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Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Factors in

Determining the Regeneration of the
Central Processes of Rat Dorsal Root
Ganglion Neurons: The Influence
of a Peripheral Nerve Graft
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London,
London WClE 6BT, United Kingdom

The relative contribution of intrinsic growth capacity versus extrinsic growth-promoting
factors in determining the capacity of transected dorsal root axons to regenerate long distances
was studied. L4 dorsal root axons regenerating into 4-cm peripheral nerve grafts on transected
dorsal roots were counted. Few dorsal root myelinated axons regenerated to the distal end of the
grafts by 10 weeks unless the sciatic nerve was also crushed. Regeneration of unmyelinated
axons was also increased by peripheral lesions.
Crush or transection of the dorsal roots without grafting did not alter GAP-43 mRNA
expression in L4 dorsal root ganglion (DRG)cells. Grafting a peripheral nerve onto the cut end
of an L4 dorsal root doubled the number of DRG cells expressing high levels of GAP-43 mRNA
after a delay of several weeks. Peripheral nerve crush at the time of nerve grafting resulted in a
very rapid rise in GAP-43 mRNA expression, which then declined to a steady level, twice that of
controls, by 7 weeks.
Thus, the rapid increase in the number of DRG neurons expressing high levels of GAP-43
mRNA after peripheral but not central axotomy correlates with the regeneration of central
axons through nerve grafts. Because GAP-43mRNA is slowly upregulated in a subpopulationof
sensory neurons in response to exposure of their central axons to a peripheral nerve
environment, environments favourable for axonal growth may act by increasing the intrinsic
growth response of neurons. Lack of intrinsic growth capacity may contribute to the failure of
dorsal root axons to regenerate into the spinal cord. o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Ine.

Indexing terms: nerve injury, primary sensory neurons, GAP-43, Schwann cells, spinal cord

The central and peripheral axons of primary afferent ever, absent following an equivalent injury to the central
neurons, although branches of a single process arising from axon (Lieberman, 1971; Aldskogius et al., 1992). This
the cell body in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), are distinct differencemay reflect a differencein the signals to the DRG,
in one important respect. The targets of the two axons are negative or positive, resulting from such lesions. A key
quite different: the central nervous system for the central question is whether the absence of the cell body response
axon and peripheral tissue for the peripheral axon. These after dorsal root section is causally related to the reduced
targets will present a very different array of soluble trophic regenerative capacity of the central axon (Oblinger and
factors for retrograde transport to the cell body, the Lasek, 1984)and whether this in turn is responsible for the
presence or absence of which might influence the pheno-
type of the DRG cell in quite different ways, Nerve growth Accepted January 19,1996.
factor, for example, is present in high concentration in the M.S. Chong’s present address: Department of Neurology, Selly Oak
periphery (Bandtlowet al., 1987)but not in the spinal cord Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
(Thoenen et al., 1987).Disrupting contact with the periph- P.C. Emson’s present address: MRC Molecular Neuroscience Group, The
Babraham Institute, Cambridge, CB2 4AT, UK.
eral target following an injury to the peripheral axon
Address reprint requests to Dr. P.N. Anderson, Department of Anatomy
produces profound morphological and metabolic changes in and Developmental Biology, University College London, Gower Street,
the cell body, the chromatolytic response, which are, how- London, WClE 6BT, UK. E-mail:


inability of injured dorsal root axons to grow back into the patch of aorta from the donor animal. Using 1010 sutures, a
spinal cord. tibial nerve graft was attached to the peripheral stump, and
Crush injuries of the dorsal root result in limited regen- bovine fibrinogen was used to ensure additional stability of
eration without axonal penetration into the dorsal horn the anastomosis. The wound was closed in layers, and the
(Perkins et al., 1980; Carlstedt, 1985; Liuzzi and Lasek, unattached distal end of the graft was marked with a 1010
1987; Stensaas et al., 1987; Siegal et al., 1990), whereas suture and left free under the deep fascia overlyingthe back
successful regeneration of the peripheral axon may be seen muscles. Animals in group 2 underwent the same procedure
after injury to a nerve trunk (Horch, 1979). The cessation with an additional left sciatic nerve crush performed with
of axonal regeneration in the dorsal root entry zone as a watchmaker’s forceps at mid-thigh level. In group 3, roots
consequence of the formation of synapselike interactions were sectioned but not joined to a graft, and, in group 4,
with astrocytes may be a factor preventing regeneration of roots were crushed with watchmaker’s forceps.
central axons into the spinal cord (Carlstedt, 1985; Liuzzi After survival times of 3 (n = 1),7(n = 21, and 15 (n = 2)
and Lasek, 1987; Stensaas et al., 1987), but the inability to weeks for group 1, 3 (n = 11, 7 (n = 21, 15 (n = 21, and 19
induce a vigorous growth capacity in the dorsal root gan- (n = 1)weeks for group 2 , 3 (n = l),9 (n = l), and 16 (n = 1)
glion cells after central axon injury may also contribute. weeks for group 3, and 7 (n = 2) weeks for group 4, the
The growth-associated protein GAP-43 is a useful marker animals were terminally anaesthetised with pentobarbi-
of the intrinsic growth state of neurons (Skene, 1989). tone. The spinal roots and graft were carefully dissected
GAP-43 is expressed by neurons at high levels during out, and the ipsilateral and contralateral L4 DRGs were
development (Jacobson et al., 1986; Kalil and Skene, 1986; removed and frozen in liquid nitrogen. Serial sections
Karns et al., 1987; Moya et al., 1988; De la Monte et a]., 20-pm thick were cut on a cryostat and mounted on
1989; Fitzgerald et al., 1991; Chong et al., 1992)and during gelatinised slides. The method for nonisotopic in situ
regeneration in the adult (Skene and Willard, 1981a-c; hybridisation has been described elsewhere (Weise and
Woolf et al., 1990; Campbell et al., 1991; Schreyer and Emson, 1991; Chong et al., 1992). Briefly, the sections were
Skene, 1991; Vaudano et al., 1995). Injuries to the periph- fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, acetylated, and delipidated
eral axon cause a rapid and prolonged upregulation of both before hybridisation with a 39-mer alkaline-phosphatase-
GAP-43 mRNA and protein (Bisby, 1988; Hoffman, 1989; linked cDNA antisense probe corresponding to positions
Van der Zee et al., 1989; Woolf et al., 1990; Chong et al., 119-157 of the rat GAP-43 mRNA. The bound probe was
1992) but sectioning dorsal roots does not have this effect visualised by the colour reaction produced by alkaline
(Schreyer and Skene, 1993; Chong et al., 1994a). phosphatase on the substrates nitroblue tetrazolium and
Peripheral nerve grafts constilute an extremely favour- 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-phosphate. In control experi-
able environment for axonal regeneration (Anderson et al., ments, it was shown that a 100-fold excess of unlabelled probe
1983;Aguayo, 1985; Vidal-Sanz et al., 1987; Villegas-Perez and pretreatment with RNAase eliminated all staining.
et al., 1988; Nadim et al., 1990; Campbell et al., 1992). The Analysis of the results was performed with the aid of the
injured central processes of DRG neurons have been shown TPL-V4 (Seescan) image analysis system. Only highly
to be capable of regenerating into short peripheral nerve stained profiles, whose relative intensity levels did not
grafts (Zelena and Jirmanova, 1988).However, Richardson overlap with that of the background levels in specimens
and Issa (1984) reported that only a few of the injured processed without probe, were counted as positive. These
central axons of DRG cells regenerate into peripheral positively labelled profiles were then counted by using the
nerves grafted into the dorsal columns of the spinal cord physical dissector method (Chong et al., 1992). This in-
unless the sciatic nerve is also transected as a conditioning volves the reconstruction of the DRG and the calculation of
stimulus. Similarly, Oudega et al. (1994) showed that a volume by using the Cavalieri method, followed by serial
predegenerate graft promotes even more regeneration of sampling to obtain the number of stained profiles per unit
dorsal column fibres than a fresh nerve graft but only in volume (Sterio, 1984; Gundersen et al., 1988; Coggeshall,
experiments when there was a sciatic nerve crush. In the 1992). Total number of positively stained cells is then
present study, we have set out to examine further the obtained by multiplying the average number of stained
relative contribution of the intrinsic growth response, as profiles per unit volume with volume of the tissue.
measured by GAP-43expression, and extrinsic environmen- Some animals in group 1,at survival times of 3.5 (n = l),
tal factors in determining regeneration of dorsal root axons 6.5-7 (n = 31, 10 (n = 2) and 20 (n = 2) weeks and in group
by performing experiments where long segments of periph- 2, at survival times 3.5 (n = l),6.5-7 (n = 3),10 (n = 2), 11
eral nerve were grafted directly onto transected dorsal roots (n = l), and 19 (n = l), weeks were terminally anaesthe-
with and without peripheral conditioning lesions. tised and perfused through the left ventricle of the heart
with 2% paraformaldehyde/4% glutaraldehyde in phos-
phate buffer, pH 7.4. The grafts were removed, cut into
METHODS sections, and processed into Araldite. Axons were counted
Adult inbred Fischer rats were used. Donor animals were in sections 1-2 mm from the site of anastomosis (proximal
exsanguinated under terminal pentobarbitone anaesthesia, graft) and 1-3 mm from the distal ends of the grafts.
and a 4-cm length of tibial nerve was removed from the Counts of myelinated axons were made by using montages
thigh and leg. The grafts were cleaned of any muscle or fat of micrographs taken from 1-pm transverse sections of the
and kept in Hank’s balanced saline solution (Gibco).Recipi- grafts stained with toluidine blue. Counts of unmyelinated
ent animals were anaesthetised with a mixture of enfluranel axons were carried out by systematic scanning of ultrathin
nitrous oxide, and a laminectomy was performed on the left sections mounted on films covering slotted grids by using a
side to expose the lumbar spinal nerve roots. Experimental Philips EM 300. Unmyelinated axons could only be counted
animals were divided into four groups. In group 1, the L4 in optimally processed segments of nerve because of the
dorsal root was transected 17-20 mm from the DRG, and difficulty in distinguishing between regenerating axons and
the peripheral stump was laid on the adventitial surface of a Schwann cell processes.
TABLE 1. Numbers of L4 Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells Expressing High L4 DRG was similar at 3 weeks to that after a dorsal root
Levels of GAP-43 mRNA After Dorsal Root Rhizotomy and Rhizotomy transection without grafting, which in turn was identical to
Combined With GraftingWith and Without
a Concurrent Sciatic Nerve Crush that in the contralateral, unoperated, ganglion (Figs. 1-2,
Table 1). However, 7 weeks after the operation, 6,500-
Ipsilateral Contralateral
Time (weeks) L4 count L4 count 6,800 cells expressing high levels of GAP-43 mRNA were
seen in the ipsilateral DRG, approximately double the
Dorsal rhizotomy number present in unoperated ganglia and higher than that
3 3,684 3,540
9 4,110 found after dorsal root transection alone. This increase in
16 4,330 the number of sensory neurons expressing high levels of
Dorsal root crush
7 2,905 GAP-43 mRNA in the group with grafts persisted until at
7 3,167 least 15 weeks (Figs. 1-2, Table 1).
Tibial nerve graft onto dorsal roots
3 3,822 3,366 The production of a peripheral nerve crush lesion at the
7 6,840 3,555 same time as the dorsal root graft resulted in large numbers
7 6,557 of L4 DRG cells expressing high levels of GAP-43 mRNA 3
15 6,160
15 6,891 weeks after the operation (Figs. 1-2). This result is similar
Tibial nerve graft onto dorsal root and sciatic crush to that found after a sciatic nerve crush performed alone
3 14,066 3,858
7 7,410 (Chong et al., 1992). Seven weeks postoperation, however,
7 7,419 3,379 there were still more than 7,000 L4 DRG cells expressing
14 7,026 3,033
19 6,594 4.235 high levels of GAP-43 mRNA, which is higher than the
numbers present after a sciatic nerve crush alone, when the
numbers begin to return to control levels at 5 weeks
postcrush (Chong et al., 1992). This increased level of
GAP-43 mRNA expression in the grafted group persisted

16000 t. nocmsh
for at least 19 weeks (Table 1).From 7 weeks postoperation
&4 sciatic crush onwards, the numbers of GAP-43-positivecells were similar
after a dorsal root graft whether or not a peripheral nerve
14000 t lesion had been carried out.
12000 \ Axonal counts

2 10000 i
Three and a half weeks after a 4-cm peripheral nerve had
been grafted onto a transected dorsal root, many myelinated
axons were present in the proximal part of the grafts (Fig.
3), but no myelinated axons had reached the distal end.
After 6.5-7 weeks, only a very few myelinated axons reached
-- A the distal end of the graft (65 2 20 S.E.M., n = 3). By 10
weeks, the numbers had increased (Fig. 3) to a mean of 530
(n = 2) with a further substantial increase at 20 weeks to
1,124 (n = 2; Table 2, Fig. 3). The numbers ofunmyelinated
axons more than doubled from a mean of 852 (n = 2) at

6.5-7 weeks to 2,310 (n = 2) at 20 weeks (Table 2).
When a sciatic nerve crush lesion was performed concur-
rently with the tibial graft to the dorsal root, there were, at
2ooo0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 all time points examined, more myelinated axons at the
distal ends of the grafts than when the graft was performed
without the peripheral conditioning lesion. (Table 2, Figs.
Weeks after grafting
3,4). For example, at 6.5-7 weeks, there were more than 20
Fig. 1. Graph drawn from data in Table 1 showing the changes in times as many myelinated axons at the distal ends of grafts
the numbers of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons expressing high in animals with a sciatic nerve crush (1,383 & 295, n = 3) as
levels of GAP-43 mRNA following dorsal rhizotomy alone or the in those without a sciatic nerve injury (65 t 20, n = 3). The
attachment of a tibial nerve graft to the injured dorsal root with and data for unmyelinated axons (Table 2) show a similar
without a concurrent sciatic nerve crush. phenomenon; at each time point, they were more numerous
at the distal end of the grafts in animals that had a sciatic
nerve crush performed.
RESULTS The numbers of myelinated axons in the proximal part of
GAP-43 mRNA the graft showed smaller changes with time and were less
An L4 dorsal root section or crush lesion by itself failed to influenced by a sciatic nerve conditioning lesion (Table 2).
produce any detectable upregulation of GAP-43 mRNA in
L4 DRG cells compared with either naive L4 DRGs or with
DRGs contralateral to the central axotomy when examined DISCUSSION
3,9, and 16 weeks (transection) or 7 weeks (crush) after the Injury to the central processes of primary sensory neu-
surgery (Table 1,Fig. 11, a result similar to that reported at rons in the form of a dorsal root section or crush did not
shorter survival times (Chonget al., 1994a). influence GAP-43 mRNA expression in DRG cells for up to
When a peripheral nerve graft was attached to the cut 16 weeks after the axotomy, confirming the results of
end of the L4 dorsal root, the number of DRG cells previous experiments with shorter duration (Schreyer and
expressing high levels of GAP-43 mRNA in the ipsilateral Skene, 1993; Chong et al., 1994a). Grafting of a peripheral

Graft & Sciatic Crush Dorsal Root Graft

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs showing in situ hybridization for GAP-43 graphs a and d show ganglia 3 weeks after operation, b and d show
mRNA in sections of L4 DRG at various times after attaching a nerve ganglia 7 weeks after operation, c shows a ganglion 14 weeks after
graft to the severed root with concurrent ipsilateral sciatic nerve injury operation, and f shows ganglia 15 weeks after operation. Scale bars =
(a+) and in the absence of sciatic nerve injury (d-0. Photomicro- 150 Fm.
Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of 1-pm sections through tibial nerve nerve was crushed when the graft was attached. Sciatic nerve crush has
grafts attached to severed L4 dorsal roots. A,B: Proximal graft 3.5 little effect on the growth of myelinated axons (arrows) into the
weeks after operation. C,D: Distal graft 10 weeks after operation. A and proximal graft but increases the numbers found in the distal graft.
C are from an experiment in which the sciatic nerve was undamaged, Plastic embedded. Scale bar = 10 pm.
and B and D are from an experiment in which the ipsilateral sciatic
TABLE 2. Counts ofAxons Present in the Proximal and Distal (4cm) End nerve crush was probably entirely the result of the sciatic
of Tibial Nerves Grafted Onto L4 Dorsal Roots nerve injury; the values found were almost identical to
at Various Time Intervals After Surgery
those found following sciatic nerve crush alone (Chong et
Myelinated Distal al., 1992,199413).Beyond this time, however, the determin-
Time (weeks) Proximal Distal Unmyelinated Total ing influence on the number of GAP-43-positive neurons
appeared to be only the presence or absence of the periph-
Tibial nerve graft without sciatic
nerve crush eral nerve graft because sciatic nerve crush alone results in
3.5 - 0 - - a decay in GAP-43 upregulation soon after peripheral
6.5 1,877 68 1,490 1,558
6.5 2,386 98 - - reinnervation (Chong et al., 1992). It appears, therefore,
7 2,457 28 213 241 that a subpopulation of primary sensory neurons in the L4
10 1,642 394 611 1,005 DRG can respond, after a considerable delay, to the expo-
10 3,421 667 - -
20 1,457 779 2,278 3,057 sure of their central axons to some aspect of the peripheral
20 3,761 1,469 2,342 3,811 nerve environment by upregulating GAP-43 expression.
Tibial nervegraftwithsciaticcrush
3.5 - 3 - - The upregulation of GAP-43 in DRG cell bodies as their
axons regenerate through the peripheral nerve would sug-
7 3,446 925 1,499 2,424 gest a retrograde signal triggered by the interaction be-
10 5,221 1,697 3,869 5,566 tween axon and graft, which is not present after a dorsal
10 3,379 1,350 2,825 4,175 root section or crush. The nature of this signal is unknown
11 3,416 1,506 2,984 4,490
19 - 4,280 6,330 10,610 but could include events induced by contact between the
growing axons and Schwann cells in the graft, trophic
factors secreted by cells in the graft, or even some substrate
nocrush molecule present in the graft. To look for this signal, unique
to, or concentrated in, peripheral nerves, it would be
B sciatic crush reasonable to examine the difference between denervated
dorsal roots and peripheral nerves. Although Schwann cells
in the dorsal roots are thought to be similar to those in
peripheral sensory nerves, there are differences such as the



expression of the LBIHNK-1 epitope, which in adult ani-
mals is predominantly expressed in motor nerves (Martini
et al., 1992).An interaction between regenerating axon and
Schwann cells expressing LBIHNK-1, or some other periph-
eral marker, may bring about the reexpression of GAP-43
EUJ in DRG cells. It is likely that many regenerating central
J 3000 - processes will come into contact with Schwann cells express-
lo ing the LBIHNK-1epitope in the graft but not after a dorsal
.G 2500 - root crush, and it would be interesting to find out if the
fastest regenerating axons are both GAP-43 positive and

8 2000 found in the bands of Biingner previously occupied by
motor fibres. Although much is known about the expression
.? 1500
- 4 of surface markers and growth factors such as nerve growth
% factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and ciliary neuro-
= 1000 1 trophic factor in denervated Schwann cells in injured nerve


4 trunks (Bixbyet al., 1988; Daniloff et al., 1989; Meyer et al.,
1992; Martini, 19941, there have been few comparable
studies on injured dorsal roots.
Crushing the sciatic nerve at the time when a graft was
attached to the L4 dorsal root produced a massive, but
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 temporary, increase in GAP-43 mRNA expression and
Weeks after grafting increased the rate of regeneration of myelinated and of
unmyelinated axons through the grafts. Our results con-
Fig. 4. Graph drawn from data in Table 2 showing the number of firm the findings of Richardson and Verge (1987) and Lu
myelinated axons present in sections through the distal parts of grafts and Richardson (1991) who showed that the rate of regen-
attached to severed L4 dorsal roots. Counts from experiments of 6.5-7 eration of crushed dorsal roots was increased by a sciatic
weeks’ duration have been averaged, as have counts from experiments
of 10-11 weeks’ duration. nerve injury and are readily compatible with the results of
Richardson and Issa (1984) and Oudega et al. (1994),where
a peripheral conditioning stimulus was shown to increase
the regeneration of central axons of primary afferents into
nerve onto a severed L4 dorsal root had no effect on the nerve grafts placed in the dorsal columns.However, Oblinger
number of DRG neurons expressing high levels of GAP-43 and Lasek (1984) reported that a peripheral conditioning
mRNA at 3 weeks. However, after longer postoperative lesion did not increase the rate of dorsal root regeneration
periods, the grafts attached to the L4 dorsal roots did but doubled the speed of regeneration in the sciatic nerve.
appear to cause an upregulation of GAP-43 mRNA in some The explanation of this apparent discrepancy is not clear,
DRG neurons, with approximately a doubling of the num- but different methods were used to assess regeneration in
ber of GAP-43 mRNA-positiveneurons in the L4 DRG at 7 each case, and the experiments of Oblinger and Lasek
weeks. The upregulation of GAP-43 found 3 weeks after (1984) were confined to the first 7 days after rhizotomy. It
attaching a graft to the dorsal root in animals with a sciatic may be germane that in the present study a conditioning
lesion also had comparatively little effect on the number of data indicate furthermore that the capacity to upregulate
myelinated axons, which regenerated into the proximal GAP-43 correlates with the ability to grow long distances.
graft. This may indicate that many injured dorsal root This clearly has important implications for attempts to
axons have the capacity to regenerate short distances but encourage central nervous system axonal regeneration:
that a particular growth state is required to maintain long intrinsic growth response needs to be promoted in addition
neurite outgrowth. Nonetheless, a sciatic nerve injury, with to the provision of a favourable environment if successful
its associated increase in GAP-43 expression in the sensory axonal elongation is to be achieved. Favourable environ-
neurons, enabled a much more vigorous regenerative re- ments by themselves may not be sufficient.
sponse by injured dorsal root axons in the environment
provided by a peripheral nerve graft, and this advantage
persisted for 3 months after the lesion, with no detectable ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
catching up by the group with a graft but no conditioning This work was supported by the Royal Society, MRC, and
lesion. the ISRT. C.J.W. is a recipient of a Bristol-Myers Squibb
Although the availabilityof a favourableexternal environ- Unrestricted Pain Research grant.
ment (Aguayo, 1985; Chong et al., 1994b) is a factor in
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