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Experiment Number: Experiment Title

ECE 2001, Date

Describe what was done and the purpose, including the laws or theories to be tested. Give
important results, including quantitative results. Discuss the significance of the results, make
recommendations, and describe the effects of experimental errors or component tolerances.
Be brief and do not exceed one-half page.

Introduce what was done, the purpose or motivation (such as the theories to be tested),
and the methods to be used.

Describe the relevant laws and theories. Use equations to explain these laws or theories.
Define all symbols in equations. Use figures or diagrams if appropriate. Give preparatory
calculations if applicable. Center and number equations:
V =IR , (1)

and define all symbols. Call out a figure before inserting it. (See figure 1 below.)

Figure 1. Each figure should have a number and a caption. These go below the figure.

Experimental Procedures

Describe all methods used, including the equipment used. Use diagrams rather than long
verbal descriptions to show connections and methods. Assume a general engineering audience
and don’t give tedious detail regarding the wiring of components.

Results and Discussion

Give all results including raw numerical data. Generally use tables for data. Give
derived/calculated quantities in tabulated form if appropriate. Present results in graphs which
are easy to understand and allow direct comparison of experimental and theoretical values.
Analyze departures between expected and measured results.
Table 1. Tables should have numbers 2
and captions, generally above each
f(x) = 0.632017908139291
1.5 x − 0.131413751189917
VR (V) IR (mA) 1
-2.93 -1.99
-2.33 -1.61
IR (mA)

-1.74 -1.27 0
-1.15 -0.84 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
-0.57 -0.49 -0.5
-0.28 -0.30 -1
0.30 0.07
0.62 0.27 -1.5
1.20 0.66 -2
1.80 1.03 VR (V)
2.39 1.39
2.97 1.68 Figure 2. Each graph should have labeled axes with
units. Generally use x-y scatter plots, not category
axes. Compare data to calculations or linear fits as

Give a brief description of what was done and what was found. Give recommendations for
improvements or further work and/or describe the effects of experimental errors, instrumental
effects, or component tolerances.

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