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Offer to settle lawsuit with Google

) SS.:

BEFORE ME, this day personally appeared NEIL J. GILLESPIE, who upon oath deposes
upon personal knowledge and states:

1. I am over the age of eighteen and competent to testify as to the facts and matters set
forth below. I make this affidavit upon personal knowledge unless otherwise expressly stated.

2. On February 29, 2024 I received a phone call in my office at 4:00 PM at 352-581-2600

from attorney Damon J. Whitaker, of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP. Mr. Whitaker called me
as co-counsel for ALPHABET INC, and GOOGLE LLC, in my replevin lawsuit to recover my
Google account, case no. 5:24-cv-0010l, USDC, MDFL, Ocala Div.,
removed from the Marion County Florida Circuit Court, case no. 2024-CA-0209.

3. I told Mr. Whitaker we could settle this case if Google would allow me to login to my
account using the correct email address and correct password. Mr. Whitaker declined my offer.

4. Mr. Whitaker said Google has security protocols in place that they follow and Google
cannot confirm that I own my Google Account because I no longer have
the phone number (352-615-3819) associated with my account.

5. Mr. Whitaker acknowledged my written con'espondence with Google to resolve this

issue. Google did not respond to my written correspondence.

6. Mr. Whitaker asked me in had contacted Google customer service. I responded that
Google does not have customer service.

7. Mr. Whitaker asked if I went through the process to indicate that I don't have the phone
anymore. I responded that I did so. Also, see the Complaint for Replevin, pages 13-16 and
exhibits 15-20; and see my Verified Motion for Writ of Replevin, filed in the Florida court on
February 8,2024, exhibits 1-4, and the Affidavit of Neil J. Gillespie May 12,2022 about my
phone number (352-615-3819) associated with my Google Account

8. I asked Mr. Whitaker to provide me a contact for customer service. He responded, there
are processes in place to keep things updated and to then get access through the security
Offer to settle lawsuit with Google

9. I responded there is no customer service to call, and the security protocol, as stated in my
Complaint for Replevin, is ultimately a "rabbit hole" of futile suggestions. Complaint, page 16:

The only option Google provides is a link, "More tips to recover your account". In regard
to the Plaintiffs Google Account, the link is ultimately a "rabbit
hole" of futile suggestions.

10. I reiterated Google does not have customer service, that a number of YouTube users have
grievances with Google, and its time someone took a stand, that Google is like an omnipresent
government, a world government, with a compete disregard for people. I reminded Mr. Whitaker
of an advertisement suggesting Google will be watching you as an omnipresent government. See
the DuckDuckGo "Watching You" TV advertisement, with their version of "Every Breath You
Take" by The Police": "Every search you make, every click you take, every move you make,
every step you take, I'll be watching you".

II. I also expressed to Mr. Whitaker that Google is unreasonable for its refusal to give me
access to my Google Account with a valid email address and valid password, requiring a lawsuit
that may last years, and that I am prepared to do so: It's David against Goliath, I told him.

12. Mr. Whitaker said he would pass my comments on to his contacts for a response.


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The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this \'v-t dar of March, 2024,
by Neil J. Gillespie, who is personally known to me, or who has produced fL ',(XC'Jtr) utto'>t
as identification and states that he is the person who made this af Ida 't and that its contents are
truthful to the best of his knOWledge· LEANNE ILER

My Commission Expires:

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Notary Public
State of Florida
expires 1/9/2028

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Print Name of Notary Public

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