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Activity 1: Answer the following the questions, then look at the answers on the blackboard
and name the part of speech of these words.

1. Whom do you love the most in your life?

2. What kinds of pet do you like?
3. Where are you from?
4. What are there in your bedroom?
5. What month do you like in a year? Why?
6. Which is the most important in your life? Money, health, happiness or family?
7. What activities do you usually do in your free time?

A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a(n) person, animal, place, thing, time,
idea/concept or activity.
Ex: officer, tiger, Bien Hoa, pen, month, health, swimming

Practice 1: Underline all the nouns in this text, then say if these nouns refer to a(n) person,
animal, place, thing, time, idea/concept or activity.

A dog slipped off his leash one day and went for a walk in the woods. After a time, he met a wolf.
The dog said to the wolf, “Brother wolf, you look so thin! How can you be happy when you are so
thin? You should come to live with me and my master, Ms. Jane. I eat every day and I never want
for food.”
The wolf thought for a moment and replied, “Yes, you are right. Why should I be out here in the
wild hunting for small bites of food when someone else will give them to me? And you are so well
fed. Very well, I will come to live with you.”
“Good,” said the dog, “then follow me.”

Practice 2: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with nouns.

Ex: Did the ____cat_____ and the ____dog_____ make this _____mess_____?
1. …………………… is the strongest …………………… in our …………………… .
2. He always tries to tell the …………………… .
3. Are they visiting …………………… or …………………… ?
4. …………………… and …………………… are both …………………… .
5. Will you bring your …………………… to the …………………… ?


Nouns are classified according to the:

Meaning Structure Countability
+ common + simple + countable
Man, country, … bed, foot, … a car – cars
+ proper + compound a kiss – kisses
Tom, Singapore, … - closed form: bedroom, footwear, … an ant – ants
+ concrete - hyphenated form: son-in-law, … …………….
Chair, laptop, … - open form: phone number, … + uncountable
+ abstract baggage, wealth, …
Intelligence, charm, …
+ collective
Herd, group, …

 Notes:
A common noun: a word that refers to an object or a thing (not the name of a particular person,
place or thing.)
Ex: woman, country, city, bat, …

A proper noun: a word that is the name of a person, a place, an institution, etc. and is written with
a capital letter.
Ex: Tom, Mrs Jones, Vietnam, Italy, Rome, Texas, Louisville Slugger (a kind of bat), the Rhine,
the White House, …

A concrete noun: a word used for an actual thing you can touch, hold, see, taste, smell, feel, and
hear (a thing you interact with every day).
Ex: cake, table, chair, board, fan, …

An abstract noun: a noun that refers to an idea or a general quality, not to a physical object.
Ex: love, beauty, goodness, freedom, …

A collective noun: a singular noun that refers to a group of people, animals or things.
Ex: family, team, committee, group, …

A compound noun: a noun that is made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns in
English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives.
Ex: double room, firefly, sister-in-law, …

- Formation of compound nouns:

Noun + Noun toothpaste

Adjective + Noun monthly ticket
Verb + Noun swimming pool
Preposition + Noun underground
Noun + Verb haircut
Noun + Preposition hanger-on
Adjective + Verb dry-cleaning
Preposition + Verb Output
- See more at:

Practice 1: Identify the classification of the following nouns

Categories to classify
Base on meaning Base on structure Base on countability
man, girl, dog, cat, city,
………………. country, …
Mary, Tom, Dong Nai,
………………. Singapore, …
cake, house, computer,
……………… desk, …
idea, love, beauty,
……………… charm, loneliness, …
family, class, team,
……………… group, herb…
university, door,
……………… knowledge, …
boyfriend, grammar
………………. test, four-seat taxi, …
books, children, cars,
………………. beds, …
Milk, water,
………………. information, luggage, …

Practice 2: Decide whether the nouns in italics in the following sentences is common, proper,
concrete, abstract or collective. Above each noun, write C for common, P for proper, CON for
concrete, A for abstract and COL for collective.
1. My class is going to Bangalore next June.
2. The group of friends fell into the water of the river.
3. She said, “Your happiness is most important to your husband and daughter.”
4. His wealth is the envy of his friend.
5. Please pass the salt.

Practice 3: Fill in each blank with a suitable noun according to the meaning.
1. Whom do you look like most in your ……………..……?
2. I like to travel to ………………….
3. Can I pet your …………………?
4. My ………………. didn’t work. Can I borrow yours?
5. Smoking can damage your ……………………
6. A thousand of Japanese soldiers was attacked by a ……………. of alligators.
7. The old lady was stung by a ………………. of bees.

Practice 4: Decide whether the nouns in italics in the following sentences is simple or
compound. Above each noun, write S for simple, CF for close form, OF for open form and HF
for hyphenated form.
1. The tablecloth was soiled and the waiter removed it from the table.
2. Let’s just wait at this bus stop.
3. I love watching fireflies on warm summer nights.
4. While you’re at the store, please pick up some toothpaste, a six-pack of ginger ale, and some
egg rolls.
5. We organize a full moon party on the top floor of this building.
6. Please erase the blackboard for me.
7. Checkout is at noon.
8. Please remember to schedule your dog’s annual check-up.

Practice 5: Fill in each blank with a noun according to the structure.

1. I like to watch …………… ………..
2. My …………………….. is very handsome.
3. Students often play ……………………… in the ………………….. after school.
4. It’s cold, please turn off the ………………………
5. There is some coffee on my white shirt. I have to go to the ………………….. because my
…………………………. stops working.

Practice 6: Say whether the italicized nouns are common, proper, collective or abstract. Put a
tick (V) against your answer.

1. The jury has announced its verdict.

a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
2. Sharon makes models from clay.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
3. Donald took out his pen and began to make notes.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
4. The crocodiles in the river snapped angrily at the boat.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
5. The boys on bicycles delivered pamphlets.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
6. Cleopatra was known for her beauty.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
7. Always speak the truth.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
8. The Nile overflows its banks every year.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
9. I believe in his innocence.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective
10. The elephant has great strength.
a) Common b) Proper c) Abstract d) Collective

 Countable and uncountable nouns

1. Countable nouns: are ones that can be used in the plural form or singular form with “a” or
“an”, and counted as one, two, three, …
Ex: a book - two books, one person - three people/persons, a child - ten children, …
Note: “A” and “an” can only be used with singular countable nouns while “the” can be used with
all kinds of nouns. “A” is used in nouns beginning with a consonant and “an” is used in nouns
beginning with a vowel.
Ex: - a pen, a house, a university, an umbrella, …
- an apple, an hour, an heir, …
 Nouns: Plural forms
+ Rules of adding “s/es” to make plural nouns
- Generally, we add “s” into singular nouns to make plural forms.
Ex: A book - two books, a plate - two plates, …
- If the last sound of the word is [p, t, k, f], “s” is pronounced /s/
Ex: Cakes, lips, plates, photographs, …
- If the last sound of the word is a vowel or one of the following consonants /b, g, n, l, d, v, m, or
r/, “s” is pronounced /z/.
Ex: seas, pens, walls, doors, bags, jobs, …
- If the word ends in “s, ss, sh, ch, z, or x”; or the last sound of the word is /s, z, ʃ, ʒ, ʧ, ʤ/, we
add “es” into the word and “es” is pronounced /iz/.
Ex: A bus - two buses, a glass - two glasses, a match - two matches, a dish - two dishes, a box -
two boxes, a quiz - two quizzes.
- However, if the final “ch” is pronounced /k/, we add “s” only.
Ex: A monarch - two monarchs, a stomach - two stomachs
- Some nouns that end in “o”, add “es” to form plural.
Ex: echoes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, …
- Some nouns that end in “o”, add only “s” to form plural.
Ex: autos, kilos, memos, photos, pianos, radios, solos, sopranos, studios, tattoos, videos, zoos
- Some nouns that end in “o”, add either “es” or “s” to form plural.
Ex: mosquitoes/mosquitos tornadoes/tornados
Volcanoes/volcanos zeroes/zeros
- Some nouns end in “f” or “fe” are changed to “ves” in the plural form.
Calf-calves leaf-leaves self-selves wolf-wolves
Half-halves life-lives shelf-shelves scarf-scarves
Knife-knives loaf-loaves thief-thieves
Belief-beliefs chief-chiefs
cliff-cliffs roof-roofs proof-proofs
- Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms.
Deer, fish, means, series, sheep, species
- Some nouns that English has borrowed from other languages have foreign plurals.
Criterion-criteria analysis-analyses bacterium-bacteria
Phenomenon-phenomena basis-bases curriculum-curricula
Crisis-crises datum-data appendix-appendices/appendixes
Cactus-cacti/cactuses hypothesis-hypotheses medium-media
Stimulus-stimuli oasis-oases memorandum-memoranda
Syllabus-syllabi/syllabuses parenthesis-parentheses thesis-theses
Formula-formulae/formulas index-indices/indexes
Vertebra-vertebrae (đốt sống)
+ Irregular plural nouns
Man-men child-children mouse-mice
Woman-women ox-oxen louse-lice
Foot-feet goose-geese ………….

Practice 1: Make the plural form of these nouns.

A car
A watch
A stomach
A potato
A radio
A volcano
A leaf
A wife
A roof
A sheep
A species
A mouse

Practice 2: Fill in the blanks with plural nouns. You can add some extra words to make
1. How many ………………… do you have?
2. I spent ……………….. to fix this house.
3. I have …………………………………..
4. Have you …………………………………?
5. When you go shopping, please …………………….

Practice 3: Correct the mistakes in the use of nouns in each sentence.

1. In summer, a lot of leaf fall down from the tree.
2. There are many sheeps on the field.
3. Child like to eat ice cream.
4. In the rainy season, we should exterminate mosquito in our house or surrounding area.
5. The mountain in Chile are beautiful.
6. Cat hunt mouse.
7. Mosquito are small insect.
8. Everyone has eyelash.
9. Goose are larger than duck.
10. What are your favorite radio program?
11. Forest sometimes have fire. Forest fire endanger wild animal.
12. Sharp kitchen knife can be dangerous weapon.
13. Good telephone manner are important.
14. I bought two theater ticket for the Thursday evening’s performance of A Doll’s House.
15. Our daily life has changed in many way in the past one hundred year. We no longer need to
use oil lamp or candle in our house.
16. There are approximately 250,000 different kind of flower in the world.
17. Newspaper reporter have high pressure job.
18. I applied to several foreign university because I want to study abroad next year.
19. Ted lives with three other university student.

2. Uncountable nouns: are always in singular form without “a” or “an”, and cannot be counted as
one, two, three, … Here are common kinds of uncountable nouns.

a. Whole groups made up of similar items: baggage, clothing, equipment, food, fruit,
furniture, garbage, hardware, jewelry, junk (old things), luggage, machinery, mail, makeup,
money/cash, change, postage, scenery, traffic, …
b. Fluids: water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, …
c. Solids: ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool, …
d. Gases: steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, smog, pollution, …
e. Particles: rice, chalk, corn, dust, flour, grass, hair, pepper, salt, sand, sugar, wheat, …
f. Abstractions: beauty, confidence, courage, education, enjoyment, fun, happiness, health,
help, honesty, hospitality, importance, intelligence, laughter, justice, knowledge, recreation,
luck, music, patience, peace, pride, progress, significance, sleep, truth, violence, wealth,
advice, information, news, evidence, proof, time, space, energy, homework, work, grammar,
slang, vocabulary, …
g. Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, …
h. Fields of study: Chemistry, engineering, history, psychology, …
i. Recreation: baseball, soccer, chess, …
j. General activities: driving, studying, swimming, traveling, …
k. Natural phenomena: weather, dew, fog, hail, heat, humidity, lightning, rain, snow, wind,
darkness, light, sunshine, electricity, fire, gravity, …

Practice 1: Identify which underlined nouns are countable or uncountable.

1. The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun.
2. Be careful! The water is deep.
3. The parade included fire trucks and police cars.
4. We like the large bottles of mineral water.
5. My mother uses real butter in the cakes she bakes.
6. How many politicians does it take to pass a simple law?
7. Most kids like milk, but Joey hates it.
8. Most pottery is made of clay.
9. Michael can play several different musical instruments.
10. I was feeling so stressed that I ate an entire box of cookies.

Practice 2: Choose the correct word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D to complete each

1. Sam bought a lot of __________ for his new apartment.
A. new furnitures
B. new furniture
C. old furnitures
D. a furniture

2. Old Mother Hubburd had _____________.

A. much childs
B. many children
C. much childrens
D. many childs

3. Max gave the police a lot of __________ about his brother, the terrorist.
A. information
B. Informations
C. updated informationes
D. some information

4. A lot of __________ require that you take regular drug tests.

A. jobs
B. job
C. high-paid job
D. new job

5. How __________ do you have?

A. much moneys
B. many money
C. many moneys
D. much money

6. Jill gave Jack __________ advice about climbing hills.

A. an
B. many
C. some
D. a

7. Bozo has a lot of good ___________.

A. ideas
B. idea
C. ideal
D. idealism

8. Max likes a lot of __________ in his soup.

A. salts
B. salt
C. salty
D. saltes

9. Max listens to a lot of __________.

A. music
B. musics
C. musical
D. musices

10. How _____________ people are coming to the party?

A. some
B. much
C. many
D. any

11. It was not until the 1950s that an effective……………for that virus was found.
A. Injection B. solution C. vaccine D. method

12. There are many………… their house.

A. mouses B. mice C. mices D. mouse
13. Several……………….sleeping under the tree over there.
A. of lions are B. of lions is C. lions are D. lions is

14. When I visited my uncle, he gave me…………………. .

A. two kilos of rice B. two kiloes of rice
C. two kilos of rices D. two rice kilos

15. Every morning, he eats……………………..before going to work.

A. two loafs of bread B. two loaves of breads
C. two loaves of the brea d D. two loaves of bread

16. Her uncle raises a lot of………………on his farm.

A. sheeps B. sheep C. the sheep D. the sheeps

17. All of the drivers in that taxi-company are……………….. .

A. women-driver B. woman-drivers C. women-drivers D. drivers-women

18. Construction workers need………………to build a highway.

A. a few heavy equipments B. a heavy equipment
C. heavy equipment D. heavy equipments

19. Travel is as a………………of education.

A. mean B. means C. meaning D. one means

20. You have to pay extra tax if you take too……………………with you.
A. many luggages B. many luggage C. much luggages D. much luggage

21. ……………………in your class have tickets for the concert tonight?
A. Do any of the student B. Does any of the student
C. Do any of the students D. Does any of the students

22. What…………………you used to pick a winner in the art contest?

A. are criterions B. is the criteria C. are the criterion D. are the criteria

Practice 3: Put the following words in the following two columns: count and uncountable
nouns, then make sentences with these nouns.

book lemonade sugar milk pen pair chair

meat pencil butter bread jam friend advice
finger chocolate oil rice salt house cheese
beer tea tennis tomato ice honey carrot


Practice 4: Fill in the blank after each expression of quantity with an appropriate noun.
If both a regular noun and a collective noun can be used with the quantity,
give an example of each.
Ex: a lot of problems / time
1. a few _______________________________________________
2. a little ______________________________________________
3. many _______________________________________________
4. six _________________________________________________
5. several ______________________________________________
6. much _______________________________________________
7. some _______________________________________________
8. little ________________________________________________
9. few ________________________________________________

Practice 5: Underline the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence.
1. The new puppy has brought me much / many happiness.
2. Jerusalem is like other major cities that have much / many traffic.
3. Last night at the party, I met a little / some people who spoke French.
4. Cuba is great. There are much / many beaches to discover, and there is plenty of entertainment.
5. Reading is good. I have gotten much / many knowledge from books, and I have learned about all
sorts of things.
6. I bought four bread / loaves at the supermarket.
7. Even after paying for the movie rental, he still had a few / a little money to spend.
8. They are among the few / much people to have survived.
9. I think it is rather strange that we don’t hear much / many news from them anymore.
10. We have all probably made a little / a few progress in English spelling.

 Cases in which “the” must be used:

- With definite nouns (We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the
hearer/reader knows exactly what we are referring to.)
Ex: - Please turn off the fans (the fan in this room = a particular fan, not every fan or fans in
- The man with long hair is an artist.
- The place where I was born is Vinh Cuu district.
- The monitor of our class is Trung.
- I saw a man this morning. The man looked like a thief.
- With unique objects
Ex: The earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, the sea, the ocean, the world, the universe, the equator,

- Before certain names of rivers, groups of islands, chains of mountains, deserts, canals…
Ex: The Red river, the Nile, the Alps, the Sahara, the Panama…
- Before the names of ships, seas:
Ex: The Titanic, the Pacific, the Mediterranean, …
- Before the names of countries that have plural form or “ Republic”, “Kingdom”, “States” or
have more than one word in the names (except Great Britain)
Ex: The United States of America, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, …
- With ordinal numbers, superlatives and “only”
Ex: The first/second, … time; the best student, the only way, …
- Before musical instruments
Ex: I can play the guitar/ the violin/ the piano/ the flute, …
- In directions
Ex: The West, the East, the North, the South, …
- In certain expressions
Ex: In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, …
- “The” + adj and “the” + nationality” (plural meaning)
Ex: The rich, the young, the elderly, the homeless, the French, the American, …

Practice 1: Put “a”, “an” or “the” into the blanks.

1. I bought ……… pair of shoes.
2. Have you ever been to ……….. United States.
3. Is ……………. moon round on …………… 16th of each month.
4. Look at …………. woman over there! She is ………. English actress.
5. That is …………… girl I told you about.
6. ………. night is quiet. Let's take ………… walk!
7. ……………. price of gas keeps rising.
8. The are a lot of river monsters in …………….. Amazon.
9. England has ……….. famous ship which is called …………. Queen Mary.
10. Sara can play ………….. guitar.

Practice 2: Use “a”, “an”, or “the” and nouns to complete these sentences.
1. I have got …………………..
2. Is she ……..………………………?
3. I'm ……………….
4. When you go to the supermarket, could you get me ……………………..?
5. What …………………..………..!
6. Please give me ……………….
7. I can’t see ……………….
8. There is ……………………………..

 Cases in which “the” can not be used:

- In general speaking
Ex: - Books are useful.
- Water is extremely necessary for our life.
- Before names of proper places except the ones mention above, or before names of proper people
Ex: - Bien Hoa city, France, Korea, …
- Ms. Nam, Mr. John, Mrs. Hanh, …
- Before meals
Ex: Students usually have bread or noodle for breakfast.
- Before sports
Ex: We like playing football/volleyball/ basketball, …
- Before “home, bed, church, hospital, prison, court, school, university, work,…”
Ex: - He rarely stays at home on Sundays.
- They go to church every weekend.
- Before names of subjects at school or university
Ex: My favorite subjects at school are literature, history, and English. I’m not good at chemistry
and physics.
- Before nouns followed by cardinal numbers.
Ex: We usually learn in room G102.
- Before abstract nouns
Ex: People fear for death.
- Before a noun in the possessive case, or a possessive adjective
Ex: - The man’s wife looks older than him.
- This is my house.

Practice 1: Put “a”, “an” , “the” or “X” into the blanks.

Dear Judy,
Sorry that I didn't email you earlier to tell you about …..... trip, but I've had ….. bunch of things
to do since we got back. We had ….. fantastic time in ….. South Africa. Although this is ….. first
time I've ever traveled to ….. foreign country, I feel confident saying that it's one of ….. most
beautiful places on ….. planet.
We began ….. trip in ….. Cape Town as you suggested. It's such ….. romantic city. And I'm so
glad you recommended that we take ….. cable car up ….. Table Mountain. While we were taking in
........ spectacular views, we met ….. old man who runs ….. lodge just outside ….. Kalahari
National Park. He invited us to stay in ….. lodge for free, so we rented ….. Expensive car and
slowly drove up ….. West Coast to ….. park and spent our time exploring ….. Kalahari Desert.
What ….. adventure!
Take care,


1. Subject of a verb
Ex: Children like candy.
2. Direct object of a verb
Ex: I bought a car yesterday.
3. Indirect object of a verb
Ex: I lent my friend some money yesterday.
4. Subject complement (after linking verbs)
Ex: - You are students.
- They still stay friends after the argument.
5. Object complement
Ex: They consider this place their house.
6. Object of preposition
Ex: She is shouting at his children.
7. An appositive
Ex: - We men don’t want to be talkative.
- My father, a farmer, is 60 years old.
8. A noun modifier
Ex: I want to buy some tea cups.
9. A verb modifier (as an adverb)
Ex: He quit his job a week ago.
10. In possessive case
Ex: - My father’s hobby is watching football.
- My friends’ jobs are all good.

Practice 1: Identify the function of the underlined nouns in the following sentences and write
your answer on the line below each one.
1. Children like candy.
2. I bought a car yesterday.
3. I lent my friend some money yesterday.
4. They still stay friends after the argument.
5. They consider this place their house.
6. She is shouting at his children.
7. My father, a farmer, is 60 years old.
8. I want to buy some tea cups.
9. He quit his job a week ago.
10. My father’s hobby is watching football.
11. What did her mother say to him?
12. In a loud voice, they called him a liar.
13. My cat, Billy, has a brown spot on the end of his tail.
14. By lunchtime, several customers near the entrance had signed the contracts on the registration
15. In the corner of the room sat two enormous men from Italy.
16. They have kept their friendship for more than ten years.
17. Could you give me your phone number?
18. I went to Da Nang and some places in the Central of Vietnam last year.
19. My sister’s boyfriend gave my mother a gift at the first meeting.
20. Lan’s boyfriend is a manager of production department.

Practice 2: Underline the subject (S) in each sentence.

1. Children ought to be more careful.
2. Water is good for you.
3. Prague is an amazing and historic Eastern European city.
4. The furry, clean, calm cat slept on the couch.
5. The furry, clean, calm, black cat ran outside.

Practice 3: Complete these sentences

1. What …………………………………………?
2. We have become ……………………………
3. They appointed ……………………………
4. I’m interested …………………………………
5. My father, ……………………………………
6. My boyfriend gave …………………………………
7. He left ……………………………………………
8. Getting up early is ………………………………

Practice 4: Write 5 sentences about yourself, all of which include nouns/ noun phrases, and
then identify their kinds (countable or uncountable) and their functions.
Ex: My name is Hoang.
+ My name: countable noun/ subject
+ Hoang: proper noun/ subject complement


Noun-forming suffixes
1. -ER: speaker, worker
2. -OR: sailor, tailor
3. -EE: employee, trustee
4. -IST: socialist, scientist
5. -ANT: servant, observant
6. -NESS: happiness, sickness
7. -TION: solution, application
8. - SION: extension, compassion
9. -ANCE: assistance, importance
10. -MENT: development, employment
11. -ADE: lemonade, brigade (lữ đoàn)
12. -ACY: accuracy, efficacy (hiệu lực)
13. -ENT: president, resident
14. -AGE: postage, passage
15. -AL: arrival, approval
16. -ESS: tigress, authoress
17. -URE: departure, exposure
18. -ISM: realism, materialism
19. -SIS: basis, crisis
20. -ENCE: dependence, independence
21. -ENCY: agency, fluency
22. -SHIP: friendship, scholarship
23. -DOM: freedom, kingdom
24. -HOOD: childhood, neighborhood
25. -Y: jealousy, courtesy
26. -ICE: justice, notice
27. -ERY: bakery, robbery


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