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Does Green Mucus Mean You're Sick? | Medicine or Malarkey about:reader?

Does Green Mucus Mean You're

Sick? | Medicine or Malarkey
3–4 Minuten

You’ve probably heard the rumor that the color of your mucus
can tell you whether or not you are sick. You may have thought
this was an old wives’ tale and never given it any credence, but
the truth is that the color of mucus can signal some changes in

Learning to spot them can help you figure out if you need to go
to an urgent care clinic near you for treatment

Why does mucus even exist?

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Does Green Mucus Mean You're Sick? | Medicine or Malarkey about:reader?

Mucus can be an uncomfortable topic. Why is it even in our

bodies in the first place? It actually serves several important
functions. It can serve as a protective layer in parts of the body
that are prone to drying out, such as the mouth, nose, or

Secondly, mucus can also prevent bad stuff from getting into the
body, trapping things such as bacteria and dust before they
enter the airways.

Finally, mucus contains antibodies and proteins that can actively

fight back against the substances out there that just want you
sick. These antibodies and proteins can serve as toxins or even
change the texture of mucus to make it less attractive to any
invading substances.

What should mucus look like?

In a healthy body, mucus is clear and liquid. In some cases of

pregnancy-related or allergy rhinitis, mucus can also be clear. In
these scenarios, however, mucus is plentiful and tends to
stream out of the nose or cause post-nasal drip and cough in
the throat.

Mucus can also come in different colors and textures. Dramatic

changes in color or texture may indicate any one of a number of

White mucus

White mucus indicates an increase in white blood cells. The

mucus may also get thicker and less watery. This is often a sign
that a cold is in the works and that your body is fighting back.

Green/yellow mucus

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Does Green Mucus Mean You're Sick? | Medicine or Malarkey about:reader?

Anything in the green or yellow family can indicate that your

body is releasing a protein from inflammatory cells that is
designed to kill germs.

Red/pink mucus

Red or pink mucus typically suggests that there is some amount

of blood in your mucus. This can stem from the simple irritation
of the delicate vessels in the nose. In rare cases, it can signal
cancer. If you have concerns about consistent and chronic red
mucus, contact your healthcare professional.

Brown/black mucus

Brown or black mucus also indicates the presence of blood

along with inflammation in the lungs. This type of mucus is
usually seen in coal miners, chain smokers, or anyone who
works around smoke and coal. It can be an indication of chronic
lung disease that requires medical intervention.

Why is my mucus green?

If your mucus looks green, chances are you do have an

infection. More than likely, you have a cold or even the flu. The
good news is that the green mucus is a sign that your immune
system has kicked into gear and is fighting back against the
infection with that toxic little green protein.

If you are concerned about the color of your mucus or your

symptoms, contact an Urgent Care near you for same-day

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