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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 1 – Tuesday 15th March 2011

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50

Marks available: 51

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this
• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page
as well, but indicate when you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are 8 questions in this test; there are 7 pages after this one. Make
sure that no pages or questions are missing.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book
you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. You are given a sketch of the graph of the function y = f (x) below; its
domain is 0 ≤ x ≤ 4:

1 2 3 4 5
On two different sets of axes sketch the graphs of g(x) = 3f (2x) + 1
and h(x) = −f (−x). Give also the domain and range in each case.

Many people thought that the factor 2 stretched the function horizon-
tally by 2; it doesn’t, it compresses by a factor 2.
Graph of y = g(x):

0 2

Domain of g: [0, 2] Range of g: [1, 4]

Graph of y = h(x):

-4 0


Domain of h: [−4, 0] Range of h: [−1, 0]

[7 marks]

2. Let f (x) = 3
e5x − 8 and let g(x) = x3 + 1.

(a) Find g ◦ f (x)

g( 3 e5x − 8) = e5x − 8 + 1 = e5x − 7
(b) Check that f is a 1 − 1 function, showing your working.
√ √
Suppose that 3 e5a − 8 = 3 e5b − 8. Then, cubing both sides,
e5a − 8 = e5b − 8, so e5a = e5b . Taking logs, or because ex is a 1-1
function, 5a = 5b, so a = b as needed.
(c) Find the inverse of f , showing your working.

Let x = 3 e5y − 8
then x3 = e5y − 8, so
e5y = x3 + 8.
Taking logs, 5y = ln(x3 + 8), so y = ln(x3 + 8).
(d) What is the domain of f . Show your working.

From (c), since ln is only defined for positive values,

we must have x3 + 8 > 0, so x3 > −8, which gives x > −2.
The domain is all real x greater than −2.

[10 marks]
|x − 3|
3. Solve the inequality ≤1 [7 marks]
x2 + 1
This is is the same as solving |x − 3| ≤ x2 + 1. (Multiplying both
sides by x2 + 1 is OK since it is positive.) We look at the two cases as
determined by |x − 3|:
Case (i): x − 3 ≥ 0, i.e. x ≥ 3:
The inequality becomes x − 3 ≤ x2 + 1, so x2 − x + 4 ≥ 0 (Be careful
with your algebra here!)
This is true for all x (since y = x2 − x + 4 is a parabola with arms
up that never intersecst the x-axis, as you can see by trying to solve
x2 − x + 4 = 0).
(Many people thought that because x2 − x + 4 = 0 has no solutions,
then neither does the inequality x2 − x + 4 ≥ 0; wrong!)
Now since we are only concerned with x ≥ 3 in this case, we see that
all x ≥ 3 satisfy the inequality.
Case (ii): x − 3 < 0, i.e. x < 3:
The inequality becomes −x + 3 ≤ x2 + 1,
so x2 + x − 2 ≥ 0 ⇔ (x + 2)(x − 1) ≥ 0.
This holds for x ≤ −2 and x ≥ −1 (but remember that x < 3).
Combining the two cases, we see that all x ∈ (−∞, −2] and all x ∈
[−1, ∞) satisfy the inequality.

4. Sketch the graph of y = |x − 2| + |x + 1| in the box below. Be careful

to label important points of your graph. [6 marks]

-1 0 2
5. (a) Write as a single logarithm: 2 log4 (x−1)− log4 (x+1)−log4 (x+1)
(x − 1)
log4 √
x + 1(x + 1)
(b) Prove that for a, x and y positive, loga (x) − loga (y) = loga ( ).
Let loga x = r and let loga y = s.
x ar
Then x = ar and y = as , so = s = ar−s .
y a
So loga = r − s = loga x − loga y as required.
[6 marks]
6. You want to model the growth of the population of a certain bacteria
which you have decided is exponential. You decide to use an exponen-
tial function of the form P (t) = Keat . The population starts with 100
bacteria and has doubled after 3 hours.

(a) Solve for K and a if t is measured in hours.

P (0) = 100 = Kea0 = K so K = 100
P (3) = 200 = 100e3a , so 2 = e3a .
Taking ln of both sides, we get
ln 2
ln 2 = 3a, so a =
(b) When will the population have grown to three times it’s original
Let the desired time be t: then
ln 2 ln 2
P (t) = 300 = 100e 3 t , so 3 = e 3 t .
Taking ln of both sides gives:
ln 3 = ( ln 2)t, so
ln 3
t= .3 ≈ 4.7549
ln 2
[5 marks]
7. (a) Use the definition of the derivative of a function at a point to
7 2
show that f ′ (2) = when f (x) = x2 + . (You may not use any
2 x
formulae for derivatives.)
Many people used the formulae for the derivatives of x2 and .
NO marks for doing your own question!
By definition:

f (2 + h) − f (2)
f ′ (2) = lim
1 2 2
= lim (2 + h) + − (4 + 1)
h→0 h 2+h
1 2 2
= lim 4 + 4h + h + −4−1
h→0 h 2+h
1 2 −h
= lim 4h + h +
h→0 h 2+h
= 4+h−

(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to f at x = 2.

7 7
Slope is ; a point on the line is (2, 5). This gives y = x − 2.
2 2
8. For each of the following statements, state whether it is true or false
and prove your claim. In each case, we are considering functions with
domain R.

(a) If a function f (x) is 1 − 1, then so is f (|x|).

True or false: FALSE
Proof of claim:
Try f (x) = x which is 1 − 1, but f (|x|) = |x| which is not. (There
are many examples like this.)
(b) The only function f that satisfies f = f −1 is the function f (x) = x.
True or false: FALSE
Proof of claim:
Try y = −x: then its inverse is again y = −x, so there are quite a
few functions that are their own inverse. (You have to think of a
function that, when you reflect it in the line y = x gives the same
function back!

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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 2 – Tuesday 19th April 2011

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50

Marks available: 52

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this
• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page
as well, but indicate when you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are 8 questions in this test; there are ?? pages after this one.
Make sure that no pages or questions are missing.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book
you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. Do not simplify your answers in this question.
(a) Write down the derivative of f (x) = .
x2 + 1/x

10x ln 10(x2 + 1/x) − 10x (2x − 1/x2 )

f ′ (x) =
(x2 + 1/x)2

(b) Write down the derivative of g(x) = ex . sin x .
√ 1
ex sin x + ex . √ . cos x
sin x
(c) Write down the derivative of h(x) = tan .
x3 − 3x2

e .3.(x3 − 3x2 ) − e3x (3x2 − 6x)

sec [11]
x3 − 3x2 (x3 − 3x2 )2

2. You are given that the equation

x2 − y 2 + 2xy = ex y 5 − 2
defines y as a function of x. Find at (0, 1).
Differentiate both sides with respect to x:
dy dy dy
2x − 2y + 2y + 2x = ex y 5 + ex 5y 4
dx dx dx
dy x 4
 x 5
So −2y + 2x − e 5y = e y − 2x − 2y.
dy ex y 5 − 2x − 2y
Thus = .
dx −2y + 2x − ex 5y 4
3. Below is a sketch of the graph of y = f (x):

a c d x
0 b

On the axes below, draw a rough sketch of the graph of y = f ′ (x). Be

careful to indicate where f ′ is not defined.

Rough sketch of f'

f' flat-ish, positive after a

f' is 0 between 0 and b

f' is 0 at d, increasing
a b c d from c onwards x
f' undefined at a 0

f' flat, negative before a

f' large negative near c and
undefined or very large
negative at c

4. Let f (x) = x2/3 (x − 4)2 .

(a) Find f ′ (x); show your working.

2 1
f ′ (x) = x− 3 (x − 4)2 + x2/3 2(x − 4)
(b) Factorize your answer to (a) and show that
8(x − 4)(x − 1)
f ′ (x) = .
2 −1 2(x − 4)2 + 6x(x − 4)
x 3 (x − 4)2 + x2/3 2(x − 4) =
3 3x1/3
(x − 4)[2(x − 4) + 6x] (x − 4)8(x − 1)
= = as required.
3x1/3 3x1/3
(c) Where does f have a horizontal tangent? Where is f ′ > 0? Where
is f ′ undefined?
• f has a horizontal tangent at x = 1 and x = 4.

• f ′ > 0 when x > 2 and for 0 < x < 1.

• f ′ is undefined at x = 0.
(d) Sketch a rough graph of f using the above. (You should NOT
consider y ′′ or concavity.)

Possible sketch of f

1 4


ax2 + bx + 1 if x < 1
5. Suppose that f (x) = .
2x + 3 if x ≥ 1

(a) How should you choose a and b so that f is continuous at x = 1?

Explain your answer.
You must have that lim+ f (x) = lim− f (x) = f (1).If you
x→1 x→1
didn’t talk about limits in your test, you got no marks!
Now f (1) = 2.1 + 3 = 5. Also lim+ f (x) = 5, so it remains
only to ensure that lim− f (x) = a + b + 1 = 5, so you must
choose a + b = 4.
(b) How should you choose a and b so that f is differentiable at x = 1?
Explain your answer.
f (1 + h) − f (1)
Now we must make sure that lim+ =
h→0 h
f (1 + h) − f (1)
lim− .
h→0 h
[2(1 + h) + 3] − 5 2h
The first limit is lim+ = lim+ = 2.
h→0 h h→0 h
[a(1 + h)2 + b(1 + h) + 1] − 5
The second limit is lim− =
h→0 h
ah2 + 2ah + a + b + bh + 1 − 5
lim− . Now since, to be differ-
h→0 h
entiable at 1 f has to be continuous as well, we must choose
again a + b = 4, so the above limit becomes:
ah2 + 2ah + bh
lim = lim− ah + 2a + b = 2a + b which must
h→0− h h→0
equal 2.
We now have two equations in a and b: a+b = 4 and 2a+b = 2,
which us a = −2 and b = 6.
Note: looking at f ′ (x) for x close to 1 and then letting x → 1 is
no good: this is only a valid method if you have been told that
f ′ is also continuous, which we simply don’t know. You’ve got
to look at f ′ (1) itself!
1 − cos h
6. Find lim . Show your working. (You may use the usual rules
h→0 h2
sin h
for limits and the known limit lim .)
h→0 h

1 − cos h 1 − cos h 1 + cos h

lim = lim
h→0 h 2 h→0 h2 1 + cos h
1 − cos h sin2 h 1 1 1
= lim 2 = lim = 12 . = .
h→0 h (1 + cos h) h→0 h 2 1 + cos h 2 2
7. A continuous function, f , that is defined for all x has the following
• f ′ > 0 • f ′′ < 0 • f (5) = 2 • f ′ (5) = 1

(a) Find the equation of the tangent to f at x = 5.

The tangent slope at 5 is 1; the point of tangency is (5, 2), so
the equation is given by
y − 2 = 1(x − 5) so the equation is y = x − 3.

(b) Give a possible sketch of f and include a sketch of the tangent

you found in (a).


(c) Could f have an x-intercept that is negative? Explain your an-

No: since f ′′ is negative, f is concave down and so the tangent
at (5, 2) is above f . Thus f must have an intercept that is
bigger than 3.

(d) Is it possible that f ′ (1) = 1/2? Explain your answer.

No: If f ′ (1) = 1/2 then f ′ must increase somewhere in the
interval [1, 5] to reach the value 1 at 5. But f ′ is decreasing,
since f ′′ < 0.
8. (a) Suppose that f is differentiable and that it is also increasing (for
all x). Is (f (x))3 increasing for all x? If not, give an example that
shows this. If it is increasing, give a proof that it is increasing.

Yes: Since f (x) is differentiable, so is f (x)3 and its derivative

is given by 3(f (x))2 .f ′ (x) by the chain rule.
Since f ′ (x) is not negative (f was given as increasing) then
we see that 3(f (x))2 .f ′ (x) is not negative, which shows that
(f (x))3 is increasing.

(b) Consider the statement:

If (f (x))2 is differentiable for all x
then f (x) is differentiable for all x.
Is this true or false?
Giver reasons for your answer.
False: consider f (x) = |x|. We know that f is not differen-
tiable at x = 0. But (f (x))2 = |x|2 = x2 which is differentiable
at all x. So this f is a counterexample.

Fill in your student number in the box below.

Fill in your surname and initials in the box below

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 1 – Tuesday 13th March 2012
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50
Marks available: 51

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this
• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page
as well, but indicate when you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are 7 questions in this test; there are 10 pages including this one.
Make sure that no pages or questions are missing: count
them before you start.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-
book you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. You are given a sketch of the graph of the function y = f (x) below; its
domain is 0 ≤ x ≤ 4:

1 2 3 4 5
On two different sets of axes sketch the graphs of g(x) = −f (x + 1)
and h(x) = f (2x − 2). Give also the domain and range in each case.

−2 −1 1 2 3



Domain of g: [−1, 3] Range of g: [−2, 0]


1 2 3 4 5

Domain of h: [1, 3] Range of h: [0, 2]

x+1 √
2. Let f (x) = and let g(x) = 1 + x.
(a) Find g ◦ f (x) simplifying your answer as much as possible.

p x+1
g(f (x)) = 1 + f (x) = 1+
r x−2
2x − 1

(b) What is the domain of g ◦ f ? Show your working.

2x − 1 1
We need ≥ 0, so x > 2 or x ≤ . (Strictly speaking, the
x−2 2
domain is (−∞, ] ∪ (2, ∞).)

(c) Show that f is a 1 − 1 function.

a+1 b+1
Let f (a) = f (b), that is, let = .
a−2 b−2
Then (a+1)(b−2) = (b+1)(a−2), so ab+b−2a−2 = ab+a−2b−2
which gives
3b = 3a, so a = b as required.
(d) Find the inverse of g ◦ f , showing your working.

2y − 1 2y − 1
Let x = . Then x2 = ,
y−2 y−2
so (y − 2)x2 = 2y − 1, giving y(x2 − 2) = 2x2 − 1, so finally
2x2 − 1
y= 2 .
x −2


3. Solve the equation |x − 3| = x2 − 3, showing your working.

Cases to consider:
(1) x ≥ 3: Then solve x − 3 = x2 − 3, that is, x2 − x = 0, so x = 0 or
x = 1,
but neither of these values are in the region x ≥ 3, so no solutions for
x ≥ 3.
(2) x < 3: Then solve −x+3 = x2 −3, that is x2 +x−6 = (x+3)(x−2) =
0, so x = −3 or x = 2, which are both in the region x < 3. So these
are the only two solutions.

4. Sketch the graph of y = |2x − 2| − |x + 2| in the box below. Note that
plotting some points is not a good enough justification for your graph;
you should show some working.

There are three cases to consider: (1) x ≥ 1 (2) −2 ≤ x < 1 (3) x < −2:
(1) x ≥ 1: then sketch y = (2x − 2) − (x + 2) = x − 4.
(2) −2 ≤ x < 1: then sketch y = −(2x − 2) − (x + 2) = −3x.
(3) x < −2: then sketch y = −(2x − 2) + (x + 2) = −x + 4.
Here is the graph

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3



5. A population size is described by the function P (t) =
100 + 900e−t
where t is the time in years.

(a) Find K if the initial population (starting population) is 100.

Substituting the given values gives: 100 = ,
100 + 900
so K = 100 000.

(b) The function P (t) has an inverse function. Explain in practical

terms the meaning of this inverse function.

The inverse function would be a function that, given the popu-

lation size, would give the time at which the population reached
that size.

(c) Find when the population reaches a size of 500. Show your work-

100 000 100 000

Solve 500 = for t: you get 100 + 900e−t = =
100 + 900e −t 500
so 900e−t = 100, so e−t = .
Taking logs (we used base e, so natural logs; you could use any
base) we get:
−t = ln = − ln 9, so t = ln 9 (= 2.1977...) years
(d) What happens to P (t) over a very long period of time? Explain
your answer.

As t gets large, e−t = t gets small ( lim e−t = 0) so P (t) ap-
e t→∞
proaches 1000.


6. (a) Use only the definition of the derivative of a function at a point

1 √
to show that f ′ (4) = when f (x) = 2x + 1. (You may not use
any formulae for derivatives.)

√ √
f (4 + h) − f (4) 8 + 2h + 1 − 9
lim = lim
h→0 √h √
h→0 h
1 ( 9 + 2h − 3) ( 9 + 2h + 3)
= lim √
h→0 h 1 ( 9 + 2h + 3)
1 9 + 2h − 9
= lim √
h→0 h 9 + 2h + 3
2 1
= lim √ = .
h→0 9 + 2h + 3 3
(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to f at x = 4.

Point of tangency: (4, 3)

1 y−3 1 1
Slope: . So equation is = , so y − 3 = (x − 4) (which
3 x−4 3 3
need not be simplified any further, but of course can be)
1 5
so y = x + .
3 3


7. (a) Let f be an even function and let g be an odd function. Does it

follow that f + g is an odd function?
Yes or no: NO
Proof of claim:

f (x) = 1 is an even function, g(x) = x is an odd function. But

f (x) + g(x) = x + 2 which is not odd (or even). Any counterex-
ample will do.
(b) Suppose that for two functions f and g with domain R it is known
that f ◦g is 1−1. Does it follow then that g itself is a 1−1 function?
Yes or no: YES
Proof of claim:

Suppose that g(a) = g(b); we need to show that a = b.

Since g(a) = g(b) it follows that f (g(a)) = f (g(b)), that is,
f ◦ g(a) = f ◦ g(b).
But now, since f ◦ g is known to be 1 − 1, it follows that a = b,
which is what we wanted.


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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 2 – Tuesday 24th April 2012

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this
• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page
as well, but indicate when you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are 7 questions in this test; there are 9 pages including this one.
Make sure that no pages or questions are missing: count
them before you start.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-
book you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. Write down the derivative for each of the following (you should not
simplify your answers):
ln x

(b) sin x tan x
(c) sec2 (x3 + 2)

2x ln 2 ln x − 2x x1
(ln x)2

(sin x tan x)− 2 [cos x tan x + sin x sec2 x]


2 sec(x3 + 2) sec(x3 + 2) tan(x3 + 2)3x2

2. Suppose that 6 + 5t + 3(1 + x ln t) = 14tetx defines x as a function of t.
Find at (1, 0), showing your working.

Differentiating both sides with respect to t we get:

1 dx dx
5 + 3x + 3 ln t = 14etx + 14tetx [x + t ]. You may now rearrange
t dt dt
and get and substitute t = 1 and x = 0, or you can first substitute
t = 1 and x = 0 in the equation above and then get . Using the
second method, you get:
dx dx −9
5 + 0 = 14 + 14 , so = .
dt dt 14

3. Find (sin x)cos x ; show your working.

Taking logs of both sides, we get:

ln y = cos x. ln(sin x).
Then using implicit differentiation, we get:
1 ′ 1
y = − sin x. ln(sin x) + cos x cos x so
y sin x
cos2 x
cos x
y = (sin x)

− sin x ln(sin x) + .
sin x

4. You are given, for a certain function f that f (2) = 1, f ′ (2) = 2, f ′′(2) =
−1 and f ′′ does not change sign.

(a) Use the linear approximation to f at 2 to estimate f (1.5), showing

your working.

The linear approximation at 2 has equation

y = f (2) + f ′ (2)(x − 2) = 1 + 2(x − 2).
At x = 1.5 this gives f (1.5) ≈ 1 + 2(1.5 − 2) = 0.

(b) Is your answer to (a) an overestimate or underestimate of f (1.5)?

Explain your answer.

This is an overestimate: since f ′′ is negative, we know that the

graph of f is concave down and the tangent line lies above the
curve. Using the tangent line to approximate f will produce an

5. You are given the following information about the derivative of a con-
tinuous function f with domain R.

• For x < −2, f ′ (x) > 0 and the derivative is increasing.

• f ′ (−2) does not exist.
• For −2 < x < 1, f ′ (x) > 0 and the derivative is decreasing.
• f ′ (1) = 0
• For x > 1, f ′ (x) < 0 and the derivative is decreasing.

Draw a possible graph of f below.

6. Let f (x) = x2/3 ex .
x 3x + 2
(a) Show that f (x) = e


2 −1/3 x 2/3 x ex
f (x) = x

e + x e = 1/3 [2 + 3x].
3 3x

(b) For which values of x is f increasing? For which values of x is f

decreasing? Where is f ′ undefined? Show working.

f ′ changes sign at x = 0 and x = − . It is positive for x > 0. So
f > 0 for x > 0 and for x < − . This is means f is increasing

2 ′
for x > 0 and for x < − . f is undefined for x = 0.
9x2 + 12x − 2
(c) You are given that f (x) = e
. For which values
of x is the graph of y = f (x) concave up? Show your working.

only if 9x2 + 12x −√2 > 0. This quadratic has

f ′′ (x) > 0 if and √
−12 ± 144 + 72 2 216 2
roots x = =− ± ≈ ±0.8164. Thus f ′′
18 3 18 3
is positive for x > 0.1497 and for x < −1.4830. For these values,
f is concave up.

(d) Give a rough sketch of the graph of f .

7. Suppose that the domain of a function f is R and that f is differentiable
at a.
f (x) − f (a)
E(x) = − f ′ (a) (1)

(a) What is lim E(x)? Explain your answer.


f (x) − f (a)
lim E(x) = lim − f ′ (a) = f ′ (a) − f ′ (a) = 0
x→a x→a x−a

(b) From (1) we get

f (x) = f (a) + f ′ (a)(x − a) + E(x)(x − a) (2).

Use (2) to evaluate lim f (x), showing your working, and explain what
important fact this proves.

lim f (x) = lim [f (a) + f ′ (a)(x − a) + E(x)(x − a)] = f (a) + 0 + 0 =

x→a x→a
f (a).
This proves that if f is differentiable at a then f is continuous at a.
(c) Now let H(x) = x2 f (x). We want to find H ′ (a) without using the
H(x) − H(a)
product rule. To do this, first write in terms of f, x, a
and E using (2).

H(x) − H(a) x2 f (x) − a2 f (a)

x−a x−a
x2 (f (a) + f ′ (a)(x − a) + E(x)(x − a)) − a2 f (a)
(x2 − a2 )f (a) + x2 f ′ (a)(x − a) + x2 E(x)(x − a)
= (x + a)f (a) + x2 f ′ (a) + x2 E(x).

(d) Now find H ′(a) using your answer to (c) and showing your working.

Taking the limits of the answer to (c) as x → a, we get

2af (a) + a2 f ′ (a) + 0


Fill in your student number in the box below.

Fill in your surname and initials in the box below

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 1 – Wednesday 13th March 2013

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50

Marks available: 51

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at all times. We will
pay attention to your presentation as well as the content.

• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.

• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.

• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.

• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this booklet.

• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page as well, but
indicate when you have done this.

• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.

• There are 7 questions in this test; there are 10 pages including this one. Make sure
NOW that no pages or questions are missing.

• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book you were given,
even if you didn’t use the answer-book.

1. You are given a sketch of the graph of the function y = f (x) below; its domain is
0 ≤ x ≤ 4:

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5



On two different sets of axes sketch the graphs of g(x) = −2f (−x) and h(x) = f (2x−1).
Give also the domain and range in each case.

Graph of y = g(x)

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2




Domain of g:[−4, 0] Range of g: [−4, 2]

Graph of y = h(x):

−2.5−2.0−1.5−1.0−0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0



1 5
Domain of h: [ , ] Range of h: [−1, 2]
2 2

2. (a) Sketch the graph of y = |x| − |x − 2|. Show your working.

x ≥ 2: y = x − (x − 2) = 2
0 ≤ x < 2: y = x − [−(x − 2)] = 2x − 2
x < 0: y = −x − [−(x − 2)] = −2

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5


(b) On a new set of axes sketch the graph of |y| = |x| − |x − 2|.

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5



3. Let f (x) = 2x − 1 and let g(x) = .
(a) Find (g ◦ f )(x) simplifying your answer as much as possible.
(2x − 1) + 3
(g ◦ f )(x) = g(2x − 1) =
(2x − 1) − 1
r r
2x + 2 x+1
= =
2x − 2 x−1

(b) What is the domain of g ◦ f ? Show your working.

x+1 x+1
Need ≥ 0; But ≥ 0 for x > 1 or x ≤ −1.
x−1 x−1
So the domain is (−∞, −1] ∪ (1, ∞)

(c) Show that g is a 1 − 1 function.

r r
a+3 b+3 a+3 b+3
= ⇒ =
a−1 b−1 a−1 b−1
⇒ (a + 3)(b − 1) = (b + 3)(a − 1) ⇒ ab + 3b − a − 3 = ab + 3a − b − 3
⇒ 4b = 4a, so a = b

(d) Find the inverse of g, showing your working.

y+3 y+3
x= ⇒ x2 =
y−1 y−1
⇒ x2 (y − 1) = y + 3 ⇒ y(x2 − 1) = x2 + 3
x2 + 3
⇒y= 2
x −1


4. (a) Solve the equation : log3 (2x + 6) − log3 (x + 1) = 2.

2x + 6 2x + 6
log3 ( )=2⇒ = 32
x+1 x+1
⇒ 2x + 6 = 9x + 9 ⇒ 7x = −3
so x = − .

(b) Prove, using only the definition of a logarithm, that, for any a, b, c > 0:

(loga b)(logb c) = loga c.

Let loga b = r, logb c = s and loga c = t. We must prove rs = t.

Then ar = b, bs = c, at = c and so
(ar )s = bs = c = at .
This gives us ars = at and so rs = t as needed (since f (x) = ax is a 1-1 function.)


5. Solve the equation |x − 2| = showing carefully how you obtained your answers.

We must consider cases:

x ≥ 2:
Solve x − 2 = so x2 − 2x = 1 (multiply both sides by x).
This gives
√ x − 2x − 1 = 0. Solve this using the usual quadratic formula:
2± 4+4 √
x= = 1 ± 2.
2 √
We accept only the answer 1 + 2 since the other answer does not satisfy x ≥ 2.

0 ≤ x < 2:
Solve −x + 2 = which, by multiplying by x and rearranging gives:
−x2 + 2x − 1 = 0 so solve (x − 1)2 = 0. This gives the solution x = 1 which we accept.

x < 0:
Solve −x + 2 = − which amounts to the same equation as in the first case. But this
x √
time we accept only the answer x = 1 − 2

So finally we get three solutions: x = 1 ± 2 and x = 1.


6. (a) Use the definition of the derivative of a function at a point to show that f ′ (1) =
2x − 1
when f (x) = . (You may not use any formulas for derivatives.)

f (1 + h) − f (1) f (x + h) − f (x)
We can consider lim or lim . The second one
 h→0 h  h→0 h
1 2(x + h) − 1 2x − 1
gives: lim −
h→0 h
 (x + h) + 2 x+2 
1 (2x + 2h − 1)(x + 2) − (2x − 1)(x + h + 2)
= lim
h→0 h (x + h + 2)(x + 2)
1 2x + 2xh − x + 4xh + 4h − 2 − (2x2 + 2xh + 4x − x − h − 2)
= lim
h→0 h
  (x + h + 2)(x + 2)
1 5h
= lim
h→0 h (x + h + 2)(x + 2)
5 5
= lim =
h→0 (x + h + 2)(x + 2) (x + 2)2
So f ′ (1) = .

(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to f at x = 1.

y − 13 5 5 1 5 2
= , so y = (x − 1) + = x − .
x−1 9 9 3 9 9


7. In the following questions, to support your claim you must either give a proof if you
think the statement is true or a counter-example if you think the statement is false.

(a) True or false: If f : R → R and g : R → R are 1-1 functions then f + g is a 1-1

True or False: FALSE!
Support for claim:

Try f (x) = x, and g(x) = −x. Both are 1-1 functions, but there sum is a constant
function which is not 1-1!

(b) Suppose that f : R → R and g : R → R are functions. True or False: If the range
of f ◦ g is R then the range of f is R.
True or False: TRUE
Support for claim:

Let t be some arbitrary real number; we must show that it is in the range of f .
We know that it is in the range of f ◦ g, so, for some x, f ◦ g(x) = t. But that just
means that f (g(x)) = t, so there is a value, g(x), which gets mapped to t by f .


Fill in your student number in the box below.

Fill in your surname and initials in the box below

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Class Test 2 – Tuesday 30th April 2013

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Full Marks: 50

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this
• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page
as well, but indicate when you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are XX questions in this test; there are XX pages including this
one. Make sure that no pages or questions are missing: count
them before you start.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-
book you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. Write down the derivative for each of the following (you should not
simplify your answers):
(a) √
(b) ln(sec x − tan x)
(c) sin2 (x2x )


2e2x x − e2x 2√1 x
√ 2


sec x tan x − sec2 x

sec x − tan x


2 sin(x2x ). cos(x.2x ). [2x + x2x ln 2]

2. You are given that the equation

x2 + ex/y = y 2

defines y as a function of x.
Find and hence the equation of the tangent line to the function at
(0, 1). Show all working.

 both ′ sides
 (implicit) with respect to the variable x:
y − xy
2x + ex/y = 2yy ′
So 2xy 2 + ex/y (y − xy ′) = 2y 3y ′
2xy 2 + yex/y
So y ′ = .
2y 3 + xex/y
At (0, 1) we get y ′ = .
The tangent line has equation y − 1 = (x − 0).

d 2
3. Find (ln x)x +1 ; show your working.

Let y = (ln x)x +1 Take ln of both sides to get:
ln y = (x2 + 1) ln(ln(x)). Then using implicit differentiation:
1 ′ 1 1
y = 2x ln(ln(x)) + (x2 + 1) .
y ln x x
x2 + 1
x2 +1
So y = (ln x)

2x ln(ln x) +
x ln x

4. You are given the following information about the function y = h(x).
Sketch a possible graph for h.

(1) The domain of h is R, h is continuous and h is an odd function.

(2) h has three x-intercepts; two of them are at 0 and 2.
(3) h′ (x) is defined for all real x except x = 1 and x = −1.
(4) This is part of the sign table for h′ (x).

x 0 1

h′ (x) − ∗ +

(5) This is part of the sign table for h′′ (x).

x 0 3 5

h′′ (x) + 0 − 0 +

(6) lim (h(x) − (x − 3)) = 0


5. Let f (x) = 3x1/3 (x2 − 4).

(a) Find f ′ (x); do not simplify your answer.

f ′ (x) = 3 x−2/3 (x2 − 4) + 2x(3x1/3 )

(b) Show that your answer to (a) can be written as

7x2 − 4
f (x) =


x2 − 4 + 6x2

7x2 − 4
= .

(c) Give the critical (x) values of f .

The critical values are x = 0 (where y ′ does not exist)

and x = ± √ (where y ′ = 0).
28x2 + 8
(d) You are given the fact that f ′′ (x) = and need not check
this. What does this tell you about the graph of f ?

There is a change of concavity only at x = 0; for x > 0 the graph

is concave up and for x < 0 the graph is concave down.

(e) Give a rough sketch of the graph of f , labelling any turning points
and points of inflection.


ax2 + 1 if x < 1
6. Suppose that f (x) = .
bx − 2 if x ≥ 1

(a) How should you choose a and b so that f is continuous at x = 1?

Explain your answer.

As x → 1− . f (x) → a + 1.
As x → 1+ , f (x) → b − 2 = f (1) For continuity we must have
a + 1 = b − 2 (so a = b − 3 which we use in the next part).

(b) How should you choose a and b so that f is differentiable at x = 1?

Explain your answer using only the definition of the derivative at

f (1 + h) − f (1) f (1 + h) − f (1)
You have to consider lim− and lim+ .
h→0 h h→0 h
a(1 + h)2 + 1 − (b − 2)
The first limit is lim−
h→0 h
(b − 3)(1 + 2h + h2 ) + 1 − b + 2
= lim− We replace a by b − 3
h→0 h
(since f must be continuous if it is to be differentiable.)
2hb + bh2 − 6h − 3h2
= lim−
h→0 h
= lim− 2b + bh − 6 − 3h = 2b − 6
b(1 + h) − 2 − (b − 2)
The second limits is lim+ =b
h→0 h
From this, 2b − 6 = b, so b = 6 and a = 3.

1 − cos 2h
7. Find lim , showing your working. (You may NOT use l’Hopital’s
h→0 h sin h

There are at least two ways of doing this: you could multiply top and
bottom by 1+cos 2h, or you could use the fact that cos 2h = 1−2 sin2 h
to get
1 − (1 − 2 sin2 h) 2 sin2 h 2 sin h
lim = lim = lim = 2.
h→0 h sin h h→0 h sin h h→0 h


8. Suppose it is known for some function f that −x2 ≤ f (x) ≤ x2 for all
x. Prove that f is differentiable at 0. What is f ′ (0)?

Firstly, by the given inequalities, 0 ≤ f (0) ≤ 0 so f (0) = 0.

Now for the derivative:
f (0 + h) − f (0) f (h)
We must consider: lim = lim .
h→0 h h→0 h
There are two cases: for positive h: −h ≤ f (h) ≤ h2 , so dividing by

positive h, we get
f (h
−h ≤ ≤ h. By the Squeeze theorem the limit we want is 0.
A similar argument works for negative h, but the inequalities reverse
when you divide by h.
So f ′ (0) = 0.


Fill in your student number in the box below.

Fill in your surname and initials in the box below

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1020F
Class Test 1 – Monday 24th March 2014

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Full Marks: 60

Marks available: 61

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at all times. We will pay
attention to your presentation as well as the content.

• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.

• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.

• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.

• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this booklet.

• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page as well, but indicate
when you have done this.

• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.

• There are 9 questions in this test; there are 12 pages including this one. Make sure NOW
that no pages or questions are missing.

• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book you were given, even
if you didn’t use the answer-book.


1. Let g(x) = 3 − x and f (x) = log10 x.

(a) Write down g ◦ f (x) and f ◦ g(x).

g ◦ f (x) = 3 − log10 x

f ◦ g(x) = log10 3−x

(b) Give the range and domain of g ◦ f .

Domain: 0 < x ≤ 1000

Range: 0 ≤ y < ∞.

(c) Prove that g ◦ f is a 1-1 function, explaining your working.

p p
3 − log10 a = 3 − log10 b
⇒ 3 − log10 a = 3 − log10 b
⇒ log10 a = log10 b
⇒ a = b (Since log10 is 1 − 1, or applying 10x which is the inverse of log10 .)

(d) Find a formula for (g ◦ f )−1 .

p 2
x= 3 − log10 y ⇒ y = 103−x .

(e) Write down the domain and range of (g ◦ f )−1 .

Domain: [0, ∞).

Range: (0, 1000]
(Actually, it would be OK to say that the domain of this function is R, but only part
of that domain is appropriate for the inverse function.)


2. You are given a sketch of the graph of the function y = f (x) below; its domain is 0 ≤ x ≤ 4:

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5



For the two functions (a) g(x) = −f (2x) and (b) h(x) = 2f (|x|), give the domain and range
in each case and sketch the graphs in the spaces provided.

(a) y = g(x):
Domain of g:[0, 2] Range of g:[−2, 1]

Graph of y = g(x):

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5



(b) y = h(x):
Domain of h: [−4, 4] Range of h: [−2, 4]

Graph of y = h(x):

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5




3. (a) Solve the inequality |2x + 5| < 3x + 4.

There are many different ways to solve. Here is the one using the definition:
5 5
|2x + 5| = 2x + 5 if x ≥ − and |2x + 5| = −2x − 5 if x < − . So:
2 2
(1) For x ≥ − we solve 2x + 5 < 3x + 4, that is 1 < x. Since all these values satisfy
the constraint x > − we accept them all.
5 9
(2) For x < − we solve −2x − 5 < 3x + 4 so −9 < 5x, that is x > − . None of these
2 5
values satisfy the constraint, so we reject all.
Final answer: x > 1.

(b) Sketch the graph of y = |2x + 5| − |x − 2| labelling all important points.

y = x + 7 if x ≥ 2, y = 3x + 3 if − 25 ≤ x < 2 and y = −x − 7 if x < − 25 .

Possible sketch:


−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3







x = 2 sin t
4. You are given the parametric equations for 0◦ ≤ t ≤ 180◦ .
y = cos t + 1

(a) Find an equation involving only x and y that points given by the parametric equations
above satisfy.

 x 2
(y − 1) + =1

(b) Sketch a graph of these points.

You get half an ellipse, center at (0, 1)


5. Sketch the curve whose points satisfy the equation 9x2 − 54x − y 2 + 72 = 0. Label all
important features of your sketch.

You need to complete the square: get 9(x2 − 6x + 9) − y 2 = −72 + 81 = 9 so (x − 3)2 − = 1.
This is an hyperbola, shifted from standard position by 3 units to the right. The equations
of the asymptotes you get by shifting y = ±3x to the right by 3, so they are y = ±3(x − 3).


6. Using the laws of logarithms and showing your working, solve the equation:
2 log4 x − log4 (3x − 4) = .

Get: log4 (x2 ) − log4 (3x − 4) = 1/2, so

log4 = 1/2.
3x − 4
By definition then
= 41/2 = 2.
3x − 4
Then x2 = 6x − 8, so x2 − 6x + 8 = (x − 4)(x − 2) = 0 This gives x = 4 or x = 2


7. You are given below the graph of y = f ′ (x) (NOT y = f (x)).

At which of the x-values labelled a, b, c, d or e is

(a) f (x) greatest? x=c

(b) f ′′ (x) greatest? x=e
(c) f ′′ (x) least? x=c

(d) On which interval(s) is the graph of f concave up?

For a < x < b and d < x. [6]

8. In class we defined a function f to be increasing on R if for any real numbers a, b such that
a < b it follows that f (a) < f (b).
Here is another condition on a function f , which we label with the letter (C):
(C) For any real number a, f (a) < f (a + 1).

(a) If f is an increasing function, does it follow that f satisfies condition (C)? Prove or
disprove your claim.

Yes: since a < a + 1 and f is increasing, then f (a) < f (a + 1).

(b) If f is a function that satisfies condition (C) does it follow that f is an increasing
function? Prove or disprove your claim.

No; below is an example (counter-example).


9. For an arbitrary function f :

(a) Is h(x) = f (x) + f (−x) an even or odd function or neither? Prove your claim.

Check h(−x): it is f (−x) + f (−(−x)) = f (x) + f (−x) = h(x), so h is even

(b) Is k(x) = f (x) − f (−x) an even or odd function or neither? Prove your claim.

Check k(−x) = f (−x) − f (−(−x)) = −[f (x) − f (−x)] = −k(x), so k is odd.

(c) Show that any function can be written as the sum of an odd and an even function.

1 1
You can write f (x) = [f (x) + f (−x)] + [f (x) − f (−x)]. The first function is even,
2 2
the second is odd, by parts (a) and (b).



Fill in your student number in the box below.

Fill in your surname and initials in the box below

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1020F
Class Test 2 – Thursday 8th May 2014

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Full Marks: 60

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at all times. We will pay
attention to your presentation as well as the content.

• Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.

• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.

• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.

• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided on this booklet.

• If there is not enough space in the blocks, you may use the facing page as well, but indicate
when you have done this.

• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.

• There are 8 questions in this test; there are 11 pages including this one. Make sure NOW
that no pages or questions are missing.

• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book you were given, even
if you didn’t use the answer-book.

1. Find the derivative of each of the following, showing your working:

(a) f (x) = 4x sin x

f ′ (x) = 4x sin x ln 4(sin x + x cos x)

(b) g(x) = ln |3x2 − 4|

g ′ (x) = 6x


(c) h(x) = sinh( tan x)

√ 1
h′ (x) = cosh( tan x) √ sec2 x
2 tan x

(d) k(x) = xsec x

Let y = xsec x . Then ln y = sec x ln x.

Differentiating implicitly with respect to x we get:
1 dy 1
= sec x tan x ln x + sec x
y dx  x 
dy sec x 1
So =x sec x tan x ln x + sec x .
dx x


2. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve given by the parametric equations

x(t) = 2 cos t
y(t) = 2 tan t

at the point where t = .

We use the formula = dt . (Many of you seemed not to know this formula.)
dx dx
dx √ dy
= − 2 sin t and = 2 sec2 t, so
dt dt
dy 2 sec2 t π dy −4
= √ . At t = , we get = .
dx − 2 sin t 4 dx 1
The tangent line is tangent at the point (1, 2). (Substitute for t in x and y.) The equation
is thus:
= −4
which can be simplified to y = −4(x − 1) + 2 = −4x + 6.

3. Suppose that the equation arctan(x + y) + e−2y = 1 + defines y as a function of x.
(a) Find at (1, 0).

1 dy dy
Differentiating implicitly gives: (1 + ) − e−2y 2 = 0.
1 + (x + y) 2 dx dx
Substituting x = 1 and y = 0 yields:

1 dy dy
(1 + ) − 2 = 0,
1+1 dx dx
dy 1
so = .
dx 3

(b) Use linear approximation to find an estimate for the value of y when x = 1.2

The linear approximation to the function is taken at (1, 0).

The equation of the tangent there is y = 1/3(x − 1).
Substituting x = 1.2 gives y = 1/3(0.2).


4. Let f (x) = x 4 − x2 .

(a) Give the domain of f .

x2 ≤ 4, so −2 ≤ x ≤ 2.

2(2 − x2 )
(b) Check that f (x) = √

(Show your working!)
4 − x2
√ 1
f ′ (x) = 1 4 − x2 + x √ (−2x)
2 4 − x2
(4 − x2 − x2 )
= √
4 − x2
2(2 − x2 )
= √ as claimed.
4 − x2

(c) Give a sign table (or sign line) for f ′ .

√ √
f ′ (x) ≥ 0 for − 2 < x < 2. Elsewhere f is negative. (Many of you thought that
2 − x2 doesn’t change sign.)

(d) Give all the critical points (values) of f .

√ √
x = − 2, x = 2 (You might also consider x = 2, x = −2 as critical points, since
the derivative is undefined there: the left derivative is undefined at 2 and the right
derivative is undefined at −2, but we weren’t fussy about this.)

2x(x2 − 6)
(e) You are given the fact (and need not check) that f (x) =
. Give the intervals
(4 − x2 )3/2
on which f is concave up.

f is concave up on (−2, 0].

(f) Use all the above to sketch a graph of y = f (x).


5. A camera is placed on a short pole 20 metres from a straight road. The camera is pointed
at a car that is traveling at 72 km/hour on the road. How fast is the camera rotating when
the car is closest to the camera?

Here is a rough sketch of the situation:

The angle θ is in radians; 72km/h translates to 72 × 1000/3600m/s = 20m/s.

x dθ 1 dx
We have tan θ = , so sec2 θ = .
20 dt 20 dt
dθ 1 dx
Then = cos2 θ = 1 radian per sec.
dt 20 dt


6. Let the function f be defined by

ax2 for x < −1
f (x) =
x − b for x ≥ −1

(a) How should a and b be related if we want f to be continuous at x = −1? Give full
reasons for your answer.

We need lim f (x) = f (−1):

f (−1) = −1 − b
lim + f (x) = −1 − b
lim f (x) = a
So we need a = −1 − b.
(Many of you forgot that the left hand and right hand limits of f must also equalf (−1).)

(b) What should a and b be equal to if we want f to be differentiable at x = −1? Use the
definition of f ′ (−1) to obtain your answer.

We need f continuous if it is to be differentiable, so we still need a = −1 − b.

f (−1 + h) − f (−1) f (−1 + h) − f (−1)
We need lim+ = lim−
h→0 h h→0 h
(−1 + h − b) − (−1 − b)
The first limit is lim+ = 1.
h→0 h
(a(−1 + h) ) − (−1 − b) (a − 2ah + ah2 ) − (−1 − b)
The second limits is lim+ = lim+ =
h→0 h h→0 h
−2ah + ah
lim+ = −2a.
h→0 h
So −2a = 1 making a = −1/2 and b = −1 − a = −1/2.


7. Suppose that f is differentiable at a. (1)
f (x) − f (a)
It follows that lim exists; let it be m. (2)
x→a x−a
f (x) − f (a)
Let E(x) = − m, for x 6= a. (3)
Then f (x) = f (a) + (x − a)m + (x − a)E(x). (4)

(a) What do we usually call m, as defined in line (2)?

f ′ (a)

(b) What is lim E(x), where E(x) is as defined in line (3)?


(c) Use line (4) to show that f is continuous at a.

We must show that limx→a f (x) = f (a):

lim f (x) = lim f (a) + (x − a)m + (x − a)E(x)
x→a x→a
= f (a) + 0.m + 0.0 (by limits laws)
= f (a) as needed.


√ √
1 + tan x − 1 + sin x
8. Find lim and show your working. (You may not use L’Hopital’s
x→0 x3

√ √
1 + tan x − 1 + sin x
√ x3 √ √ √
1 + tan x − 1 + sin x 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x
= lim √ √
x→0 x3 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x
tan x − sin x 1
= lim 3
(√ √
x→0 x 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x)
sin x 1 − cos x 1
= lim √ √
x→0 x x2 cos x 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x)
1 − cos2 x
sin x 1
= lim √ √
x→0 x x2 cos x(1 + cos x) 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x)
sin2 x
sin x 1
= lim √ √
x→0 x x2 cos x(1 + cos x) 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x)
sin x 1 1
= lim √ √
x→0 x3 cos x(1 + cos x) 1 + tan x + 1 + sin x)
1 1
= 1 × × = 1/4
2 2



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