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Note: please do not use any functions which are not taught in the class.

you need
to solve the questions only with the concepts that have been discussed so far.
Run below table script to create icc_world_cup table:

create table icc_world_cup

Team_1 Varchar(20),
Team_2 Varchar(20),
Winner Varchar(20)
INSERT INTO icc_world_cup values('India','SL','India');
INSERT INTO icc_world_cup values('SL','Aus','Aus');
INSERT INTO icc_world_cup values('SA','Eng','Eng');
INSERT INTO icc_world_cup values('Eng','NZ','NZ');
INSERT INTO icc_world_cup values('Aus','India','India');

1- write a query to produce below output from icc_world_cup table.

team_name, no_of_matches_played , no_of_wins , no_of_losses

with all_teams as
(select team_1 as team, case when team_1=winner then 1 else 0 end as win_flag from
union all
select team_2 as team, case when team_2=winner then 1 else 0 end as win_flag from
select team,count(1) as total_matches_played , sum(win_flag) as
matches_won,count(1)-sum(win_flag) as matches_lost
from all_teams
group by team

2- write a query to print first name and last name of a customer using orders
table(everything after first space can be considered as last name)
customer_name, first_name,last_name

select customer_name , trim(SUBSTRING(customer_name,1,CHARINDEX('

',customer_name))) as first_name
, SUBSTRING(customer_name,CHARINDEX(' ',customer_name)+1,len(customer_name)-
CHARINDEX(' ',customer_name)+1) as second_name
from orders

Run below script to create drivers table:

create table drivers(id varchar(10), start_time time, end_time time, start_loc

varchar(10), end_loc varchar(10));
insert into drivers values('dri_1', '09:00', '09:30', 'a','b'),('dri_1', '09:30',
'10:30', 'b','c'),('dri_1','11:00','11:30', 'd','e');
insert into drivers values('dri_1', '12:00', '12:30', 'f','g'),('dri_1', '13:30',
'14:30', 'c','h');
insert into drivers values('dri_2', '12:15', '12:30', 'f','g'),('dri_2', '13:30',
'14:30', 'c','h');

3- write a query to print below output using drivers table. Profit rides are the no
of rides where end location of a ride is same as start location of immediate next
ride for a driver
id, total_rides , profit_rides
--lead function window
select id, count(1) as total_rides
,sum(case when end_loc=next_start_location then 1 else 0 end ) as profit_rides
from (
select *
, lead(start_loc,1) over(partition by id order by start_time asc) as
from drivers) A
group by id;

--self join
with rides as (
select *,row_number() over(partition by id order by start_time asc) as rn
from drivers)
select , count(1) total_rides, count( as profit_rides
from rides r1
left join rides r2
on and r1.end_loc=r2.start_loc and r1.rn+1=r2.rn
group by

4- write a query to print customer name and no of occurence of character 'n' in the
customer name.
customer_name , count_of_occurence_of_n
select customer_name , len(customer_name)-len(replace(lower(customer_name),'n',''))
as count_of_occurence_of_n
from orders

5-write a query to print below output from orders data. example output
hierarchy type,hierarchy
name ,total_sales_in_west_region,total_sales_in_east_region
category , Technology, ,
category, Furniture, ,
category, Office Supplies, ,
sub_category, Art , ,
sub_category, Furnishings, ,
--and so on all the category ,subcategory and ship_mode hierarchies

'category' as hierarchy_type,category as hierarchy_name
,sum(case when region='West' then sales end) as total_sales_in_west_region
,sum(case when region='East' then sales end) as total_sales_in_east_region
from orders
group by category
union all
,sum(case when region='West' then sales end) as total_sales_in_west_region
,sum(case when region='East' then sales end) as total_sales_in_east_region
from orders
group by sub_category
union all
'ship_mode ',ship_mode
,sum(case when region='West' then sales end) as total_sales_in_west_region
,sum(case when region='East' then sales end) as total_sales_in_east_region
from orders
group by ship_mode

6- the first 2 characters of order_id represents the country of order placed .

write a query to print total no of orders placed in each country
(an order can have 2 rows in the data when more than 1 item was purchased in the
order but it should be considered as 1 order)

select left(order_id,2) as country, count(distinct order_id) as total_orders

from orders
group by left(order_id,2)

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