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Foamy Oil Flow in Heavy Oil Production with the oil) can be a complex function of the pressure; time; pressure B. Maini . degree sure gradient; and the rate of change of pressure. from the Indian Institute of The flow behaviour of such gas-in-oil dispersions is very Technology, India,
and a Ph.D. in complex In many ways these dispersions are analogous to emulsions. chemical engineering, from the Like emulsions, they are thermodynamically unstable and given University of Washington. He currendy sufficient time the phases will separate absence of re-dispersing holds the titles of
Senior Staff Researcil forces The size distribution of the dispersed bubbles is established Engineer and Group Leader of the by a dynamic equilibrium between coalescence and Heavy Oil Group at the Petroleum breakup. The dispersed bubbles can become trapped at pore Recovery Institute. His current research throats much like emulsion droplets. However, there are some
interests include measurements of two- noteworthy differences. Compared to emulsion droplets, the gas and three-phase relative permeability in bubbles are more compressible and they are more soluble in the heavy oil systems, permeability damage mechanisms in steam continuous phase. Apparently these and other differences are injection processes, rheology of heavy oils and their emulsions
more important in controlling the flow behaviour than the similarities and flow of emulsions in porous-media. He is a registered between emulsions and bubbly dispersions. The rheological professional engineer in Alberta and is a member of The behaviour of such dispersions in porous media does not appear to Petroleum Society, A.I.Ch.E. and SPE. follow any known emulsion theory. For example, it has been
suggested in the literature that the apparent viscosity of gas-in-heavy The term "foamy oil" is often used to describe certain heavy oil dispersions may be lower than the viscosity of same heavy oil oils produced by solution gas drive which display obvious foaminess containing dissolved gas(7). Emulsion viscosity is never expected in wellhead samples. The primary production of heavy oil to be lower than the continuous phase viscosity. The suggested
from several reservoirs in western Canada is in the form of an oil reasons for reduced viscosity include partial de-asphalting of the continuous foam. This foam resembles chocolate mousse in oil strong viscous coupling in two phase flow and gas/liquid appearance and often persists in open vessels for several hours. slug flow in capillary channels Some of these reservoirs exhibit anomalously high production, in Most of the current understanding of foamy oil flow
comes terms of both the production rate and the primary recovery factor. from field observations and from attempts to explain the observed Smith appears to be the first to publish a detailed analysis of primary production behaviour. Laboratory investigations have such unusual production behaviour. He attributed the anomalous provided only limited verification of the phenomenon Foam stability production behaviour to the flow characteristics of heavy oil
measurements in the laboratory have shown that the foaminess containing a large volume fraction of very small gas bubbles. Since of crude heavy oils is comparable to aqueous foams used for then, the flow behaviour of such gas-oil dispersions has become a steam flooding applications Very high recovery factors have subject of several investigations and considerable speculation, been observed in laboratory scale primary depletion tests These but it remains
controversial and poorly understood. However, it is now accepted that solution gas drive in foamy oil reservoirs involves some unusual effects. _ Foamy Solution Gas Drive
Table I compares the characteristics of foamy solution gas drive with those of conventional solution gas drive. Solution gas drive in foamy oil reservoirs is relatively more complex. Here the gas released from oil due to decline in the pressure tends to remain dispersed in oil in the form of very small bubbles. The dispersed gas eventually separates from the oil to form a free gas
phase, but this separation takes a long time to occur. Thus at any given time the gas can exist in three forms: 1) dissolved gas, which is thermodynamically a part of the liquid phase; 2) dispersed gas, which is thermodynamically a separate phase but Volume of Oil Produced hydrodynamically a part of the liquid phase; and free gas, a part of which becomes trapped while the remaining part flows independently
gas dispersed
_ _ _ ~j(~V_ _ 9b_-Ob-OJ

Foamy Oil Flow in

Heavy Oil Production

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witlI the oil) can be a complex function of tlIe pressure; time; pres-
~----~-r~-'0~~~b~~~~~-SB-I~~~~t~~;~' sure gradient; and the rate of change of pressure.
II ,. Technology, India, and a Ph.D. in :
chemical engineering from the,
The flow behaviour of such gas-in-oil dispersions is very com-
plex. In many ways tlIese dispersions are analogous to emulsions.
Like emulsions, they are tlIermodynamically unstable and given
. ~ University of Washington. He currently sufficient time the phases will separate (in absence of re-dispers-
II holds the titles of Senior Staff Research
Engineer and Group Leader of the
ing forces). The size distribution of the dispersed bubbles is estab-
lished by a dynamic equilibrium between coalescence and
Heavy Oil Group at the Petroleum breakup. The dispersed bubbles can become trapped at pore
I Recovery Institute. His current research
interests include measurements of two- I
throats much like emulsion droplets. However, there are some
noteworthy differences. Compared to emulsion droplets, tlIe gas
and three-phase relative permeability in bubbles are more compressible and they are more soluble in the
I heavy oil systems, permeability damage mechanisms in steam :
I continuous phase. Apparently these and other differences are
injection processe~, rhe.ology of hea~ oils ~d thei~ emulsions : more important in controlling the flow behaviour tlIan tlIe similar-
I and flow of emulsIons ill porous medIa. He IS a registered pro- : ities between emulsions and bubbly dispersions. The rheological
fessional engineer in Alberta and is a member of The I behaviour of such dispersions in porous media does not appear to
Petroleum Society, A.I.Ch.E. and SPE.
.. • . . __ . . __ .
follow any known emulsion theory. For example, it has been sug-
gested in tlIe literature tlIat tlIe apparent viscosity of gas-in-heavy
The term "foamy oil" is often used to describe certain heavy oil dispersions may be lower than the viscosity of same heavy oil
oils produced by solution gas drive which display obvious foami- containing dissolved gas(7). Emulsion viscosity is never expected
ness in wellhead samples. The primary production of heavy oil to be lower than the continuous phase viscosity. The suggested
from several reservoirs in western Canada is in the form of an oil reasons for reduced viscosity include partial de-asphalting of tlIe
continuous foam. This foam resembles chocolate mousse in oil(7), strong viscous coupling in two phase flow and gas/liquid
appearance and often persists in open vessels for several hours. slug flow in capillary channels(l).
Some of tlIese reservoirs exhibit anomalously high production, in Most of the current understanding of foamy oil flow comes
terms of both the production rate and the primary recovery factor. from field observations and from attempts to explain tlIe observed
Smith(ll appears to be the first to publish a detailed analysis of primary production behaviour. Laboratory investigations have
such unusual production behaviour. He attributed the anomalous provided only limited verification of the phenomenon. Foam sta-
production behaviour to tlIe flow characteristics of heavy oil con- bility measurements in tlIe laboratory have shown tlIat tlIe foami-
taining a large volume fraction of very small gas bubbles. Since ness of crude heavy oils is comparable to aqueous foams used for
then, the flow behaviour of such gas-oil dispersions has become a steam flooding applications(8). Very high recovery factors have
subject of several investigations(2-9l and considerable speculation, been observed in laboratory scale primary depletion tests(9l. These
but it remains controversial and poorly understood. However, it is
now accepted that solution gas drive in foamy oil reservoirs
involves some unusual effects.
350 r-:-i.r--------;:::===::::l
300 :;.
: 22O':~~~,.,D
Foamy Solution Gas Drive oI:l:: 250
: . 8Day>i:i<pIetiOn
Table I compares the characteristics of foamy solution gas .,:,:' ..
drive witlI tlIose of conventional solution gas drive. Solution gas .~ 200 :,
drive in foamy oil reservoirs is relatively more complex. Here tlIe ..!!! 150 II
gas released from oil due to decline in the pressure tends to ;:I :e
remain dispersed in oil in the form of very small bubbles. The dis-
!Loo ,,

persed gas eventually separates from the oil to form a free gas
..... -- ....---.

phase, but this separation takes a long time to occur. Thus at any 50 ~
t:.::::.:c-:- . ' -
given time the gas can exist in three forms: 1) dissolved gas, or-r:' - - - - - - ,
which is thermodynamically a part of the liquid phase; 2) dis- o 50 100 150 200 250 300
persed gas, which is thermodynamically a separate phase but Volume of Oil Produced
hydrodynamically a part of tlIe liquid phase; and free gas, a part of
which becomes trapped while the remaining part flows indepen-
dently. The amount of gas which remains dispersed (and flows FIGURE 1: Effect of depletion rate on GORJ9)

June 1996, Volume 35, No.6 21


:'fASLE-1: Comparison oHoamy sofLitlon gas'driVewith conventionaTsolutTon gas drive.----·-~~--

:Characteristics Conventional Solution Gas Drive Foamy solution gas drive :
•Primary recovery factors for heavy oils. 1 to 5% 5 to 25%
Gas/Oil ratio Increases rapidly below bubble point pressure Remains low
;Effect of drawdown pressure on recovery. More or less insensitive Recovery increases with increased
:Critical gas saturation 1 to 5% Apparently as high as 25%
Gas flows as Free gas phase when (1) As small bubbles dispersed

8 g > 8 gc in oil
(2) As free gas.
.Gas/Oil relative permeability curves Normal shapes and independent of Abnormal shapes and may change

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pressure gradients. with pressure gradients.

laboratory tests have shown that the foamy solution gas drive, tion is still at a primitive stage of development. What is needed is
which leads to high recovery factors, occurs only when the deple- a numerical model which can predict amounts of oil, gas, water
tion rate or the drawdown pressure exceeds a threshold value. In and sand entering the production wells on the basis of the actual
slow controlled depletions the drive mechanism does not appear physics of the process. The models currently available are at best
to be any different from the conventional solution gas drive. very simplistic empirical models which account for only some of
Figure 1 compares the cumulative GaR observed in laboratory the mechanisms involved in the process.
depletion tests carried out at four different rates of pressure
decline. The slow depletions result in very high GOR and very
low recovery while in the fast depletions the recovery is high and Numerical Simulation Models
GOR remains low(9). I
The field observations show that GOR remains low in foamy Numerical simulation of primary depletion in foamy oil reser-
oil reservoirs. This would suggest that the solution gas drive voirs is still based primarily on empirical adjustments to the con-
mechanism in the field is similar to that observed in the fast deple- ventional solution gas drive models. The reservoir performance is
tion tests in the laboratory. The problem is that the depletion rates history matched using existing simulators, by adjusting the reser-
needed to induce the foamy solution gas drive in laboratory exper- voir parameters to account for the contributions of foamy oil flow
iments are much faster than the field rates. Direct extrapolation of to oil recovery. The key parameters to be adjusted are critical gas
the laboratory tests to the field would suggest that foamy solution saturation, oiVgas relative permeability, fluid and/or rock com-
gas drive should not occur in the field. It is apparent that some pressibility, pressure dependent oil viscosity and absolute
additional factors, which remain to be discovered, are involved in permeability(2).
making the foamy solution gas drive possible at field rates of Obviously, these simulation models can not be expected to cap-
decline. One possible mechanism is the synergistic influence of ture many important features of foamy oil flow, especially the
sand influx into the production wells. Allowing I - 3% sand to contribution of non-equilibrium processes. Obtaining a reasonable
enter the well bore with the fluids can result in propagation of a history match with such models often requires using unrealistic
front of sharp pressure gradients away from the weIlbore(IO). parameters; i.e. the underlying physics of such models is suspect.
These sharp pressure gradients occur at the advancing edge of the Therefore it may be possible to get a reasonable history match, but
dilated zone and may be a key factor in making the foamy solu- the predictions from these models can not be trusted.
tion gas drive possible in the field. It is not known how far from
the wellbore can the dilated zone propagate. However, it is likely
that the effectiveness of this mechanism will diminish as the front Pseudo-Bubblepoint Model
moves further away from the wellbore.
Kraus et al.(3) developed a "pseudo bubble point" model for pri-
mary depletion in foamy oil reservoirs. They reported a methodol-
ogy that could be used to calculate the foamy oil fluid properties
Business Implications of Foamy Solution from conventional laboratory PVT data. The modified properties
Gas Drive can then be used in a standard simulator to model the performance
of a foamy oil reservoir. In their model, the pseudo bubble point
The importance of foamy oil flow behaviour is now recognized
pressure is an adjustable parameter in the fluid property.descrip-
by many heavy oil producers. It has serious implications on how
tion. All of the released solution gas remains entrained in the oil
such reservoirs should be developed and operated. The optimum phase until the reservoir pressure drops to the pseudo bubble point
well spacing for foamy solution gas drive may be much smaller
pressure. Below this pseudo bubble point pressure, only a fraction
than that needed for conventional solution gas drive. The draw-
of the released gas (a) remains entrained; and a decreases linearly
down pressure for maintaining the optimum performance may to zero with declining pressures. The entrained gas is treated as a
also be different. The laboratory tests suggest that drive energy is
part of the oleic phase but its molar volume and compressibility
wasted in slow depletions which do not induce foamy drive. Such are evaluated with those of the free gas. K values from the con-
slow depletions result in very high GOR. These tests also suggest ventional PVT data are modified according to the pseudo bubble
that once the high GOR flow has been established it may not be point. Via an example of primary depletion in a volumetric reser-
possible to establish the foamy solution gas drive by increasing
voir, it was shown that when foamy oil fluid properties are used in
the depletion rate. Therefore, it would be advisable to develop
a reservoir simulator the predicted results can show three anom-
foamy oil reservoirs at a smaller well spacing and to apply maxi-
alous production characteristics observed for foamy oil reservoirs,
mum drawdown pressure at the onset of production and maintain viz. (1) high oil recovery, (2) low producing GOR, (3) natural
it thereafter. pressure maintenance. •
Development plans for primary production in a new heavy oil
The pseudo bubble point model simulates some of the key fea-
reservoir can be optimized only on the basis of reservoir simula-
tures of foamy oil flow. It provides a mechanism to account for
tion studies. Unfortunately, numerical simulation of cold produc- the high apparent compressibility of the flowing fluid, and pro-

22 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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