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1. Hi, Brand. I just want to say that we had a nice meeting this morning. It was nice of
Mary to organize everything, so we could make business together. Can you
_______________ introducing us? I don´t have her number right now, but it was good
that she contacted me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
A. Thank her for
B. Thanks her for
C. Thank her to

2. I taught myself to cook when I was living alone. I learned to cook __________ watching
you tube videos and practicing a lot of times. I also went to a cooking course a couple of
times and learned different things. I made lots of dishes there and improved my cooking
A. By
B. Like
C. Eat

3. The boss was happy because _______ the workers arrived early to work. She made a
new rule at work – If you arrive early every day, you could choose two days off work
every month to do whatever you want. The boss noticed that the employees were
more likely to be more punctual if they got a reward at the end of the month, although
some workers still arrived late.
A. Most of
B. Much of
C. Almost of

4. I saw my dream wedding dress for sale in a magazine, but it was too expensive. If I had
the money, _________ buy it, but right now it`s not in the budget. I talked to the woman
who was showing the magazine and asked if she could lower the price for me, and she
said no.
A. I would
B. I will to
C. I won`t

5. When my wife, who is a police officer, gets from work, we have a routine. First, she puts
her keys on the hook by the door, and she takes her shoes_______. Then, she goes to
the kitchen and eats what I made for her. While she`s eating, I ask her what she did at
work that day. She tells me about her cases and what they have found so far
A. On
B. Out
C. Off

6. Hi Harry, could you please help me with my homework this afternoon? I don’t know
______ resolve some problems. I have a trigonometry exercise and I don’t know how to
solve it. I’m stuck in the middle of the exercise, and I really need your help.
A. who to
B. which to
C. how to

7. Hi Linda, I’m sorry I couldn’t join to the meeting today - ______ we try again tomorrow?
I’m free at 3pm, but if that’s not good for you, how about 4:30pm? I’m looking forward to
speaking to you. -Alexander
A. Said
B. Shall
C. Shan’t

8. I didn’t really enjoy the play we watched at the theatre. It lasted almost three hours,
which for me, is just too long. When I was younger, I remember we went to the
theatre all the time and the plays only lasted an hour or so, but now it seems like
everything has to be _______.
A. Longest
B. more long
C. longer

9. Hello teacher, I don’t think I can send my son to school today. He is feeling really sick. I
think it may be the flu and I don’t want him to get any of his friends sick. He has a high
________ and a severe headache. I’m going to take him to the doctors this afternoon,
so I’ll let you know what they say. Hopefully, it’s nothing serious. Thanks, Emma.
A. Temperature
B. Thermometer
C. Temperament

10. Hi there, I just started in the university. I study in law school. Is there a place _______ I
can study nearby? I have to do some work on my laptop, and I prefer working in a
library so I can concentrate while I work. I don’t want to go somewhere too loud
because I find it hard to work if there’s a lot of noise. Also, I need somewhere with free
Wi-fi, and I’ll probably be working all day so it is better if there is a place near that
serves food, so I can get something for lunch. Do you know
A. when
B. where
C. what

11. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A. Who`s
B. Whose
C. Which`s

12. My job interview was going well until they asked me __________ I earned in my old job.
When I told them that haven`t had a job yet, they immediately change their attitude,
they asked a few more questions and ended the interview. I couldn`t believeit! I thought
I was doing well, and I didn`t think they cared about experience like that.
A. How might
B. How many
C. How much

13. Hi Noah, don`t forget to wake up on time tomorrow! The game _______ at nine, and I
don`t want to be late. I`II pick you up at your house at 7, it`s an hour drive to the city,
and it might take us a while to find parking. If we have enough time, we can go for
breakfast before the game. If not, we can get something to eat during the game.
A. Started
B. Start
C. Starts
14. I`ve been together with my girlfriend for four years, and we have two beautiful cats
together. We met _______ we were studying at university. We just wanted to enjoy
each other`s company and we moved in together a year ago. But a few weeks ago, my
girlfriend got pregnant.
A. While
B. Whenever
C. Since

15. I`m trying my best to learn Spanish. But it`s really hard. When speak to my Spanish
friends, I only understand ___________ of what they say to me. I will to go Spain in a
few weeks hopefully my Spanish will get better.
A. All
B. A bit
C. A lot

16. I grew up in a beautiful house in the north of the city. The house is on a street, ______
two big building. There is a small park that is near my street, where people can to play
and walk in summer. In the winter, it gets cold, and sometimes the snow covers all the
A. Under
B. Between
C. Above

17. I just finished the new season of my favorite series. I was excited to watch it, and I
found it _______ interesting but I didn`t think it was as good as the other seasons. I was
disappointed with the ending.
A. Quit
B. Quiet
C. Quite

18. Hi Ricky, I need to talk to you about Kyle. Did you know he`s quitting the team? He sent
our coach a mmessage, and our coach let me read it. His message is ________ why
he`s leaving the team and why he is unhappy with some of his teammates. He said they
don`t listen to him, and they don`t make him feel comfortable or support him when he
needs it.
A. About
B. Around
C. Along

19. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A. That
B. Than
C. Then
SEGUNDA CLASE. 06/07/2023
1. My friends tell a lot of gossips, and it is becoming a problem. Their gossips are often
lying, and they are good at making excuses when they get caught. I’m worried that if I
don’t tell them something soon, my friends will never tell the truth. I’ve talked to them
about the importance of not telling gossips and how lying can hurt others. I’ve explained
that gossiping is wrong, and I’ve told them that it hurts the people involved when they
do it. They seem to understand, but it doesn’t stop they seem to understand, but it
doesn’t stop them from telling gossips.

What does the writer say about her friends?

A. They understand that gossiping is wrong, but they still gossip.

B. They don’t understand that gossiping is wrong.
C. Only one of them is gossiping.

2. Hi, I came to your bookstore on Thursday to buy Green’s new book. The manager told
me that the book was not available yet but would be available this week. I’d like to
know if it’s available now. I live far from your store, so I don’t want to drive there if the
book is not available yet. I also want to know if you can give me the price of the book. I
looked at it in person when I was at your store, but I don’t remember what it cost. I’d
like to know if you have other books similar to the new one by other authors to buy
instead. I was looking at Blue’s. Can you give me a price on that book as well?

The customer…

A. hasn’t decided which book to buy yet.

B. lives close to the bookstore.
C. has already paid for the new book.

3. Hey Nicole, are you still coming to the family dinner for holidays? We’re just figuring
out how many beds we have available in our house and there’s still one more space
left. Would you like to invite your boyfriend, too? I know you haven’t been dating him
for very long, but we all want to meet him. We’ll be meeting at the house at 6pm, and
I’m bringing boardgames so we can play. There’s also going to be a barbecue, so let me
know if your boyfriend is vegetarian so we can get some vegetarian so we can get
some vegetarian food for him.

Mark Mark…

A. is asking Nicole to bring boardgames.

B. wants to meet Nicole’s boyfriend.
C. is telling Nicole her boyfriend can’t come to the dinner.

4. Dear Mr. Taylor, I need next Wednesday off work. It’s my daughter’s graduation and
her dad has to work. I don’t want to leave her alone in such an important day. I won’t
have any other time off work until the end of May, and I will work on the weekend if I
have to. My daughter is graduating from high school, and she will be so disappointed if
neither of her parents is there. I’m sorry that I have to ask for this time off, but it’s
really important to me. I know I should have asked for it son for it sooner. Her dad was
supposed to have the day off, but his boss needs him that day.

Which of the following is true?

A. The worker is the girl’s sister.

B. The worker is asking for the day off at the last minute.
C. The worker is asking for Wednesday off because it’s her daughter’s birthday.

5. In the class project, I was disappointed to see that none of the men of my group
wanted to help with the project. They all sat around and talked about football instead.
I was so annoyed. When I got home, my father asked me why I was upset. I told him
about how disappointed I was that the men of my group didn’t want to help with
anything. It felt unfair. My dad agreed with me, but he said it was probably because
they were used to doing nothing. I was surprised that he agreed with me, but there
there was a part of me that felt like he didn’t really get it.

The girl…
A. thinks that the men should have helped more.
B. wanted to watch football too.
C. is only upset with her father.

6. Clara didn’t enjoy her time in the new school as much as she had hoped. She found
herself among unfamiliar people and in a school that was not quite as welcoming as
she had imagined. She missed her friends, and she did not like being so far away from
them. As a result, Clara convinced her parents to return her to his old school after only
one year. Clara returned with mixed feelings. She had enjoyed learning there and was
sad to leave, but she also was happy that she would be back among familiar people


A. didn’t stay in her new school.

B. was in her new school for three years.
C. didn’t enjoy her new school at all.

7. Hey David, I was just looking at which games are at the store, but I’m not sure which
game you will prefer. There’s an action game for $6, a horror game for $7, and a puzzle
game for $5. I think the horror game could be good, but I’m not sure if you like horror
games. I know you like action, so maybe we should buy the action game. The puzzle
game looks quite boring to me, but it is from one of my favourite companies, so I don’t
mind playing it if it’s what you choose. I need to buy the games soon so let me know! -

Which of the following is true?

A. The horror game is cheaper than puzzle game.

B. Jhon doesn’t think the puzzle game will be interesting.
C. David doesn’t enjoy action games.

8. My trip with my family was a disaster. My father had decided to stay at a hostel, and
we were going to stay in it for four days. It was a bit weird and there were some
problems. On the first night of the trip, we had trouble finding a place because there
weren’t enough beds. The receptionist tried to help us but with no luck, so we had
trouble staying there because there was no space. The next day, we drove to another
hostel and even thought there was space for us, the toilet stopped working and we
had no electricity. In the end, my father made a reservation in a good hotel instead.

What happened on the family trip?

A. They couldn’t find space at any hostel.

B. The hostel’s bed broke down.
C. They ended up having to go to a hotel.

9. The driving test was surprisingly difficult. I usually do well practical tests, and I was
confident about this one. I had studied hard and knew the rules perfectly. When I
finished the exam, I was sure my grade would be great. But when I got my results back
a three days later, I had failed. I was shocked! How could this have happened? My
instructor told me that I hadn’t followed a few rules, but that didn’t make sense to me.
I thought I had done everything perfectly. I went back through my went back through
my notes and discovered that I had missed an entire page of rules!

The student…

A. didn’t follow every rule.

B. isn’t surprised they failed the exam.
C. did everything wrong.

10. My sister-in-law, Marta, is a nice girl. She doesn’t think I like her, but I do. When we
first met, she kept confusing me with my twin and I didn’t know what to do. I thought
she didn’t know us well yet, so I just laughed and went along with it. She kept doing it
for a long time, and every time I corrected her, she would be embarrassed. It didn’t
bother me. She kept calling me by my sister’s name, which is an easy mistake to make,
especially because we are twins. I didn’t mind but she thinks that she offended me.

Why does Marta think Tania doesn’t like her?

A. Because she makes too many jokes.

B. Because she kept confusing her with her twin.
C. Because she is her sister-in-law.

11. Lauren, I know you’re excited about our anniversary trip to Germany, and I am too, but
I think we need to think about how we spend our money. We can’t spend $200 on
flights, so we must find something less expensive. We can still travel fast and be
comfortable. We can save money by going by train, and I think it will be fun to see the
landscape. I’ve travelled by train before and they’re very safe. They also have beds
that we can use, so we can save money that way!

The boyfriend…
A. doesn’t want to socialize on his anniversary.
B. wants to travel in a cheaper mean of transportation.
C. admits he doesn’t want to go to Germany.

12. I’ve started going to the gym at the beginning of the day, right after the gym opens. I
do it in order to save time because I need to do a lot of things before the day is over. I
started doing this because I noticed that you have more energy in the morning, and it
seemed like a good way to save time. I also noticed that gyms would be less crowded
at the beginning of the day. It was easier to do the exercises without having to wait for
the machine to be free. I’ve been doing this for three weeks now and I’ve felt better!

The person…

A. has been going to the gym in the morning for less than a month.
B. started going to the gym in the morning because their friend recommended it.
C. thinks it’s better to go to the gym in the morning even though there are more
people around.

13. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The man
A. Didn`t like how nice everyone was is Spain
B. Was is Spain for a year
C. Studied in Spain and still lives there now

14. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The neighborhood

A. Has as many parks as it does supermarkets.

B. Is closer to the university than it is to the bank
C. Has security system because it`s a dangerous neighborhood

15. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Places 60

A. Only offers plans for children

B. Doesn`t have an online store
C. Offers guided tours

16. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

What does the person think?

A. Horror movies make her feel more relaxed

B. Horror movies are too realistic
C. Horror movies are unrealistic

17. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Which of the following is true?

A. Carol is offering for Andy to stay at her house

B. Andy lives closer to the conference than Carol
C. Carol wants to know why Andy doesn`t want to stay at her house

18. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Which of the following is true?

A. The woman`s mother noticed her first wrinkle at a younger age than her daughter
B. The woman is almost 30
C. The woman doesn`t take care of her skin

19. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

What does Hector think about the class?

A. He thinks is wasn`t as good as he was expecting

B. He thinks is was boring from start to finish
C. He thinks is was with a teacher he doesn`t like

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