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Discrimination is a common occurrence in the history of humanity engraved deep in our society and

should be eliminated. As in the past century all the light were focused on the anormality of racism,
our century is now trying to fight sexism especially sexual harassment. As discussed by The
Economist, sexual harassment is pretty much common in Japan even in the higher sphere of power.
Which put us to ask how can we stop this phenomenon?

Sexual harassment was first introduced in the Japanese law in 1999 as a deed which had to be
stopped. But as most of this harassment came from powerful people respected by the public, the
victims tend to be blamed and even harassed. Nevertheless, a female reporter for TV Asashi told
anonymously about the sexual harassment that Junichi Fukuda, one of the top bureaucrats of the
finance ministry, had done to her supporting her claim with audio proofs. Even thought the presence
of proof and his resignation from his post, the bureaucrat received an apology from TV Asashi and
even was protected by the finance minister. This isn’t the first time it happened; several big shots had
to step down after being found harassing women. This why #MeToo movement is now making it way
to Japan denouncing the inequality of men and women in a society ruled by man. Fruitful results are
now in the hand of the women which have to push to stop this harassment by imposing their rights
whatever as a part in the Diet or as part of the workplace.

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