Dados de Máquina

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Parameter Description Comment Standard

9004 Display resolution Number of decimal places for position displays 3
! 9422 Preset Mode Function Preset ist active = 1 inactive = 0 0
9900 Plaintexts instead of MD identifier Display the normal text = 1 MD identifier = 0 1
10000 Machine axis name [0] ... [2] ... X_ Y_
BT 10008 Maximum number of PLC-controlled axes Set at least "1" if the safety function brake-test is used 0
10010 Channel valid in mode group
10050 System clock cycle Adjust to machine requirement 0,004 s
10060 Factor for position control cycle Adjust to machine requirement
10070 Factor for interpolation cycle Adjust to machine requirement
10088 Reboot Verzögerungszeit Gantry + TRA 1 sec 0,5
10090 Factor for monitoring cycle (Safety) Has to be higher than MD10060 8 - 12 msec
10094 Safety Alarm suppress level Safety 2 = 12
10100 Maximum PLC cycle time PLC cycletime monitoring 5 sec
10130 Runtime of communication to MMC
10134 Possible number of simult. MMC communic. partners 3 (NCU571)
10150 Factor for communication with drives
10160 Factor for communication with MMC
10200 Calculation resolution for linear positions 1000
10210 Calculation resolution for angular positions 10000
10220 Activation of scaling factors 10000
10230 [9] Scaling factor of physical variables 16,66667
10300 Number of active analog NCK inputs 8
10310 Number of active analog NCK outputs 8
10320 Weighting factor for analog NCK inputs 32767
10330 Weighting factor for analog NCK outputs 32767
10350 Number of active digital NCK input bytes 5
10360 Number of active digital NCK output bytes 5
10362 Configuration of external analog NCK inputs 1000000
10364 Configuration of external analog NCK outputs 1000000
10366 Configuration of external digital NCK inputs 1000000
10368 Configuration of external digital NCK outputs 1000000
10390 Input assignment of external interface SPL Set according to the Safety Parameter List (engineering)
10392 Output assignment of external interface SPL Set according to the Safety Parameter List (engineering)
10450 Assignment of software cams to machine axes
10720 Mode after Power On 6 = Jog 7 = REF 6
10900 Number of positions for indexing axis In case of an indexing axis (i.e. V-Axis = 4) 0
10910 [0] Indexing position table [1] 0 0
10910 [1] Indexing position table [2] 90 0
10910 [2] ... ... 0
11100 Number of auxiliary functions BZ = 20
11110 [1] Auxiliary function group specification BZ: 41HEX 21 HEX
! 11210 MD-backup of changed MD only 0 = all parameters FF = only the changed parameters 0 HEX
11220 Error response to INI file errors 1
! 11230 Structure of MD files on backup 2 HEX
11620 Program name for PROG_EVENT PROG_EVENT
11640 Allow channel axis gaps 1 = Gaps are allowed in the axis configuration 0
12070 [20] Evaluation of the spindle override switch 1,2

Parameters 130XX will be set automatically after the Drive Configuration is done
13000 Drive is active [0] ... [2] ... 1 = Drive is active 0 = Drive is inactive
13010 Logical drive number [0] ... [2] ... Drive Number (i.e. X = 1) NOT the module's location
13020 Code of drive module [0] ... [2] ... Code that defines the drive module (i.e."16H" = 50A)
13030 Drive Module Type [0] ... [2] ... 1 = VSA/HSA 2 = 2-Axis module, 9 = Periferal
13040 Drive Type [0] ... [2] ... 1 = VSA 2 = HSA 0 = Periferal

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
OPTION DATA "Ø" will change the memory configuration LOSS OF DATA POSSIBLE!!
11450 Parameterization for search run 05 HEX
18105 Maximum number of D-numbers per tool 3
18106 Maximum number of cutting edges per tool 3
Ø 18120 Number of global user variables (GUD) For transfer lines 300
Ø 18150 Memory location for user variables (GUD) For transfer lines 100
Ø 18160 Number of macros 500
Ø 18170 Number of miscellaneous functions 120
Ø 18210 Dynamic user memory in the DRAM For NCU 572.4 from software 6.3: set to 21500 20000
Ø 18230 User memory in SRAM NCU 573.3 = 1900 NCU 572.4 = 2974 Option 19250
18280 Number of files per directory 500
18320 Number of files in passive file system 500
! 19100 Number of axes in the system must be set on more than 5 axes 5
! 19120 Number of Safety-Axes in the system Set according to Option Data List 0
Ø 19200 Number of channels Set, if more than one channel is used
Ø 19230 SRAM-Memory (PLC-Memory) Set according to Option Data List
CH 19250 Memory extension (NC-Memory) Set according to Option Data List 14
19270 PLC-User Memory (project specific data) 10
19310#4 Option for Master-Slave-Coupling

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
For correct functionality of G17, G18 and G19 the geometry axes (MD20050 and MD20060) need to be set correctly
X+Z X+Y Z + SP
20050 Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis 1 1 0
20050 Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis 0 2 0
20050 Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis 2 0 1
20060 Geometry axis name in channel X X
20060 Geometry axis name in channel Y
20060 Geometry axis name in channel Z Z
20070 Machine axis number valid in channel [0] 1 1 1
20070 Machine axis number valid in channel [1] 2 2 2
20070 Machine axis number valid in channel [2] 0 0 0
20070 Machine axis number valid in channel [3] ... ... ...
20080 Channel axis name in channel [0] X1 X1 Z1
20080 Channel axis name in channel [1] Z1 Y1
20080 Channel axis name in channel [2] Y1 Z1 X1
20080 Channel axis name in channel [3] ... ... ...
20098 Show axis on MMC
20108 Setting of event-driven programm calls 9 HEX
20110 Definition of basic control settings after power-on and reset 41 H = Bit 0 (reset-mode), Bit 6 (tool length comp.) 51 HEX
20112 Definition of basic control settings after part program start 41 H = Bit 0 (reset-mode), Bit 6 (tool length comp.) 0 HEX
20118 Enable automatic geometry axis change 1
20122 Def. of tool which length comp. is sel. on power-on/reset For stations with spindle and tool length compenation ""
20128 Tool change picked up in search run 0
20150 Initial setting of G groups [0] 1
20150 Initial setting of G groups [5] 1
20150 Initial setting of G groups [20] Path jerk enabled 2
20150 Initial setting of G groups [23] Feedforward control after power on: 1 = FFWOF 0 = FFWON 1
20310 Activation of different types of tool management !!! Ask engineering !!! 541F HEX
20320 Activation of tool time monitoring for tool in spindle Tool life monitoring / for 2 Spindles = 2HEX 1 HEX
20600 Path-related maximum jerk korresp. MD20150 [20] (Muß größer als MD 3243x sein) 1000 m/sec²
20700 NC start disable without reference point Gantry (loader) = 1 0
20800 End of subroutine to PLC 0
21210 Zuordnung des NCK-Eingangsbytes für Interrupts 0
22000 Auxiliary function group [0,....,19] for BZ´s: 4,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,11,11,11,1
22010 Auxiliary function type [0,....,19] for BZ's: [0] ... [18] = M [19] = --
22030 Auxiliary function value [0,....,19] 7,9,27,29,8,52,53,10,11,34,35,37,38,39,68,69,20,21,22,0
22100 Block change delay with quick auxiliary functions 1
22200 Output time of M-functions 1 = during motion 0 = prior to motion 1
22210 Output time of S functions If a wrong value is set the spindle can not be programmed 0
22510 G-codes output to NCK-PLC interface [0] 1
22510 G-codes output to NCK-PLC interface [1] 2
22560 M-function for tool change 0 = no tool change 6
28000 Memory space for REORG (DRAM) 25
28020 Number of local user variables (DRAM) BZ = 500
28040 Memory space for LUD Variables BZ = 50
28050 Number of channel-specific R parameters (SRAM) If a measurement probe is used set this MD to 1700
28060 Number of NC blocks in IPO buffer (DRAM) BZ = 20
28150 Number of PLC Variables 1024
28250 Number of elements for synchronized actions If set to higher values, the option MD19340#2 is required 159
28258 Number of time variables $AC_TIMER for spindles with tool management = 200 0

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
30110 Setpoint assignment to axis number Axis Number - not the module's location on the drive bus 1,2,3 ...
30130 Output type of setpoint Always 1 1
! 30200 Number of encoders 1 = only motor encoder 2 = with external encoder
30220 Actual value assignment to drive number Set to the value in MD 30110 1,2,3 ...
! 30230 Input assignment of the encoders Motor encoder only [0] = 1 [1] = 2
Motor encoder + Ext. encoder [0] = 2 [1] = 1
! 30240 Encoder Type 1 = inkremental 4 = absolute (EnDat)
30242 Encoder is independent If an external encoder is used MD30242 [0] + [1] = 2
X 30300 Rotary axis / spindle Linear axis = 0 Rotary axis = 1 (NCK necessary)
X 30310 Modulo conversion for rotary axis 0 = Software-limits are used for rotation axes
X 30320 Modulo 360 degrees display for rotary axes 0 = 0°...360°...720° 1 = 0°...359°...0°
30350 Axis signals with simulation axes 0 = are not output to the PLC 1 = are output to the PLC 0
30500 Axis is indexing axis Setting for a V-Axis might be 1
CH 30550 Axis assingnment to channel If more channels are used than assign each axis to a ch. 1
E 31000 Linear Scale is used Rotation encoder = 0 Linear scale = 1
E 31010 Division period for linear scales Normally 0,02 mm
! 31020 Encoder pulses per revolution Normally 2048
X 31030 Leadscrew pitch Not relevant for rotary axes
E 31040 Encoder mounted directly to the machine Monted to the motor = 0 mounted to the machine = 1
X 31050 Input revolutions of the Gearbox Number of teeth - motor side i.e. 1
X 31060 Output revolutions of the Gearbox Number of teeth - axis side i.e. 256
31090 Evaluation of an increment with the handwheel 0,001
X 32000 Maximum axis velocity Spindle: max spindle speed
! 32010 Rapid-Jog axis velocity 20% of MD 32000 max. 4000 SP: 100
! 32020 Jog axis velocity 10% of MD 32000 max. 2000 SP: 15
X 32060 Initial setting for positioning axis velocity Velosity used if no vel. is programmed Sp: 1 MD 32000
32084 Control of VDI signals with handwheel 3F HEX
<-> 32100 Axis direction Changes the effect of the + / - buttons
<-> 32110 Control direction Set if the motor and the ext. Enc. count in different dir.
X 32200 KV - Factor Rotary axes ≤ 1 1,2
X 32300 Axis acceleration SP = MD 35210 (SPCON - Spindel in Achsbetrieb)
32400 Axial jerk limit 0
! 32420 Setting of axis jerk limitation 1 = Enable Axial Jerk limitation in Jog, Ref and Positioning
! 32430 Axial jerk Axial Jerk limitation in Jog, Ref and Positioning
! 32431 Maximum axial jerk for G00 Movement Axial Jerk limitation in G00 and G01
! 32432 Max. axial jerk of a geo axis at block limit MD 32431
32435 Scaling of jerk limitation with G00 G00 Jerk Limit = MD32431 * MD32435 1
! 32450 Backlash 0
BT 32460 Additional torque for electronic weight compensation If the torque for holding a vertical axis is set it is possible % of Mo100K
Option 19300#4 = 1 to prevented a sagging when the controller is switched on MD 1728
32490 Type of friction compensation
32500 Friction compensation active
32510 Adaption Reibkompensation aktiv Tuning of Circular Interpolation
32520 Maximum friction compensation value
32530 Minimum friction compensation value
32540 Friction compensation time constant
! 32620 Feedforward control type (All interploation axes = 3) B, Q, V, A Axis = 0 X, Y, Z, SP = 3
! 32630 Activate feedforward control from program ( "" = 1) B, Q, V, A Axis = 0 X, Y, Z, SP = 1
O 32640 Dynamic stiffness control Set if the axis is extremly loud
All interploation axes must be set the same (all 0 or all 1)
32810 Time constant of the speed controller for feedforward control Tuning of feedforward control 0,004
33100 Maximum deviation during compression BZ with chain- or disk-magazine (Axes XYZ) = 1mm

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
E 34000 Axis with reference point cam Set to 1 only with encoders with one reference mark 0
V Axis = 1 SP = 0
E 34010 Reference direction Positive = 0 Negative = 1 B=0
34020 Reference cam approach velocity Not for distance encoded scales 500
34030 Maximum distance to reference cam Set long enough V = 370 B = 1000
E 34040 Velocity for reference point search BZ = 1000 V/B = 0,5 300
34050 Direction reversal to reference cams Not for distance encoded scales
E 34060 Maximum distance to reference mark Heidenhain Scale = 21mm V = 370° B = 21°
34070 Velocity for the movement from the ref. cam to the ref. point Not for distance encoded scales 1000
34080 Reference point distance Not for distance encoded scales -2
X 34090 Reference point offset Position offset for incremental encoders
X 34100 Reference point value/target point for distance-coded system Position to be written to the absolute encoder
E 34102 Calibration of encoders after referencing If the external encoder is active then 1
! 34110 Referencing sequence of axes 0
X 34200 Referencing mode 0 = Absolute encoder
1 = Icremental encoder with 1 ref. mark ( ERN1387 )
3 = Distance encoded incremental encoder
A 34210 Status absolute encoder (Setting of the Position) [0] 0 = Incremental encoder ( ERN1387 )
1 = Set position for an absolute encoder start
2 = Setting the position for an absolute encoder is done
E 34210 Status absolute encoder (Setting of the Position) [1] 2. encoder active (absolute) = 2 ERN1387 = 0
A 34220 Absolute value encoder range for rotary encoders Max number of revolutions of an absolute encoder 4096
E 34300 Reference marker distance Distance encoded scale = 20mm Spindel = 360°
E 34310 Differenz zweier Referenzmarken Distance encoded scale = 0,02mm
<-> 34320 Linear measurement system in an opposite direction If the distance encoding is in the opposite direction = -1
34330 Stop after the 2. reference mark is reached Axis is stopping = 1 Axis is moving to MD34100 = 0 1
35000 Assignment of spindle to machine axis Set the spindle number
35010 Gear change possible If the spindle has several gear stages = 1 0
35012 Gear step change position Only if the gears can be changed in a certain position only
35020 Initial spindle setting 0 = Speed mode, position control deselected 0
35030 Enable of the initial spindle setting 0 = Enables MD35020 after Power On
35040 Own spindle reset 0 = Reset affects the spindle 1 = Does not affect the sp. 0
35100 Maximum spindle speed
35110 Maximum speed for gear change MD35100
35120 Minimum speed for gear change 5
35130 Maximum speed of gear stage MD35100 (Bei SPCON + 10%)
35140 Minimum speed of gear stage 5
35150 Spindle speed tolerance (DB___.dbx83.5 ) 0,1
35160 Spindle speed limit from PLC (DB___.dbx3.6 ) To tune the Spindle, set to the max spindle speed if nec. 15 rpm
35200 Acceleration in speed control mode (M3 M4) Acceleration [0], [1] (for automatic)
35210 Acceleration in position control mode (SPOS) Acceleration [0], [1] (for positionioning)
35300 Position control switch-on speed approx. 10-20% of MD32000 (Weiss-Spindle = 500)
35350 Direction of rotation when positioning 3 = clockwise / 4 = counterclockwise (inform. FC18) 4

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
! 36000 Exact stop coarse (DB__.DBX60.7) Gantry = 0,5mm Gantry Rotation Axes = 0,1° 0,04
B-Axis = 0,008° V-Axis = 0,2°
Spindle = 0,4°
! 36010 Exact stop fine (DB__.DBX60.6) Belt driven = 0,02mm Gantry = 0,2mm 0,01
V-Axis / B-Axis = 0,003° Gantry Rotation Axes = 0,04°
Spindle = 0,1°
! 36020 Delay time for exact stop fine Delay time for positioning monitoring 1
! 36030 Standstill tolerance Gantry = 1 mm Y-Axes = 0,2mm ca. 3 x
V-Axis / B-Axis = 0,5° MD 36000
Spindle = 10°-20° (depends on the spindle)
! 36040 Delay zero-speed monitoring V-Axis / B-Axis / Spindle = 1 0,4
! 36060 Maximum speed for signal axis/spindle stopped X, Y, Z, ... 20 mm/min BZ: 20 mm/min
Transfer = 100mm/min V-Axis / B-Axis = 1 rpm
Spindle = 5 rpm Toolcheck = 20mm/min
Rotation axes at gantries = 0,03 rpm
X 36100 1st software limit switch minus
X 36110 1st software limit switch plus
X 36120 2nd software limit switch minus For distance encoded = maybe Hardstop - 2mm
X 36130 2nd software limit switch plus For distance encoded = maybe Hardstop + 2mm
X 36200 Threshold value for velocity monitoring 110% of MD 32000
36210 Maximum speed setpoint 110%
36300 Encoder limit frequency For spindles an adjustment might be necessary 300.000 Hz
! 36310 [0] Zero mark monitoring Distance encoded rotation axes and spindles = 1 0
! 36310 [1] Zero mark monitoring 0
X 36400 Tolerance band for contour monitoring Belt driven = 2,5mm Gantry = 3 - 5mm 2 - 2,5 mm
V-Axis / B-Axis = 1°
Spindle = 20°
E 36510 Tolerance of measuring system synchronization Linear axes with 2 measuring systems = 1,5mm
Rotation axes with 2 measuring systems = 0
36610 Duration of the deceleration ramp for error states Refer to VSA / HSA 1404 deceleration time from nmax 0,05
Change the standard value only if necessary
36620 Delay for cutout of servo enable MD 36610 + 0,2 sec Spindel = 1 sec 0,1
Change the standard value only if necessary
36730 Acquisition of additional drive actual values corresponding to "Adaptive Control"
(Gantry crash detection and cutting torque monitoring)

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
36901 Enable safety functions No Safety = 0 Safety1 active = 1 Safety2 active = 41
36902 Rotary axis MD 30300
36911 Setpoint assignment to axis number MD 30110
36912 Input assignment of the encoders MD 30230
36915 Encoder Type MD 30240
36916 Linear Scale is used MD 31000
36917 Division period for linear scales MD 31010
36918 Encoder pulses per revolution MD 31020
36920 Leadscrew pitch MD 31030
36921 Input revolutions of the Gearbox MD 31050
36922 Output revolutions of the Gearbox MD 31060
<-> 36925 Direction reversal of actual value Check in Service SI
36930 Standstill tolerance MD 36030
36933 SG setpoint speed limiting Torque Motor (B-Axis) = 0,7 0,95
! 36953 Transition time STOP D to safe standstill Spindle = 3 sec (refer to drives change sheet 260304) min. 0,5 sec
! 36956 Delay time for pulse suppression MD 1404 + MD 36620
36957 Time for checking pulse suppression MD1357 0,2
36960 Speed for pulse suppression MD1403
BT 36966 Torque for brake test Torque the brake has to hold during brake test % of Mo100K
BT 36967 Position tolerance for brake test Max. allowed movement of the axis during brake test
01 04 02 01 Byte 01
Byte / Bit No. 08H
Location on the Module 09H
Drive Number Byte 02
For 840D always 01 10H

36970 Input assignment SBH/SG deselection All axes have the same setting (refer to hardware print)
36971 Input assignment SBH deselection " refer to machine specific safety-documents
36972 Input assignment SG selection " refer to machine specific safety-documents
36975 Input assignment test stop selection " refer to machine specific safety-documents
36976 Input assignment status pulses suppressed Each axis has its own setting
36980 Output assignment SBH/SG active All axes have the same setting (refer to hardware print)
36986 Output assignment pulse suppression Each axis has its own setting
BT 37000 Mode for travel to fixed stop Start for "travel to fixed stop" only from the PLC = 2 0
BT 37030 Threshold for fixed stop detection Necessary pos. deviation for detection of the fixed stop 10 x 36967
GANTRY MASTER-SLAVE (Option 19310#0)
37100 Gantry Master-Slave axis definition Leading axis = 1 Synchronized axis = 11 0
2nd Leading axis = 2 2nd Synchronized axis = 12
37110 Gantry Master-Slave warning limit 0,1 smaller than MD 37120 0,1
37120 Gantry Master-Slave trip limit Max. difference betw. the leading and synchronized axes 0,2
37130 Gantry Master-Slave trip limit during referencing If the difference in positions after referencing is smaller 0,1
than the value, the axes are moved to be synchronous MD37110
37140 Invalidate Gantry Master-Slave grouping 0 = Gantry opened 1 = Gantry synchronized 0
Master-Slave Verbund
37250 Master axis number for speed coupling Set the axis number of the slave axis

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction M = Check after Motor Selection
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
1000 Current controller cycle 4
! 1001 Speed controller cycle For Spindles set 16 (--> Calculate Controller Data) 4
1011 Configuration of the actual value sensor of the motor 8HEX = absolute 0HEX = incremental
1016 Commutating angle offset Only important for linear motors
1017 Set-up aid To copy and enable the encoder settings of linear motors
E 1030 Configuration of the actual value sensor of the external enc. 8HEX = absolute 0HEX = incremental
M 1102 Motor code number To check the motor type
1103 Motor rated current
1104 Maximum motor current
B 1105 Reduction of maximum motor current Reduced Torque in Nm
MD1105 = ⋅ 100%
MD1113 ⋅ MD1104
! 1106 Amplifier Module code number To check the power module type
1107 Transistor current limit For Information (max. possible peak current)
1108 Amplifier module current limit For Information (max. possible RMS current)
1113 Torque constant For calculations (refers to the RMS-Current)
O 1120 Current controller proportional gain Adjust if necessary
1146 Maximum motor speed Do not change has to be greater than MD1401
1147 Maximum permissible motor speed Do not change (Check if countour deviation is detected)
! 1183 Current controller adaptation 1
BT 1192 Weight (only used for Brake Test) MD1728 ( in standstill ) x 1,3
O 1200 Number of current setpoint filters 2 Change these parameters only if it is
O 1201 Type of current setpoint filter 2 necessary!
O 1213 Blocking frequency for current setpoint filter 2 400-600
Parameters for frequency band filter
O 1214 Bandwidth for current setpoint filter 2 300
B 1230 1st torque threshold
Reduced Torque in Nm
Only for spindles: ⋅ 100%
Rated Torque in Nm
O 1231 2nd torque threshold Rotation axes and vertical axes = 100% 10 - 30%
Impotant: Refers to MD1104 (Motor Imax)
! 1232 Changeover speed from MD 1230 to MD 1231 0
1233 Regenerative limit
! 1234 Hysteresis MD1232 0
B 1235 1st power limit MD1108² − MD1136²
Only for spindles: ⋅ 100%
MD1103² − MD1136²

B 1238 Motor current limit Only for spindles: refer to MD1235

! 1251 Time constant for load smoothing Motor-spindle = 150 (Power display on the MMC)
1301 Enable safety functions Will be overwritten with "Copy SI Data" MD36901
<-> 1316#0 Motor encoder configuration for safety functions Invertion of the Actual Position: Motor (Safety Diagnosis)
#1 1-Encoder-System: 0HEX or 2HEX
#1 2-Encoder-System: 4HEX or 6HEX
1317 Division period for linear scales MD 31010
1318 Encoder pulses per revolution MD 31020
1320 Leadscrew pitch MD 31030
1321 Input revolutions of the Gearbox MD 31050
1322 Output revolutions of the Gearbox MD 31060

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction C = Calculate
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004
Parameter Description Comment Standard
1400 Rated motor speed For information only
X 1401 Max. used motor speed VSA: Motor-Speed at vmax
HSA: Motor-Speed at max. Spindle-Speed (MD35100)
! 1404 Timer for pulse suppression Time, the axis needs to brake at the torque limit + 100ms 200 msec
(verify by disconnecting teminal 64)
1405 Monitoring motor speed Do not change this value / Exception: If a Spindle Motor
is used as an axis (i.e. W-Axis) set 110%
O 1407 Proportional Gain of the speed controller For Tuning
O 1409 Integral Gain of the speed controller For Tuning
O 1413 Select adaptation for the speed controller VSA: always 0
HSA: set to 0. Set only if pretty big overshoots
happen on spindles
! 1417 Signal nx for nactual < nx (DBxx.dbx94.5) B-Axis with Backlash Reduction = 700 rpm
Spindle = 1200 rpm
! 1418 Signal nmin for nactual < nmin (DBxx.dbx94.4) Only for Spindles: 5 U/min
1421 Time constant integrator feedback Only for sliding compound (Smoothing of the Axis reaction)
X 1426 Tolerance bandwidth for nset = nactual signal (DBxx.dbx94.6) Only for Spindles: 3-10% of MD1401
i.e.: MD1401 = 300rpm -> MD1426 = 30rpm (10%)
MD1401 = 5000rpm -> MD1426 = 150rpm (3%)
X 1427 Delay time for nset = nactual signal Spindel: 100ms

X 1428 Threshold force Mdx (DBxx.dbx94.3) For distance encoded encoder: Mdx-Signal ca. 35 - 50%
set at the machine Spindle: 85%
X 1429 Delay time signal Md < Mdx For distance encoded ext. encoder = 50 ms
Spindle = 0 ms
! 1602 Motor temperature alarm threshold For Motors with absolute enc. 100°C / Spindle: 80°C
X 1605 Timer, speed controller at maximum power Distance encoded with Hardstop movement = 400ms
On all other situations: MD1605 = MD1404 + 100 ms
! 1607 Motor temperature shutdown limit For Motors with absolute enc. 120°C / Spindle: 100°C
O 1728 Torque setpoint Dispayed value shows % of Mo100K
! 1735 Processor load Should not exceed 85%
1736 Test rotor position identification To manually start rotor position identification set to 1 (Etel) 0

X = Stationspecific(Datasheet) T = Tuning A = Absolute Enc. E = Ext. Incr. Scale ! = to check <-> = Axis Direction C = Calculate
Siemens 840D Version 6 27. September 2004

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