Effect of Nerve Crush On Perikaryal Number and Volume of Neurons in Adult Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion

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Effect of Nerve Crush on Perikaryal

Number and Volume of Neurons in Adult
Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion
1Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
2Stereological Research Laboratory, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Assumption-free stereological methods were applied to assess the effect of nerve crush on
perikaryal number and mean volume of neuronal subpopulations in adult rat dorsal root
ganglion (DRG). The L5 spinal nerve of 20 Wistar rats was crushed approximately 7 mm distal
to the DRG, and the contralateral spinal nerve and DRG were left intact and used as controls.
After four, 15, 45, and 120 days, the rats were killed, and the tissue was fixed and processed for
subsequent preparation of 30-µm-thick sections. Estimates of neuron number were obtained
with the optical fractionator technique and estimates of the mean perikaryal volume with the
vertical planar rotator principle. Perikaryal loss was progressive during the early study
period but stabilized 45 days after nerve injury. The mean number (n) of all neurons in intact
L5 DRG was 16,400 (S.D. ⫽ 2,000). The loss of perikarya was 16% (P ⬍ 0.05) after four days,
15% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 15 days, 30% (P ⫽ 0.059) after 45 days, and 34% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 120 days.
B cells were lost at an earlier time than were A cells, and the B cell loss was more pronounced
(39% vs. 22%, respectively, after 120 days). For A cells, the mean perikaryal volume was
initially reduced but was normalized at the end of the study. Distributions of perikaryal
volume showed that the curves of both A and B cells were uniformly displaced toward smaller
values 15 and 45 days after injury. Neuronal loss caused by crush seems similar to that seen in
rats exposed to permanent axotomy (Vestergaard et al. [1997] J Comp Neurol 388:307–312) at
the same location, indicating that survival of perikarya is not dependent on possibility for
fiber growth. J. Comp. Neurol. 412:186–192, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: neuronal degeneration; nerve injury; stereology; cell size

Axotomy to provoke changes in dorsal root ganglion of previous studies concerning neuron number and size. A
(DRG) neuron morphology is an important model in stud- recent study (Vestergaard et al., 1997) using stereological
ies of regeneration and survival of injured neurons during methods showed that perikaryal volume of L5 DRG neu-
neuroprotective treatment. Although the model of axon rons was reduced as early as 4 days after permanent
injury has many advantages, a major obstacle in treat- axotomy. Cell bodies were lost after 15 days, predomi-
ment studies has been the lack of assumption-free tech- nantly due to loss of B cells. This loss was progressive
niques to estimate cell loss. Most studies of axotomy have during the 45 days of study and was associated with
reported a 15–50% neuronal loss in DRG. The most shrinkage of neuronal perikarya. In the present study, the
pronounced loss has been found after proximal injury of effect of nonpermanent axotomy after a crush lesion
axons of neonatal animals. Reports in the literature con- (Bridge et al., 1994) was examined. The aims of the project
cerning the loss of DRG neurons after nerve injury are, were to study the temporal effects of nerve crush on total
however, variable. One of the reasons for this large varia- perikaryal number and mean perikaryal volume of neuro-
tion is the use of different counting methods (Coggeshall, nal subpopulations in adult rat DRG and compare the
1992), differences of age (neonatal vs. adult), gender, effect of crush with data from previous studies of perma-
severity, and type of injury. Furthermore, the opportunity
for regeneration, the proximity of the injury to the peri-
karyon (proximal vs. peripheral), and time after injury Grant sponsor: University and County of Aarhus, Denmark.
could affect the estimates. *Correspondence to: J. Degn, Department of Neurology, University
By using stereological techniques, it is now possible to Hospital of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. E-mail: degn@mailme.dk
eliminate some of the biases and methodological problems Received 27 October 1998; Revised 5 April 1999; Accepted 29 April 1999



nent axotomy to estimate whether neuronal survival is

dependent on fiber growth.


Twenty 10-week-old inbred male Wistar rats (290–330 g)
were allocated into four groups of five animals each. All
rats were cared for and surgically handled in accordance
with the guidelines specified in the Federation of Euro-
pean Laboratory Animal Science Associations recommen-
dations. The animals were anesthetized with a mixture of
diazepam (5 mg/kg) and pentobarbital (25 mg/kg) injected
intraperitoneally. Laminectomy was performed, and the
L5 spinal nerve was freed from surrounding tissues with a
J-shaped glass tube. A double crush (2 ⫻ 30 seconds) was
applied approximately 7 mm distal to the corresponding
L5 DRG by using a fine smooth-tipped 0.5-mm S.W. Inox
Castroviejo forceps (model Tübingen, Amann Medizintech-
nic, Germany) with a stopping pin to standardize the
lesion. The side for the lesion was chosen at random, and
the contralateral DRG served as the control. Buprenorphi-
num (4 ⫻ 0.1 mg) was admistered during the postoperative
Fixation and tissue preparation
Four, 15, 45, and 120 days after crush, the rats were
anesthetized and tissue fixed by vascular perfusion with a
4% (w/v) phosphate buffered glutaraldehyde (pH 7.40, 0.08
M) solution through the ascending aorta after a short
prerinse with Tyrode’s buffer (pH 7.76). Following identifi-
cation of the L4 and L5 spinal nerves, the L5 DRGs on both
sides were removed, including a segment of their spinal
nerves a few millimeters distal to the site of the crush.
The ganglia were placed in agar (7%) and rotated at
random around the long, vertical axis (Baddeley et al.,
1986). Tissues were dehydrated through ascending concen-
trations of ethanol solutions (70%, 96%, 96%, 99%, and
99% for 1 hour each) and embedded in glycolmethacrylate
(Technovit 7100, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Ger-
many). Thirty-micrometer-thick sections were cut parellel
to the vertical axis of the ganglia with a Reichert-Jung
2050 Supercut microtome by using Ralph glass knives.
Using a random starting point, every third section in the
series was sampled for staining with cresyl violet acetate
(0.25 g%). Spinal nerves were postfixed with osmium
tetroxide (1%) for 2 hours and embedded in Epon (TAAB
812, Medium, Taab Laboratories Equipment Ltd., United
Fig. 1. Intact (A) and chromatolytic (B) A and B cells 15 days after
Kingdom). One-micrometer cross sections were cut with an spinal nerve injury. In A, the nuclei of one large A neuron (bottom) and
ultramicrotome (LKB Ultrotome III) and stained with a four small B neurons (top) are in focus. Notice the well-defined Nissl
solution of toluidinblue/sodiumborate (1% w/v). granules and the light nucleus with one large, dark, central nucleolus
in the A neurons. The nuclei of B neurons contain multiple nucleoli
Cell type identification located peripherally in the nucleus. In B, the central chromatolysis,
the peripheral mantle of Nissl substance, and the caps around the
The ganglion cells were visualized in three dimensions crenated eccentric displaced nuclei are clear. Scale bar ⫽ 20 µm.
by optical sectioning, which improved the identification
markedly. Two types of neurons could be identified in the
DRG (Andres, 1961; Lieberman, 1976; Rambourg et al., nucleus was light, very often with multiple nucleoli located
1983; Tandrup, 1993). The large A cells (Fig. 1) were peripherally. Only 2% of neurons could not be placed into
dominated by well-defined Nissl granules, with an un- either A or B cell categories.
stained Nissl-free axon hillock region. The nucleus was
lightly stained and usually contained one large, dark, Counting procedures
central nucleolus. In contrast to these characteristic fea- A microscope was connected to a color camera linked to a
tures, the small B cells were more heterogeneous, some personal computer by using morphometric software
with homogeneously stained dark cytoplasm, others with a (C.A.S.T.-Gridt, Olympus DK A/S, Albertslund, Denmark).
light halo in the center of the cell. In all the B cells, the The image of the sections was projected to a computer
188 J. DEGN ET AL.

screen with superimposed counting frames. Systematic,

uniformly random sampling of counting fields was per-
formed by using a stepping motor and a microcator (Dr.
Johannes Heidenhouin, Germany) attached to the stage of
the microscope.
Estimates of neuron number were obtained by using the
optical fractionator (West et al., 1991) and optical disectors
(Sterio, 1984; Gundersen, 1986; Gundersen et al., 1988;
Braendgaard et al., 1990). The number of perikarya (n)
was estimated by multiplying counted nuclei (Q⫺) within
the disectors with the inverse sampling fractions:

N⫽3· 兺Q ⫺
· ·
a h

where a/A is the area fraction within the disectors and h/H
is the fraction of the section thickness used. Area of
counting frames was 3,500 µm2 for A cells and 1,680 µm2
for B cells. The step length was 冑A ⫽ 185 µm, and disector
height measured with the microcator was h ⫽ 15 µm. The
mean section thickness was 23 µm (H) as measured with
the microcator in every fifth disector sample, at a total
magnification of 2,918⫻. All measurements were per-
formed blindly.
A counting frame with a top plane a few micrometers
below the surface and a bottom plane 15 µm further below
defined the limits of the optical disectors. The nucleus was
chosen as the counting unit because all DRG neurons have
exactly one nucleus. All neuronal nuclei coming into focus
and belonging to the counting frames (Gundersen, 1977) Fig. 2. Cross sections of the L5 spinal nerve a few millimeters
distal to the nerve crush after 4 (B) and 120 (C) days. A: Control. Scale
were counted (Q⫺) because the plane of focus was lowered
bar ⫽ 50 µm.
15 µm through the transparent section by using a short
focus depth objective (PlanApo 60⫻, numerical aperture ⫽
1.40 oil). Nuclei in focus at the top plane were not included,
as opposed to nuclei at the bottom plane. RESULTS
For volume estimation, cells should have equal sam-
The rats suffered little from the operative procedures
pling probability, and measurements in the sampled cells and had an initial minor mean weight deficit of 50 g
have to be performed in either isotropic or vertical planes. (30–70 g) compared with the control rats.
This was ensured by the use of vertical sections (Baddeley An average of 84 (54–108) A cells and 133 (92–193)
et al., 1986). B cells were counted per intact DRG. Seventy-three (51–
The mean volume of the perikarya was estimated by 98) A and 97 (57–137) B cells were counted per crushed
using the vertical planar rotator principle (VPR; Jensen DRG. The mean thickness of the sections (H) was 23
and Gundersen, 1993) incorporated in the semiautomatic (S.D. ⫽ 2) µm.
software C.A.S.T.-Gridt. The VPR is an unbiased local The DRG neurons changed morphologically after the
volume estimator based on two-dimensional information nerve crush (Fig. 1; Nathaniel and Nathaniel, 1973). The
obtained from a single optical plane through the neuron. most conspicuous signs were chromatolysis with periph-
The VPR provides an estimate of perikarya size from eral displacement of a crenated nucleus and proliferation
measurements of intersections between the cell boundary of satellite cells especially around large A cells. Frequently,
and three lines perpendicular to the vertical axis. All the nuclei showed small indentations of the nuclear mem-
measurements were performed from the unique point (the brane. After 120 days, accumulation of perineuronal satel-
nucleolus) to the cell borders in the optical plane, where lite cells (Nageotte bodies) was observed (Nageotte, 1922).
the nucleolus is delineated most clearly. If several nucleoli In the spinal nerve distal to the crush, the predominant
were present in a cell, the measurements were made from features were Wallerian degeneration after 4, 15, and 45
the largest of the nucleoli. The magnification used was days (Fig. 2). Regenerating clusters of small axons were
1,756⫻. observed after 120 days.
Distributions of perikaryal volume were bimodal (A and
Statistics B cells). There seemed to have been a relatively large cell
loss of B cells 45 and 120 days after crush, with left
Because of markedly right-skewed distributions, loga- displacement of both A and B cell curves 15 and 45 days,
rithmic transformation was applied to all data. For num- respectively, after injury (Fig. 3). The mean total number
ber and volume, the statistical significance of group mean of neurons in intact L5 DRG was 16,400 (S.D. ⫽ 2,000),
differences between crushed and control DRG neurons was 23% of the cell bodies being A cells. There was a progres-
evaluated by using Student’s paired t-test with a 5% limit sive and significant loss of DRG neurons during the
of significance. experimental period. The individual loss of DRG neurons

Fig. 3. Frequency distributions of mean perikaryal volume of A (the two right curves in each panel)
and B (the two left curves in each panel) dorsal root ganglia bodies four, 15, 45, and 120 days after injury
(solid lines) of the L5 spinal nerves. Compare with intact (dotted lines) nerves. Values are mean numbers
and error bars indicate S.E.M.

after crush of the L5 spinal nerve in adult rats was TABLE 1. Perikaryal Number and Loss of Neurons of the L5 DRG
After Crush1
115–8,900, with an average reduction of 2,700 (S.E.M. ⫽
950) four days after the injury, 2,500 (S.E.M. ⫽ 800) after Days Intact (S.D.) Crush (S.D.) Difference (S.E.M.)
15 days, 4,500 (S.E.M. ⫽ 1,700) after 45 days, and 5,700 A neurons
(S.E.M. ⫽ 850) after 120 days. 4 4,134 (548) 3,328 (803) 806 (508)
The relative mean loss of all perikarya was 16% (P ⬍ 15 3,869 (567) 3,612 (374) 257 (135)
0.05) four days after the crush, 15% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 15 45
3,336 (752)
3,848 (482)
3,204 (875)
3,003 (565)
132 (171)
845 (198)*
days, 30% (P ⫽ 0.059) after 45 days, and 34% (P ⬍ 0.05)
B neurons
after 120 days (Table 1, Fig. 4). The loss of A cells (22%) 4 12,699 (947) 10,820 (2,257) 1,879 (963)
was only significant 120 days after the injury, whereas 15 12,767 (2,661) 10,598 (1,482) 2,169 (764)*
45 11,588 (2,181) 7,193 (1,566) 4,395 (1,620)
there was an early and statistically significant loss of B 120 12,879 (1,866) 7,881 (2,113) 4,998 (915)*
cells (17%) after 15 days. Also, the neuronal loss was larger
for B cells (39%) than for A cells (22%) after 120 days (Ta-
4 17,011 (1,168) 14,355 (2,168) 2,656 (954)*
ble 1). 15 16,785 (2,337) 14,333 (1,366) 2,451 (791)*
Geometric mean perikaryal volume of intact A cells was 45 15,070 (2,641) 10,567 (1,955) 4,504 (1,720)
120 16,782 (1,757) 11,059 (2,087) 5,722 (860)*
63,200 µm3 (S.D. ⫽ 11,600) and 10,800 µm3 (S.D. ⫽ 1,100)
1Perikaryal number and loss of neurons of the L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) 4, 15, 45,
of intact B cells. Perikaryal volume of A cells was un- and 120 days after unilateral crush of its spinal nerve, values being means (S.D.s and
changed four days after the crush, diminished by 28% (P ⬍ S.E.M.s). Asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference of cell numbers at the
0.05) after 15 days, by 31% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 45 days, and 0.05 level between the intact and the crushed side in the same rats.

returned to normal after 120 days. Perikaryal volume of B

cells was diminished by 9% (n.s.) after four days, by 27% Even though the perikarya of the large A cells went
(P ⬍ 0.05) after 15 days, by 25% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 45 days, through the most pronounced degree of shrinkage, these
and by 19% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 120 days (Table 2). cells appeared to restore their original mean volume
190 J. DEGN ET AL.

from those in the present study with regard to the type of

injury. Technically, ganglia were bisected before embed-
ding in that study, whereas whole ganglia were used in the
present study. However, in both studies, stereological
techniques were applied. In that study, the combined
perikaryal loss of A and B cells was 6%, 19%, 22%, and 35%
after four, eight, 15, and 45 days, respectively, and the
reduction of perikaryal volume (both A and B cells) was
33%, 34%, 29%, and 25% respectively. In both studies
(Vestergaard et al., 1997; present study), relatively more B
cells were lost, whereas A cell perikarya were more se-
verely diminished. Taken together, these findings indicate
that a proximal lesion leads to more cell loss than a more
peripheral lesion, whereas neuronal survival seems inde-
pendent of the possibility for fiber growth.
A recent study by Dreetz et al. (personal communication)
showed that p75-knockout mice lacked 39% A cells and
57% B cells. Volume of A cells was 30% less than that of
controls, and B cells were reduced by 18%. Small B cells
have been shown to respond early and more intensely with
Fig. 4. Number of cell bodies of A cells (circles) and B cells chromatolysis than do larger A cells (Lieberman, 1971). B
(triangles) in the intact (In) and contralateral dorsal root ganglion cells have high-affinity receptors for nerve growth factor
four, 15, 45, and 120 days after spinal nerve crush (Cr). Bars are group (NGF), whereas A cells bind neurotrophin 3 (Richardson et
mean values. al., 1986; Sebert and Shooter, 1993). In accordance with
these observations, the present study emphasizes the
TABLE 2. Perikaryal Volume and Shrinkage of Neurons of the L5 DRG different vulnerability of the various neuronal subpopula-
After Crush1 tions in rat DRG and points to a possible role of neuro-
Days Intact (S.D.) Crush (S.D.) Difference (S.E.M.) trophic factor for the differential vulnerability.
Several investigators (Ygge et al., 1981) have pointed
A neurons
4 58,962 (11,226) 59,760 (7,744) ⫹798 (4,134)
out that the total pool of thoracic DRG neurons is distrib-
15 70,382 (14,070) 50,841 (12,486) 19,541 (3,326)* uted in a heterogeneous fashion between adjacent DRGs
45 68,886 (8,608) 47,860 (6,619) 21,026 (3,035)* (e.g., between the T2 and T3 DRGs). For this reason,
120 54,531 (4,347) 53,038 (7,734) 1,493 (2,219)
counting of all neurons in the L4, L5, and L6 DRGs (the
B neurons
main contributors to the sciatic nerve) has been proposed,
4 10,581 (1,226) 9,634 (1,755) 947 (741)
15 10,863 (1,004) 7,947 (2,307) 2,916 (845)* and the use of the combined number has been proposed to
45 10,924 (1,182) 8,176 (1,058) 2,748 (296)* avoid irregular spatial distribution of perikarya to bias the
120 10,822 (1,470) 8,784 (1,495) 2,038 (499)*
comparison (Serbert and Shooter, 1993). In the present
1Perikaryal volume (µm3 ) and shrinkage of neurons of the L5 dorsal root ganglia (DRG)
study, the mean total number of neurons in intact L5 DRG
4, 15, 45, and 120 days after unilateral crush of its spinal nerve, values being geometric
means (S.D.s and S.E.M.s). Asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference of cell was found to be rather constant (16,400, S.D. ⫽ 2,000). In
numbers at the 0.05 level between the intact and the crushed side in the same rats. addition, four other studies (Tandrup, 1993, 1995; Tan-
drup and Braendgaard, 1994; Vestergaard et al., 1997)
using the same unbiased stereological techniques have
earlier than B cells. In contrast, the volume of B cells still estimated the number to be in the range of 15,700–17,900.
was reduced by 19% (P ⬍ 0.05) after 120 days. Obviously, the number of L5 DRG neurons is rather
constant. The present study did not demonstrate any
side-to-side asymmetry.
DISCUSSION Not all L4-L6 DRG neurons project into the sciatic
nerve. Devor et al. (1985) estimated that fewer than 50% of
Most studies of axotomy (mainly of the peripheral type)
have reported a 15–50% neuronal loss of DRG cell bodies all neurons of the ganglia L4–L6 do. Therefore, peripheral
(Ranson, 1906; Cavanaugh, 1951; Aldskogius and Risling, axotomy at the level of the sciatic nerve does not affect all
1981; Risling et al., 1983a,b; Ygge and Aldskogius, 1984; DRG neurons, and for this reason, a direct comparison
Arvidsson et al., 1986; Rich et al., 1987; Schmalbruch, between peripheral and proximal axotomy is difficult.
1987a; Himes and Tessler, 1989; Baranowski et al., 1994). The principal findings of the present study confirm that
The most pronounced loss has been found after proximal DRG neurons are lost when the adult spinal nerve is
injury of axons of neonatal animals (Himes and Tessler, crushed. The estimates are free of assumptions about
1989; Ygge, 1989). neuron size, shape, and orientation. Furthermore, the
Recent studies based on assumption-free stereological techniques are not dependent on shrinkage or swelling of
methods have indicated that the loss of DRG cell bodies the neurons or the surrounding tissues during prepara-
after peripheral axotomy at the level of the sciatic nerve is tion. The principles of volume estimation also are assump-
14–30% (Eriksson, 1997; Tandrup et al., personal commu- tion free, but absolute estimates are dependent on prepara-
nication), whereas more proximal axotomy leads to a 35% tion artifacts. Because the changes observed represent a
loss (Vestergaard et al., 1997). The results obtained by combination of loss of cell bodies and reduction of peri-
Vestergaard et al. (1997) on permanent axotomy only differ karyal volume, interpretation of the displacements of the

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