Ormus 61

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e ci re told that the Egjptians kneis of a place. ›vhich they referred to

as “Th‹- Lunct ‹il Tht Bl‹'SS('Ct.” und that lh‹'3 ust•d lh‹- “i•fFICTZ,” ‹ir
as v›e cdl it today. “ORhIt*S,” to speed them along their ixay, when they°
jowneyed l‹) lhul ivij'sl‹'ri‹ius liind; u lund uls‹i kn‹)tvn us ll-kht'lv‹'t."* 11 l‹'as1
lhul's i›ha1
some indii4ü uals toda3° ivould harryus belie›•e. £ut lhe passage isn't cheap. It's
madr t“vnm yure gold, platinum anü othrr prsr’iou.s mrtals. Onr mu.ot kno›s:
thr secrets of making and haxe access io a ver3• sophisticated lab ›iith
extremelJr expensis e equipment. The Sacred .ä Jchemy', was it such an
expensiv'e exercise
for ?•1aryr$lagdalene and her collsagues’? £)r did they knoss a shortcut to “ lhe
Land of The Blessed?’
The Egjjjfians, among others. had been srruggling for generations to
undvrstand il, bul il hü d dt•)Ï(?tl all logi‹al c•xplunation. Th‹-y knc•isi J$rhat th‹-
ancients had passed do›vn to them of cowse and how they were supposed to
use il, but brj ‹›nd thul, n‹) ‹›nr hud rs•er hem ublr l‹J penetralr lhr Hrurl ‹II
ihe $Iystery. It had disa3's remained just beyond grasp and understanding.
Even today it is very difficult to msasurc, despits all the sophisticated
equipment we have as•Nlable to us at the time of the iJriting of this discourse
in ?007.
l9’e can make it. v›e can melt it, we can shape it, we can mold it and we can
hold it in our hands. lï e produce loJrelj' aresork from it in the form of stained
glass windows and othervvise. \1'e can use it in magicl and tvondrous vvays. When
exposxd ro an arc, in sufficient quenrïrïes and under certain condïrÏOHÖ 5, É r ‹ZS
powerful as a nuclear weapom
It can heal, it can kill, it can build and lesitate, it can dei'astate and
obliterate. l9e can train others and oursel res how to use ii, but ›ve cannoi iame
it. li is nor dependent on us; and j'et ›ve remain dependent on It.
Perhaps one day›ve will kno›v the find secret, but for nois j\rp remain humbled
in It's presence. It is ncithcr CTod nor C•oddcss as it has provcn to us, as many’
›vould prefer lo deny, that “Godde” exists, in a state beJrond dualit;•. Neither he
n‹)r shi-.
Fx‹:t•rp1: I’r‹)m “Th‹' bI)’1h k'fU@lt” and Nlurd‹'r Of OR5•fl JS”
R«qin yu«f«
“.T‹”«ordinp to reports, « penrf«mun nnme‹1 Dnsfid 7Ludson
syent lovvxj h'SD5’8,000,0td0 to discover the process o[convertinv
OJtb/béi into yrccsous mefafs end vice versn. He ‹ilso ottemytcd to
yotent fhe processes
04 Af Hiemit-
A3. ¿m”at, Xii)›¿l›ty, /cr‹/; alsc/‹/ace, seat or ‹u‹/ce ’'jso'’’’’
Khem"A(\*a‹t /?ark/»«)
11«ancient “Eg}•)›tiai»” r«f«rreJ tn their “rc‹intry” a» K/v\T, whirIi is*tylel in a variay’e(j›l1ni1Ri«
rei›‹lerings: Ka»R, K»i»it, Kl»i»rt, Kl›a», AI Kl›o»—ay‹l tl» fon» yr»fèr, Kl1e»it, Lztemlly
it tr‹›n»I‹›ify a* “II» 0l‹›rk I.aii‹I,” refr»rii›{; I‹› II» ‹l‹irk, rirl›, ‹›Il‹ivial u›iI f‹›fiy‹l aIni›g tI›« h'ile
Rivrv. However, in a i»)sticaI iiltoryreation iinlso r»Urstotl›e lilfiilite Dark1esan‹I
tIie)›reso1ceoïInfinite Lig•l›t, wI›icl› cui»yIei»e‹›t«tl» Lireat Uark›ess: see: I›aI)›ur ll latl›ur — «tl›e
Milky \YayJ. I)›e ai›«iei›t
I Pdf I“I l"l¢3l1 f3f F./}\’)J @ !? II» rivilizatinn +t•a* ki czUi a* Kl»i»il, while li e [»r»[›le ai›rl II»ir ioaIiv«
Iai1g‹iage ‹ve»«aIIe‹”l Kl›u»itiai›, I luie»: AI— — —> CI›ei»isoy

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