels. The objective of the problem is Acknowledgement
to maximize an expected profit. This stochastic decision problem
is formulated as a concave non-linear programming model and a This study is supported by the Alibaba Innovative Research
piecewise linear approximation approach is proposed to solve the Project entitled “Optimization of Safety Stock Placement in Supply
model. Numerical experiments on the instances generated partially Chains with Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty”.

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356


Appendix A1. Formulation of the Expected Total Profit

Transformation of Eq. (1) into (2):

Since max( i∈N Iik − i∈N dik , 0 ) = i∈NF DC Iik − i∈NF DC dik + max ( i∈NF DC dik − i∈NF DC Iik , 0 ), the expected total profit given by
Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:
ET P = E ( pk + hck − f ck1 )· dik − ( pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 ) · max dik − Iik , 0
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
+ ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · min I0k , max dik − Iik ,0
k∈K i∈NF DC i∈NF DC
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · min (Iik , dik ) − v pk · qik · sci
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC i∈N k∈K
= ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − ( pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 ) · max x − Iik , 0 fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC
+ ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 )· min I0k , max x − Iik ,0 fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · min (Iik , x ) fik (x )dx − v pk · qik · sci
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC i∈N k∈K

= ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − ( pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 ) · 
(x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC

 +∞  i∈NF DC Iik  
+ ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · 
min I0k , x − Iik fk0 (x )dx + min I0k , 0 fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
    +∞ Iik
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx
Iik 0
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC

− v pk · qik · sci
i∈N k∈K
= ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − ( pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 ) · 
(x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC

 +∞ i∈NF DC Iik +I0k 
+ ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · 
I0k fk0 (x )dx + 
(x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC Iik +I0k i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
    +∞ Iik
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx
Iik 0
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC

− v pk · qik · sci (2)
i∈N k∈K

Transformation of Eq. (2) into (9): 

+∞ i∈NF DC Iik +I0k 
Since  I0k fk0 (x )dx +  (x − i∈NF DC Iik ) f k (x )dx
i∈NF DC Iik +I0k i∈NF DC Iik

+∞ i∈NF DC Iik +I0k  +∞ 
I0k fk0 (x )dx + (x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx + 
(x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx
i∈NF DC Iik +I0k +∞
i∈NF DC i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC

+∞ +∞  +∞ 
I0k fk0 (x )dx − 
x− Iik fk0 (x )dx + 
x− Iik fk0 (x )dx
Iik +I0k Iik +I0k Iik

+∞  +∞ 
Iik + I0k − x fk0 (x )dx + 
x− Iik fk0 (x )dx,
Iik +I0k Iik

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

the Eq. (2) can be rewritten as Eq. (9).

pk + hck − f ck1 · μik − pk + hck + l sk − f ck1 · 
x− Iik fk0 (x )dx
i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
  +∞  +∞ 
+ pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 · 
Iik + I0k − x fk0 (x )dx + 
x− Iik fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC Iik +I0k i∈NF DC i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
    +∞ Iik
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx
Iik 0
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC

− v pk · qik · sci
i∈N k∈K
= ( pk + hck − f ck1 ) · μik − (hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 ) · 
(x − Iik ) fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC Iik i∈NF DC
− ( pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 ) · 
(x − Iik − I0k ) fk0 (x )dx
k∈K i∈NF DC Iik +I0k i∈NF DC
    +∞ Iik
− hck0 · I0k + hck Iik + f ck1 · Iik fik (x )dx + x fik (x )dx
Iik 0
k∈K i∈NF DC k∈K i∈NF DC

− v pk · qik · sci (9)
i∈N k∈K

Appendix A2. Proofs of the Four Propositions

Proof of Proposition 1:
The first and second derivatives of G0k (y ) and Gik (y ), i ∈ NF DC can be calculated by the following Eqs. (23) to (26).
d G0k ( y ) dy +∞
d (x − y ) 0 +∞
= −(y − y ) fk0 (y ) + fk (x )dx = − fk0 (x )dx = Fk0 (y ) − 1 (23)
dy dy y dy y

d 2 G0k ( y )
= fk0 (y ) (24)
d y2
dGik (y ) +∞ +∞
= y fik (y ) − fik (x )dx − y fik (y ) = − fik (x )dx = Fik (y ) − 1 (25)
dy y y

d2 Gik (y )
= fik (y ) (26)
d y2
As fk0 (y ) > 0, and fik (y ) > 0, all functionsG0k (y ) and Gik (y ) are strictly convex, i ∈ NF DC . Since the objective function is separable with
respect to G0k (y ) and Gik (y ), i∈SF Iik , i∈SF Iik + I0k , and Iik are linear with respect to variables qik ≥ 0, i ∈ N, k ∈ K, the objective function
is strictly concave when hck − hck + f ck − f ck1 > 0 and pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 > 0 for any product k.
0 0

Proof of Proposition 2:
For simplifying the notation used in the proof of this proposition and the next proposition 3, we first reformulate model SIRP by the
following linearly constrained concave programming model by redefining its variables and reformulating its constraints.

P : Max ET P = f i ( xi ) (27)

s.t. A1 x = b1 A2 x ≥ b2 , A3 x ≤ b3 (28)

x≥0 (29)
where x = (x1 , x2 , …., xm )T , m is the number of variables, which is also the number of nonlinear concave terms in the objective function,
A1 , A2 , A3 are matrices, and b1 , b2 , b3 are column vectors. In model P, each variable qik in SIRP is replaced by Iik − Iik 0 , each variable q
is replaced by I0k − I0k + i∈NF DC (Iik − Iik ), and new variables xi , i = 1, 2, …, m to represent Iik , i∈N Iik and i∈N Iik + I0k , i ∈ NF DC ,
0 0
k ∈ K are introduced. The constraints of P contain all constraints of SIRP reformualed with the new variables, the equations that ensure

the sum of the variables representing Iik , i ∈ NF DC , equals the variable representing i∈N Iik , and the sum of the variable representing
  F DC
i∈NF DC Iik and the variable representing I0k equals the variable representing i∈NF DC Iik + I0k , and the constraints that ensure all qik and q0k

i∈NF DC (Iik − Iik ) ≥ 0, i ∈ NF DC , k ∈ K. In the objective function of P, all functions f i (xi ) are
0 ≥ 0 and I − I 0 +
are nonnegative, i.e., Iik − Iik 0
0k 0k
strictly concave under the conditions hck − hck0 + f ck0 − f ck1 > 0 and pk + hck0 + l sk − f ck0 > 0 for any product k.

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Accordingly, SIRP  can be represented by the following linear Let Xi denote the projection of X on variable xi , i.e., Xi = { xi |
programming model: ∃ x1 , …, xi -1 , xi +1 , …, xm , (x1 , x2 , …, xm ) ∈ X}. Since X is a finite

m polyhedron, Xi is a finite interval which has two extreme points
P Max ET P = zi (30) corresponding to its left and right boundary.
i=1 For the two successively considered points x̄li and x̄l+1
in the
subject to constraints (28), (29), and piece-wise approximation of fi (xi ), three cases may happen:

zi ≤ fi (xi ) + fi’ (xi )(xi − xi ), xi ∈ i , i = 1, 2, . . . , m (31) Case a): both x̄li and x̄l+1
are interior points of Xi ;
where fi is the first derivative of fi i is a set of considered values Case b): x̄li is an interior point of Xi but x̄l+1
is an extreme point
of xi in the piece-wise approximation of ETP,  = {i , i = 1, 2, of Xi ;
…, m}. Note that all “ ≥” in constraints (11)-(13) of model SIRP  Case c): x̄li is an extreme point of Xi but x̄l+1
is an interrior point
are changed to “ ≤” in constraints (31) of modelP  , because each of Xi ;
function fi (xi ) is strictly concave, which is obtained by multiplying
Note that it is impossible that x̄li and x̄l+1
are two extreme
a strictly convex functionG0k or Gik with a negative coefficient and
points of Xi , because if x̄li is one extreme point of the interval
adding possibly a linear term more.
Define the piece-wise linear function z̄i (xi ) = min { fi (x̄i ) + Xi , the point (x̄li , z̄i (x̄li )) must be generated by the intersection
x̄i ∈i of a tangent of fi (xi ) with one boundary (left or right) of Xi . In
fi (x̄i )(xi − x̄i )} for each i = 1, 2, …, m. Since P  is a maximiza- this case, the tangent passing (x̄li , fi (x̄li )) must intersect with the
tion solution, in its optimal solution, the value of each zi must first tangent before intersecting with the other boundary of Xi ,
be taken as large as possible (subject to all constraints (31)) for and the intersection of the two tangents generates the point (x̄l+1 i
given optimal value of xi , i.e., zi = z̄i (xi ). This implies that P  can +
z̄i (x̄l+1 )) such that x̄l+1 is not an extreme point of Xi .
i i
be equivalently formulated as the following piece-wise linear pro- The three cases are illustrated by Fig. 4(a), (b), and (c) respec-
gramming model: tively In this figure, not all tangents of fi (xi ) that represent its

m piece-wise linear approximation defined by + are shown, only
P  : MaxET P =
z̄i (xi ) (32) last three or two tangents amongst them are depicted.
i=1 From the definition of z̄i (xi ) and +i
, we have z̄i (xi ) ≤ z̄i (xi )
subject to constraints (28) and (29). for all i and any xi , so we have ET P+ (x ) ≤ ET P (x ). In
P  and P  have the same optimal objective value. If (x∗ , z∗ ) + +
the following, we prove ET P+ (x ) < ET P (x ) or ET P+ (x )
with x∗ = (x∗1 , …, x∗m ) and z∗ = (z1∗ , …, zm ∗ ) is an optimal
= ET P ∗ if the condition of this proposition holds.
solution of P  , x∗ is an optimal solution of P  . On the other hand, Firstly, according to the definition of P  , P + , x̄l and x̄l+1 , we
if x∗ is an optimal solution of P  , there is z∗ with zi∗ = z̄i (x∗i ) such have:
that (x∗ , z∗ ) is an optimal solution of P  .   
To prove Proposition 2, it is equivalent to prove that the op- ET P x = z̄i (x̄li ),
timal solution of P  is also a feasible solution of P and the op- i=1
timal objective value of P  provides an upper bound for the op-   
ET P+ x z̄i (x̄l+1
+ +
timal objective value of P. The first part of this proof is evident = i
since P  and P have the same constraints, i.e., the same solution i=1
space. For the second part, since all functions fi (xi ) are concave, we +
Since z̄i (x̄l+1 ) = min { fi (x̄i ) + fi (x̄i )(x̄l+1 − x̄i )} =
have fi (xi ) ≤ fi (x̄i ) + fi (x̄i )(xi − x̄i ) for any i = 1, 2, …, m and any i
x̄i ∈+
value of xi . This implies that fi (xi ) ≤ z̄i (xi ) for any i and xi . Then,
min{ min )}
j j
 m min L (x̄l+1 ) = L (x̄l+1 ), Lli (x̄l+1 =
we have ET P (x ) = m i=1 z̄i (xi ) ≥ i=1 f i (xi ) = ETP(x) for any x. j=0,...,l−1,l i i j=0,...,l−1 i i i

That is, the piece-wise linear objective function of P  is an upper 

min{z̄i (x̄i ), Li (x̄i )}, we
l+1 l l+1
envelope of the nonlinear concave objective function of P. SinceP    
ET P+ x min{z̄i (x̄l+1
and P are both maximization problems and have the same solution = i
), Lli (x̄l+1
space, the optimal objective value of P  , which is also the optimal i=1
objective value of P  , provides an upper bound for the optimal ob-
∗ Let M1 = { i | Lli (x̄l+1 ) ≥ z̄i (x̄l+1 ), i ∈ {1, 2, …, m}} and M2 = {
jective value of P, so we haveET P ≥ ET P ∗ . i i

Proof of Proposition 3:
i | Lli (x̄l+1
) < z̄i (x̄l+1
), i ∈ {1, 2, …, m}}, M1 ∪ M2 = {1, 2, …, m},
Let x and ET P (x ) denote an optimal solution and its opti- M1 ∩ M2 = ∅. We have z̄i (x̄l+1
) = z̄i (x̄l+1
) for each i ∈M1 , and
z̄i (x̄l+1 ) = Lli (x̄l+1 ) < z̄i (x̄l+1 ) for each i ∈M2 . Two cases may
mal objective value of P  defined in the proof of Proposition 2. To i i i
prove Proposition 3, it is equivalent to prove that if ET P (x ) > happen:
+ + Case 1: M2 = ∅. In this case, we have:
ET P ∗ , P + has an optimal solution x such that ET P+ (x ) <
ET P (x ) or ET P (x ) = ET P ∗ . 
ET P+ (x ) = z̄i (x̄l+1 z̄i (x̄l+1 z̄i (x̄l+1
+ + + +

)= i
)+ i
Let X denote the feasible region, i.e., the set of all feasible solu-
j i=1 i∈M1 i∈M2
tions, of model P. X is a finite polyhedron. Suppose that x̄ j = (x̄1 ,
j = 0, … L-1 be the l points considered in the piece-wise
x̄m ), 
< z̄i (x̄l+1 )≤ z̄i (x̄li ) = ET P (x )
linear approximation of ETP, l ≥ 1. Let i = {x̄1i , x̄2i , …, x̄l−1
}, i = 1, i
i=1 i=1
… m, x̄l is an optimal solution of P  , where  = {i , i = 1, 2,
Case 2: M2 = ∅. In this case, we have:
…, m}; +i
= i ∪ {x̄li }, i = 1, … m, and x̄l+1 is an optimal so-
lution of P + , where + = {+ , i = 1, 2, …, m}. Define
Li ( xi ) 
ET P+ (x ) = z̄i (x̄l+1 z̄i (x̄l+1 ) = ET P (x )
+ + +
)= i
= fi (x̄i ) + fi (x̄i )(xi − x̄i ), j = 0, … L-1,
j j j
i = 1, … m; and denote i=1 i=1
z̄i (xi ) in model P  by z̄i (xi ) to indicate its dependence on , i.e., +
In case 2, suppose that ET P+ (x ) = ET P (x ), then we
z̄i (xi ) = min { fi (x̄i ) + fi (x̄i )(xi − x̄i )} =
min L (xi ). have ET P (x + )  
=ET P (x ). Two cases may happen:
x̄i ∈i j=0,...,l−1 i

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Fig. 4. Succeessively considered points in the piece-wise approximation of fi (xi ) .

Case 2a: x = x , i.e., x̄l+1 = x̄l . This is impossible because Proof of Proposition 4:

if x̄l+1 = x̄l , Lli (x̄l+1 ) = Lli (x̄li ) = f (x̄li ) for all i. Since ET P (x ) According to Proposition 2, ET P = ET P (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ,
m  l i m
= i=1 z̄i (x̄i ) > ET P ∗ ≥  l
i=1 f i (x̄i ), there is i such that z̄i (x̄i ) >
l ū0k ,v̄0k ,w̄ik ) ≥ ET P ∗ . Since (q̄ik , q̄0k ,I¯ik ,I¯0k ) is a feasible solution of
fi (x̄li ). For this i, we have Lli (x̄l+1 ) = f (x̄li ) < z̄i (x̄li ) = z̄i (x̄l+1 ), SIRP and SIRP is a maximization problem, we have ET P ∗ ≥ ETP(q̄ik ,
i i ∗ ∗
this is contradictory to i ∈ M1 (M2 = ∅). q̄ ,I¯ ,I¯ ) = ET P . This implies ET P =ET P ∗ , i.e., (q̄ , q̄ ,I¯ ,I¯ ) is
0k ik 0k ik 0k ik 0k
Case 2b: x = x , i.e., x̄l+1 = x̄l . In this case, ET P also an optimal solution of SIRP.
(x ) = ET P (x ) implies that model P  has two different op-
timal solutions x and x . Since the objective function of P  is
a piece-wise linear approximaton of the strictly concave objective Appendix A3. Computation Results
function of P, it is also concave. Then, x = x is only possible
when fi (x̄li ) = 0 for all i, where fi (x̄li ) is the first derivative of the In the following tables, UJRC and LJRC denote the scenario with
objective function of P with respect to variable xi at x̄l (x ). That unlimited joint replenishment capacity and the scenario with lim-
is, the tangent passing the point (x̄li , fi (x̄li )), represented by the lin- ited joint replenishment capacity, respectively. ND and GD repre-
ear equation zi = fi (x̄li ) + fi (x̄li )(xi − x̄li ), is a horizontal straight line sent that the demand of each product at each FDC is subject to
+ a normal distribution and a gamma distribution, respectively. In
(has slope zero) for all i. In this case, ET P (x ) = ET P ∗ .
these tables, column “ProfitSIRP ” indicates the expected total profit
In conclusion, in both cases (Case 1 and Case 2), we have either
+ + of the solution of model SIRP found by the PLA procedure, col-
ET P+ (x ) < ET P (x ) or ET P+ (x ) = ET P ∗ . This proposition
umn “ProfitDIRP ” presents the expected total profit of the opti-
is proved.
mal solution of the deterministic planning model DIRP. Column

Table 6
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 1 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,033,266,683 1,052,411,814 1,026,335,363 1,070,170,765 1,039,439,207 1,057,656,429 1,038,382,206 1,041,142,107 1,038,756,368 1,063,330,120
ProfitSIRP 1,070,864,829 1,088,761,338 1,062,281,601 1,110,426,196 1,076,671,285 1,094,378,626 1,075,133,792 1,078,404,868 1,074,677,677 1,102,981,188
GapSD 3.64% 3.45% 3.50% 3.76% 3.58% 3.47% 3.54% 3.58% 3.46% 3.73%

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Table 7
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 2 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,119,671,065 1,060,464,480 1,040,819,811 1,100,370,204 1,048,865,704 1,021,666,934 1,065,937,301 1,075,166,667 1,038,099,668 1,094,034,916
ProfitSIRP 1,162,713,735 1,100,103,002 1,080,548,199 1,143,489,166 1,090,249,723 1,059,655,759 1,105,940,271 1,116,355,172 1,078,368,886 1,137,411,249
GapSD 3.84% 3.74% 3.82% 3.92% 3.95% 3.72% 3.75% 3.83% 3.88% 3.96%

Table 8
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 3 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,112,851,598 1,053,905,374 1,034,374,075 1,093,687,085 1,042,398,076 1,015,298,909 1,059,459,816 1,068,598,914 1,031,667,264 1,087,407,383
ProfitSIRP 1,162,457,223 1,099,850,334 1,080,329,151 1,143,334,135 1,090,092,819 1,059,279,408 1,105,698,500 1,116,177,141 1,078,180,453 1,137,285,273
GapSD 4.46% 4.36% 4.44% 4.54% 4.58% 4.33% 4.36% 4.45% 4.51% 4.59%

Table 9
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 4 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 2,186,581,936 2,094,300,973 2,056,655,882 2,162,905,891 2,196,737,308 2,096,276,473 2,079,272,909 2,108,087,158 2,098,333,648 2,125,952,856
ProfitSIRP 2,265,641,414 2,171,149,963 2,127,340,737 2,243,340,526 2,279,173,925 2,168,323,230 2,154,125,771 2,186,241,160 2,171,549,285 2,200,885,401
GapSD 3.62% 3.67% 3.44% 3.72% 3.75% 3.44% 3.60% 3.71% 3.49% 3.52%

Table 10
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 5 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 2,156,663,295 2,060,879,941 2,172,644,018 2,072,528,640 2,102,541,826 2,082,829,010 2,115,823,878 2,060,629,988 2,091,582,509 2,150,233,877
ProfitSIRP 2,239,775,004 2,141,941,857 2,256,537,086 2,154,665,869 2,180,998,698 2,160,964,414 2,199,954,332 2,142,550,533 2,171,667,252 2,235,657,191
GapSD 3.85% 3.93% 3.86% 3.96% 3.73% 3.75% 3.98% 3.98% 3.83% 3.97%

Table 11
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 6 with UJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 2,143,434,592 2,048,082,307 2,159,362,793 2,059,987,070 2,089,484,594 2,069,893,415 2,102,742,384 2,048,040,613 2,078,627,650 2,137,164,002
ProfitSIRP 2,239,398,666 2,141,478,198 2,256,160,222 2,154,426,691 2,180,342,038 2,160,341,506 2,199,632,055 2,142,266,869 2,171,199,278 2,235,410,946
GapSD 4.48% 4.56% 4.48% 4.58% 4.35% 4.37% 4.61% 4.6% 4.45% 4.6%

Table 12
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 1 with LJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 939,849,103 940,632,555 946,595,458 964,368,992 950,254,617 978,611,839 962,296,153 957,120,948 945,491,894 984,369,546
ProfitSIRP 1,038,478,232 1,051,800,354 1,033,336,282 1,071,194,324 1,043,351,588 1,066,208,052 1,045,718,346 1,042,841,967 1,038,330,498 1,069,183,186
GapSD 10.49% 11.82% 9.16% 11.08% 9.80% 8.95% 8.67% 8.96% 9.82% 8.62%

Table 13
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 2 with LJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,013,862,519 1,011,549,134 935,078,699 1,010,758,282 929,032,955 929,644,149 973,248,154 979,637,507 936,629,791 1,013,396,546
ProfitSIRP 1,121,663,346 1,076,031,072 1,037,114,446 1,105,392,026 1,037,195,036 1,033,182,403 1,071,739,825 1,072,628,558 1,036,494,174 1,093,889,213
GapSD 10.63% 6.37% 10.91% 9.36% 11.64% 11.14% 10.12% 9.49% 10.66% 7.94%

Table 14
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 3 with LJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 991,252,866 997,590,386 912,808,041 990,858,503 904,763,789 909,231,873 952,960,242 959,064,161 915,163,023 994,871,912
ProfitSIRP 1,113,240,570 1,070,327,428 1,028,372,204 1,097,874,606 1,027,217,168 1,026,322,251 1,064,425,870 1,064,424,709 1,028,186,638 1,085,822,049
GapSD 12.31% 7.29% 12.66% 10.80% 13.53% 12.88% 11.70% 10.99% 12.35% 9.14%

Table 15
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 4 with LJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 2,021,266,825 1,937,147,660 1,937,888,283 1,974,064,125 2,035,742,975 1,926,027,260 1,923,378,537 1,939,468,953 1,932,457,123 1,981,509,311
ProfitSIRP 2,201,226,652 2,107,990,870 2,085,636,081 2,164,682,054 2,209,313,714 2,104,311,550 2,097,633,878 2,122,899,495 2,106,723,761 2,139,527,910
GapSD 8.9% 8.82% 7.62% 9.66% 8.53% 9.26% 9.06% 9.46% 9.02% 7.97%

B. Dai, H.X. Chen, Y.A. Li et al. Omega 102 (2021) 102356

Table 16
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 5 with LJRC and ND.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,968,430,218 1,871,792,870 1,972,249,856 1,904,479,739 1,894,078,285 1,944,197,356 1,931,253,079 1,929,421,449 1,930,031,188 1,909,888,864
ProfitSIRP 2,156,913,390 2,071,979,293 2,172,713,497 2,076,485,296 2,107,443,950 2,110,997,686 2,121,779,045 2,086,464,381 2,099,400,210 2,133,228,476
GapSD 9.58% 10.69% 10.16% 9.03% 11.26% 8.58% 9.87% 8.14% 8.78% 11.69%

Table 17
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 6 with LJRC and ND .

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,927,149,197 1,830,656,446 1,929,060,083 1,867,221,582 1,849,460,072 1,910,214,265 1,890,748,905 1,897,345,857 1,892,820,528 1,861,484,780
ProfitSIRP 2,140,363,073 2,057,019,357 2,155,919,493 2,061,727,416 2,090,951,676 2,098,636,885 2,106,151,605 2,074,746,671 2,084,246,007 2,114,265,151
GapSD 11.06% 12.37% 11.76% 10.42% 13.06% 9.86% 11.39% 9.35% 10.11% 13.58%

Table 18
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 2 with UJRC and GD.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,119,886,878 1,060,620,505 1,041,020,598 1,100,581,970 1,049,055,617 1,021,867,717 1,066,130,635 1,075,320,673 1,038,279,404 1,094,231,915
ProfitSIRP 1,162,496,403 1,099,787,854 1,080,265,087 1,143,289,130 1,090,067,058 1,059,387,282 1,105,647,411 1,116,031,249 1,078,123,083 1,137,261,564
GapSD 3.8% 3.69% 3.77% 3.88% 3.91% 3.67% 3.71% 3.79% 3.84% 3.93%

Table 19
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 5 with UJRC and GD.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 2,157,095,686 2,061,231,740 2,173,092,650 2,072,948,278 2,102,992,889 2,083,259,196 2,116,195,178 2,061,018,586 2,091,986,838 2,150,649,584
ProfitSIRP 2,239,288,536 2,141,589,809 2,256,089,220 2,154,379,362 2,180,397,348 2,160,389,865 2,199,624,370 2,142,268,973 2,171,164,012 2,235,406,055
GapSD 3.81% 3.9% 3.82% 3.93% 3.68% 3.7% 3.94% 3.94% 3.78% 3.94%

Table 20
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 2 with LJRC and GD.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,014,944,927 1,012,600,189 936,088,091 1,011,913,192 929,892,042 930,719,129 974,347,454 980,707,238 937,641,017 1,014,559,612
ProfitSIRP 1,121,301,552 1,075,515,442 1,036,740,758 1,104,950,222 1,036,936,786 1,032,747,830 1,071,301,003 1,072,214,636 1,036,102,998 1,093,576,098
GapSD 10.48% 6.21% 10.75% 9.19% 11.51% 10.96% 9.95% 9.33% 10.5% 7.79%

Table 21
Comparison of model SIRP and DIRP on instances set 5 with LJRC and GD.

Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ProfitDIRP 1,970,747,180 1,873,888,372 1,974,454,790 1,906,690,633 1,896,187,064 1,946,584,844 1,933,431,768 1,931,665,026 1,932,332,548 1,911,752,840
ProfitSIRP 2,156,151,539 2,071,272,273 2,172,056,519 2,075,833,727 2,106,740,626 2,110,112,926 2,121,075,572 2,085,670,308 2,098,736,557 2,132,672,933
GapSD 9.41% 10.53% 10.01% 8.87% 11.1% 8.40% 9.71% 7.97% 8.61% 11.56%

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