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The SME banking activities of Jamuna Bank Limited reveal the following major findings:

1. Jamuna Bank gave out the most SME loans in 2018. But after that, they gave out fewer
loans, with 2021 being the lowest year.
2. In 2018, the bank increased its SME loans a lot. But in the next years, this growth slowed
down, especially in 2021.
3. The bank gave the most loans to the service business in 2018 and 2019. But this decreased
a lot in 2021. Loans to trading businesses remained steady, while loans to manufacturing
businesses went up and down a lot.
4. When we look at other banks like Premier Bank, Dhaka Bank, National Bank, and Brac Bank,
Jamuna Bank gave out fewer SME loans. Brac Bank gave out many more loans than Jamuna
Bank in 2022.
5. Jamuna Bank is giving more loans to new businesses, which is a good sign.
6. In 2021, the bank didn’t reach its loan goal, achieving only about 29% of it. This is worrying.
7. All business areas - Service, Trading, and Manufacturing - saw their loan amounts decrease
in 2021 and 2022. Manufacturing had the biggest decrease in 2021.
8. Compared to other banks, Jamuna Bank didn't do as well in giving out SME loans in the last
five years, especially when compared to big banks like Brac Bank.
9. Without exact profit numbers for Jamuna Bank, it looks like the bank needs better ways to
make money, especially when looking at the data from the National Bank.
10. From the data, Jamuna Bank should think about giving loans to a mix of businesses and pay
special attention to manufacturing businesses, which have seen a big drop in loans recently.

2. Recommendations
The major finding from the SME banking activities of Jamuna Bank Limited requires the
following recommendations that may help Jamuna Bank Limited improve its SME banking
performance and be a key member in the SME banking sector of Bangladesh. The
recommendations are as follows:

1. The bank can let more people know about its services, especially in areas where they
aren't doing well, to get more SMEs to bank with them.
2. Regularly talking to SME customers and getting their opinions can help the bank offer
what the businesses really want.
3. Looking at what competitors like Brac Bank are doing can help Jamuna Bank
understand what's popular in the market.
4. Since SME loans have decreased, the bank should think about offering better products
or services to these businesses.
5. The bank might be giving out fewer loans because they're having a hard time getting
money back from earlier loans. The bank should have a good plan to get back the
money they lend.
6. With loan amounts decreasing in 2019, 2021, and 2022, the bank should look into why
this is happening. They should study the market, their customers, and their own policies.
7. When compared to other banks like Premier Bank, Dhaka Bank, and Brac Bank,
Jamuna Bank has been giving out fewer SME loans. To compete, the bank might think
about offering better loan rates or terms.
8. Even though SME loans have decreased lately, Jamuna Bank should think about giving
loans to different types of businesses. Right now, they focus a lot on Service and
Trading businesses. They should also look more into Manufacturing businesses.

3. Conclusion

Jamuna Bank Limited is always trying to do better in the banking world. They want to help the
community and give the best service to their customers. This is why they are focusing on
helping small and medium businesses with loans.

The bank gives out many loans to these businesses and earns money from the interest. This is
not just good for the bank but also helps the country's economy grow. Many people respect and
trust Jamuna Bank Limited because of the good work they do. The bank has shown that it can
handle different types of banking tasks really well.

To keep doing well, the bank's leaders need to think of new ways to serve customers better.
This includes making services faster, and easier, and always being there to help. By solving any
problems and keeping up with new banking trends, the bank will stay successful.

In the end, Jamuna Bank Limited has a lot of potential in Bangladesh. They mix new banking
methods with old, trusted ways. This will surely help them make a big difference in the lives of
people and businesses in the country.

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