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Regina: Hiii guys, my name is Regina Johnson and I’m from The United States and I met my friend

Aby in the elementary school and Aby showed me the Mexican culture so we decided to create a
tour and they are our customers Mauricio and Julian

Ellos: Hiiiiii

Regi:Aby you can go out!

Aby: It’s meee hiii! my name is Abigail Delgado and I’m going to show you with regina the Angel de
la independencia and El Palacio de Bellas artes, here in Mexico City, so let’s start

Regina: perfect let’s start!

Se van al ángel (musica de cómo quién pierde una estrella)

Regina: At the left we have the angel de la independencia located in the roundabout located at the
confluence of Paseo de la Reforma Avenue and Río Tíber and Florencia streets.

Regina:It was inaugurated in 1910 by the president of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz, to commemorate the
Centenary of the beginning of Mexico war of independence, It is one of the most emblematic
monuments of the city and currently is used as a cultural icon

Aby: That’s so interesting thanks Regina

Aby: I hope that you like it, ok let’s go to the Palacio.

Regina: Yes, Aby let’s go

En camino al palacio ( musica de cielito lindo)

Aby: Here we are, The Palacio de Bellas Artes is a cultural enclosure located in the Historic Center
of Mexico City, considered the most important in the manifestation of the arts in Mexico and one
of the most renowned opera houses in the world and its construction was begun towards the end
of Porfirio Díaz's term on the occasion of the celebration of the centenary of the beginning of the
Independence of Mexico it have various scenarios and artistic spaces

Aby: Such as the Palace of Fine Arts Museum and the National Museum of Architecture. The first
permanently exhibits 17 mural works by seven national artists like Diego Rivera, David Alfaro
Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco, being the oldest in the country dedicated to national plastic
production. Likewise, it is the headquarters of the National Symphony Orchestra, the National
Opera Company and the nacional dance company

Aby: I have some tickets to see the murals

Regina: Thanks for the tickets Aby, let’s go to see the murals
Regina: This work is one of Diego Rivera's most monumental pieces. It is an immense group of
murals that occupies all the walls of the staircase of the National Palace of Mexico. Its execution
began in 1929 and culminated in 1935

Ellos: wow it’s so beautiful

Regina:Diego Rivera is one of the most famous artists in Mexico his wife was the painter Frida
Kahlo, he was a cubist and muralist, famous for capturing works of high political and social content
in public buildings.

Regina: This is so beautiful

Aby: Right here we have the paint of Jose Clemente Orozco named desfile Zapatista And this paint
was in the exposition of ZapataDespuésDeZapata and for this way we have the paint of David
Alfaro Siqueiros named del Porfirismo a la revolución

Ellos: I’m so hungry

Regina: All of this paints are beautiful but we are so hungry we need some Mexican food

Aby: Me too and I know an excellent place Named Mexico a tu cocina in we have a surprise we are
going to be in a program

Regina: Wow that’s incredible I’m excited

And is a program famous television show drived with the famous chefs Renata Hernandez and Gael
de la Rosa let’s go to the show ( en Camino Al set de grabación)

Aby: This song is from Luis Miguel named the Bikina and is a very popular song in Mexico

Aby: Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri is a well-known singer in Mexico and at fifteen years old he won a
Grammy becoming the youngest male artist to win this award

Regina: and is currently listed as one of the best Latin artists in history

Regina: It’s a beautiful song

Aby: this other song is for a very popular music group named Los Angeles Azules

Regina: Of the cumbia genre, originally from Mexico City. It was initially founded by four of eight
siblings known as the Mejía Avante Family in 1976, and has been officially active since 1980.

(Llegan al programa)

Regina: Ready we’re here

Aby: Hii Renata, hi Gael!

Sarita: hii ! You can be here and Watch the program

Gael: Yes, we will almost start the program

Gael: We start in three, two, one

Los dos: hiiii guys!

Sarita: welcome back to Mexico a tu Cocina season two!

Gael: In this season we are going to cook Mexican food

(Suena mexico en la piel)

Sarita: in this first program we have some special guests!

Gael: and they are going to taste our food

Sarita: Today we will cook tacos, guacamole, gorditas, churros and arroz con leche

Gael: And to accompany these excellent dishes refreshing water limonada, Jamaica and Horchata

Sarita: So let’s start

Sarita: Mexican cuisine has its origins in pre-Hispanic times, when the main ingredients of a long
list of dishes were corn, beans and chili and cocoa

Gael: It was with the arrival of the Spaniards that miscegenation came to our food, adding
ingredients such as: milk, wheat flour, chicken and beef. In addition, Spanish gastronomy itself had
a strong influence of Arab flavors, thanks to the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors

Sarita: With the passing of the years and the opening of new trade routes, hundreds of nations
around the world were contributing their own ingredients and products to Mexican food, resulting
in one of the cuisines Most varied from all over the world.

Sarita: To start, it's always good to start with a good entry like a good guacamole We need

Two avocados

One tomato

One onion

Some coriander leaves

A half of a lemon and

And a little bit of water

First we have to cut and stir the avocado and cut the tomato, onion and coriander leaves, mix
everything in the molcajete for mix I like mix with music

Gael: me too baila esta cumbia of Selena Quintanilla is one of my favorites

( Suena baila esta cumbia en lo que mezclan el guacamole)

and add the half of the lemon, and for last the water

For the tortilla chips we need the tortillas

First we have to cut the tortilla in triangles and fry them and we finished the tortilla chips you also
can also buy the tortilla chips already made in the supermarket

And ready we have our guacamole

Gael: one of my favorite desserts are the churros and I’m going to show how to prepare we need

370 ( three hundred seventh) ml of water

45 (forty five) grams of butter

250 ( two hundred fifty ) grams of flour without baking powder

2 eggs

Oil for frying

And for the chocolate sauce

100 ( one hundred) grams of organic cacao chocolate

And 50 (fifty) ml cream

Put the water with the butter in a pot, cook until the butter has melted
Add the flour until a dense mass is formed that comes off the pot
Remove the mixture from the heat and put it in a bowl.
Add the eggs and mix until integrated.
Heat oil in a deep pot.
Fill a pastry bag with the mixture of the churros.
Put 3 churros in the hot oil
Take them out of the oil and put them on

Absorbent paper

For the sauce

1. Put all the ingredients in a pot.

2. Cook over low heat, stirring until you have a homogeneous mixture.

Cocoa was a food of great importance in Aztec society and was also used as a bargaining chip.that
they called "tchocolatl", When the Spanish conquered Tenochtitlan they added sugar to the cacao,
that's how chocolate was created.

These are our churros

Sarita: other dishes very popular in the north of Mexico are the gorditas for the dough the
ingredients are

300 grams of flour

110 grams of butter

9 grams of baking powder, royal

2 eggs

For the frijoles

We fry four arbol peppers and then add the pre-cooked whole beans and fry them, put broth to
taste and let it boil

Prepare the dough by stirring all the ingredients

Heat a griddle. Meanwhile, form the gorditas, taking small balls of dough and flattening them.

Put them on the glean and when the banks are brown, turn them over and let the other side cook.

And We make a cut in the middle of the Gordita and fill them with beans.

Ready we have our Gorditas

Gael: Now I’m going to show you how to make arroz. Con leche a delicious dessert the ingredients
200( two hundred) of grams of long grain rice

100( one hundred) grams of sugar



150 ( one hundred fifty) grams of cream of milk

Caramel spread




The steps are this

Wash the rice with plenty of water to remove some of the starch.

Boil for 2 minutes in water with a pinch of salt.

Drain and wash again.

Heat the milk with the vanilla beans and cinnamon.

Add the rice and cook until it begins to soften.

Add the sugar, the cream, finish cooking and let cool.

Serve with dulce de leche or plums

And we finished this is our arroz con leche

Sarita:And the last dishes in this program are tacos of arrachera

We need







For the sauce



10 arbol peppers and


First we are going to doing the steak

First we season with salt and pepper And we roast it with charcoal and heat the tortilla

For the sauce

We heat oil in a pot we put 10 arbol peppers we fry then adding a fist of sesame we put the
tomato cut into slices and cover it, we wait for the tomato to soften and grind in the molcajete and
add salt and cilantro

We assemble our taco and add cheese and ready this is our taco

Gael: Now me and Renata are going to show you how to make, Jamaica and Horchata water

Sarita: for the Jamaica water We rinse the Jamaican flower to take out all the soil then we soak in
the water that is used and we go through a colander we put sugar and ice to taste and ready this is
the water

Gael : For the horchata water We soak rice with cinnamon for two hours then we blend it, we pass
it through a colander and we put milk, water, milk and sugar and ice to taste and to give a touch we
sprinkle cinnamon powder

Ready we have the horchata water

Sarita: Our diners will try our food

Ellos: mmmm delicious

Sarita: thank you so much for watch this program thanks too Regina and Aby for be here and my
best friend Gael for be here in every program

Aby: thank you for the invitation!

Regis: we had a incredible time!

Gael: see you at the next program!

Sarita: byeeeee!!!

Sarita:This is a other famous music in the north of Mexico named payaso the rodeo
Regina: and it has a really funny dance

( se ponen a bailar)

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