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Nerve Growth Factor Receptor TrkA

Is Down-Regulated During Postnatal
Development by a Subset of Dorsal
Root Ganglion Neurons
Center for the Study of Nervous System Injury, Department of Neurology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110

Nerve growth factor (NGF), signaling through its receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA, is
required for the survival of all small and many intermediate-sized murine dorsal root ganglion
(DRG) neurons during development, accounting for 80% of the total DRG population.
Surprisingly, NGF/TrkA-dependent neurons include a large population that does not express
TrkA in adult mice (Silos-Santiago et al., 1995). This finding suggests two hypotheses:
Neurons lacking TrkA in the adult may express TrkA during development, or they may be
maintained through a paracrine mechanism by TrkA-expressing neurons. To determine
whether TrkA is expressed transiently by DRG neurons that lack the receptor in adulthood,
we examined the distribution of TrkA protein during development. We show here that TrkA
expression is strikingly developmentally regulated. Eighty percent of DRG neurons expressed
TrkA during embryogenesis and early postnatal life, whereas only 43% expressed TrkA at
postnatal day (P) 21. Because the period of TrkA down-regulation corresponds with a critical
period during which nociceptive phenotype can be altered by NGF (see Lewin and Mendell
[1993] Trends Neurosci. 16:353–359), we examined whether NGF modulates the down-
regulation of TrkA. Surprisingly, neither NGF deprivation nor augmentation altered the
extent of TrkA down-regulation. Our results demonstrate a novel form of regulation of
neurotrophin receptor expression that occurs late in development. All DRG neurons that
require NGF for survival express TrkA during embryogenesis, and many continue to express
TrkA during a postnatal period when neuronal phenotype is regulated by NGF. The
subsequent down-regulation of TrkA is likely to be importantly related to functional
distinctions among nociceptive neurons in maturity. J. Comp. Neurol. 381:428–438, 1997.
r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: nerve growth factor; nociceptors; dorsal horn; regulation of phenotype;

Early investigations into the actions of nerve growth subset of sensory neurons in maturity (Verge et al., 1992;
factor (NGF) determined that NGF supports the survival Averill et al., 1995; Molliver et al., 1995). Indeed, in adult
of sympathetic neurons and neural crest-derived sensory DRG neurons, NGF regulates the levels of expression of
neurons during development (for review, see Thoenen and substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP),
Barde, 1980). Unlike sympathetic neurons, dorsal root two neuropeptides associated with nociceptive transmis-
ganglion (DRG) neurons lose their dependence upon NGF
for survival during the first few days of postnatal life
(Gorin and Johnson, 1980; Lewin et al., 1992). However, in Contract grant sponsor: NINDS; Contract grant numbers: NS31768,
the first 2 weeks of postnatal life, the specificity of unmy- P01-NS17763.
elinated and thinly myelinated DRG neurons for nocicep- *Correspondence to: W.D. Snider, M.D., Center for the Study of Nervous
tive stimuli is regulated by NGF (for review, see Lewin and System Injury, Department of Neurology, Box 8111, Washington University
School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.
Mendell, 1993). In adulthood, approximately 40% of ma- E-mail:
ture DRG neurons express the NGF receptor tyrosine Received 24 July 1996; Revised 18 October 1996; Accepted 27 October
kinase, TrkA, suggesting that NGF continues to act upon a 1996



sion (Lindsay and Harmar, 1989; Verge et al., 1995; for TABLE 1. Primary Antisera1
review, see Hökfelt, 1991) that are highly colocalized with Type Dilution Source
TrkA (Averill et al., 1995; see also Verge et al., 1989, 1995). Rabbit anti-TrkA 1:8,000 Louis Reichardt
Furthermore, administration of NGF causes thermal and Rabbit anti-p75 1:750 Barbara Hempstead
mechanical hyperalgesia, whereas depletion of NGF with Rabbit anti-CGRP 1:1,000 Peninsula
Mouse antineurofilament 1:40 Sigma
blocking antibodies results in a reduced sensitivity to I-B4-biotin 1:200 Sigma
painful stimuli (see Lewin and Mendell, 1993). Thus, in I-B4-HRP 1:200 Sigma

addition to regulating neuronal survival during embryonic 1The antisera and lectins used in this study are listed here with the working dilution

development and determining modality specificity in early used and the source from which they were obtained. CGRP, calcitonin gene-related
peptide; I-B4-biotin, a biotinylated form of the lectin I-B4 from Bandeiraea simplicifolia;
postnatal life, NGF regulates functional properties of I-B4-HRP, I-B4 conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP).
nociceptive sensory neurons in adulthood.
We have recently characterized a subset of small DRG
neurons that have morphological features associated with
nociceptive neurons but that do not express TrkA in weeks of postnatal life altered expression of TrkA, CGRP,
adulthood (Molliver et al., 1995; see also Averill et al., or I-B4 binding sites.
1995). Similar to TrkA-expressing neurons, these TrkA2 We show here that TrkA is expressed by 80% of DRG
neurons are small in diameter, project to the superficial neurons during embryogenesis and into postnatal develop-
dorsal horn, and presumably have cutaneous peripheral ment and is down-regulated in a subset of small neurons
during the 3 weeks after birth, well after the time at which
axons (see Silverman and Kruger, 1988). However, the
DRG neurons lose their dependence on NGF for survival.
small TrkA2 neurons differ from TrkA-expressing neurons
We conclude that essentially all DRG neurons dependent
in that they lack substance P and CGRP, bind the Bandei-
upon NGF/TrkA signaling for survival express TrkA dur-
raea simplicifolia lectin I-B4 and are immunoreactive for ing embryonic development. In contrast to TrkA, CGRP
the D subunit of protein kinase C and the neurofilament exhibited a mature expression pattern by postnatal day (P)
protein a-internexin (Molliver et al., 1995). These TrkA2 1. Manipulation of postnatal NGF levels, which regulate
neurons presumably correspond to the 25–35% of DRG the differentiation of nociceptive phenotype, did not alter
neurons that do not express any member of the Trk family, the down-regulation of TrkA, nor did it alter the distribu-
or the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor, p75 (McMahon tion of CGRP or I-B4 binding. The discrepancy between
et al., 1994; Wright and Snider, 1995). Furthermore, small TrkA and CGRP expression during development suggests
TrkA1 and TrkA2 neurons project to different targets in that these neurochemical features are regulated by differ-
the superficial dorsal horn. Whereas TrkA-expressing neu- ent mechanisms. Finally, we suggest that the down-
rons project to spinal cord lamina I and the dorsal portion regulation of TrkA contributes to the emergence of function-
of lamina II (lamina IIo), small neurons lacking TrkA ally distinct subsets of small DRG neurons.
project to the interior of lamina II (lamina IIi; Molliver et
al., 1995). Thus, several neurochemical and morphological
characteristics distinguish TrkA1 neurons from small neu- MATERIALS AND METHODS
rons lacking TrkA. Tissue preparation
Despite the restriction of TrkA expression to one subset TrkA immunocytochemistry was performed in CF-1 mice
of small DRG neurons in adulthood, the elimination of (Charles River, Wilmington, MA) n 5 3 for each develop-
TrkA through gene targeting results in the loss of virtually mental stage examined. Embryos at embryonic day (E) 13
all small neurons (Silos-Santiago et al., 1995). This finding and E15 were immersion fixed in 3% paraformaldehyde,
suggests one of two possibilities: that all small DRG 15% saturated picric acid in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH
neurons initially express TrkA, and the I-B4-binding neu- 7.4, for 2 hours. Postnatal day (P) 1, P7, P14, P21, and
rons subsequently down-regulate TrkA expression, or that adult mice were deeply anesthetized, transcardially per-
I-B4 neurons never express TrkA but are dependent for fused first with phosphate buffer and then with the fixative
their survival on support from TrkA-expressing neurons described above, and postfixed for 2 hours. P1 animals
via a paracrine mechanism. Potential for paracrine interac- were anesthetized on ice; older animals were anesthetized
tions in the developing DRG is supported by findings that by sodium pentobarbital injection. In postnatal animals,
brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF) and neuro- the spinal column was dissected out for cutting; embryos
trophin 3 (NT-3) are expressed by many DRG neurons were cut whole. All tissue was suspended overnight in 30%
during development (Ernfors et al., 1992; Schecterson and sucrose after fixation. Tissue was then frozen in Optimal
Bothwell, 1992; Elkabes et al., 1994). To address this issue, Cutting Temperature (OCT) embedding medium (Baxter,
we examined the distribution of TrkA protein at selected McGaw Park, IL), and 12 µm sections were cut on a
time points during embryonic and postnatal development. cryostat and stored at 220°C. All animal handling and
In addition, we examined the ontogeny of CGRP and p75, protocols were approved by the Animal Studies Committee
which are expressed by most or all mature TrkA1 neurons of Washington University.
(Verge et al., 1989, 1992; McMahon et al., 1994; Averill et
al., 1995; Wright and Snider, 1995), and binding of the Immunocytochemistry
lectin I-B4, which selectively labels small TrkA2 neurons Mounted sections were encircled with a Teflon coating by
(Averill et al., 1995; Molliver et al., 1995). Finally, in order using a Pap pen (Kyota International, Elk Grove Village,
to investigate the possibility that NGF is involved in the IL) and were incubated for 1 hour in a blocking solution
down-regulation of TrkA and in the differentiation of small consisting of Superblock buffer, a commercial blocking
DRG neurons into I-B4-binding and CGRP-expressing buffer purchased from Pierce (Rockford, IL), 0.3% Triton
neuronal populations, we examined whether systemic X-100 (Electron Microscope Sciences, Ft. Washington, PA),
injections of NGF or antibodies to NGF during the first 2 1.0% porcine gelatin (Sigma), and 1.5% normal serum

(Vector, Burlingame, CA). Table 1 lists the primary re- pared for a gross indication of the effectiveness of the
agents used in this report. Primary and secondary antibod- treatment protocol. SCGs from NGF-injected mice were
ies were diluted in the same solution, diluted 1:1 with clearly larger than control SCGs, whereas SCGs from
Superblock buffer/1.5% normal serum. Sections were incu- anti-NGF-injected mice were drastically smaller (not
bated in primary antibody overnight. They were then shown).
washed three times for 5 minutes each with phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS) and were placed in secondary anti- Quantification
body solution (donkey anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to the
indocarbocyanine dye Cy3; Jackson Immunoresearch Labo- To provide an estimate of the proportion of DRG neurons
ratories, West Grove, PA), washed three times for 5 expressing TrkA at each age examined, we calculated the
minutes each in PBS, coverslipped in PBS, and then examined percentage of TrkA-IR neurons in selected sections of
under epifluorescence. For horseradish peroxidase-diamino- DRG. Sections of lower lumbar ganglia used for quantifica-
benzidine (HRP-DAB) visualization of antibody labeling, sec- tion of TrkA immunoreactivity (IR) were counterstained
tions were removed from primary antibody, washed in PBS as with cresyl violet prior to coverslipping and examined
above, processed with a Vector Vectastain kit according to under brightfield microscopy. Sections from E13, E15, and
instructions in the kit, then dehydrated, and coverslipped P1 mice were examined with a 3100 water-immersion
with DPX. For a negative control, representative sections objective; for older animals, a 350 water-immersion objec-
were processed without a primary antibody. tive was used. Cells with clearly defined nuclei were
Thirty-five millimeter slides of representative sections counted in multiple representative sections through the
for all procedures were taken on a Nikon Microphot FXA ganglia and were considered positive if they contained a
microscope and digitized by using a Polaroid Sprintscan clear deposition of cytoplasmic DAB reaction product
connected to a Power Macintosh 9500. After creation of the compared with background. For examination of the devel-
figures and adjustment for color, tone, and contrast, im- opmental time course of TrkA distribution, at least 1,000
ages were printed on a Tektronics dye-sublimation printer. cells were scored from each of three animals for each age
group: E15, P1, P7, P14, P21, and adult. The mean
percentage of positive neurons for each age group was
Lectin histochemistry calculated, and the means were compared between groups.
Sections were processed for lectin histochemistry by An issue that must be addressed is whether our results
substituting lectins for primary antibodies, as described are accurate without stereological analysis. For example,
above, with the following modifications. Sections were could the observed reduction in the percentage of TrkA-IR
incubated overnight in I-B4 (Sigma) diluted to 10 µg/ml in neurons be the result of a differential increase in the size of
modified PBS containing 0.01 M MgCl2 and CaCl2, pH 6.8. the nuclei of TrkA2 neurons over the first 3 postnatal
Slides received an additional 5 minute wash in 50 mM weeks? We consider this to be a highly unlikely possibility
Tris/1.8% NaCl after the primary incubation. Avidinylated for three reasons. First, at P1, TrkA-IR is excluded only
Cy3 (1:2,500) was diluted in the same buffer, and sections from large-diameter neurons, whereas, at P21, TrkA-IR is
were incubated for 1 hour. The high salt concentration excluded from a subset of small-diameter neurons as well.
reduced background staining during avidin-biotin binding Second, the selective loss of TrkA-IR from afferents in the
(L. Slomianka, personal communication). After incubation interior of lamina II is independent corroboration of the
in the avidinylated reagent, the slides were washed in PBS down-regulation of TrkA in a specific subset of small
and incubated in the secondary antibody, as described neurons (see Molliver et al., 1995). Finally, the percentage
above. I-B4 conjugated to HRP was used for quantitation of TrkA-IR neurons at P1 corresponds to the percentage of
of I-B4 histochemistry, which was followed by visualiza- TrkA-IR neurons in the adult plus the percentage of
tion with the avidin biotin complex (ABC)-DAB procedure, neurons binding I-B4, providing further confirmation that
as described above. an identified subset of DRG neurons down-regulate TrkA.
Cross-sectional areas of TrkA-IR neurons in NGF- and
NGF perturbations anti-NGF-treated animals were analyzed as a measure of
treatment effectiveness (see Rich et al., 1984). Size-
P1 mice were separated into three groups for injections. frequency histograms of cross-sectional areas of TrkA-IR
The first group received 5 µg/g NGF in L15 medium neurons from P21 NGF- and anti-NGF-treated animals
(purchased from Washington University Tissue Culture were compared to determine whether the treatments had
Support Center, St. Louis, MO) once daily from P2 until affected cell size. More than 300 neurons per treatment
P14. The second group received 5 µl/g anti-NGF once daily group were counted in sections taken from each of the
from P3 to P14, and the third group was given daily animals treated. Quantification of TrkA-IR, CGRP-IR, and
injection of vehicle. All animals were killed by perfusion, I-B4-binding in treated animals was performed at P21, as
as described above, on P21. This procedure was performed described above. The statistical significance of differences
twice, for a total number of five mice for each group. between NGF and anti-NGF treated animals was deter-
NGF was purified from mouse salivary glands (Boccini mined by using a Student’s t-test.
and Angeletti, 1969). The titer of the goat anti-mouse NGF
antiserum was 80,000, which was determined as the
reciprocal of the highest dilution that blocked DRG neurite RESULTS
outgrowth in vitro in the presence of 5 ng/ml NGF (Fenton, TrkA is down-regulated by a subset
1970; Ruit et al., 1992). Unlike DRG neurons, sympathetic
neurons do not lose dependence upon NGF for survival
of DRG neurons after birth
after birth (Gorin and Johnson, 1980). Therefore, superior TrkA immunocytochemistry resulted in dense cytoplas-
cervical ganglia (SCGs) from two control, two NGF- mic staining of DRG neurons (Fig. 1) as well as both
treated, and two anti-NGF-treated P14 mice were com- central and peripheral processes. At E13, the earliest time

Fig. 1. TrkA protein is down-regulated during postnatal develop- immunoreactive (-IR). There is a progressive decrease in the number
ment. Shown here are representative sections from mice of different of TrkA-IR neurons between P1 and P21, at which point the percent-
ages stained for TrkA and counterstained to visualize negative neu- age of TrkA-containing neurons is similar to that in the adult.
rons. Scale bars 5 40 µm in top and middle sections. Bottom two High-magnification micrographs illustrate the large size of negative
sections are high-magnification micrographs of postnatal day (P) 1 and neurons both at P1 and at P21. However, in contrast to P1, negative
P21 dorsal root ganglia (DRGs). Scale bars 5 20 µm in bottom sections. neurons at P21 include many small-diameter neurons (arrows).
At P1, the great majority of neurons (80%) are intensely TrkA-

point examined, the majority of neurons in the DRG were immunonegative for TrkA. After birth, there was a gradual,
immunoreactive for TrkA (not shown). The widespread progressive decrease in the number of DRG neurons
distribution of TrkA staining in the DRG was maintained labeled (Figs. 1, 2). A distribution of TrkA-IR approximat-
between E13 and the day of birth. Quantification of ing that found in the adult was not seen until P21.
TrkA-IR neurons in lumbar ganglia at E15 revealed that Because CGRP is highly colocalized with TrkA in adult
82% of all neurons in the DRG were immunopositive (Fig. DRG (Averill et al., 1995), we determined whether the
1). At this age, there was a clearly discernible range of extent of colocalization was similar during development.
soma sizes, and the largest neurons were consistently Whereas the percentage of TrkA-IR neurons between E15

Fig. 2. The percentage of TrkA-IR DRG neurons diminishes during

postnatal development. The percentage of TrkA-IR DRG neurons was
plotted against age to illustrate the gradual decrease in the proportion
of neurons expressing TrkA between embryonic day (E) 15 and
adulthood. Approximately 80% of DRG neurons are TrkA-IR between
E15 and P1, a proportion that decreases between P1 and P21 to adult
levels of roughly 40%. Vertical bars indicate S.E.M.

and P1 was twice that seen in the adult, DRG neuronal

CGRP-IR was visible in very few cells at E15 (not shown)
and increased to approximately adult numbers of neurons
by P1. Figure 3 shows that many small neurons were
clearly CGRP2 at P1. Thus, CGRP expression is restricted
to a subset of small and medium-sized neurons at an age
when TrkA is expressed by the great majority of DRG
In the adult rat DRG, all neurons expressing TrkA also
express p75 (Verge et al., 1992; Wright and Snider, 1995).
We examined the distribution of p75 to determine whether
the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor showed an en-
hanced distribution during embryonic development simi-
lar to that of TrkA. Immunocytochemistry revealed that,
like CGRP-IR, p75-IR was more restricted than TrkA-IR at
P1, in that many small neurons did not contain p75-IR
(Fig. 3). In contrast to CGRP, p75 was also seen in large
neurons, consistent with its reported colocalization in the
adult with TrkA, TrkB, and partial colocalization with
TrkC (Wright and Snider, 1995).
In addition to examining markers of TrkA1 neurons, we
analyzed the development of I-B4 binding sites to deter- Fig. 3. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and low-affinity
mine whether they are expressed prior to the down- neurotrophin receptor (p75) are not expressed by all TrkA neurons at
regulation of TrkA. DRG neuronal binding by I-B4 was P1. DRG sections from P1 mice were processed for fluorescence
first seen at P1, at which point it was very faint (not immunohistochemistry for p75, TrkA, or CGRP, which are highly
colocalized in adulthood. This figure displays the clear discrepancy
shown). However, staining was sufficient to determine that between the large percentage of TrkA-IR neurons and the smaller
I-B4-binding labeled a subset of small neurons and that populations of CGRP-IR and p75-IR neurons. In addition to TrkA-
the pattern was qualitatively similar to that seen in the expressing neurons, p75 labels a subset of large-diameter TrkC-
adult. Staining was more evident at P7 and, at P14, expressing and TrkB-expressing neurons. Scale bars 5 40 µm.

Fig. 4. Neurons down-regulating TrkA project to the interior of ganglion decreases. At P14 , extensive TrkA label is seen only in lamina
lamina II. Sections of lumbar spinal cord stained for TrkA, neurofila- I and at the dorsal edge of lamina II. Note that p75-IR avoids the
ment (NF), or p75 reveal the central target field of neurons down- interior of lamina II, indicating that neurons projecting to this region
regulating TrkA. NF and p75 staining was used to identify the do not express p75. The comparison of TrkA-IR with neurofilament-IR
boundaries of lamina II, the major target field of unmyelinated DRG and p75-IR supports our interpretation that the major population of
afferents. The white dots in the NF and p75 sections trace the lamina neurons down-regulating TrkA is the Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin
II-III border. At P1, TrkA staining covers the entirety of laminae I and (I-B4)-binding population, which innervates the interior of lamina II
II of the dorsal horn. TrkA staining in the dorsal horn retreats from the (see Molliver et al., 1995). Scale bar 5 40 µm.
ventral edge of lamina II as the percentage of TrkA1 neurons in the

appeared similar in intensity to the adult (not shown). The While the percentage of DRG neurons expressing TrkA
presence of I-B4 binding at P1 suggests that these neurons decreased, there was a selective reduction in the ventral
initially express both TrkA and lectin binding sites, as extent of TrkA staining in lamina II (see Fig. 4). Between
essentially all small neurons express TrkA at this age. P1 and P21, TrkA staining retreated from the ventral
border of lamina II until only afferents innervating lamina
Central projections of neurons I and the dorsalmost portion of lamina II were immunoposi-
down-regulating TrkA tive. In addition, the overall density of staining for TrkA in
the dorsal horn decreased between birth and adulthood,
Both central and peripheral processes of DRG neurons
were robustly labeled by TrkA immunocytochemistry dur- suggesting a reduction in the concentration of TrkA pro-
ing embryonic and early postnatal development. The in- tein in central afferents after birth.
tense staining made it possible to examine developmental To verify that the intensely stained band of TrkA-IR
changes in the innervation of the spinal cord by TrkA-IR afferents seen in the dorsal horn at P1 was restricted to
processes and, thus, identify the laminar target fields of lamina II, we determined the location of the lamina II–III
sensory neurons that down-regulate TrkA (Fig. 4). At P1, border histochemically. Antibodies to phosphorylated neu-
TrkA-IR axons in the lumbar dorsal horn extended through- rofilament triplet proteins label the large-caliber axons
out the entire superficial dorsal horn but stopped abruptly destined to become myelinated but not the fine-caliber
at the border of laminae II and III, with some staining in unmyelinated C-fiber afferents (see Lawson, 1992). Be-
lamina V. Occasional axons were visible projecting into the cause lamina II is primarily innervated by unmyelinated
lower laminae of the dorsal horn. These axons may be axons in adult animals, whereas lamina III and IV are
collaterals projecting to lamina V or may indicate a small innervated by large-caliber, low-threshold mechanorecep-
population of TrkA-IR neurons with targets in laminae tors (for review, see Light, 1992), we used neurofila-
III–IV. Because these axons are also visible at P21, they ment-IR to discern the boundary of laminae II and III.
probably do not arise from neurons down-regulating TrkA. Comparison of TrkA and neurofilament staining at P1, as

TABLE 2. Neuronal Populations in NGF vs. Anti-NGF-Treated Mice1 affected (Fig. 5). Furthermore, examination of the patterns
Treatment % Labeled of staining in the dorsal horn for TrkA, CGRP, and I-B4
revealed that the laminar organization of central projec-
NGF 43 6 4.20 tions to the superficial dorsal horn was not altered by
Anti-NGF 41 6 2.44 systemic injections of NGF or anti-NGF (not shown).
NGF 38 6 3.80 Although we did not find an effect of NGF on any of the
Anti-NGF 36 6 2.90 parameters examined, we cannot absolutely exclude the
NGF 39 6 1.04
possibility of a transient effect of NGF on TrkA expression
Anti-NGF 39 6 1.99 that disappeared between P14 and P21.
1Data from the quantification of TrkA-IR, CGRP-IR, and I-B4 binding in nerve growth

factor (NGF) and anti-NGF-treated animals at postnatal day (P) 21. % Labeled,
percentage of positive neurons 6 S.E.M. There was no significant difference in the DISCUSSION
distribution of TrkA, CGRP, or I-B4 between NGF and anti-NGF-treated mice (TrkA:
P 5 0.56; CGRP: P 5 0.36; I-B4: P 5 0.65). NGF, nerve growth factor; CGRP, calcitonin Developmental regulation
gene-related peptide; I-B4, the lectin I-B4 from Bandeiraeia simplicifolia. of TrkA expression
Previous studies have demonstrated that NGF and TrkA
null mutant mice lose approximately 80% of the normal
shown in Figure 4, indicates that the major band of intense complement of DRG neurons (Crowley et al., 1994; Smeyne
TrkA-IR in lamina II stops abruptly at the border of et al., 1994; Silos-Santiago et al., 1995). Thus, sensory
laminae II and III. neuron loss in these animals is far more extensive than the
CGRP-IR and p75-IR were examined in the spinal cord 40% of DRG neurons that normally express TrkA in
to distinguish axons that express TrkA in the adult from maturity (Verge et al., 1992; Averill et al., 1995; Molliver et
those expressing TrkA only during development (Fig. 4). al., 1995). We show that this apparent discrepancy is due
The adult pattern of CGRP-IR in dorsal horn laminae I, to the developmental down-regulation of TrkA expression.
IIo, and V was clearly established by P1 (not shown) and Approximately 80% of DRG neurons express TrkA between
did not extend into lamina IIi, as seen with TrkA staining E15 and P1. The number of TrkA1 neurons diminishes
at that age. At P1, p75 staining revealed intensely labeled gradually, dropping to adult levels during the first 3 weeks
afferents in laminae I, IIo, and III–IV (Fig. 4). However, of postnatal life. Thus, our results suggest that 50% of
consistent with our hypothesis that the subset of small TrkA1 neurons down-regulate TrkA during postnatal devel-
neurons lacking p75 is identical to the I-B4-binding neuro- opment. The reduction in the percentage of TrkA-express-
nal population, little or no p75 staining was seen in lamina ing neurons occurs for the most part well after P2, the age
IIi, the primary target field of I-B4-binding neurons. at which DRG neurons lose their dependence upon NGF
Comparison of p75 and TrkA staining in the dorsal horn for survival (Lewin et al., 1992), indicating that the TrkA
provides additional evidence that the majority of TrkA-IR population is reduced through the down-regulation of
afferents do not penetrate ventral to lamina IIi at P1. TrkA rather than through selective cell death. The popula-
Furthermore, analysis of CGRP (not shown) and p75 tion of neurons that down-regulates TrkA consists of small
staining in the dorsal horn indicated that TrkA-IR affer- neurons that bind the lectin I-B4, do not express CGRP or
ents projecting to lamina IIi at P1 contain neither CGRP p75, and project to lamina IIi of the dorsal horn. This
nor p75. conclusion is supported by the progressive loss of TrkA-IR
from afferent axons in lamina IIi between P1 and P21.
Perturbation of NGF levels does Our results should be compared with previous in situ
not alter down-regulation of TrkA hybridization studies of TrkA expression in the DRG
To determine whether NGF is involved in the down- during development that yielded conflicting results. Sev-
regulation of TrkA expression, mice that had been injected eral investigators have suggested, based on visual analy-
with either NGF or anti-NGF from P3 to P14 were sis, that most or all DRG neurons express TrkA during
examined at P21 for changes in the distribution of TrkA-IR early embryonic life (Ernfors et al., 1992; Schecterson and
in the DRG and dorsal horn. CGRP-IR and IB-4 binding Bothwell, 1992). However, percentages were not computed
were also examined in these animals to evaluate the effect in these studies. When we examined the percentage of
of treatment on different subsets of neurons that express DRG neurons expressing TrkA during development by
TrkA early in postnatal life. The treatments, as expected, using in situ hybridization in paraffin-embedded tissues
had significant effects on the size of TrkA-IR neurons. The and excluded cells with low grain counts, we found that a
average TrkA-IR neuronal area in NGF-treated animals lower percentage (40–45%) of neurons expressed TrkA
was 242.9 µm2 compared with 194.1 µm2 in anti-NGF- than was reported in these earlier studies (Mu et al.,
treated animals, a significant difference (P , 0.001; Stu- 1993). Our principal goal in that study was to achieve
dents t-test). Size-frequency histograms revealed a shift to optimal morphology in order to examine the relative sizes
larger areas of TrkA-IR neurons from animals treated with of neurons expressing the different Trks. Paraffin-embed-
NGF compared with anti-NGF (not shown). Thus, pertur- ded tissue, as we pointed out, is thought to exhibit a
bation of NGF supplies had a significant biological effect weaker signal in RNA hybridization studies than fresh-
on DRG neurons in treated animals. frozen tissue (Tecott et al., 1987), and we considered it
Quantification of the percentage of TrkA-IR DRG neu- plausible that we had failed to detect many TrkA-
rons in NGF- and anti-NGF-treated animals showed no expressing neurons. We concluded that the determination
significant difference in the extent of TrkA staining be- of absolute numbers and percentages of cells expressing
tween treatment groups (see Table 2), indicating that TrkA in embryonic life would require further investigation
manipulation of postnatal NGF levels does not alter the (Mu et al., 1993). Antibodies against TrkA are now avail-
extent of TrkA down-regulation. Likewise, the percentage able, and we consider immunocytochemical analysis to be
of neurons staining for CGRP or IB-4 binding was not more accurate in the quantification of embryonic neurons

Fig. 5. The availability of nerve growth factor (NGF) does not lectin histochemistry. There was no apparent change in the percent-
modulate the down-regulation of TrkA or neurochemical phenotype. ages of TrkA or I-B4-binding neurons as a result of treatment. Arrows
Representative sections of lumbar DRGs taken from P21 mice treated indicate representative I-B41 neurons, and arrowheads indicate sev-
with NGF or anti-NGF and reacted for TrkA immunocytochemistry or eral large negative neurons. Scale bars 5 40 µm.

than autoradiographic in situ hybridization, because most BDNF in adulthood (Apfel et al., 1996). Apparently, how-
neurons in the embryonic DRG are very small and have ever, NGF-unresponsive neurons do not require paracrine
little cytoplasm, making it difficult to assign silver grains support from TrkA-expressing neurons for survival during
to specific cells. In contrast, immunocytochemical staining embryogenesis.
for TrkA filled positive cell bodies, allowing a more defini- It is not surprising that NGF supports the survival of
tive identification of TrkA1 neurons. For these reasons, we both I-B41 and CGRP-IR neuronal populations during
chose to use immunocytochemistry for the purpose of embryonic life, because both populations extensively inner-
quantification. vate cutaneous tissues that express NGF as early as E11.5
An important implication of these results is that virtu- (Davies et al., 1987; Silverman and Kruger, 1988; Wheeler
ally all neurons lost in the NGF and trkA null mutant mice and Bothwell, 1992; White et al., 1996). What is surprising
express TrkA during development. Thus, the expression of is that I-B41 neurons cease expression of TrkA, whereas
TrkA by 80% of DRG neurons at P1 corresponds to the 80% CGRP-IR neurons continue to express TrkA throughout
cell loss in the trkA(2/2) mouse. Furthermore, both major life. Several other examples of developmental regulation of
populations of small neurons expressing TrkA during neurotrophin receptor expression have been documented.
development, CGRP-IR neurons and I-B4-binding neu- In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), sensory neurons
rons, are lost in the trkA null mutant (Silos-Santiago et al., switch Trk expression and neurotrophin dependence be-
1995). One might have expected that sensory neuron loss tween the times of neurogenesis and target innervation
in the trkA null mutant would have included more than (Buchman and Davies, 1993; Gaese et al., 1994; White et
the TrkA population because of the potential for TrkA al., 1996; Williams and Ebendal, 1995). This switch may
neurons to provide a local source of neurotrophins within allow local sources of neurotrophins to support neurons
the DRG. Both NT-3 and BDNF are widely expressed before they gain access to target-derived factors. In most
within the ganglion during development (Ernfors et al., neuronal populations, expression of Trks persists into
1992; Schecterson and Bothwell, 1992; Elkabes et al., adulthood, suggesting that neurotrophins continue to func-
1994), and TrkA-expressing neurons are known to express tion in maturity (Merlio et al., 1992; Yan et al., 1993).

However, expression of truncated TrkB and TrkC recep- suggesting a response mediated in the adult exclusively by
tors increases after birth, and these noncatalytic isoforms the TrkA population. Given these regulatory actions of
may restrict the signaling potential of neurotrophins in NGF, it is highly probable that the down-regulation of
adulthood in a region-specific manner (Ernfors et al., 1993; TrkA by I-B4 neurons results in important differences in
Escandon et al., 1994; see also Biffo et al., 1995). Here, we the responses of I-B4-binding and peptidergic neurons to
describe a novel form of developmental regulation of Trk certain classes of nociceptive stimuli.
expression in which a population of neurotrophin-depen- It is important to acknowledge the possibility that I-B41
dent neurons ceases expression of neurotrophin receptors neurons are capable of responding to NGF through TrkA
altogether after central and peripheral projections are expressed at levels below the limit of immunocytochemical
formed. As a result, many DRG neurons that are NGF detection or via p75. However, several lines of evidence
responsive during development are not subject to regula- suggest that these neurons are unresponsive to NGF.
tion by NGF in adulthood. First, in the adult, the distribution of TrkA mRNA (Verge
et al., 1992; McMahon et al., 1994; Wright and Snider,
Functional implications 1995) and the distribution of high-affinity NGF binding
of TrkA down-regulation sites (Verge et al., 1989) support the immunocytochemical
data in both percentages and cell sizes. Furthermore, in
The reduction in the percentage of TrkA1 neurons occurs
situ hybridization analysis failed to detect mRNA for any
gradually over a period of 3 weeks after birth. The
Trk family member or p75 in approximately 30% of adult
persistence of widespread TrkA expression after the depen-
DRG neurons, a population that most likely corresponds to
dence on NGF for survival has passed suggests that there
the I-B4-binding neurons (McMahon et al., 1994; Wright
may be a transient role for TrkA during early postnatal
and Snider, 1995). The lack of p75-IR at P1 in many
life. Notably, the postnatal time course of TrkA down-
TrkA-IR neurons or in lamina IIi supports the notion that
regulation coincides roughly with the critical period de-
I-B4-binding neurons do not express p75 either in adult-
scribed by Mendell and colleagues during which injections
hood or during development. Finally, studies of the effects
of NGF or anti-NGF can permanently alter the physiology
of NGF on neuropeptide (Verge et al., 1995) and neurofila-
of DRG neurons with unmyelinated (C-fiber) and thinly
ment (Verge et al., 1990) expression after injury in the
myelinated axons (Lewin et al., 1992; Lewin and Mendell,
adult DRG found that administration of NGF produced
1994). Neonatal NGF treatment recruits nonnociceptive
phenotypic changes only in neurons with high-affinity
thermoreceptors and ‘‘mechanically insensitive’’ afferents
NGF binding sites.
to a nociceptive phenotype, producing twice the control
number of C-fiber polymodal nociceptors (Lewin and Men-
dell, 1994). Conversely, treatment with anti-NGF altered
Developmental changes In TrkA
more than half of C-fiber polymodal nociceptors to an expression are not regulated by NGF
abnormal low-threshold mechanoreceptor phenotype. The In view of the importance of NGF in the determination of
gradual down-regulation of TrkA suggests that not just the nociceptive phenotypes during postnatal development
peptidergic neurons but also the I-B41 neurons are subject (Lewin and Mendell, 1993; Mendell, 1995), it was of
to phenotypic regulation by NGF. Thus, during early interest to determine whether the postnatal down-
postnatal life, NGF may determine the stimulus specificity regulation of TrkA is also modulated by NGF. Therefore,
of afferents that subsequently lose their NGF responsive- we examined the effects of postnatal NGF or anti-NGF
ness. administration during the period of TrkA down-regulation
Although differences in projection patterns and histo- by DRG neurons. Perhaps surprisingly, the perturbation of
chemical profiles between I-B4-binding neurons and CGRP- endogenous NGF supplies did not alter the extent of TrkA
expressing neurons have been known for some time, there down-regulation, indicating that the availability of NGF
has been debate about whether there are functional differ- does not determine which neurons down-regulate TrkA.
ences between these two populations (Silverman and We also show that CGRP, I-B4, and p75, which discrimi-
Kruger, 1988; Averill et al., 1995; Molliver et al., 1995; see nate between TrkA1 and TrkA2 neurons in the adult,
Hunt and Rossi, 1985; Hunt et al., 1992; Light, 1992). distinguish subsets of TrkA-IR neurons in neonates. The
Indeed, the action potential characteristics of C-fibers are essentially mature distribution of these markers at P1
largely homogenous (Lawson et al., 1996), and at least 73% indicates that their expression does not mature in concert
of C-fibers in the rat DRG are polymodal nociceptors, too with TrkA expression. These results are in agreement with
large a population to be contained within the CGRP- a recent study indicating that the CGRP phenotype in rat
expressing subset alone (Lynn and Carpenter, 1982). How- DRG neurons is determined before E15 (Robertson and
ever, the ability to respond to NGF in the adult almost Hall, 1995). Furthermore, administration or depletion of
certainly leads to functional distinctions between CGRP NGF did not alter the distribution of I-B4 binding or CGRP
and I-B4 populations. Up-regulation of expression of sub- IR, confirming previous findings that perturbation of
stance P and CGRP by NGF in the TrkA population is postnatal NGF supplies does not change the distribution of
likely to underlie central sensitization in hyperalgesia; CGRP (Lewin and Mendell, 1994). Thus, despite its impor-
these peptides are also involved in the generation of the tance in regulating physiological properties, NGF does not
peripheral inflammatory response (for reviews, see Bas- appear to determine the neurochemical phenotype of TrkA-
baum and Levine, 1991; Hunt et al., 1992; Lewin and expressing neurons, as defined by NGF receptors, neuro-
Mendell, 1993). Furthermore, inflammation results in peptides, and lectin binding sites.
increased levels of NGF both in the skin and in nerves Our results showing that NGF levels do not affect
innervating the inflamed area (Woolf et al., 1994). Finally, expression of TrkA are consistent with other studies of
the ability to respond to certain noxious stimuli, such as TrkA regulation in the peripheral nervous system, both at
acid and the chemical irritant capsaicin, is regulated by early developmental stages and in adulthood. Studies of
NGF (Bevan and Winter, 1995; McMahon et al., 1995), the effects of NGF administration on sympathetic and

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(Davies et al., 1995). Notably, however, several studies loss of sensory and sympathetic neurons yet develop basal forebrain
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