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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Final Examination 26th May 2011
Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 75
Marks available: 76

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
content. Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.
• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.
• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.
• Please give your working and answers in the indicated spaces provided
in this booklet. If there is not enough space for your working in the
indicated areas, you may use the facing page as well, but tell us when
you have done this.
• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.
• There are 10 questions in this test; there are 15 pages after this one.
Make sure that no pages or questions are missing.
• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book
you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. Let f (x) = ex − 5.

(a) Prove that f is a 1 − 1 function.

(b) Find f −1 and give its domain.

2. In this question, do not simplify your answers.
 x 2 
e x
(a) Write down g ′(x) for g(x) = sin
1 + sec x

(b) Write down f ′ (x) for f (x) = ln(2 + 1 + 10x ).

3. The equation
9 + 5x + y 2 = 14xey
defines y as a function of x.

(a) Verify that (1, 0) is a point on the curve defined by the above

(b) Find .

(c) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at (1, 0).

4. The graph below is the graph of y = f ′ (x), that is, the derivative of f .

e x
a b c d

Answer the following questions about the graph of f itself. Give reasons
for your answers.

(a) At which x-value(s) does the graph of f increase most rapidly?

(b) At which x-value(s) does the graph of f have a local maximum?

(c) Does the graph of f have any points of inflection? If your answer
is “Yes”, give the x-value(s) and explain why there are points of
inflection at these values.

(d) For which x-values is the graph of f concave up?

5. You are asked to sketch the graph of
y = f (x) = .
ln x
To do this, follow the steps below:

(a) Give the domain of f .

(b) Give lim+ f (x) and lim− f (x)

x→1 x→1
(c) You are now given that
ln x − 1
f ′ (x) =
(ln x)2
and that
2 − ln x
f ′′ (x) = .
x(ln x)3
Use these to sketch a graph of f giving as much detail and rea-
soning as possible. Show all working and remember to consider
end behaviour of f .

We suggest you draw your graph on the facing page if you need
the space.

6. Let f (x) = −2x3 + 15x2 − 24x + 8.

(a) Find all x-values where f is increasing.

(b) Explain how you know that f (x) has exactly one zero in the in-
terval [1, 2]

(c) Using x0 = 2 as a first approximation to the x-value where f
crosses the x-axis, use Newton’s method (once) to find a better

(d) Is your answer in (c) an over- or under-estimate for the zero of f

in the interval [1, 2]? Explain how you know.

7. Two factories are located at the coordinates (−5, 0) and (5, 0) with
their power supply located at the point (0, 10). They are joined by
cables as shown in the diagram below.

This portion is a single cable.

(a) Let the point P = (0, a). Write down a formula for the length of
cable needed.
(b) At which point on the y-axis must you locate P so that the length
of cable used to supply the factories with power is a minimum?
You should justify that the coordinates you choose for P really do
give a minimum length.

8. (a) Find Z  
− cos 3x + 4x5 dx.

(b) Find
√ dx.
1+ x
Show your working!

9. Read the following proof and answer the questions that follow.

Suppose that a function f has negative derivative for

all x in the interval [a, b]. (1)
Select any x1 and x2 from [a, b] with x1 < x2 . (2)
By the Mean Value Theorem, there is c ∈ [x1 , x2 ], (3)
f (x2 ) − f (x1 )
with f ′ (c) = . (4)
x2 − x1
But then it is easy to see that f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) < 0, (5)
so f (x2 ) < f (x1 ). (6)
Answer the following questions:

(a) State carefully the Mean Value Theorem for a function f defined
on [a, b].

(b) Explain why f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) < 0 as claimed in line (5) above.
(c) What useful fact has the above argument proved?


10. (a) Let f be an arbitrary differentiable function. Use only the defi-
nition of the derivative (that is, using limit ideas and no differen-
tiation rules) to find (xf (x)) .
(b) For a continuous function f , define G(x) = f (t) dt. Give a
condition for the function f so that G has a point of inflection at
x = 5.


3 3
1. (a) Supose that f (a) = f (b). Then ea − 5 = eb − 5
3 3
so ea = eb (adding 5 to both sides)
so a3 = b3 (taking ln of both sides)
so a = b (taking cube roots of both sides).
(There are 2 marks for the general strategy, and 1 mark for ex-
plaining the steps.)
3 3
(b) Let p x = ey − 5. Then x + 5 = ey , so y 3 = ln(x + 5) giving
y = 3 ln(x + 5). The domain is thus x > −5.
 x 2  x 2
e x (e x + ex (2x))(1 + sec x) − ex x2 (sec x tan x)
2. (a) g (x) = cos

1 + sec x (1 + sec x)2
(b) f ′ (x) = √ (10x ln 10)
2 + 1 + 10x
3. (a) LHS: 9 + 5 = 14; RHS: 14.1.e0 = 14
(b) Differentiating both sides (implicitly):

dy dy
5 + 2y = 14(1ey + xey )
dx dx
So (2y − 14xey ) = 14ey − 5 which gives
dy 14ey − 5
dx 2y − 14xey
dy −9 −9
(c) At (1, 0), = , so the equation is y = (x − 1).
dx 14 14
4. (a) b: f ′ is largest at b.
(b) c: f ′ changes from positive to negative, f changes from increasing
to decreasing.
(c) At b, d and e: at b the derivative changes from increasing to de-
creasing, so concavity changes from up to down. At d the deriva-
tive changes from decreasing to increasing. At e the derivative
changes from increasing to decreasing.
(d) On the interval [a, b] and the interval [d, e]: on these intervals the
derivative is increasing.

5. (a) x > 0 but x 6= 1.

(b) As x → 1+ , ln x → 0+ , so → ∞. Similarly, as x → 1− , we
ln x
ln x
see that → −∞.
(c) From f ′ : f is increasing for x > e, otherwise decreasing. A local
min at e.
From f ′′ : f is concave down for x > e2 and for x < 1.
As x → 0+ , f (x) →)−
x 1
As x → ∞, using L’Hopital, we see that lim = lim =
x→∞ ln x x→∞ 1/x
Here is a rough sketch:

6. (a) f ′ (x) = −6x2 + 30x − 24 = −6(x2 − 5x + 4) = −6(x − 4)(x − 1),
so f is increasing for 1 < x < 4.
(b) f (1) = −3 and f (2) = 4 so by continuity f has zeros on [1, 2].
Since f is increasing on [1, 2] (by above) there can be at most one
f (x0 )
(c) Use x1 = x0 − ′ to get
f (x0 )
4 5
x1 = 2 − = .
12 3

(d) f ′′ (x) = −12x + 30 which is positive on [1, 2], so f is concave up;

that means the tangent is below the curve, so its intercept with
the x axis will give an overestimate for the zero. [8]

7. The total length of cable used is L = 10 − a + 2( 25 + a2 ).
dL 2a
Then = −1 + √ .
da 25 + a2
For critical values, solve −1 + √ = 0.
25 + a2
Then get 4a2 = 25 + a2 , so a = ± √ .
The negative value for a would clearly not give a minimum value for
total length, so
a = √ is a candidate for a value for a that gives global minimum
length. At this value of a we get L = 10 + √ = 18.66....
To test for an absolute minimum, one can either look at the second
derivative, or consider√values of L for possible end-values of a.
2 25 + a2 − 21 √25+a 2
First method: L′′ = . This is positive for all a, so
25 + a2
for our critical value as well, showing that we have a local and absolute
minimum at this value. √
√ method: If a = 0, we get L = 20; if a = 10 we get L = 2 125 =
10 5 = 22.36..; since the minimum must occur at a critical value or
the en-points, we are done.
sin(3x) x6
8. (a) 2 ln |1 + x| − +4 +C
3 6
√ 1
(b) Let u = 1 + x; then du = √ dx, so dx = 2(u − 1)du.
2 x
Then the indefinite integral becomes:
u−1 1
2 du = 2 1 − du = 2(u − ln(u)) + C.
u u √ √
The limits of integration are now u = 1+ 4 = 3 and u = 1+ 9 =
4, so the integral evaluates as 2(4 − ln 4) − 2(3 − ln 3).
9. (a) If f is differentiable on [a, b] then there is c such that a < c < b
f (b) − f (a)
and = f ′ (c).
(b) We are given f ′ (c) < 0, so f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) = f ′ (c)(x2 − x1 ) and one
of these factors is negative, so f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) is negative.
(c) If f ′ is negative on an interval then f is decreasing on that interval.

10. (a) Consider

(x + h)f (x + h) − xf (x) xf (x + h) + hf (x + h) − xf (x)

lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 h
x[(f (x + h) − f (x)] hf (x + h)
= lim + lim
h→0 h h→0 h
= x.f ′ (x) + f (x).

The last step needs (1) the definition of f ′ (x) of course and (2)
the continuity of f .
(b) We need G′ (x) to be increasing before x = 5 and decreasing after,
or the other way round. That means we need f to be increasing
for x < 5 and decreasing for x > 5 (or the other way round). (If
they assume that f ′ exists and talk about f ′ changing sign, then
only 1 mark.)
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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Final Examination – 30th May 2012

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 75

Marks available: 75

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
content. Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.

• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.

• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.

• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided

in this booklet.

• If there is not enough space in the spaces provided, you may use the
facing page as well, but indicate when you have done this.

• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.

• There are 9 questions in this test; there are 12 pages after this one.
Make sure that no pages or questions are missing.

• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book
you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book.
1. In this question, do not simplify your answers.

(a) Write down f ′ (x) for f (x) = ex tan x .

ex tan x (tan x + x sec2 x)

4 ln x
(b) Write down g (x) for g(x) = sin
′ √ .

 1√ 1
ln x x x − ln x 2√x
3 ln x
4 sin √ cos √
x x x

2. Assume that the following equation defines y as function of x:

x3 − 2xy 2 + y 3 = 1. (∗)

(a) Find .

dy dy
3x2 − 2(y 2 + x.2y ) + 3y 2 =0
dx dx
So (−4xy + 3y 2 ) = 2y 2 − 3x2
dy 2y 2 − 3x2
So = 2 .
dx 3y − 4xy

(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve defined by (∗)
at the point (1, 2).

dy 8−3 5
At (1, 2), we have = = . The equation of the tangent
dx 12 − 8 4
y−2 5
is thus = . To finish, multiply out etc, to get
x−1 4
5 3
y = x+ .
4 4

3. Solve the inequality |x − 1| < x + 2. (Show your working.)

For x > 1, solve x − 1 < x + 2 ⇔ −1 < 2 which is true for all x > 1.
For x < 1, solve −x + 1 < x + 2 ⇔ 2x > −1 ⇔ x > − , so the final
solution is
x≥− .


4. The graph of f ′ (not f ) is given below. You are also given that f itself
is a continuous function on R.

(a) For which values of x is f concave up?

b < x < c and d < x < r. (Could say x > t as well, but I’m not
(b) For which value(s) of x does f have a local maximum?

x = c, s

(c) For which value(s) of x does f have a point of inflection?

x = b, c, dr

(d) Explain the behaviour of f as x → ∞?

As f (x) → ∞, y → −∞ since f (x) = Kx + D for x > s and K is


ln x
5. Let f (x) = .
(a) Give the domain of f .


2 − 3 ln x
(b) Show that f ′ (x) =

1 3/2 3
x − (ln x) x1/2 2x1/2 − (3 ln x)x1/2 2 − 3 ln x
f ′ (x) = x 2 = =
x 3 2x3 2x5/2
as asked.

(c) For which values of x is f increasing? For which values of x is f

decreasing? Explain your answer.

f ′ (x) = 0 ⇔ ln x = 2/3 ⇔ x = e2/3 .

For 0 < x < e2/3 , f ′ (x) > 0, so f is increasing.
For x > e2/3 , f ′ (x) < 0 so f is decreasing.

(d) Find lim f (x), showing your working.


ln x 1/x 2 1
lim = lim 3 1/2 = lim =0
x→∞ x3/2 x→∞ x x→∞ 3 x3/2
15 ln x − 16
(e) You are given that f ′′ (x) = and need not check this.
Sketch a graph of y = f (x). You should explain all the features
of your graph.

f ′′ (x) = 0 ⇔ ln x = 15 ⇔ x = e16/15 .
For x > e , f > 0 so f is concave up.

For 0 < x < e16/15 , f ′′ < 0 so f is concave down.

As x → 0+ , ln x → −∞ and 3/2 → ∞ so f (x) → −∞.
A possible graph:
| ln x|
(f) Now sketch the graph of g(x) =

A possible graph:

6. You wish to find an approximate solution of the equation x4 = 4x + 1
using Newton’s method.

(a) How do you know that there is at least one solution in the interval
[1, 2]?

Let f (x) = x4 − (4x + 1) (which is differentiable and so continu-

f (1) = 1 − 5 = −4
f (2) = 16 − 9 = 7. Since f changes sign, there is at least one zero
for f in the interval.

(b) How do you know there is exactly one solution in this interval?

f ′ (x) = 4x3 − 4 = 4(x3 − 1). Since x ≥ 1, we have f ′ (x) ≥ 0 on

the interval [1, 2] which makes f increasing on the interval.

(c) Explain geometrically why Newton’s Method does not work if you
choose as your first approximation the value 1.

f ′ (1) = 0 which means that the tangent to f will not intersect the
x-axis, so Newton’s method fails.

(d) Find an approximate solution of the equation in the interval [1, 2]

that is correct to 1 decimal place, starting with x = 1.5 as your
first approximation, showing your working.

f (1.5) −1.9375
x0 = 1.5; then x1 = 1.5 − = 1.5 − = 1.7039
f (1.5)
′ 9.5
x2 ≈ 1.6650
x3 ≈ 1.6632, so 1.66 will do. (Accept 1.7 or 1.6.)

7. A rectangular poster is to have a total area of 1200cm2 . It must also
have margins at the top and bottom of width 5cm and at the sides of
width 2.5cm.

Find the dimensions of the poster so that the printed area is a max-
imum. Make sure to check that your dimensions really do provide
maximum area.

Let x and y be the dimensions of width and height respectively. Then

xy = 1200, so y = .
The printed area:
1200 6000
A = (x − 5)(y − 10) = (x − 5)( − 10) = 1200 − − 10x + 50.
x x
dA 6000
= 2 − 10 = 0 for stationary points.
dx x √
Thus x2 = 600, so x = 10 6(≈ 24.494).
d2 A −12000
= < 0 for all x, so we have a absolute maximum at the
dx x3
above value for x.
√ √
Then for x = 10 6, y = 20 6 (≈ 48.990).

8. (a) Evaluate Z  
−x 4
sec 3x tan 3x − e + dx.

sec 3x
+ e−x = 4 ln |3 + x| + C

(b) Find Z
2 +2
xex dx.

Let u = x2Z+ 2, then du = 2xdx so xdx = 21 du.

1 1 2
We get: 12 eu du = eu + C = ex +2 + C
2 2

(c) Find |x2 − x| dx. Show all working.

(x2 − x) = x(x − 1), so |x2 − x| = x − x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and

|x2 − x| = x2 − x for x ≥ 1.
Z1 Z3
Thus calculate x − x dx + x2 − x dx.

0 1
1 3
x2 x3 x3 x2
You get − + −
2 3 0 3 2 1
1 2
= +4 .
6 3

9. (a) Suppose that f : R → R is a 1−1 function. Does it follow that the
function g defined by g(x) = f (x − 1) is 1 − 1? If your answer is
“Yes” explain why. If your answer is “No” give a counter-example.

Yes: either think of this a function that is 1-1 that has been
shifted, so is still 1-1. OR just do it:
If g(a) = g(b) then f (a − 1) = f (b − 1), so a − 1 = b − 1 so a = b.

(b) Use the definition of the derivative to show that if f is even and
differentiable for all x, then f ′ is odd.

f (−x + h) − f (−x) f (x − h) − f (x)

f ′ (−x) = lim = lim .
h→0 h h→0 h
f (x + k) − f (xx)
Let h = −k to get lim = −f ′ (x) as needed.
k→0 −k

(c) Suppose that f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] and g : [0, 1] → [0, 1] are functions
such that g ◦ f is 1 − 1. Does it follow that g is 1 − 1? If your
answer is “Yes” explain why. If your answer is “No” give a counter-

No any counterexample will do. Possible example:

f (x) = and g(x) = x for x < 1 but g(1) = 1.


If you would like to access your examination script(s) please see the notice
board in the Mathematics Building for application details or alternatively go
to http:/ .
Fill in your student number in the box below.

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Mathematics MAM1017F
Final Examination – 23rd May 2013

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 75

Marks available: 78

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at

all times. We will pay attention to your presentation as well as the
content. Work that is poorly presented will be penalized.

• You may use only non-programmable, non-graphics calculators.

• Remember to switch off your cell-phones and put them away.

• Please give your working and answers in the spaces provided

in this booklet.

• If there is not enough space in the spaces provided, you may use the
facing page as well, but indicate when you have done this.

• You may use the answer books for any rough work needed.

• There are 10 questions in this test; there are 14 pages including this
one. Make sure that no pages or questions are missing.

• When you have finished, please put this booklet inside the answer-book
you were given, even if you didn’t use the answer-book. Both must be
handed in.


x−2 if x < 2
1. Suppose f (x) = and that g(x) = |x| + 2.
(x − 2)2 if x ≥ 2

(a) Is f a 1-1 function? Explain your answer.

The student can: either sketch a graph, note that it is increasing

or satisfies the horizontal line test and so is 1-1, or, more tediously,
check that it is 1-1 from the definition (f (a) = f (b) ⇒ a = b.)

(b) Give a formula for f ◦ g(x).

f (g(x)) = f (|x| + 2) = (|x| + 2 − 2)2 = x2 , since |x| + 2 ≥ 2.


2. In this question, do not simplify your answers.

(a) Write down f ′ (x) for f (x) = ln[(sin2 x).3x ].

1  2

f ′ (x) = 2 2 sin x cos x.3 x
+ sin x.3 x
. ln 3
(sin x).3x

tan x
(b) Write down g (x) for g(x) = sec
′ √

 
√ 2
    sec x x − tan x √
tan x tan x  2 x
g (x) = sec √

tan √  
x x  x 


3. y is a function of x and the variables y and x satisfy the equation

6 + 5x + 3(1 + y ln x) = 14xexy . (∗)

(a) Find the value of at (1, 0).

dy y dy
5 + 3( ln x + ) = 14exy + 14exy (y + x )
dx x dx
Substituting x = 1 and y = 0 we get
dy dy
5 = 14 + 14 , so = −9/14. (Or can solve for dy/dx and then
dx dx
substitute, of course.)

(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve defined by (∗)
at the point (1, 0).

y= (x − 1).


4. The graph of f is given below.

Provide a rough sketch of a possible graph of y = f ′ (x) below.


5. Let f (x) = x3 ex . You are given (and you need not check) that

• f ′ (x) = ex (x3 + 3x2 ) and that

• f ′′ (x) = ex (x3 + 6x2 + 6x).

(a) Give all intervals for which f is increasing, showing your working.

f ′ (x) = ex x2 (x+ 3) which is positive for x > −3, so f is increasing

for x > −3. (Not fussy about strictly or not.)

(b) Give a sign table for f ′′ (x).

f ′′ (x) = ex .x.(x2 + 6x + 6) = ex .x.(x − α)(x − β) where α and β

are the zeros√ of x + 6x + 6, √ that is,
α = −3 + 3 and β = −3 − 3.
So the sign of f ′′ is positive for for x > 0 and changes sign at 0, α
and β.
(They can draw a sign table or sign line or whatever.)

(c) Use L’Hopital’s rule to find lim f (x).


x3 3x2
lim x3 ex = lim −x = lim
x→−∞ x→−∞ e x→−∞ −e−x
6x 6
= lim −x = lim = 0.
x→−∞ e x→−∞ −e−x

(d) Now sketch the graph of y = f (x) labelling turning points and
points of inflection.


6. Let f (x) = 3x5 − 20x3 − 2.

(a) Show that f is decreasing on [−2, 2].

f ′ (x) = 15x4 − 60x2 = 15x2 (x2 − 4) = 15x2 (x − 2)(x + 2).

So f is decreasing on [−2, 2].

(b) Explain carefully how you know that there is exactly one zero for
f in the interval [−2, 2].

f is continuous, f (−2) = 62, f (2) = −66, so there is at least one

zero on this interval.
The fact that f is decreasing means that there cannot be more
than one.

(c) Explain geometrically why Newton’s Method fails if you choose as

your first approximation to the zero referred to in (b) the value 0.

f ′ (0) = 0, so the tangent to f at 0 fails to intersect the x-axis, so

Newton’s method fails.

(d) Find an approximate value for this zero for f starting with x =
−0.5 as your first approximation and applying Newton’s method
once. Show your working.

f (−0.5) 0.40625
x1 = −0.5 − = −0.5 − = −0.47111
f (−0.5)
′ −14.0625


7. A wall 2 metres high is built 1 metre from the wall of a tall building.
A ladder is leaned against the wall so that it just manages to touch
the building behind. (See the diagram below.) Find the angle θ as
indicated in the diagram below that will give the shortest ladder that
will be able to do this.

1 2
Ladder length L is +
cos θ sin θ
dL sin θ 2 cos θ
= −
dθ cos2 θ sin2 θ
3 3
sin θ − 2 cos θ
= = 0 for stationary points.
sin2 θ cos2 θ

We thus solve
√ sin3 = 2 cos3 θ = 0, i.e.tan3 θ = 2. So the the required θ
is (arctan( 2)) ≈ 51.5 degrees. (Radians OK of course)
They must provide an argument for why this will give the shortest
ladder possible.
(1) There is only one turning point for L and L is unbounded if we let
θ approach 0 or π/2.
(2) The sign of dL/dθ changes from negative to positive at the given
angle and only there.
(3) Could look at the second derivative.


8. (a) Evaluate sec2 (2x) − 10x + dx.
2 + 3x

1 10x 4
tan(2x) − = ln |2 + 3x| + C
2 ln 10 3

(b) Find dx.
sec(x2 )

Z x = u, du = 2xdx, so get
3 1 3
du = cos u
2 sec u 2
3 3
= sin u + C = sin(x2 ) + C.
2 2

(c) Find |ex − 1| dx. Show all working.

|ex − 1| = ex − 1 for ≥ 0 and 1 − ex for x < 0. So calculate

Z0 Z1
1 − ex dx + ex − 1 dx
−1 0
= x − ex |0−1 + ex − x|10
= 0 − 1 − (−1 − 1/e) + (e − 1) − (1 − 0)


9. Read the following; then answer the questions below.
Theorem. The function f is differentiable at x = a if there is a
constant m and a function E of x such that

f (x) = f (a) + m(x − a) + E(x)(x − a)

and lim E(x) = 0.

Suppose there is a constant m and a function E of x such that
f (x) = f (a) + m(x − a) + E(x)(x − a) and lim E(x) = 0. Then
f (x) − f (a)
lim = lim [m + E(x)] = m. (1)
x→a x−a x→a
Hence f is differentiable at x = a. (2)

Now answer the questions below:

(a) Explain how we know in line (1) that

f (x) − f (a)
lim = lim [m + E(x)]?
x→a x−a x→a

First f (x) − f (a) = m(x − a) + E(x)(x − a)

f (x) − f (a)
Then = m + E(x).
Then take limits. (And, of course, x 6= a.)

(b) How does it follow, also in line (1), that lim [m + E(x)] = m?

lim(m + E(x)) = lim(m) + lim(E(x)) since these both exist and

we get m since lim(E(x)) = 0.

(c) Why can we say in line (2) that f is differentiable at x = a?

f (x) − f (a)
Because we have just proved that lim exists!
x→a x−a

(d) Give f ′ (a).

f ′ (a) = m


10. (a) Suppose that f (x) ≤ g(x) for all real x. Does it follow that
f ′ (x) ≤ g ′ (x) for all real x? Support your claim with a proof or a

No! Take f (x) = sin x and g(x) = 2 say. (Any counterexample is


d f (x)
(b) Use only the definition of the derivative to find . (In
dx x
other words, do it from first principles.)

1 f (x + h) f (x)
Must consider lim −
 h→0 h x + h x
1 x.f (x + h) − (x + h)f (x)
= lim
h→0 h
 x(x + h) 
1 x(f (x + h) − f (x)) f (x)
lim −h
h→0 h
 x(x + h) x(x +  h)
f (x + h) − f (x) f (x)
= lim −
h→0 h.(x + h) x(x + h)
1 ′ f (x)
= f (x) − 2
x x



University of Cape Town

Mathematics END1017F

Supplementary Examination – July 2013

Time: 3 hours Marks Available: 78

Full Marks: 75

1. Solve the inequality:


1 1
2. Let f ( x)  , g ( x)  x and h( x)  2 .
x x 3
a. Find f  g  h and express in simplest form.
b. Is f  g  h odd, even or neither?
[2, 2]

1 1
3. Evaluate x
1  dx .

4. Find the following limits, showing all working:

ln(sin x)
b. lim
x 0 ln(sin 2 x)

[3, 4]

a. Find and such that the function is differentiable at
Explain your reasoning.
b. Now, sketch the graph of y  f x  for the values of and you found in part (a).
c. Is f x  a one-to-one function? Justify your answer.

[5, 2, 1]
6. Differentiate the following:
tan( x 2 )
a. y
log 2 x
b. y  cot(ln(4 x ))
c. y  (arcsin x)sec x

[3, 3, 5]

7. An engineering student is designing a 10m-diameter spherical hot
air balloon and wants to suspend a gondola (basket) m below
the bottom of the balloon with cables tangent to the surface of (-4,-3) (4,-3)

the balloon, as shown. Two of the cables are shown running from Suspension
the top edges of the gondola to their points of tangency, Cables
and . How wide should the gondola be?


8. A nasa rocket that is launched vertically is tracked by the radar station located on the ground
3km from the launch site. What is the vertical speed of the rocket at the instant that its distance
from the radar station is 5km and this distance is increasing at the rate of 5000km/h?

9. Sketch the graph of f ( x)  . (Show all your calculations pertaining to domain, intercepts,
signs, asymptotes and end behaviour, slope and concavity.)

10. An engineering student is tasked with designing a cylindrical can that minimises the
costs of materials used. The can must be able to contain 500ml. The cost of the top
and bottom is 10cents/cm2 and the cylindrical wall of the can costs 5cents /cm2.
What is the minimum cost possible for this design and what are the dimensions of
this can? Determine whether your answer is indeed a minimum and not a

11. Consider the equation
a) Show that this equation has exactly one solution.
b) Find two consecutive integers between which the root lies, and taking the first approximation
to the root as the larger of the two integers, use Newton’s method to find two further
approximations to this root.
[4, 3]

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