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TITLE: Exploring Nature’s Details:
Microscopic Insights of Plants and Insects



CAMINO, John Dominic

CONANAN, Erica Mae
BARSUBIA, Ryza Sophia A.
GADO, Kenth Ashley
NOBLE, Vienz Ivan
PARDICO, Monna Grace
TINGCANG, Cyrine Jane L.
II. Procedures

A. Leaf (Plant cell)

1. Sample Collection and Preparation

The first step in our journey is to obtain a fresh leaf from the plant of
interest. It is essential to select a healthy leaf, as any damage or decay can
affect the quality of our observations.

2. Once we have chosen our leaf, we carefully trim a small section and gently
scrape the leaf surface to create a thin layer. This section is then placed on a
clean microscope slide.

3. To protect our leaf section and ensure clear observations, we gently lower a
cover slip onto the leaf. Care must be taken to avoid trapping air bubbles, as
these can interfere with our view.

4. Once the cover slip is in place, we press down gently to ensure the leaf is flat
and the cover slip is secure.

5. With our slide prepared, we are now ready to set up our microscope for
observation. We begin with a low magnification objective lens, typically 4x,
and place the slide on the microscope stage. Securing the slide in place, we
focus on the leaf's surface to observe the overall structures present.

6. Starting with the lowest magnification, we observe the leaf's surface to

identify major structures such as the epidermis, stomata, and trichomes.

7. Moving to a higher magnification, typically 10x, we refocus on specific

areas of interest to examine these structures in more detail. Here, we can
observe the arrangement of cells, the presence of chloroplasts, and the
opening and closing of stomata.

8. Continuing our observation, we increase the magnification to 40x and then

100x, using the higher magnifications to explore different aspects of leaf cell
structure. At 40x, we can observe individual cells and their organelles more
clearly, noting the presence of nucleus, cytoplasm, and vacuoles. At 100x,
we can further explore the intricate details of cell walls, chloroplasts, and
other cellular structures.

9. To document our observations of the plant leaf, we used the cameras of a

mobile phone to capture images at each magnification level. Each picture
was carefully labeled with its designated magnification, ensuring that our
findings were well-documented and easily accessible for future reference.

B. Insect (Insect cell)

1. Our study began with the capture of a grasshopper within the confines of our
school premises. Once secured in a container, the grasshopper was humanely
put down to ensure minimal suffering.

2. The hind leg was then carefully detached for use in our examination

3. The hind leg sample was scraped with a sterile sharp edge to expose the
underlying cells and structures. This ensured that when viewed under a
compound microscope, the cells would be observable in detail.

4. The sample was then placed on a slide, securely positioned to prevent

movement during observation.
5. With the grasshopper hind leg sample prepared, we proceeded to set up the
compound microscope for observation. We started with the lowest
magnification objective lens, typically 4x or 10x, to observe the overall
structure of the leg.
6. As we increased the magnification, using lenses of 40x and 100x, we were
able to observe the cells in greater detail.

7. Using a systematic approach, we observed the different structures present in

the grasshopper leg, including muscle fibers, nerve cells, and connective
tissues. The cellular organization and arrangement became more apparent as
we increased the magnification, allowing us to appreciate the complexity of
animal cells.

8. To document our observations, we used the cameras of a mobile phone to

capture images at each magnification level. Each picture was carefully
labeled with its designated magnification, ensuring that our findings were
well-documented and easily accessible for future reference.
Familiarization of the parts

A. Parts of a leaf

1. Leaf Base
The leaf base is the part of the leaf where it attaches to the stem. It
provides support and helps in the transport of nutrients and water.

2. Axil
The axil is the angle between the upper side of the leaf and the stem. It
is often the location where buds, shoots, or flowers emerge.

3. Petiole
The petiole is the stalk that attaches the leaf blade to the stem. It helps
in positioning the leaf for maximum light absorption and in the transport of
nutrients and water.

4. Midrib
The midrib is the central vein that runs down the center of the leaf. It
provides structural support and serves as a pathway for the transport of water
and nutrients.

5. Margin
The margin is the edge of the leaf. It can be smooth, serrated (with
teeth), lobed, or otherwise shaped, and it helps to increase the surface area
for photosynthesis.
6. Tip
The tip, or apex, is the pointed end of the leaf. It can vary in shape and
size depending on the plant species.

7. Vein
Veins are the vascular bundles in the leaf that carry water, nutrients,
and sugars to and from the leaf. They provide support and help maintain the
structure of the leaf.

8. Venules
Venules are small veins that branch off from the main veins. They
help in the distribution of water and nutrients to the leaf cells.
B. Parts of the grasshopper’s leg

1. Femur
The femur is the long, sturdy segment of the leg closest to the body. It
provides support and leverage for jumping.

2. Tibia
The tibia is the second segment of the leg and is also quite robust. It
functions in supporting the grasshopper's weight and in jumping.

3. Tarsus
The tarsus is the third and final segment of the leg. It is often
segmented and ends in claws, which help the grasshopper grip surfaces.

4. Coxa
The coxa is the base of the leg, attached to the body. It provides a
strong connection for the leg muscles.

5. Trochanter
The trochanter is a small segment between the coxa and femur. It aids
in leg movement.

6. Patella
The patella, or knee, is a small segment between the femur and tibia.
It helps to extend the leg and provides additional support.
III. Results

Pictures with their respective lenses:


Insect: Grasshopper Insect: Grasshopper

Lense: 4x/0.10 Lense: 10x/0.25

Insect: Grasshopper Insect: Grasshopper

Lense: 40x/0.65 Lense: 100x/1.25

III. Results

Pictures with their respective lenses:


Plant: Leaf Plant: Leaf

Lense: 4x/0.10 Lense: 10x/0.25

Plant: Leaf Plant: Leaf

Lense: 40x/0.65 Lense: 100x/1.25
IV. Observation

Under the microscope, the grasshopper's leg reveals a mesmerizing

array of structures intricately designed for locomotion and sensory
perception. Tiny hairs, or setae, adorn the leg's surface, providing
sensory feedback to the grasshopper as it navigates its environment.
Each leg segment is connected by joints, allowing for flexibility and
precise movement. Additionally, muscles and tendons can be observed,
working in harmony to propel the grasshopper forward with remarkable
efficiency. The leg's intricate design reflects the evolutionary adaptations
that have enabled grasshoppers to thrive in diverse habitats.

Shifting focus to the leaves, a vibrant world of cellular activity

unfolds. The leaf's surface is adorned with stomata, small pores
surrounded by guard cells, which regulate gas exchange and water loss.
Upon closer inspection, chloroplasts are visible within the leaf cells,
housing the green pigment chlorophyll responsible for capturing sunlight
during photosynthesis. Delicate veins branch throughout the leaf, acting
as conduits for water and nutrients essential for plant growth and
metabolism. The intricate network of cells and structures within the leaf
underscores the remarkable biochemical processes at play, driving the
plant's ability to convert light energy into organic compounds vital for its
V. Conclusion

CAMINO, John Dominic

After analyzing the pictures gathered from the use of a microscope, both of
the magnified grasshopper and leaf specimens have revealed their underlying
structures, composition, and cell shape of varying differences as each
magnification shows how the structure of the specimen effect the it as a whole.
Each of the specimens have distinct characteristics at each magnification level.
Starting with the leaf specimen it shows that the structure of the leaf is very
uniform which gives the leaf a more rigid body, which helps in supporting the leaf.
The grasshopper specimen like most animals have cells with a membrane,
nucleus, mitochondria, and other internal organelles however much simpler then
mammals, this allow them to undergo homeostasis like any other animal.
Other differences of both these specimens include the cells of plants are
larger than animal cells thanks to the plant cells bigger vacuole volume, only
animal cells have lysosomes as plant cells has a thick protective cell wall, and
lastly plant cells are rigid and sturdy allowing for a protective body while animal
cells have a thin and flexible plasma membrane allowing for efficient movement.

CONANAN, Erica Mae

After doing the biochemistry experiment where we looked at plant
organisms and animal cells under a microscope, we found some interesting stuff.
First off, we noticed that plant cells have this outer layer called a cell wall, while
animal cells don't have it. It's like a protective barrier that gives plant cells their
shape and support.
When we looked at the cells under the microscope, we could see that plant
and animal cells have different structures. We scraped the cells to make them easier
to see. It was pretty cool to see all the tiny details that you can't see with just your
One thing that stood out was that plant cells are way bigger than animal
cells. It's crazy how much of a size difference there is between the two.
Overall, this experiment taught us a lot about the structures and functions of
plant and animal cells. It just goes to show how important microscopes are for
studying these organisms.

BARSUBIA, Ryza Sophia A.

As we follow the instruction, we gather the leaf and the grasshopper for the
microscope observation. We pick the two specimen from the garden near the
registration office. Later in microscope observation, we scrape the leaf and put a
drop of water to get a look what's the leaf composes and we take off the
grasshopper body piece by piece to see the structure of it. We adjust the lens from
10× to 40x and took a picture for evidence. While doing this activity, I learn to
appriciate the beauty and complexity of the nature. As I change the zoom of the
lense I was amaze how the leaf nor the grasshopper structure and forms of
particles. Lastly, I realized in this activity that all living in surroundings have been
made unique and it is just a gift that we live with it.

In conclusion, the primary objective of our activity was to acquaint
ourselves with the microscope and engage in the observation of specimens,
specifically leaves and the leg of a grasshopper. The microscope serves as a
powerful tool that extends our vision beyond the limits of the naked eye, allowing
us to explore the intricate details of microorganisms. Through this hands-on
experience, we gained a deeper understanding of the structures and complexities
inherent in leaves and the tiny components of a grasshopper's leg.

GADO, Kenth Ashley

A leaf can be examined under a microscope using a variety of lenses to
reveal an amazing microcosm of complex architecture and cellular details.
Investigating a leaf's anatomy at various magnifications offers important insights
into the intricacy of its biology.
Lower magnifications, such 10x, give the leaf the appearance of a colorful
tapestry with interwoven veins and cells. The leaf's exterior layer, or epidermis, is
visible, revealing the layer of defense that keeps the leaf safe from the
environment. As one increases the magnification to about 40x, stomata—tiny pores
on the leaf surface—that are in charge of gas exchange become visible. These
minuscule formations are essential for controlling carbon dioxide and water vapor.
The individual cells become clearer as we use lenses greater than 100x to enlarge
the image of the microscopic world. The photosynthesis-related cellular organelles
called chloroplasts are conspicuous, looking like elaborate green gems inside the
cells. These chloroplasts are arranged in a complicated way that emphasizes the
leaf's capacity to absorb sunlight and transform it into energy. At 400x or higher
magnification, cellular organelles and structures can be observed in unprecedented
detail. It becomes clear how complex the network of the nucleus, cytoplasm, and
other organelles is. This degree of detail highlights the interdependence of
biological systems by revealing the cellular machinery that controls the leaf's
metabolic activities.
In conclusion, the startling complexity of a leaf's structure is shown by
microscopic analysis with the use of various lenses. Every level of magnification
provides a different viewpoint on the leaf's complex structure, from the
macroscopic view of veins and epidermis to the microscopic disclosure of
chloroplasts and cellular organelles. This investigation highlights the elegance and
complexity found in the seemingly simple leaf while also advancing our
knowledge of plant biology.
Examining a grasshopper's leg via a variety of microscope lenses reveals a
world of astounding complexity and unique adaptations. Lower magnifications
(around 10x) reveal the general anatomy of the leg, including its segments, joints,
and protective structures. As we increase the magnification, these findings lay the
groundwork for a closer look.
Finer details, such as sensory hairs and microscopic structures covering the
leg's surface, become visible when magnification is increased to 40x. The
grasshopper's ability to navigate and react to its surroundings depends heavily on
these sensory modifications. The grasshopper's compound eyes are visible at 100x
magnification, highlighting the integration of sensory functions in several leg
segments. Higher magnifications—400x or more—allow us to see individual cells
and cellular architecture clearly. The chitinous plates that make up the exoskeleton
show off its layered and robust structure. The leg's complex movements become
visible, revealing the biomechanical wonder of the grasshopper's locomotion:
muscle fibers. At these high magnifications, more investigation reveals unique
adaptations like the pulvilli, which are adhesive pads that allow the grasshopper to
stick to different surfaces. The appearance of microscopic features such as tarsal
claws, which are essential for grasping, highlights the leg's dual purpose of
providing both stability and movement.
In conclusion, examining the leg of a grasshopper via a variety of
microscope lenses reveals a complex interaction between structural adaptations at
different scales. Every level of magnification, from the macroscopic view of
jointed segments to the microscopic view of sensory hairs and cellular
components, adds to our comprehension of the leg's complex architecture. This
investigation highlights the evolutionary creativity built into the grasshopper's leg
for survival and mobility in its ecological niche in addition to advancing our
understanding of insect anatomy.

NOBLE, Vienz Ivan

Based on the experiment using a grasshopper leg and observing it under the
4 lenses of the microscope (10X, 40X, 100X, and 400X), it can be concluded that
each lens provides a different level of magnification and detail, allowing for a more
comprehensive understanding of the grasshopper leg's structure.
Under the 10X lens, the grasshopper leg appears slightly magnified,
providing a general overview of its features. At 40X, more details become visible,
such as individual hairs or segments of the leg. Moving to 100X, finer structures
like cells or tissue layers may become observable. Finally, at 400X, the highest
magnification reveals intricate details, such as individual cells, muscle fibers, or
even microorganisms present on the leg's surface.
Overall, the experiment demonstrates the importance of varying
magnification levels in microscopy for detailed examination and analysis of
biological specimens like the grasshopper leg.
In conclusion, the experiment involving the observation of a leaf under the
four lenses of a microscope (10X, 40X, 100X, and 400X) revealed varying levels
of detail and magnification at each level.
Under the 10X lens, the leaf appeared relatively large, and general structures
such as veins and stomata were visible. Moving to the 40X lens, finer details
became more apparent, including cell walls and chloroplasts within the leaf cells.
At 100X magnification, the cellular structures became even clearer, with individual
cells and their organelles becoming discernible. Finally, at 400X magnification, the
highest level of detail was achieved, allowing for a close examination of cell
nuclei, cell membranes, and other microscopic structures within the leaf tissue.
Overall, the experiment demonstrated the importance of different
magnification levels in microscopy for observing and understanding the intricate
details of biological specimens like leaves. Each lens provided a progressively
more detailed view, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the leaf's cellular
composition and structure.

PARDICO, Monna Grace

In conclusion, studying a grasshopper and a scratched leaf under a
microscope can provide important insights into the complex structures and
purposes of these living things.
While, experimenting these samples under a microscope allows us to
appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature at a microscopic level.
In a scratched leaf under a microscope, I noticed interesting details that are
not visible to my naked eye. The leaf's surface could seem uneven, rough, and full
of tiny scratches and flaws. The complex web of veins that carry nutrients and
water throughout the leaf can be seen under a microscope. When magnifying the
leg of a grasshopper, I see segments have tiny hairs.
The intricate patterns and textures of the leaf, as well as the detailed
anatomy of the grasshopper's leg, serve as a reminder of the extraordinary variety
and sophistication of life on Earth. We can learn more about the interdependence
and connectivity of all living things within an ecosystem by taking the time to
study and examine these samples.

TINGCANG, Cyrine Jane L.

After examining the grasshopper's leg and leaves under the microscope, it's
clear that there's a whole new world to discover even in the smallest of things.
Looking closely, we can see intricate details that are invisible to the naked eye. The
grasshopper's leg, for example, reveals tiny hairs and segments that help it move
and sense its surroundings. Similarly, the leaves show intricate patterns of veins
and cells that aid in photosynthesis, the process by which plants make their food.
It's fascinating to see how nature works on such a tiny scale, and it reminds us to
appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us.
In conclusion, observing the grasshopper's leg and leaves under the
microscope highlights the importance of curiosity and exploration in science. By
taking the time to look closely at even the most common objects, we can gain a
deeper understanding of the world and its workings. This experience serves as a
reminder that there is always more to learn and discover, encouraging us to
continue exploring the wonders of the natural world.

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