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At this point you should be able to solve all the questions on
please try all of the free problems available .

some more questions:

1- write a sql to find top 3 products in each category by highest rolling 3 months
total sales for Jan 2020.

with xxx as (select category,product_id,datepart(year,order_date) as

yo,datepart(month,order_date) as mo, sum(sales) as sales
from orders
group by category,product_id,datepart(year,order_date),datepart(month,order_date))
,yyyy as (
select *,sum(sales) over(partition by category,product_id order by yo,mo rows
between 2 preceding and current row ) as roll3_sales
from xxx)
select * from (
select *,rank() over(partition by category order by roll3_sales desc) as rn from
where yo=2020 and mo=1) A
where rn<=3

2- write a query to find products for which month over month sales has never

with xxx as (select product_id,datepart(year,order_date) as

yo,datepart(month,order_date) as mo, sum(sales) as sales
from orders
group by product_id,datepart(year,order_date),datepart(month,order_date))
,yyyy as (
select *,lag(sales,1,0) over(partition by product_id order by yo,mo) as prev_sales
from xxx)
select distinct product_id from yyyy where product_id not in
(select product_id from yyyy where sales<prev_sales group by product_id)

3- write a query to find month wise sales for each category for months where sales
is more than the combined sales of previous 2 months for that category.

with xxx as (select category,datepart(year,order_date) as

yo,datepart(month,order_date) as mo, sum(sales) as sales
from orders
group by category,datepart(year,order_date),datepart(month,order_date))
,yyyy as (
select *,sum(sales) over(partition by category order by yo,mo rows between 2
preceding and 1 preceding ) as prev2_sales
from xxx)
select * from yyyy where sales>prev2_sales

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