Argus Weekly Report - 5-9-2022

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by Mark Arbeter, CMT Week of May 9, 2022


Thursday, May 5, was a brutal day for stocks, especially following the strong gains of the day
Name.......... Occidental Petroleum
before (following the FOMC meeting). Risk On. Risk Off. It never seems to end! The S&P 500
is back near its closing lows after cratering 3.6%, its worst day since April 29. NYSE breadth Ticker.........................................OXY
was horrible at -2,725. NYSE declining volume/total volume and declining issues/total issues Share Price........................... $64.89
both registered 90% days, a pretty good washout, at least for a day. On May 6, the major indices
closed far off their lows, offering some “good” news. Recommended Strategy
Trade Type.................BUY CALLS
Thursday was the most-lopsided day for NYSE declines in almost two years. That is probably
the type of action needed to clear the decks and allow for an eventual intermediate-term bottom. Exp. Date............................6/17/22
The percentage of “500” stocks above their 200-day moving average was 7% on Thursday, the Strike Price..........................$70.00
weakest reading since the pandemic low. We have been worried about poor market breadth for
some time, as major pieces of a correction or bear market occur when this reading is below 45%.
OXY had a massive recovery from
The next point of support for the “500” is the 100-week average at 4,040, almost hit intraday November 2020 until March 2021,
on Friday, and then a 38.2% retracement of the rally since the pandemic targets 3,800. A 50% rising to $32 from $9. The shares
giveback as well as the 200-week average are near 3,500. The size of the current rectangle then went sideways, trading in a
is 485 points. A strong break to the downside and out of the trading range could result into a range between $22 and $36 for
measured move to 3,630. almost a year. In February 2022,
the stock broke out of the bullish
The Nasdaq plunged 5% on Thursday (its worst day since June 2020) and another 1.4% on Fri- consolidation, traced out a flag back
day. The next potential support is a FIBO retracement of 50% of the rally since the pandemic low, to its 21-day exponential average,
targeting 11,400. A downside target based on the size of the trading range comes in at 10,605. and then spiked higher in late Feb-
ruary, ultimately peaking on March
We thought yields would turn lower after the FOMC meeting, but the 10-year popped to 3.1% 21 in the low $60s. Over the past
on Friday, with short rates back up as well. six weeks, OXY has drifted side-
With volatility rising, selling put options on former leaders seemingly is attractive. ways back to its rising 50-day. Over
the past few days, the shares have
recovery highs. Relative strength
High put/call (P/C) levels are a sign of fear (bullish from a contrarian view), while low P/C versus the “500” has been strong
levels are a sign of complacency (bearish from a contrarian view). The trend of P/Cs is more since October 2020.
important than absolute levels. When the intermediate- to longer-term trend of P/Cs is lower,
it is bullish for stocks. When the trend is higher, it is bearish for stocks from an intermediate-/
longer-term basis.

Last Signal: This P/C is bullish for the short term.

Long-term P/C: The 21-day P/C is bearish for the intermediate term.


This is a smart money indicator, so it’s best to follow these investors.

Last signal: This P/C is neutral for the short term.

A R G U S R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y • 6 1 B R O A D W A Y • N E W Y O R K, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 6

Argus Covered Call Strategies

The below strategies, in addition to being selected based on proprietary options screening criteria using Argus ratings and target
prices, are screened on two additional characteristics:
* A beta lower than 1.2, indicating moderate- to low-volatility and thus lower likelihood of the underlying security being called; and
* An Argus Financial Strength Score of at least Medium-High, indicating a healthy balance sheet and the tendency of having a stock buyback program
that provides support for the shares to minimize downside during the strike period.


Current Recommended Strike Annualized Financial
Name Ticker Share Price Exp. Date Strike Price Price Return Beta Strength Score
Adobe Inc. ADBE $391.01 6/3/22 $390 $21.35 65.4% 1.18 High
Apple Inc. AAPL $157.28 6/3/22 $160 $4.90 63.2% 1.06 High
Bank of America Corp. BAC $37.45 6/3/22 $37 $1.79 46.6% 1.17 Medium-High
Caterpillar Inc. CAT $214.65 6/3/22 $210 $11.70 39.6% 0.89 Medium-High
Chipotle Mexican Grill CMG $1,354.53 6/3/22 $1,350 $71.00 58.6% 1.07 Medium-High
EBay Inc. EBAY $48.81 6/3/22 $48 $2.71 46.1% 1.16 Medium-High
Home Depot Inc. HD $294.31 6/3/22 $290 $16.35 47.9% 0.90 Medium-High
Mastercard Inc. MA $347.12 6/3/22 $345 $16.50 51.9% 1.08 High
Moderna Inc. MRNA $134.40 6/3/22 $130 $15.05 84.4% 0.94 Medium-High
Nike Inc. NKE $114.49 6/3/22 $114 $5.75 58.6% 1.08 High
S&P Global Inc. SPGI $345.76 6/3/22 $345 $12.70 38.8% 0.92 Medium-High
Unitedhealth Group Inc. UNH $499.62 6/3/22 $495 $20.35 36.9% 0.94 Medium-High
Zoetis Inc. ZTS $169.21 6/3/22 $170 $7.10 34.3% 0.89 Medium-High

Pre-Earnings Call Buying Strategies

The strategies below are screened based on Argus fundamental research analysts having an above-consensus view on near-term
earnings announcements. The call purchase is intended to enable the buyer to take advantage of expected positive price action
following the release of the company’s earnings.


Current Recommended Strike EPS
Name Ticker Share Price Exp. Date Strike Price Price Report Date
Walmart Inc. WMT $149.56 5/20/22 $148 $4.70 5/17/22
Analog Devices Inc. ADI $156.13 5/20/22 $155.00 $6.00 5/18/22
Cisco Systems Inc. CSCO $49.33 5/13/22 $49.00 $1.83 5/18/22
TJX Companies, Inc. TJX $60.41 5/20/22 $60.00 $2.25 5/18/22

ETF Options Plays

In this table, we provide recommended call options strategies on the S&P 500, as well as other prominent and liquid ETFs.


Current Recommended Strike Annualized
Name Ticker Share Price Exp. Date Strike Price Price Return Risk level
S&P 500 Index SPY $411.34 5/16/22 $409 $8.01 51.3% Low
Russell 2000 IWM $182.58 5/18/22 $180 $5.49 50.0% Low
Invesco Nasdaq QQQ QQQ $309.25 5/16/22 $306.00 $8.55 64.3% Moderate
Financials Sector SPDR xlf $34.74 6/10/22 $34.00 $1.60 27.1% Moderate
Technology Sector SPDR XLK $140.00 5/20/22 $140.00 $3.82 62.0% Moderate
Energy Sector SPDR XLE $82.92 5/20/22 $83.00 $2.08 69.8% Moderate

A R G U S R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y • 6 1 B R O A D W A Y • N E W Y O R K, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 6

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A R G U S R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y • 6 1 B R O A D W A Y • N E W Y O R K, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 6

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