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) What …. he catch?

a. Does
b. Do
c. Be
d. Should
(2) Hana … a the bathroom now
a. Cry
b. Cries
c. Cried
d. Crying
(3) … Lizzie eat fish?
a. Does
b. Do
c. Doing
d. Did
(4) My sister … at the theater
a. Work
b. Working
c. Worked
d. Works
(5) When … he … the fish?
a. Does, Catches
b. Does, caught
c. Does, catch
d. Do, catch
(6) We … to the school together
a. Going
b. Go
c. Goes
d. Went
(7) Anna … to the gym club
a. Going
b. Go
c. Goes
d. Went
(8) Gina and I … … together
a. Do, surf
b. Doing, surfing
c. Does, surfs
c. Don’t, surf
(9) The children … at playground
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Do
(10) … you … English well?
a. Do, speaks
b. Does, speak
c. Do, speaking
d. Do, speak
) Andrea … …. The piano very well
a. Don’t, play
b. Doesn’t, play
c. Doesn’t, plays
d. Don’t, plays
(12) I … YouTube videos everyday
a. Watch
b. Watches
c. Watched
d. Watching
(13) Mathematics … so hard
a. Is
b. Are
c. That
d. Was
(14) … you …. Me?
a. Did, love
b. Do, love
c. Does, love
d. Do, loves
(15) She … to work
a. Walk
b. Walking
c. Walked
d. Walks
(16) A: Do you like to cook?
B: …..
a. Yes, I likes to cook
b. Yes, I liked to cook
c. Yes, I like to cook
d. Yes, I am liking to cook
(17) A: How do you go to the office?
B: ….
a. I ride the car to the office
b. I rode the car to the office
c. I riding the car to the office
d. I ridden the car to the office
(18) The artist … beautiful painting
a. Create
b. Creates
c. Created
d. Creating
(19) She … Spain to foreign students
a. Teach
b. Teaching
c. Teacher
d. Teaches
(20) Greeta … … in Bali
a. Doesn’t, live
b. Don’t, live
c. Doesn’t, lives
d. Don’t, lives

. (2.45) What time is it?

a. Five past two
b. Quarter past two
c. Quarter to three
2. (7.30) What time is it?
a. Half past seven
b. Half past three
c. past seven
(9:13) What time is it?
a. Thirteen past nine
b. Nine past one
c. Thirteen to nine
4. (1:00) What time is it?
a. One o'clock
b. Half past one
c. Ten past one
5. (3:15) What time is it?
a. Quartet to three
b. Quarter past two
c. Quarter past three
7:50) What time is it?

a. Fitty past six

b. Ten to eight

c. Seven past fifty

8. (2:35) What time is it?

a. Two past thirthy

b. Thirty five past two

c. Twenty five to three

. (6:30) What time is it?

a. Five past six
b. Half past six
c. Quarter to six
10. (7:45) What time is it?
a. Five past seven
b. Quarter past seven
c. Quarter to eight
. What is this? *

10 poin

A. Mosque
B. Market
C. Temple
D. Church

2. Ahmad goes to the...to pray "Jum'atan"

10 poin

A. school
B. church
C. market
D. mosque

3. The students go to the...to study.*

10 poin
A. zoo
B. school
C. swimming pool
D. post office

4. Diana and Irfan are reading books in the....*

10 poin

A. hospital
B. library
C. hotel
D. park

5. What place is this?*

10 poin

A. post office
B. market
C. museum
D. bank

6. Mr. Agus teaches English at the....*

10 poin
A. restaurant
B. swimming pool
C. bookstore
D. school

7. Santi and Kiki are playing a swing and a slide in the....*

10 poin

a. swimming pool
b. park
c. bank
d. restaurant

8. What is that?*

10 poin

A. hospital
B. bank
C. temple
D. church

9. ...is a place for people to swim.*

10 poin

A. market
B. school
C. swimming pool
D. museum

10. What is that?*

10 poin

A. library
B. park
C. post office
D. airport

Let’s play in the.....

I will swim in the.....

I will go to......with my friends to meet my teacher

My mom asks me to buy sugar in the.....

My father goes to.....today to work

We can see many animals in the.....

My family will eat in a new.....

I will borrow a book in.....

Will you watch football in the.....?

My mom always buys vegetables in the.....

You can buy book and pencils in.....

I will wait train in the.....

.....keeps me from rain and hot

Jogjakarta has many.....

Moslem pray in the.....

My grandfather is sicks, so he goes

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