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kIEEN Government Gouvernement CANADIAN = 'D•■ ■ ASSOCIATION Geomatics Industry L'Association Canadienne
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» Geomatics



Technology Roaclmap:

Special Report

Industry Canada
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Government of Canada
Canadian Institute of Geomatics
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada

November 1998
Geomatics Technology Roadmap: Special Report is available electronically on the
Industry Canada Strategis web site at:

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To obtain additional information about the Geomatics Technology Roadmap, please contact:
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Industry Canada) 1998

Cat. No. C21-29/2-1998E
ISBN 0-662-27352-4
ISSN 0381-7733

Aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Carte routière technologique pour la géomatique :
Rapport spécial.

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The Canadian geomatics industry is once again entering an exciting period of rapid growth that
promises great benefits to firms that can identify future markets and seize the prime opportunities
they offer.

Innovation is the key to success in constantly evolving market situations. The Geomatics
Technology Roadmap is an outstanding first step toward ensuring that appropriate and critical
technologies are developed. This in turn will drive the creation of new applications and required
solutions to business problems that will allow Canada and Canadian companies to effectively
capture new and expanding markets.

This Geomatics Technology Roadmap presents an exceptional means for charting future
market direction, technological innovation, research and development and technology transfer,
technological forecasting, and the strategic choices that need to be made in the geomatics industry.
It highlights the driving forces of technology development and presents valuable tools for assessing
the direction of the technological improvement within geomatics and related industry sectors that
rely upon the use of geospatially referenced data.

Another key to success in the evolving marketplace is the formation of dynamic partnerships
among public and private sector organizations. These partnerships were critical to the development
of the Geomatics Technology Roadmap and will be equally crucial to its evergreening. Through
the continued addition of valuable information and dialogue between stakeholders, an evergreen
roadmap will be important in setting policy and planning objectives for both industry
and government.

By successfully completing this first edition of the Geomatics Technology Roadmap we have
already achieved a more collaborative working relationship among partners in both industry
and government, and with innovators in the academic community. Ultimately, we hope that our
partnering efforts will result in a more coordinated and productive geomatics industry sector.

We would like to acknowledge the full support of the Geomatics Industry Association of Canada,
the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, all persons involved in the regional roadmap consultations,
and the Technology Roadmap Steering Committee for making this Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Kevin G. Lynch Jean C. McCloskey

Deputy Minister Deputy Minister
Industry Canada Natural Resources Canada

Geomatics Technology Roadmap


Industry Canada and its partners wish to acknowledge the contribution and support of the individuals
who made this report possible.

Technology Roadmap Steering Committee:

Neil Anderson Nautical Data International Inc.
Robert Batterham Management Consulting in Geomatics Inc.
Dr. M. Elizabeth Cannon University of Calgary
Mark Corey Natural Resources Canada
Dr. Hugh Gwyn Université de Sherbrooke
Ed Kennedy Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
Guilio Maffini SHL Vision Solutions
Dr. John McLaughlin University of New Brunswick
Dr. Robert Moses PCI Enterprises

All those who participated in Technology Roadmap consultations and in particular:

Daood Aidroos PRECARN
Clark Beattie Linnet Geomatics International Inc.
Heather Campbell Champlain Institute
Dave Cobey Magma Communications
Jean-Claude Croteau Gendron Lefebvre Tecsult Inc.
Denis Daoust Gendron Lefebvre Tecsult Inc.
Tim Evangelatos Canadian Hydrographic Service
Stephen Fanjoy SHL Vision Solutions
Bruce Fox Chateau International
Janet Honig Queen's University
Jeff Labonté Natural Resources Canada
Jean-Noël Lechasseur Gendron Lefebvre Tecsult Inc.
Gordon McElravy Autodesk Canada Inc.
David McPherson Datahorse Inc.
Tony Muffin NovAtel Inc.
Dr. Udo Nielsen Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.
Kevin O'Neill RADARSAT International
Mike Pastushak PCI Geomatics Group Inc.
Philippe Poitras Centre de développement de la géomatique
Brian Stecyk Rose Country Communications Ltd.
Dr. Fraser Taylor Carleton University
Rowland Tinline Queen's University
Jeff Tracey PCI Geomatics Group Inc.
A special note of thanks goes to the Centre de développement de la géomatique and to Gendron Lefebvre
Tecsult Inc. for their assistance in ensuring that the technical language matched in both the French and
English versions of the Roadmap.
Credits for the cover photos:
Canmosi photo, courtesy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
U.S. Department of Commerce.

RADARSAT photo, courtesy of the Canadian Space Agency.

Landsat-spot ortho-image of Vancouver, courtesy of Pacific Geomatics Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia.



Introduction 1

Methodology 2

Major Trends 3

Markets 5
1 Natural Resources 5
2 Environment 6
3 Property 6
4 Infrastructure (Engineering, Construction, Transportation and Utilities) 7
5 Health 9
6 Emergency Preparedness and Defence 10
7 Business Geographies 11
8 Education and Entertainment 13
9 Society/Consumer 14

Technologies 15
1 Navigation and Positioning 15
2 High-resolution Sensing 16
3 Image Analysis 18
4 Geographic Information Systems 19
5 Data Visualization 20
6 Database Management 21
7 Communications and Distribution 22
8 Geospatial Data and Infrastructure 23
9 User Applications and Solutions 25
10 Miniaturization 25
11 Embedded Technologies 26

The Technology Scanning Process 27

1 Methodology 27
2 Results 27
3 Observations 28

Conclusion 29

Appendixes 31
Appendix A: Steering Connnittee Participants 31
Appendix B: Workgroup Participants 33
Appendix C: Technology Scanning in the Geomatics Industry 38
Appendix D: Glossary 45

INTRODUCTION as well as on challenges facing the sector.

The critical importance of technology-related
issues to this industry became evident early on
in the development of these documents. At this
To help make the Canadian geomatics sector time, the feasibility of a Technology Roadmap
the world's prefened source of supply for its for the industry was investigated.
geomatics-related needs.
Drawing on the experience gained from the
process of writing the Sector Competitiveness
Frameworks and on advice from a steering
The Technology Roadmap (TRM) initiative committee, which was headed by Dr. John
is a consultative process designed to assist McLaughlin of the University of New
the geomatics industry, its associations, gov- Brunswick and which comprised industry
ernment and academia jointly to identify the stakeholders from the private sector, govern-
market segments that will be the source of the ment and academia (see Appendix A for a list
geomatics industry's growth in the next five of steering committee participants), Industry
to ten years, and to identify the critical tech- Canada began to work on development of a
nologies required to produce the goods and TRM process for the geomatics industry in
services demanded by these markets. This the summer of 1997. In cooperation with the
document will serve as a base discussion Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
paper for developing a set of recommended and Geomatics Canada, a series of consulta-
actions to ensure that the Canadian geomatics tions were held in Vancouver, Calgary, Regina,
industry is technologically prepared to address Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and
future market demands. Halifax during the fall of 1997, which
involved more than 100 sector representatives
(see Appendix B for a list of workgroup par-
ticipants). The goal of these consultations
To provide public and private sector decision was to gain an understanding of what the
makers with information about industry views stakeholders believed to be the industry's key
on future market-driven technology needs future markets and critical technologies and
and to facilitate related investment, training to capture the sector's perspective on this
and policy deCisions as well as to guide the industry-led, govemment-facilitated document.
industry's new research agenda. The production of this document represents
the successful completion of this goal.
The TRM is based on geomatics industry-
In mid-1997, Industry Canada released its specific information and, in today's evolving,
Sector Competitiveness Frameworks study highly competitive environment in which
on Geomatics: Part 1 — Overview and "domestic" markets have been replaced by .
Prospects (Ottawa: Industry Canada, 1997). "global" markets, this information changes
Part 2 — Framework for Action in the saine continuously. Accordingly, the TRM concept
series is scheduled for completion in the involves an ongoing, iterative process, charac-
coming months. These documents provide terized by increasing industry involvement
an overview of the industry in terms of trade, and commitment with information that is con-
technology, investment, human resources tinuously updated and by criteria for decision
and sustainable development. They focus on making that are scrutinized and revisited.
opportunities, both domestic and international,
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Inn El11 O DOLOQV Figure 1 — Technology Roadmap:

Major Steps
The Technology Roadmap process consists
of three basic steps. First, the industry's market Step 1: Market
Develop market requirements
requirements are determined. Second, the (demand side) forecast for

impact of these requirements on the sector's industry sector products for

the 2001-2005 time frame
products and services is considered, particu- f
larly in relation to opportunities to innovate. Step 2: Products

Third, this information is used to determine Determine the implications

of the market requirements
what are and will be the critical technologies for industry sector
products (supply side)
needed to address identified market require-
ments. In order to gain the maximum benefit Step 3: Technology

from this process, the TRM must be kept Examine the key/official
echnologies which will be
"evergreen" through periodic review, not only required to develop,
manufacture and support
of the industry's market requirements but also those products which

of the impact of technological advances on the vvill satisfy the

market requirements
sector's goods and services. Figure 1 presents document

a graphical representation of the process, which Periodic iteration ,

is very much an iterative/interactive one.

- ...........

In an effort to analyze this issue set in a realis-

tic context, a technology scanning approach each problem based on their perception of that
was used. The technology scanning schema problem's importance, and then to evaluate the
used here is an adaptation of the one devel- effectiveness of each solution in addressing the
oped in the late 1960s by Gene R. Simons to problems identified in the earlier steps. Table 1
design a research and development (R&D) lists the markets and technologies identified
priority program for the State of Connecticut. during the consultations in a preliminary order
The process is based on a grid in which a of importance and effectiveness. Note that
number of problems or goals are identified there is no direct correlation between a specific
and arrayed against a number of solutions or market and technology listed. See Appendix C
actions designed to address the goals and prob- for more detail.
lems listed. Participants are first asked to rank

Table 11 - PrelimUnary Order of Importance/Effectiveness

Markets Technologies
Natural resources Navigation and positioning
Environment High-resolution sensing
Property Image analysis
Infrastructure Geographic information systems
Health Data visualization
Emergency preparedness and defence Database management
Business geographics Communication and distribution
Education and entertainment Geospatial data and infrastructure
Society/consumer User applications and solutions
Embedded technologies


MAJOR THEN IDS and required costly hardware. Use of this

technology was normally restricted to individ-
Since the Second World War, the Canadian uals who had completed extensive training
geomaticsl industry has developed into a programs. Consequently, this technology
knowledge-based industry that depends more tended to be within the industry or within
and more on sophisticated computer-based specialized units of a large corporate/institu-
technology and software and on a growing tional structure, where it was efficient to
professional work force. This work force allocate personnel and resources to its use.
is becoming transformed from one that The advent of simple desktop systems has
was engaged in relatively labour-intensive significantly lowered the barriers to entry.
activities such as map and chart making and
legal boundary surveying to one that is more These technological advances and the comple-
knowledge-intensive. This growth was brought tion of major data collection programs have
on, most obviously, by new technological highlighted the need for an infrastructure that
developments and by the transition from a will facilitate data access and distribution. Once
Cold War to a peacetime economy. such an infrastructure is in place, recent devel-
opments in interactive mapping on the Internet
The industry is evolving rapidly as firms will become fully functional. Interactive map-
shift from the more traditional activities like ping sites allow users to select and download/
surveying, mapping or photogrammetry to upload map graphics and data using a simple
activities based on new technology such as query language. Scheduled developments in
image enhancement software and systems interactive mapping will soon permit users to
development. While traditional activities are perform sophisticated spatial analysis on the
still dominant at present, new activities, usu- centralized sites using free software plug-ins.
ally associated with the emergirig knowledge-
based economy, are becoming more important. This combination of powerful, web-based soft-
Land reform, the environment and the devel- ware and easy access to centralized map/data
opment of national information infrastructures information will ensure widespread future use
are some of the global issues fuelling these of geomatics goods and services by non-tradi-
trends. Technological change is also blurring tional users. Interactive analyses on the web
industry boundaries and is giving rise to will be a major factor in the development of
hybrid firms that are situated in more than one geomatics in many sectors. As more non-geo-
industry sector. Users and suppliers appear and matics specialists experiment with this tech-
develop both within and outside the sector as nology, they will encourage the development
cuirently measured. of new innovations by geomatics specialists.
This is already occurring with the increased
The technology of the geomatics industry is use of Internet-based interactive mapping.
now becoming more user friendly. The sophis- Users of geomatics on the Information
tication of new data-gathering technologies Highway are demanding new capabilities
and geographic information systems (GIS) from the technology.
technologies and their increasing ease of use
are allowing former clients of geomatics firms The transition from Cold War diplomacy
to themselves become developers of spatial to the peacetime economy has had, and will
data applications. Until recently, the software continue to have, a profound effect on the geo-
used in the geomatics industry was expensive matics industry. The military and intelligence

1 Geomatics is a generic term that covers the discipline of surveying (geodetic, cadastral, engineering and marine) and includes the global positioning
system (GPS), mapping (photogrammetry, radargramMetry, cartography, automated mapping/facilities management and charting), remote sensing
(data acquisition and application), and the creation and maintenance of spatial or geographic information systems. See Industry Canada, Geoinatics:
Part l — Overview and Prospects, Sector Competitiveness Frameworks (Ottawa: Industry Canada, 1997) for more information. 3
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

sectors were major drivers of the geomatics industry. They identified five principal forces
industry, with many technologies originally that should motivate spatial data collection and
developed for these sectors having been subse- use in the future:
quently disseminated for use in the civilian • Synergy of information, technology
economy. The satellite-based global position- , and access: Technology convergence
ing system (GPS) is an excellent example of and development will continue to have
this type of technology transfer. The post-Cold significant effects on spatial data activities in
War period, however, has seen a significant the near future. In the longer term, however,
decline in the military and intelligence commu- information needs and a greater access to
nity's spending, and it can be expected that information will drive further technological
technology transfer from these sectors to the developments.
civilian sector will also be curtailed.
• Expanding global interdependence: The
The evolution of a new world order has also increasingly global nature of commercial
changed the requirements of the military and and other economic activities will drive a
intelligence sectors. During the Cold War, the globalization of spatial information.
parties involved were easily identifiable (e.g. • Increasing emphasis on sustainability:
the United States vs. the USSR) and relatively The concept of sustainable growth involving
stable in terms of composition and geographic environmental awareness, economic
location. This, for the most part, is no longer prosperity, and social equity and well-being
the situation. Today's military and intelligence will play a very large role.
forces not only must react quickly to less dis- • Emergence of community-based
cernible and changing "hot spots," which may governance: Readily accessible systems that
not necessarily comply with traditional geo- integrate information from a wide range of
graphic areas of observation, but also they must sources will facilitate greater involvement in
learn to cooperate with a mixture of national governance; in other words, they will enable
partners such as the participants in the continu- more participatory governance.
ously changing group of coalition forces. • The individual: As spatial information
These developments have created a new set becomes more readily accessible, current
of dynamic geomatics requirements such as: conventions related to an individual's health,
• high-speed data collection, analysis personal rights, privacy, quality of life and
and distribution recreation will change .2

• the ability to look at smaller pieces

of the world in greater detail The knowledge-based economy is continually
• a greater standardization of products changing its requirements: new technologies
and processes are developed every day and existing ones are
being applied in an ever-increasing number of
• highly integrated systems.
ways. The challenge for firms in any field, but
The Mapping Science Committee of the especially in the geomatics sector, is to stay
on top of these changes and to position them-
National Research Council in the United States
selves not only to nurture existing markets but
held a workshop in 1996, in part, to identify
forces affecting the future of spatial data users also to develop new, non-traditional markets.
and applications. Participants included repre-
sentatives from all major sectors of spatial data
activity in government, academia and private

2 United States, National Research Council, The Future of Spatial Data

4 and Society: Summary of a Workshop (Washington, DC: NRC, 1997).

MARKETS modelling. These systems involve the use and

development of complex spatio-temporal data
The first step in the Technology Roadmap sets and intricate mathematical models, and
process is to develop a consensus among the presentation of their results in an obvious
industry stakeholders on what markets are and straightforward way. It is the time compo-
critical to the future growth of the Canadian nent that is important here and that allows for
geomatics industry. The consultation meeting complex analysis of "what if" scenarios.
participants identified nine market areas, Given that experimentation on the natural
ranging from traditional geomatics markets to environment is not acceptable, these systems
markets that only now are beginning to apply offer decision makers a cost-effective and
geomatics applications. The markets identified accurate alternative for understanding how
were: natural resources, environment, property, their operations involving natural resource
infrastructure, health, emergency preparedness extraction or use will affect the environment.
and defence, business geographies, education
and entertainment, and the society/consumer Principles of sustainability, biodiversity pro-
market. tection and others are increasing demands for
more and better data. High-resolution imaging
technologies, high-precision GPS and integra-
Natural Resources
tion of GPS, GIS and remote sensing tech-
The natural resources market includes fishing, nologies certainly will continue to be at the
forestry, agriculture and mining industries. centre of developments in this area. Increasing
These industries market goods derived from in importance also is the requirement to main-
the Earth and its waters. As such, the princi- tain up-to-date databases, which derives from
ples of conservation and environmental man- increased monitoring activities.
agement are playing increasingly important
roles in all basic business functions within An area of increasing interest is exploration
each of these sectors, including planning, of other planets and the Earth's moon for nat-
management, monitoring, administration, ural resources. Recent images have already
operations and inventory. For this reason, revealed ice on the moon and iron on Mars.
natural resources and the environment Furthermore, in the next five years, more than
(addressed in the next section) are often 15 satellites will be launched to capture and
seen as an integrated market area. transmit images of most of the planets in
the solar system back to Earth. Many of the
Taking an integrated or system approach to requirements of scientists examining images
these disciplines leads to the need for power- from other planets are similar to those needed
ful tools for data collection, analysis and for monitoring images of the Earth. It is
management and ultimately decision making. therefore expected that there will be growing
There are two models for delivering products overlap between the communities studying
and services to these sectors. One is the Earth-based imagery and scientists analyzing
straight service approach that provides what images of our solar system. The promise of
the end user wants. A second is the system hyperspectral image analysis lies in vastly
approach, which builds on functionality for improved information regarding land cover.
users to conduct their business activities with
the help of technology. With the significant decrease in remote
sensing data costs predicted after the launch
One area that offers substantial potential of Landsat 7, the more user-friendly software
growth is decision support systems or interfaces, the new data fields and an increase
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

in the number of computer-literate people Environmental reporting is increasing in

in strategic positions, the natural resources importance in part because of the growing
markets for geomatics should continue to recognition of the importance of environmen-
expand in the future. tal management. The Kyoto commitments, for
example, require nations to report on the state
of the environment in their countries. In the
2 Environment
Canadian case, this requires individual firms
The environmental market for geomatics to report to regional groups, which report to
goods and services is related to a wide range provincial groups, which in turn report to
of pollution prevention, environmental conser- federal agencies. This chain of reporting
vation, control, protection, remediation and offers substantial opportunity for the sale
enhancement technologies, processes, products of geomatics goods and services.
and services. The Canadian environmental
industry, which is both a user and provider The complexity of environmental issues
of these goods and services, includes approxi- demands the collection, analysis and presenta-
mately 4 500 small and medium-sized firms tion of massive quantities of data, and the math-
and employs about 150 000 people in both ematical modelling of multifarious processes,
public and private organizations. These usually over time. Geomatics technologies are
organizations have expertise in wastewater ideally suited to this area. GPS, for example,
treatment, environmental monitoring and offers an excellent tool to monitor society's
instrumentation and, by working with other impact on the environment. It can be used to
industries such as resource processing and track the movement of everything from icebergs
steel production, have developed the ability to to polar bears, and offers exciting opportunities
produce unique solutions to industry-specific in the area of weather forecasting. Remote
environmental problems. sensing technologies and GIS, which are ideally
suited for handling such data sets, and many
Environmental goods and services provided other geomatics technologies are regularly being
in Canada in 1995 totalled US$16.748 billion. employed in many environmental applications.
While the Canadian market is maturing, the
global industry is growing dramatically and Canada's environmental and geomatics indus-
is predicted to double between 1994 and 2000 tries are very highly regarded around the world.
to approximately US$600 billion. The United By working together, they can talçe advantage
States, western Europe and Japan are the three of the increasing global recognition of the
largest markets in this intensely competitive importance of environmental management.
industry.4 Latin America, Southeast Asia
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
3 Property
in particular), India, China and eastern Europe
have been identified as offering excellent In terms of geomatics goods and services,
opportunities for future growth. As these the property market includes the building
economies continue to develop, environmental and maintenance of property infrastructures,
management will become an increasingly which involve systems for survey, registry and
important issue. Continued support by interna- assessment. Other activities include surveying
tional financial institutions for environmental and mapping in support of land development
projects will help develop these markets. and providing information in support of property-
related transactions such as conveyancing, mort-
gaging, valuing and environmental assessing.

3 Industry Canada, Canadian Environment Industry, Canadian International Business Strategy, 1998 -99 ( .
6 't Ibid.

With the exception of Aboriginal lands, The business of providing information in

Canada's cadastral system, the property infra- support of property transactions is also chang-
structure described above, is largely already in ing from its more traditional ways. Traditional
place. The current challenge is mostly related conveyancing and mortgaging work is dimin-
to automating, re-engineering and integrating ishing for a variety of market, economic and
this infrastructure. At present, a number of technical reasons; however, opportunities to
jurisdictions are addressing this challenge, provide new services such as environmental
and the activity is expected to increase in assessment are gradually increasing. Unless
importance and to grow over the next three the industry can successfully introduce new
to five years. business models, it can expect very little
growth in this area. It needs to go beyond
There has been a renewed focus on the role simply providing information to assuming
of property in economic development, and this more responsibilities through variations on an
has led to a number of property infrastructure insurance model, for example. The two forces
projects in developing countries (also lmown appear to cancel one another out. Even if busi-
as land reform, land titling, property formaliza- ness as a whole shrinks, however, there are
tion, etc.). This area will continue to grow for significant opportunities in the future by using
the foreseeable future, although the competition new techniques to make it more professional
for work is also growing dramatically. There and remunerative. Assuming the industry can
are also growth opportunities in more devel- develop these new business models, there will
oped countries in municipal and local govern- also be significant opportunities in this area
ments and cadastral record areas similar to the abroad both in developed and developing
needs identified above in Canada. countries.

For Canadian geomatics firms to be successful In general, it will become increasingly impor-
internationally in this market segment, they tant to be able to work in an on-line world,
will need to form partnerships Vtith govern- conversant both with the latest developments
ment property registration agencies, informa- for accessing and analyzing propeity-related
tion technology firms, project management information and with the world of electronic
companies, and companies in other property- commerce. More important than technology per
related professions (e.g. real estate lawyers, se, however, will be an in-depth understanding
appraisers, etc.). This need for forming part- of areas such as cost/benefit and risk manage-
nerships has been discussed in the past, but ment and the capacity to quickly incorporate
to date there has been little action. them into new geomatics business models.

Land development work peaked some time

4 Infrastructure (Engineering,
ago in Canada, although there are and will Construction, Transportation
continue to be brief flurries of activity across , and Utilities)
the country. These activities were traditionally
the mainstay for the land surveying profes- The infrastructure market for geomatics
sion; however, survey firms have been goods and services includes engineering,
struggling to develop a business model less construction, transportation and utilities
dependent on these activities for some time. industries. This sector supports both business
Canadian firms, unless they are part of build- and non-business activities in a country
and-operate consortia, find it exceedingly through the design, engineering, construction
difficult to export these services because and maintenance of capital projects and the
of strong local capacities. provision of ground, air, water and space
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

transport services, telecommunications, and SCADA systems collect real-time data from
water and energy supplies. The use of geomat- remote locations, process and analyze these
ics technologies in this area not only facilitates data, and in turn help control equipment.
the efficient, cost-effective and environmen- Other areas that have been growing in impor-
tally responsible development and operation tance are field information management sys-
of these activities but also may preclude tems, environmental impact studies and flow
the need for the more costly expansion of the analyses. GPS is another area that is having
infrastructures. As such, the geomatics indus- a major impact on the utilities market. The
try will play an increasingly important role in ability of GPS receivers to synchronize them-
the infrastructure market. selves to atomic clocks on satellites is proving
to be a boon to the wireless communications
The construction sector is responsible for build- industry.
ing the facilities and supportive infrastructure
necessary for a nation to produce wealth and There is currently in process a Technology .

shelter its citizens. Some geomatics-related Roadmap on electric power that will be of
activities include land planning and develop- interest to the geomatics industry. It will focus
ment, design, location selection, impact assess- on four issues: asset optimization, intelligent
ments, surveying, mapping and other associated power system delivery, end-use efficiency and
municipal activities such as urban planning and convergence, and small-scale generation and
development. In recent years, the construction renewables.
sector has experienced lacldustre growth in
Canada, which is causing it to look to foreign In combination with advanced computing
markets for its further growth. and communication technologies, geomatics
technologies are dramatically improving the
Utilities, hydro grids, pipelines, communi- efficiency and environmental cleanliness of
cations systems and so on must monitor, all modes of transportation and commodity
maintain, accurately locate and coordinate exchange. Intelligent transportation systems
extensive amounts of expensive, geographi- (ITS), for example, are revolutionizing the
cally dispersed capital stocks. In order to do way transportation-related issues such as
so effectively and in light of deregulation and congestion, safety and logistical optimization
the new competition it brings, utilities are and are being handled. ITS can be applied in areas
will be demanding an increasing amount of ranging from travel planning, adaptive traffic
geomatics goods and services to help them control, real-time traffic information, public
manage their operations. As newly developing transit operations, commercial vehicle opera-
economies expand the reach and capacity of tions, fleet management and emergency vehi-
their utilities, they too will be demanding cle routing to, in the future, automated vehicle
more of these goods and services. control systems.

Automated mapping and facilities manage- The ITS market is developing into a multibil-
ment (AM/FM) systems and supervisory lion-dollar global market in which opportuni-
control and data acquisition (SCADA) ties for Canadian geomatics firms are expanding
systems are two areas that have been growing rapidly. A recent joint study carried out by
in importance in the infrastructure market and Industry Canada and Transport Canada fore-
that are particularly applicable to the utilities casts the world market for ITS technologies,
sector. AM/FM systems automate mapping a significant proportion of which are geomat-
processes and help manage facilities, while ics-related, to reach US$66 billion in 2011.


The potential Canadian share of this market is With geomatics expertise residing in highly
estimated to be in the order of US$4.8 billion.' specialized units, there have been few opportu-
Access to geospatial information will play an nities for interaction between these experts and
essential role in the development of these experts in the health care seçtor. As a result,
market opportunities. Japan, Europe and the awareness and appreciation of the potential use-
United States are currently the leaders in the fulness of geospatial data in the health care sec-
development and deployment of ITS and, as tor have been limited. Ruthermore, even where
emerging industrial nations' transportation there was an awareness of the technology, it
systems become more,congested, their was sometimes discounted because of the pre-
markets will become very important as well. sumed high costs associated with its use. With
geomatics expertise residing where it does,
CuiTently, Canada offers a wide range of niche there is an increasing need for cross-talk and
products and solutions in all areas of ITS as cross-training between these sectors.
firms with expertise in navigation and posi-
tioning, remote sensing, distribution and com- Geomatics is evolving from an expensive,
munications are teaming up in order to tap highly specialized technology to a widely
into this growing Market. In order to be able distributed, desktop technology. At the same
to compete globally and to expand the market time, the health care sector is moving toward
domestically, it is important that: a more integrated model. The two industries
• partnerships continue in order to provide should be converging upon a model of shared
full ITS packages/solutions and not merely access and coordinated information at the
components desktop level. Furthermore, the data, technol-
ogy, education and organizational trends have
• navigable map databases be interactively begun to align themselves, opening the door
developed and conform to recognized to greater incorporation of geomatics-related
standards. goods and services in the health care sector.
There are still, however, many areas where the
5 Health
Canadian geomatics industry, in cooperation
with experts in the health care sector, needs to
As the geomatics industry has evolved, there take action to enable the use of geospatial data
has been limited involvement between it and for health care planners, providers and users.
the health care sector. Where links have been
made, they have been concerned with the loca- Geospatial data provide the health care sector
tion of facilities (i.e. clinics, ambulance stations with a new subdiscipline for collecting, stor-
and practitioners' offices) and the routing of ing, retrieving and analyzing health care data.
emergency service vehicles. The growth of To take advantage of this subdiscipline, the
geomatics in this area has been hampered by geomatics and health data must be coordinated
limitations on the data, technology constraints, across the organizations, institutions and indi-
lack of training and education, and the struc- vidual providers in the community. A coordi-
ture of the health care sector. These constraints nated data infrastructure supports:
are interrelated and, taken together, have • human resources planning
resulted in limited use of geospatial data in
the health care sector. However, both the geo- • facilities planning and optimized service
matics industry and the health care sector are delivery
undergoing major changes. • epidemiological studies

5 Industry Canada, "Strategy for Developing an ITS Industrial Base in Canada" ( 9
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

• informed decision making by users and operations, logistics of supply, national search
providers and rescue capabilities, prediction modelling
• proactive and preventive health care and environmental monitoring associated with
these disasters.
• emergency preparedness
• health imaging techniques development. Emergency response and disaster relief are
the primary obligations of the Department of
The health care sector is an important market National Defence, which must be capable of
because a large percentage of the Canadian mounting effective responses to emerging situa-
gross domestic product is spent on health tions. In cooperation with local officials, other
care and associated products. Emerging market government agencies and a host of other orga-
opportunities include medical data sets distrib- nizations, the Department of National Defence
uted on secure Intranets to regional and local must mobilize operational efforts within
medical offices. These new data sets will 24 hours, 365 days a year, and must be able to
include graphics such as maps, used to depict sustain relief efforts for as long as is necessary.
disease pattern analysis and the location of
potential health hazards. Since health care is Current and future geomatics technologies
provided by a large number of public and pri- used for emergency response and disaster relief
vate agencies, there are many opportunities for efforts include integrated information systems,
an integrated, geomatics approach. Canadians precision and mobile GIS, sophisticated plan-
are world leaders in the fields of geomatics and ning and prediction modelling, wireless dis-
health care. By combining the efforts of these semination and multi-purpose operational
two sectors, Canadian expertise in both fields support systems. As future disasters emerge
will be enhanced, and export performance in and as relief efforts are mobilized, geomatics
both fields will be improved. technologies will be required more and more
to accelerate the planning and response activi-
There is currently a Technology Roadmap on ties. Technologies that provide ease of access
medical imaging in process. It is focussing and integration will be important, as will on-
on how Canadian information technology and line access to information sources through inte-
telecommunications strengths can be brought grated infrastructure shared between the private
to bear in increasing Canadian value-added in and public sectors. Timely access and rapid
medical imaging. dissemination are key variables to aid relief
efforts. Information distribution must also sup-
port differentiated views of supporting geomat-
6 Ernergency Preparedness
ics information, along with the tool kits to use
and Defence
wireless and remote communications to dis-
Emergency Response and Disaster Relief seminate critical information to users in the
field and in planning and coordination centres.
As demonstrated by the 1997 Manitoba floods
and the eastern Ontario/Quebec ice storm in
IVIilitary and Defence
early 1998, emergency response operations
require geomatics technologies and database The military geomatics market offers some of
information to support relief efforts. Both the greatest potential for new applications and
natural and human disasters such as floods, integrated geomatics technology and systems.
tornadoes, storms, oil spills and the release of The military geomatics market has traditionally
poisonous gases require timely, accurate and been one of the larger consumers of geomatics
supporting geomatics information for relief technology, information and related services,


although most production activity so far has discovery, access, integration and management
been conducted in-house. This is now chang- tools to support the provision of responsive,
ing, as organizations such as Canada's accurate and timely global geospatial informa-
Department of National Defence and the U.S. tion systems. Delivery of this information is
National Imaging and Mapping Agency are moving from internally produced, discrete
increasingly contracting out work to the pri- hard copy products toward interoperable,
vate sector. As we move toward the millen- seamless, on-line delivery of services via
nium, the military market remains large and national and global infrastructures, in essence,
strong, with an emphasis on maintaining mobilizing technology to support the delivery,
global capabilities that enable the mobilization storage and accessibility of information from
of operations over land, sea and air. within and outside military sources.

Overall, the 'military geomatics market spans This shift in requirements has resulted in
a range of different requirements. Military many new market opportunities. An emerging
geomatics systems and technology require- focus is toward flexibility, data integration and
ments are diffuse, vary greatly and tend to tools for seamless management of disparate
be user driven. The nature of the market has data sources. Following development of sys-
moved from customized large-scale develop- tems and infrastructure is demand for software
ments to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) that enables assessment of data quality, unique .
products. Similarly, the pace of technological data elements and properties, and support for
development and changing operational "just-in-time" delivery. Standardization and
environments have resulted in a change in harmonization within international standards
requirements toward flexible components, frameworks are important drivers, as the mili-
interoperability, standardized tool kits and tary community works in a global theatre and
data, and integrated systems development. in cooperation between nations and internally
— among different agencies — resulting in
Future market opportunities for geomatics even larger opportunities for technology and
technologies in this sector are numerous. Key product penetration. In some instances, access
areas include advanced communications and to military geomatics markets within Canada
secure networking to meet demands for on- and across the globe can require security
line, just-in-time delivery of information and clearances.
decision support capabilities. Development of
experimental, soon-to-be-operational mobile
7 Business Geographics
waiTior and integrated systems for in-field
application continues to dominate research and The business market includes applications
early pilot phases. These and other technology in commercial sectors such as shipping,
areas such as advanced guidance, high-resolu- banking, retail sales, food services, real estate
tion imagery, operational picture and precise and insurance, and also in vehicle navigation
location determination remain critical areas and routing. There has been a clearly identi-
for geomatics technologies, often within larger fied shift in the mapping/GIS business oppor-
operational command and control systems. tunities away from traditional surveying and
mapping data capture to the outsourcing of
As ever, military systems require well- data services. Large organizations with
supported access to geographic information. legacy databases are now asking the survey-
These requirements fuel an ever-expanding ing and mapping providers to offer "value-
demand for innovative geospatial information added" services — where their legacy

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

non-graphic databases are joined with their The market today includes any organization
graphics, delivered by a data capture firm, with large data sets that wishes to share those
to produce intelligent business analysis of data on a corporate Intranet. In addition, the
their day-to-day operations. market is also the family household, and their
desktop personal computer, which offers both
This trend will continue, and many organiza- a marketing and sales opportunity for that large
tions will find themselves moving from the corporate database through the use of the
existing traditional data capture model to a new Internet.
and more lucrative business geomatics model.
In addition, the traditional business geographies Many organizations such as education, health,
market now has expanded to encompass this insurance and banlçing firms have used the
new and more lucrative market. corporate Intranet well. These organizations
and many more are now offering or are being
The traditional business geographics market mandated to share their non-confidential data
addresses the needs of the commercial busi- sets with other organizations as well as with
ness sector for business demographic and the general public.
geographic market trend analysis, while the
new business geomatics market encompasses The largest single market is the private sector
non-traditional GIS analysis in market seg- household. Private households are also becom-
ments such as health and welfare. Medical ing global offices. Telecommunicatiôns infra-
and social market analysis are but two of the structure is beginning to reflect this. As
new business market areas being addressed bandwidth and quality of communication
by GIS under the business geomatics label. increase, so will the volume and quality of
Health and other emerging business market the digital data being "served" up by individual
segments are dealt with separately in other communications nodes. Other examples of
the sections of this report. potential market opportunities in the household
market include the sale of traditional informa-
The new business geomatics consumer is tion such as demographic statistics, digital
any professional or businessperson who mapping data sets and tourism reservations.
makes business decisions. While these indi-
viduals have always had the responsibility The market for organizations to provide
to make these decisions, they have tradition- the goods and services necessary to provide
ally lacked access either to the data, in a "intelligent" and easily accessed data will grow
presentable or manageable manner, or to rapidly over the next five years. Budget cuts in
the appropriate technology that allows them industry will dictate a more economical way of
to share the data. Existing technologies such sharing and analyzing accumulated data. Many
as desktop PCs and server centric terminals/ large organizations have given up on the cost
PCs were limiting, not only in the cost and of supporting an infrastructure requiring both
support of the infrastructure but also in these physical and human resources. Outsourcing of
environments' inabilites to share vast amounts both the data management and analysis as well
of data on different systems and in different as the "management" of the entire physical
software programs. All this has changed plant operation is becoming very attractive.
with corporate Intranet/Internet server envi-
ronments and standards established in server Companies familiar with handling databases,
software. both graphic and non-graphic, will have excellent
opportunities to service these new market areas.


Companies currently managing and manipulat- The technologies involved are interactive
ing digital map and non-graphic databases are multimedia tools. These are quite often geo-
now providing services for organizations not graphically based. An excellent example of this
familiar with the graphic presentation of data is the Canadian Geographic Explorer CD-ROM
ih a geographic context. These new business produced by IQ Media in association with
opportunities are offering challenging and Canadian Geographic and other industry part-
rewarding experiences for companies previously ners such as PCI Enterprises and RADARSAT
confined to the traditional mapping/GIS business International. This field has come to be known
model. The expression "a picture is worth a as "edutainment" and is one of the fastest-grow-
thousand words" is proving that the value of pre- ing areas of business in the multimedia sector.
senting previously proprietary non-graphic data
in a public forum on a graphic backdrop is both An obvious market is the K-12 school segment
effective and exciting. The analysis now avail- both in Canada and abroad, especially for hybrid
able using the previously "graphically static" CD-ROM/web products. "Edutainment" prod-
databases is very impressive. ucts can be tied into Intemet-based networks
such as SchoolNet (
Entirely new approaches are being used in Canada and a number of similar networks
to distribute and display these data sets by being developed in countries such as the United
marrying the legacy databases, graphic and Kingdom, the United States and Malaysia.
non-graphic, with the companies which There is potential for the inclusion of geomatics
produced them. The technology is Intranet/ content on these networks in CD-ROM format.
Internet software. The products necessary to
"explode" this market include access to digital Just as the Gulf War was the first full-scale
mapping, national, provincial, regional and geomatics war, it can be argued that the pure
local data sets, interoperable software and the edutainment and games applications mark the
associated non-graphic databases. first full-scale geomatics attack on the mass mar-
ket for technologies such as data visualization.
Canadian companies can enter the market either
8 Education and Entertainment
as individual producers or, more likely, as joint
The convergence of technologies and applica- venture partners with educational software and
tions in the mapping sciences has led to geo- multimedia producers. Many of the existing
graphic information processing being used on games are utilizing GIS technology on a variety
the development of a much wider range of of different scales but few, if any, geomatics
products. As mentioned, traditional geomatics companies as yet have seen the potential of this
has concentrated on applications in environ- growing market.
ment, natural resources, infrastructure, cadastre
and defence. More recently, business applica- The demand for good quality geospatial prod-
tions, vehicle navigation systems and health ucts for formal education as well as entertain-
applications have increased in importance. ment is worldwide and is not confined to
North America and western Europe. Special
Education and entertainment, especially opportunities exist for Canadian firms in
the latter, are the most recent and promising Latin America and in selected countries in
markets for geomatics. Already a number of the Middle East, Africa and Asia, especially
Canadian firms such as IQ Media of Toronto countries such as Malaysia that have a specific
and Morgan Media Inc. of Vancouver are policy to create "smart schools." The map
moving into this extremely lucrative area. as an organizing concept for educational

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

information on a wide range of topics can be capability to manage and use all kinds of informa-
introduced as computer-based school networks tion in a geographic context.
emerge, 'and Canadian geomatics companies
can be there from the beginning to provide An area that has been identified as having
the building blocks and frameworks for such substantial growth potential is value-added
emerging systems. Many nations are devoting distribution. This is the process of collecting
considerable resources to new means of mass diverse sets of data from disparate sources
education in distance learning or computer- for sale to niche markets. These thematic data
based formats. sets could be distributed by the Internet or on
CD-ROM. One example would be to bring
The entertainment segment of the "edutainment" together data on navigable waterways, roads, fish
market is probably larger but much less focussed stocks, campsites and water depths and then sell-
than the educational segment and is more diffi- ing this package to fishermen or fisherwomen.
cult for Canadian geomatics firms to penetrate
even in joint ventures or partnerships. This mar- Within the next five years, other applications
ket tends to be concentrated in the more affluent of geomatics technology for the consumer
countries around the world. market will include Yellow Pages searches
by geographic parameters, and travel and play
in three-dimensional virtual reality based on
9 SocUe.MConsuinner geography. Given the scope of daily activities
The consumer market for geomatics products and that are location-dependent, applications for the
services is still in its infancy as we approach the integration of geography with other types of
end of the 20th century, but it appears to be infi- information are limited only by the imagination.
nite, governed only by our ability to organize Constraints on the rate of development of the
knowledge. This market currently consists of society/consumer market segment in Canada
individuals whose primary use of geographical include the limited amount of up-to-date
information is for such purposes as travel plan- geographical information publicly available,
ning and navigation in both land and water vehi- restrictions on its access and the small size
cles and for outdoor recreational activities such of the present-day consumer market.
as hiking, camping and hunting. These kinds of
demands have traditionally been met through the Given these constraints, the Canadian industry
use of paper map and atlas products and less fre- is at a competitive disadvantage in this arena
quently through the use of aerial photography or relative to the geomatics industry in the United
satellite image products. States. U.S. competitors have the dual advantages
of a much larger and more mature consumer
Advances in two key technologies, GPS and GIS, market for geomatics goods and services, and
combined with other technological developments relatively easy access to the public sector data
in data storage and communications (especially upon which many of the consumer applications
the Internet) and computer visualization, make are built. This concern is being partially
possible a broad range of new geomatics applica- addressed through the Canadian Geospatial
tions. For example, consumers now have access Data Infrastructure (CGDI) project, a national
to mass-produced, hand-held GPS receivers that initiative to increase access to and use of
are being used for a variety of recreational activi- government data for new business development.
ties. Basic desktop mapping and GIS functionality
are being bundled with off-the-shelf office man-
agement software, providing consumers with the


TECHNOLOGIES 1 Navigation and Positioning

The principal navigation and positioning
Once key markets were identified and their technologies in use today are the GPS, inertial
characteristics discussed, the steering commit- navigation systems (INS), radio-navigation
tee .and the working groups identified tech- systems such as differential GPS, beacons,
nologies that are seen as being critical to the satellite wide-area systems and local radio
industry's ability to address these markets over links; cellular triangulation, vehicle wheel
the next three to five years. The technology sensors and other heading sensors and dead-
scanning schema was then used to examine reckoning systems.
how effective the technologies are in doing so.
There were questions raised as to whether or By far, the largest growth area is GPS and
not the "technologies" listed are in fact tech- its applications, the markets for which are
nologies at all, but rather are end products estimated in total to be in the order of
developed as a result of the application of US$8.5 billion by the year 2000 and
various technologies or existing technologies US$16 billion by the year 2006. Recent
already delivered in a different "package." developments in GPS technologies include
There were also questions raised about the the incorporation of the Russian GLONASS
characteristics or definitions of the technologi- system and, as the constellations are estab-
cal and market categories that appeared on the lished, networks of low Earth orbit satellites.
scanning grid.
Applications of navigation and positioning
It was concluded that the geomatics industry 'technologies are extensive, involving almost
is an excellent example of a knowledge-based anything that requires positioning information.
industry where its products and services Application areas include:
directly represent a technology or its applica-
tion. This is an industry where products and • surveying: geographic location and data
services either' are the application of existing • analysis including high-resolution asset
technologies or are existing technologies in location mapping
new forms and can be considered in their own • GIS: geographic location, data analysis
right. As such, all of the technologies listed and presentation for asset management
were considered to be valid. • vehicle navigation: installed in anything
from commercial passenger cars to tanks
In the final analysis, the working groups
redesigned, identified and discussed 11 tech- • emergency location systems: typically
nology areas, which were then approved by the installed in cars, in call-911 and in
steering committee. They included navigation telecommunications devices made to
and positioning, high-resolution sensing, image pass on precise location data
analysis, geographic information systems, data • airborne crop spraying: field positioning
visualization, database management, communi- devices
cations and distribution, geospatial data and its • marine navigation systems: from
infrastructure, user applications and solutions, commercial fish finders to redundant
miniaturization, and 'embedded technologies. systems on oil tankers
Each one is discussed in greater detail in the • marine docking systems: centimetre level,
following sections. short range systems for ferries and cargo

' 15
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

O aircraft navigation systems: from simple, en 2 High-resolution Sensing

route systems in light aircraft to full CAT III The two broad categories of high-resolution
landing systems sensing — airborne and satellite — can be
O aircraft CFIT (controlled flight into terrain) differentiated in many ways: by type of sensor,
avoidance systems: which match aircraft end user, etc. Understanding the differences
position to three-dimensional maps and and similarities of airborne and satellite remote
warn crews of dangerous approaches to sensing is one fundamental step in realizing the
terrain business opportunities.
▪ aerial survey systems: measuring and
recording data from the air Airborne remote sensing has been character-
• hand-held personal navigators: from ized as follows: extremely flexible and broad
recreational use to search-and-rescue range of high-resolution data enabling mapping
operations at scales of better than 1:1000; black-and-white
and colour photography, mono and stereo;
• wide area navigation systems: land-based, high-resolution multispectral and radar digital
fixed data gathering and analysis systems to imagery; virtually 100 percent commercial
improve accuracy and integrity of the basic ownership; flexible, responsive delivery
GPS system options to meet individual clients' needs; small
• robotic vehicles: mining ore extractors, volumes of speculative acquisitions; and inven-
helicopter surveillance, dangerous area tories of actual physical data. Alternatively,
surveillance, security surveillance satellite remote sensing has exhibited the fol-
• weapons training pods: attack aircraft lowing characteristics: commercially available
weapons training systems resolutions have been typically 10 m (8 m for
• golf "guidance" systems: cart-mounted RADARSAT I), enabling mapping of up to
measurement systems that provide yardage 1:50 000 scale; digital panchromatic and multi-
and situation awareness spectral sensors; virtually 100 percent govern-
ment ownership or financing in most instances;
• cell site timing coordination receivers.
a variety of acquisition schemes ranging from
continuous acquisition, contracted acquisitions
With the type of market growth forecast for and on speculation of future needs; data/infor-
this industry, it is important for the Canadian mation delivery of four hours in some cases;
industry to become more geomatics capable, contracted acquisitions available for subse-
literate and able, and to invest in geomatics quent sale from archive to other clients; and
core technologies and applications. It must do electronic access to catalogues of data.
this more intensely; otherwise the competition
(who also read the forecasts) will capture most Civilian satellite remote sensing has offered
of the growth in the market. The competition lower resolutions than its military counterpart,
(Trimble, Orbcom, Ashtech/Magellan, Leica, which is reflected in its use for meteorological,
Rockwell, etc.) have huge R&D and marketing environmental and certain civilian mapping
budgets. Canadian geomatics firms will scales applications. High-resolution satellite
become increasingly less competitive without a remote sensing has been restricted to military
serious, practical investment program. Most of applications by the NATO nations, China,
these organizations have significant military Russia and emerging space nations such as
business that supports their commercial program Israel and India.
investments at present, but new sources of
funding for R&D and marketing are required.


This situation changed when the American geomatics data, information and services to
government declared its intention to license provide non-partisan treaty and agreement
U.S. companies to provide high-resolution verification.
imagery from satellites. This announcement
was greeted with the application by several The availability and cost of computing power,
American companies for licences and by data storage, communications, new display
other national governments and companies and interaction technology are revolutionizing
announcing their intentions to provide simi- business. The Canadian geomatics sectors,
lar data. A listing of major participants both government and industry, to date have
and their current status is summarized in been primarily science and resource oriented.
Table 2. An informed, growing, computer-literate,
globally aware population will have a virtually
Despite relatively small government remote insatiable demand for spatial, readily avail-
sensing budgets, Canada is well respected able, accessible, and cheap, consumer-oriented
internationally and has enjoyed considerable information systems and products. Of particu-
export success. There are, however, still lar interest is hyperspectral remote sensing.
many emerging opportunities here in North A hyperspectral image provides a richer set
America and in the emerging economies of of data than black-and-white or traditional
Latin America, Asia and eastern Europe. For multispectral imagery. It accomplishes this
example, using Canada's international posi- tluough the acquisition of hundreds of spectral
tion, reputation and geomatics capabilities, channels for a particular image (as opposed to
organizations can provide, for a fee, inde- one channel for black and white, and three to
pendent, verifiable, legally defendable, six channels for multispectral).

Table 2 - Developments in Satellite Remote Sensing

Program Launch Date Features Status

EarlyBird December 1997 3m black and white, Satellite command and control
EarthVVatch Inc., U.S. 5 m multispectral was lost the week after a
successful launch

Duickbird 1999 1 m black and white Satellite on schedule after a

EarthVVatch Inc., U.S. corporate reorganization

IKONOS I June 1997 1 m black and white, Launch date slips regularly but
Space-Imaging EOSAT, U.S. 5 m nnultispectral delays may be due to launch
vehicle rather than satellite

SPIN-2 February 1998 2 m black and white Satellite launched in early

Aerial Images, U.S. from scanned photos February; onboard camera film
SOVINFORMSPUTNIK, Russia limits mission lifetime to

OrbView-3 1999 1 m black and white, Funding in place and USAF

OrbImage, U.S. 4 m multispectral committed funds to OrbVievv-4

RADARSAT II 2001 5 m C band SAR On schedule

Canadian Space Agency

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

GIS software companies are adding business- 0 Multidisciplinary skills required: Remote
oriented functionality, and the traditional sensing requires a broad multidisciplinary
business tools vendors are adding spatial func- skill set, and this requirement can be
tionality. As geomatics-oriented applications expected to increase as new markets are
continue to penetrate these markets, business addressed, which often leads to an inability
opportunities will be created for the supply of for any one single company to effectively
remote sensing-based services and products. address these markets.
One interesting application is precision farm-
ing using remote sensing in conjunction with
3 Image Analysis
other data sets to estimate yields and manage
agricultural practices such as herbicide and Image analysis technologies are undergoing a
fertilizer application. number of changes. The major trend will be to
see the expansion of image analysis technology
While Canadian organizations are well from the exclusive domain of the highly edu-
positioned to capitalize on these opportunities, cated remote sensing professional to the desk-
there still exist many obstacles: top of significant numbers of new professional
O Market access and abilities: The relatively and other users, as a result of a number of con-
small size of Canadian firms makes tributing factors. First, the continued drop in
international market penetration difficult. the price of PC hardware combined with a
substantial increase in power, memory, storage
O Centralized data distribution models: capabilities and graphics speed makes sophisti-
Increasingly, satellite imagery recorded cated image analysis feasible for the first time
anywhere in the world is stored on large, on the desktop. Also, the planned launch of
solid-state memories and is down-linked high-resolution commercial satellites will bring
to a single reception and processing site for image analysis technology into many new mar-
subsequent distribution. This results in kets including infrastructure, property manage-
limited opportunities for data acquisition, ment, health and insurance.
processing, cataloguing, archiving,
distribution systems and related commercial Certainly, the technology will need to prove
off-the-shelf software. itself to these new markets; however, industry
• Restrictive market allocations: Satellite watchers believe that 'o ver a five-year time hori-
owners are moving to a licensing model zon, high-resolution satellite data will prove to
whereby major markets are either kept be an invaluable asset to many new markets.
by the satellite owner or assigned to a With commercial sensors competing with gov-
distributor who is also a co-investor in ern ment satellites, the price of data should drop
the program, with the result that Canadian over the next five years, increasing the cost
companies are being prevented from effectiveness of image analysis operations.
entering these particular, often lucrative
market segments. Again, one of the greatest difficulties the image
• End-to-end offering: Many new satellite analysis and GIS markets have faced is data dis-
owner operators are offering value-added tribution. The Internet promises to solve many
services and, given their ability to control of these problems. Of course, the current band-
the "cost" of the data, this places companies widths support only limited data distribution.
not associated in some way with the satellite However, this will certainly change over the next
owner and access to preferential image three to five years, and a vast amount of remotely
pricing at a disadvantage. sensed GIS and map data will be available over


the Internet. Wide distribution and lowered costs advanced technologies. These systems have
will benefit this industry. been applied across all markets to some extent
or another.
Finally, the maturation of the image analysis
technology is being characterized by the devel- GIS software is potentially applicable in
opment of vertical markets. Users in fields as nearly any situation that calls for decisions
diverse as forestry, agriculture, geology and involving a spatial component. In other words,
.defence are demanding application-specific GIS can-be a useful tool in situations as
solutions. This is a healthy sign; these vertical diverse as choosing an appropriate site for a
markets are often profitable. Over the next few movie rental store in a metropolitan area to
years, non-scientific users in these fields will be determining the environmental impact of estal›
the main driving force in demanding integrated lishing an above-ground pipeline in the Arctic.
remote sensing/GIS/mapping solutions rather It is impossible to list here all the possible
than technologies. applications of GIS, as they are practically
limitless. As computer power grows, enabling
These trends will afford the Canadian geomatics the use of more complex models and the more
industry many opportunities. However, in order efficient incorporation of a time component
to take advantage of these opportunities, the in analysis, the more this will be true.
industry must invest heavily in market research
and alliances between data providers and com- Advances in computer software and hardware,
plementary technology providers. increased familiarity with the power and
applicability of GIS and its related technolo-
An important trend over the next three to five gies, and a greater breadth of accessible data
years will be the growing commercialization of have driven the growth in demand for GIS
image analysis technology. However, it is essen- and will continue to do so in the future.
tial to maintain strong industry/govemment Throughout the knowledge-based economy,
alliances and programs. Government policies both software and hardware have become
will continue to be the main driving force behind much more powerful and simple to use while
the industry. It has been-said that one of the becoming less expensive. Clients in all mar-
Canadian geomatics industry's strengths is the kets are now comfortable with computers and
unique and powerful cooperation between the have access to the necessary equipment to run
geomatics private sector and governments. even complex GIS packages. Furthermore, not
only has a greater range of geospatial data
become more readily available but also non-
traditional data such as those found in the
4 Geographic Information
social sciences have become more extensively
Systems .
Geographic information systems (GIS) deal
with the storage, management, retrieval, Increasingly, clients are seeking information
conversion, analysis, modelling and display systems that do not require a whole range of
of spatially related data in a systematic way.' independent technologies and knowledge
In a sense, GIS software is the conduit through bases. Rather, they are seeking a system that
which complex data collected using an anay renders the technological distinctions invisi-
of highly advanced technologies are massaged ble. To give an analogy, Microsoft Office
into a more easily comprehensible; user- components are not integrated; they are
friendly, interactive form, again using merely compatible. So integration is a market
6 Bruce E. Davis, GIS: A Visual Approach (Santa Fe, NM: Onward Press, 1996), p. 23.
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

pull in geomatics. GIS is particularly affected The level of interactivity in visualization tools
by this trend, as it depends on a vast array of varies greatly. While less interactive methods
these factors to deliver its final outputs. like paper maps are useful in presenting
straightforward thoughts and information,
the trend toward the analysis of complex and
5 Data Visualization
diverse data sets demands an increasing level
Simply put, geomatics-related data visualiza- of interactivity between the user and the data.
tion technologies are tools that facilitate the Applications that facilitate the dynamic analy-
understanding of complex data sets, models sis of complex issues or "what-if" scenarios
and issues that have a spatial component. They are in demand everywhere, including resource
include everything from their most simplest and environmental management, market
form — paper maps — to a wide range of analysis and urban planning. These often
computer hardware and software. While these involve comprehensive data sets, complicated
represent a broad spectrum of complexity, models and the use of a digitized and interac-
these media are linked by their purpose of tive time component.
presenting geospatial data from different per-
spectives. Recently, however, data visualiza- New visualization technologies are being
tion has been driven by advances in modern developed as quickly as computing abilities
computer and display technology. allow. Some examples that show promise are
interactive stereographic displays, which facili-
As geographic information systems become tate the presentation of three-dimensional data,
more flexible, powerful and sophisticated and and computer-generated movies. Also, more
more closely integrated with modelling software, dynamic modelling tools within the GIS envi-
the interface between the GIS and the user needs ronment, such as high-capacity video disks that
to become more interactive and complex. There allow for highly realistic and interactive analy-
is also a push for the broader application of data sis of issues, are being developed every day.
visualization technologies in non-traditional
areas. As such, it is important for future data While present communications and computer
visualization technologies to present data as processing power limit the effectiveness of
richly, realistically and interactively as possible. real-time data collection, analysis and presen-
Humans have a tendency to ignore stimuli if tation, rapid improvements in these areas will
they contradict their perception of the real world. soon allow for the widespread application of
This suggests that the more realistically and real-time visualization of complex data sets in
richly data are presented, the more useful and areas ranging from environmental monitoring
effective they become. to fleet management.

Tempering the use of increased realism is the The power of effective data visualization tech-
use of more abstract stimuli in data visualization niques cannot be argued, and any innovative
to broaden the use of data visualization tech- developments that increase the power of these
niques. For example, the use of abstract graph- techniques will be met with very favourably.
ics to represent the distribution of non-visual The incorporation of more than visual stimuli
patterns or phenomena such as the spread of dis- is one area that is gaining momentum. This
ease, demographics and election results or to can include anything from adding sound to
describe processes is becoming more popular traditional video displays to exciting new
and is seen as a way of expanding geomatics areas like virtual reality. Virtual reality is the
markets to include non-traditional consumers next step for data visualization. Not only
such as those in the social sciences. does it allow for the very realistic presentation

of information, but also it has the potential as structured query languages, most recently
to do so in a quite realistic manner. As the SQL3, have been a driving force in these
equipment needed for virtual reality becomes changes and are fuelling a shift away from
smaller, less expensive and of higher quality, purely relational systems. The newest structure
the application of these technologies will be being developed and gaining in popularity is
seriously investigated for use in the presenta- object-relational in form.9
tion of spatial data.'
Due to be released in 1999, the proposed
A great deal of Canada's competitive advan- ANSI SQL3 standard will describe an object-
tage in the geomatics sector has been based relational model in detail. Object-relational
historically on the collection and processing systems offer many new, beneficial features
of geospatial data. As market demand for including columns of tables that can contain
sophisticated value-added applications acceler- "composite" types and collections of multiple
ates, these traditional strengths are no longer values; columns that can be Abstract Data
enough to sustain the growth of the Canadian Types, satellite pictures in searchable bitmap
industry. Furthermore, in order for the industry form, for example; and a new "ref' data type,
to expand its markets to non-traditional appli- which allows for the reference of a row of
cations such as epidemiology and the social one table from a column of another table in
sciences, the ability to combine and present an absolute way. There are still a number of
geospatial data with data from these fields is issues related to object-relational design; how-
indispensable. ever, new object-relational database systems
will house older relational database system
capabilities, making the upgrading of systems
6 Database Management less problematic and more cost effective.i°
Database management systems (DBMS) are
Price Waterhouse, in its Technology Forecast:
specialized pieces of software that provide
1998, forecasts a number of developments in
functionality for storing, updating and retriev-
the area of database management, including:
ing information and generally provide mecha-
nisms for maintaining the integrity of stored • Object-relational systems will replace pure
information, managing security and user relational systems fully within five years.
access, recovering information after the system • Given the shift toward object-relational
fails, and accessing database functionality from systems, database design will become
within an application written in a third-genera- crucial to the system development
tion language such as COBOL, C or JAVA.' life cycle.

• While parallelism will continue to be

Great advances have been made in the area important, advanced indexing will be
of DBMS over the past decade. Early systems essential to improve query performance in
were hierarchical in nature, but relational areas such as decision support applications.
systems have become the standard recently. • In order to support data warehousing,
With the emergence of object-oriented pro- databases will increasingly be designed to
gramming languages, object-oriented systems incorporate attributes such as bit-mapped
are becoming increasingly important to data indexes, parallel query execution and
storage. Constant developments in areas such multidimensional capabilities."
A chapter by A. MacEachren, I. Bishop, J. Dykes, D. Doffing and A. Gatrell, "Introduction to Advances in Visualizing Spatial Data" in Visualization in
Geographic Information Systems, edited by Hearnshaw and Unwin (New York: Wiley, 1994), pp. 51-59 was very helpful for describing the concepts of realism,
interactivity and abstraction as well as for an outlook on developing technologies.
8 Price Waterhouse, Technology Forecast: 1998 (Menlo Park, CA: Price Waterhouse, 1998), p. 470.

9 Ibid., pp. 470-74.

I° Ibid., pp. 474-75.
11 Ibid., pp. 488-89.
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Data warehousing attempts to bring together 7 Communications and

the best aspects of information centres, decision Distribution
support systems and executive information sys-
tems, creating an integrated enterprise architec- A key element to the present and future distrib-
ture facilitating on-line analytical processing. ution of geospatial data is the Information
Essentially, data warehousing establishes a Highway, whose use is growing exponentially.
clearinghouse using a structured discipline and The governments of Canada and the United
strategy that allow for ready access to valuable States have already committed billions of
data.' Systems designed to manage infrastruc- dollars to its development. While geospatial
ture are expensive to develop and hence must information represents only a very small frac-
be flexible and sustainable over time. tion of the data now being transmitted on the
Information Highway, it is quickly becoming
Vendors have recognized that spatial data more prominent, and "cybercartography"
should be managed and stored in enterprise will become an important feature on the
databases, not specialty databases, and have Information Highway.
begun implementing support for this. However,
simply adding spatial indexes into existing Cybercartography is a highly interactive,
DBMS will not ensure a scalable enterprise multimedia method of collecting, processing,
system. Furthermore, seamless storage of all analyzing and distributing spatial data using
information in DBMS, without the need for the increasing range of emerging media forms
proprietary spatial data management layers, and telecommunications networks such as the
is essential. Much work has yet to be done. Internet and World Wide Web. It will allow
Enterprise infrastructure management involves cartography to be applied to a much wider
large numbers of users requiring different types range of topics than has traditionally been the
of services. Implementations must grow case and will open the field to a much wider
beyond a simple prototype or departmental range of participants. This unifying trend will
rollouts within a few departments in order truly broaden the influence of geomatics in
to ensure major process improvements and education, policy and decision making, and
economies of scale.
research in all sectors.
A single enterprise system for infrastructure
information management must accommodate In addition to the Internet, Intranets and
a variety of business tasks — in many cases Extranets now are being developed by firms
already using their own, proven and reliable and groups of firms to facilitate communications
applications. To reduce risk, preserve investment between themselves, their customers and their
and maintain user loyalty, replacement is not an suppliers. Currently, the main factor restricting
option. The technology must provide tools that the effectiveness of these systems to distribute
promote transparent interoperability and not geospatial information is their limited bandwidth.
cumbersome translation or data duplication. Furthermore, the cost of establishing high-speed
fibre optics systems is cuiTently very high.
The varying nature of large enterprises makes
"off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all" products It is believed, however, that these will be
impossible. Application frameworks will temporary problems, with less expensive fibre
provide reliable, rapidly customized or created optics systems, wireless communication and
solutions. Technologies must leverage existing greater bandwidths becoming more readily
and commercial best-of-breed tools and stan- available. Just as Moore's law predicts that
dards, promote reuse of components and be the power and complexity of chips will double
supported with proven methodologies. every 12 to 15 months, some in the industry
12 Ibid., p. 599.
13 Term used and described by Dr. D. R. F. Taylor of Carleton University in a keynote speech titled "Maps and Mapping in
22 the Information Era," given at the 18th International Cartographic Association Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1997.

believe this axiom will hold true in ternis of data using secondary reference systems like
communications power. Already, one-terabit voting, culture and housing patterns, gender,
communications links have been used to transmit sales and industry. Furthermore, as geomatics
data. Also, Teledesic Corporation is planning to technologies and applications become more
launch 840 low-level satellites beginning in the globally used, geospatial data will spread to
year 2000. Given that only a small antenna and and originate from non-traditional sources such
signal decoders are needed, this new system as the voluntary sector, health councils, com-
would greatly enhance communications capabili- munities and Aboriginal peoples. However,
ties around the world. This new system is regardless of what data are collected by whom,
designed to be Transmission Control Protocol – unless they are easily and readily accessible,
Internet Protocol (TCP-IP) friendly, thereby their value diminishes; hence the importance
expanding the scope of the Information Highway. of an exceptional geospatial data infrastructure.

8 Geospatial Data and

Furthermore, a well-developed national
information infrastructure, enabling the
dissemination and sharing of valuable, geo-
Geomatics is a discipline dealing with graphically referenced information, and with
collecting, managing, processing and using an ever-increasing audience of businesses,
geospatial data — data related to the Earth's entrepreneurs, students and researchers, and
surface, subsurface, water bodies and the communities (particularly those traditionally
atmosphere. While geospatial data are not what disadvantaged by the barriers of geography
is traditionally considered to be a "technology," and time), is widely accepted as an essential
the concept embodies a great deal of technol- asset for any country to maintain and to
ogy described by a more traditional definition, advance its social and economic well-being.
and its infrastructure taken as technology is a As such, geospatial data and the infrastructure
key driver of the transition of this and other in which they are organized can be considered
related industry sebtors to obtain a place in to be a technology in its own right within the
the knowledge-based economy. rubric of this Technology Roadmap.

The characteristics of the geospatial data An efficient information infrastructure greatly

set are changing. First and foremost, in order increases the potential for innovation and for
to meet Market demands effectively, the the creation of knowledge and the ideas that
capacity for the real-time collection, synthesis are critical to socio-economic development.
and access must exist; data currency is essen- It can also reduce firms' operating costs and
tial. The data should be scaleless, seamless, expand their opportunity for developing
without artificial boundaries, and linked to a value-added applications for an increasing
time component that has become critical to 'number of non-expert users who require sim-
many applications, for example, call-911, ple access to multidimensional data. Some of
traffic flow management, routing and delivery, the essential tools required for an effective
and tidal and marine traffic. Moreover, as information infrastructure include consistent
technologies become more advanced, geospa- metadata information about geographic data- .
tial information will be both more readily bases, catalogues of directory levels to identify
available and in greater demand. different data sets, and directory access to
different themes and networks of information
There will also be a growing trend toward the (knowledge management).
collection and integration of non-traditional

Geomatics Technology Roadnnap

The revolution caused by the emergence of the and local government cooperation in this
knowledge-based economy is transforming all region for such a venture following the ice
sectors of the economy including everything storm of January 1998. The region is plugged
from primary and secondary resource activities into expertise in the federal governinent, and
to service industry activity. In support of the there are a number of initiatives already in
transition, the federal government is making place in eastern Ontario in education, health
information infrastructure accessible to care delivery, municipal planning and commu-
all Canadians through initiatives aimed at nications infrastructure, which will comple-
"connectedness" among individuals, schools, ment and accelerate the work on this local
libraries and businesses, as well as all levels of spatial data infrastructure.
government. Building on these efforts, a com-
mon framework that promotes improved access A valuable contribution of this prototype
to the geographic component of the Information spatial data infrastructure is to develop link-
Highway will support a knowledge-based ages between infrastructures at various levels.
economy and stimulate opportunities for the In addition, the knowledge acquired while
Canadian "geo-info" industry. One major initia- building and using the eastern Ontario spatial
tive is the proposed Canadian Geospatial Data data infrastructure will be valuable at the
Infrastructure (CGDI) Initiative. national, provincial, regional or community
levels for exploring and building other spatial
In advancing this initiative, a range of possible data infrastructures. The interactive Internet-
new programs are under consideration to based methodology used in this prototype
accelerate the development of CGDI: programs accelerates the lçnowledge exchange to these
that focus on working across governments and other groups.
with other stakeholders in and beyond the pri-
vate sector to advance the amount of informa- There are three major benefits of this project:
tion accessible through "clearinghouse" O The project develops a spatial data
systems, the development of data frameworks infrastructure at the regional level for
to ease data integration, advanced technology integration and interoperability at other levels.
and application development, and building
O The model will demonstrate the current
supportive policies to speed industry growth.
and potential benefits to a region of building
a spatial data infrastructure including
Similar initiatives are also being carried out at
a road network enhanced with civic
different levels, including the intra-organiza-
addressing for planning and emergency
tional and regional. A good example of the
latter is the work being done by the Queen's response, improved ambulance response
times, lower cost for developing and
University GIS Lab and others who are in the
process of developing and testing a prototype maintaining the network, a framework
for building spatial data infrastructures at a for adding other attribute information,
grass-roots regional level. In doing so, Queen's a searchable database for health care
is developing a model of how partnerships help delivery, marketing and other economic
develop regional infrastructures. A portion of development initiatives, and a public
eastern Ontario centring around Kingston was relations opportunity to demonstrate the
selected as a result of its being a relatively forward thinking of the region to potential
small geographic area, compact and containing private/public sector firms considering
a mix of urban and rural environments. relocation.
Furthermore, there is strong public support


• The model includes the development of the core technologies. Information solutions
various innovative educational initiatives on the decision maker's desktop will integrate
that link together secondary, post-secondary geospatial data and analysis tools with many
and professional education. This training other types of data, word processing, spread-
will be more meaningful because it will use sheet, database management and multimedia
data relevant to the agency/firm/institution technologies. Geomatics will move from the
involved in the training; student projects science and engineering world into the broader
in many instances will help populate business and consumer marketplace.
a broader spatial data infrastructure;
and education will be integrated with A fundamental transformation of the geomat-
application development, improving the ics industry is taking place in response to
educational process and strengthening the these market changes. Emphasis is shifting
case for contributing partners to enhance from data collection and processing to tech-
and maintain the regional spatial data nology integration and information packaging.
infrastructure. Traditional geomatics firms are retooling to
meet these new demands, and new entrants
from related disciplines such as engineering,
9 User Applications and environmental sciences and computer systems
Solutions are carving out market niches. The strongest
While geomatics core technologies such as competition comes from the United States,
GIS and GPS have matured during the 1990s, where the market has matured more rapidly,
increasing attention has been focussed on the fuelled by the availability of free public sector
development of user applications and solu- data and a much larger business community.
tions. This technology segment can be defined Several U.S. firms have opened offices in
as software/hardware solution bundles devel- Canada to exploit their technology lead in the
oped specifically to solve a geospatial infor- much smaller but growing Canadian market
mation user's problem. The critical challenge for user applications/solutions.
in this area is for the technology supplier to
gain an in-depth understanding of the user's 10 Miniaturization
business environment so that the solution is
optimized to addres the user's key business Many key elements of geomatics technologies
issues. Built on top of the core technologies, are and will continue to be affected by minia-
user applications/solutions are developed turization. Miniaturization is characterized by
using combinations of database management, the decreasing size of the technology compo-
object-oriented programming and systems nents. Paradoxically, decreased size of the
integration tools and techniques. technology components is often accompanied
by increased processing power, technical
During the next three to five years, these capacity for performance and a reduction in
technologies will be a central feature of the power consumption. Furthermore, while the
geomatics market. GeosPatial information users initial miniaturization of products is often
are becoming more sophisticated in their use associated with a higher cost structure, these
of, and more demanding of the suppliers of, costs typically decline rapidly with acceptance
geomatics products and services. The market of product, experience in use, and economies
is demanding solutions, not technologies, and of scale and scope.
successful companies will satisfy this demand
by freeing clients from having to know about

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

For the short term, miniaturization of geomatics In essence, embedded technology offers the
technologies has found focus in GPS receivers potential for mass marketing of geomatics
and communications devices, along with smaller technology and geospatial functionality. Other
visualization and data input/update approaches. possibilities of embedded technologies are
Over time, diffusion will occur but these areas afforded through networks such as the World
will continue to dominate, offering greater poten- Wide Web and client server applications.
tial for commercial sales. These technologies are These offer potential for mass marketing of
also further influenced by the continued conver- geomatics through "embedding" functions
gence of technologies, enabling still greater into applications and consumer technologies
miniaturization of different tasks within smaller that offer knowledge-based responses. A
components and technology systems, enabling particular driving force in this domain is
the unification of required geomatics functions transparency to users; that is, users can be
into smaller and smaller technical systems. delivered a response to a question or problem
through the interaction of geospatial informa-
The sector perhaps most profoundly affected tion and embedded technology without having
by the miniaturization of technologies, how- detailed knowledge of either geomatics or the
ever, is aerospace. For example, the space embedded technology itself.
industry, due to limited payloads, power
supplies and physical space, is willing to More advanced potential of embedded
pay huge premiums for the smaller, lighter, technology is offered through the futuristic
more power-efficient technologies required potential of palmtop computers, watches and
for space travel. Geomatics technology other electronic devices such as control panels
components have much to offer in this regard. for appliances and vehicles. Over time, many
Similarly, developments in the aeronautics of these applications will prove themselves and
industry such as cruise missile guidance will offer additional markets and potential for
systems are driven by the miniaturization miniaturized, embedded and interrelated geo-
of geomatics technologies. matics technologies and geospatial information.

11 Embedded Technoll • gies

Within the geomatics technology market,
tremendous opportunities will be provided
through embedded technology. Long consid-
ered a highly specialized and highly technical
area requiring specialists, geomatics activities
are now included in general technical exper-
tise and often in the practical experience of
mainstream computing technologies. The
prospects of embedded technology offer geo-
matics technologies further potential to be
included in packages appearing on every desk-
top, embedded within standard operational
software suites that will enable geospatial
analysis and functionality.


THE TECHNOLOGY calculations. The reason for this limitation is

SCANNING PROCESS twofold. First, during the consultations, the
composition of the grid was continuously
In order to facilitate the formation of a updated according to the participants' input;
consensus on the key future market require- that is, new technologies and markets were
ments that the Canadian geomatics industry added. Also, of the more than 50 grids col-
must address and on the the critical technolo- lected, many were only partially complete,
gies most needed to address these require- reflecting in large part the participants' areas
ments, the method of technology scanning of expertise. Nevertheless, the analysis to
was used during the series of industry consul- date provides a great deal of useful insight
tations. The concept of technology scanning not only into which technologies and markets
was developed in the late 1960s by Gene R. are considered key to the future growth of
Simons, initially to direct the development the industry but also into where the industry's
of an R&D priority program for the State of technological efforts might easily bring the
Connecticut. In short, the technology scanning greatest results. Further elaboration of the
process provides a structured analytical preferences/choices used to enrich the analysis
approach to the analysis of issues that tradi- can be obtained through iterative use, once
tionally have been difficult to review. A more a Virtual Technology Roadmap is in place.
elaborate explanation of this technique appears
in this document as Appendix C: Technology
2 Results
Scanning in the Geomatics Industry.
In terms of relative importance, the more
1 Methodology
traditional markets for geomatics goods and
services were identified as being most impor-
During the consultations, participants were tant to the growth of the geomatics industry in
first asked to rank prospective markets for the next three to five years. The infrastructure
geomatics goods and services in terms of their market was selected as the most important,
importance to the future growth of the indus- followed closely by the natural resources and
try in Canada. The next step was to identify environment markets (sometimes dealt with
what technologies or groups of technologies as one market). The mature property market
exist, are being developed or need to be devel- and the now evolving business market were
oped in order to address these markets. The perceived as being of moderate importance.
participants were then asked to rank these Finally, the complex and perhaps more spe-
technologies in terms of their effectiveness in cialized and evolving defence and emergency
addressing the various markets identified in preparedness market, and the emerging health
the earlier step. These results were collected in and edutainment markets, were considered to
an evergreen matrix or grid, and then with the be of only relatively minor importance in the
use of a simple algorithm were used to derive medium term. This, in the case of the latter
a measure of the technologies' overall effec- two, may be the result of the relative immatu-
tiveness or importance to the future growth rity of these market segments.
of the industry.
The impact of the level of familiarity with
However, the results and conclusions of this possible geomatics applications in the various
technology scanning process must be looked sectors may have a bearing on these rankings
at cautiously because of the varying and and needs to be considered. For example,
sometimes small sample sizes used in the the relatively low ranking of the health and

Geomatics Technology Roadmao

edutainment markets may be attributable in part embedded technologies, for example, are
to the fact that these are relatively new and relatively abstract and as a result may have been
developing markets and, as such, participants assigned lower values by some contributors.
overall were not as fluent in the use and possi-
ble applications of geomatics in these areas. One of the more important functions of the
This may have led these participants to assign technology scanning process is its ability to
these markets relatively low rankings, despite assist planners and policy makers in their
the fact that the markets actually are growing resource allocation decisions. Using a simple
rapidly and will become of greater importance algorithm that looks at both the relative impor-
in the longer term (five to ten years). tance of each market and the effectiveness of the
technologies in addressing each market, a mea-
Clearly, geospatial data and GIS were consid- sure of the overall ability of individual technolo-
ered to be extremely important technologies for gies to address the key markets as a whole is
addressing solutions in a number of markets. calculated. This measure gives decision makers
This is not surprising, given the importance of a sense of where they may be able to get the
data in analysis and decision making in all per- most "bang for their buck." The Geomatics
ceived markets and given the applicability of Technology Roadmap Team will be able to pre-
GIS to these processes. Other exceptional dict better "technology winners" once the grid is
"matches" include navigation and positioning more actively used by additional contributors
technologies and the defence and security mar- during the Virtual Technology Roadmap stage.
ket, database management and the property
market, and user applications and solutions and The participants ranked the market-wide
the society and consumer market. While many effectiveness of the geospatial data, database
of these pairings may seem obvious, this objec- management, and communication and distribu-
tive approach provides at least some level of tion areas highly. This can be taken to mean that
analytical confirmation of earlier consultations the dawn of the information age, which drives
and subjective observations. the global demand for large amounts of easily
accessible real-time data and extensive communi-
It is interesting to note that some technology cations capabilities throughout the emerging
categories such as geospatial data and their knowledge-based economy, affects the geomatics
collection, database management, and commu- industry no differently than any other knowledge-
nication and distribution are seen to be broadly based sector. The user applications and solutions
applicable across all markets, whereas others area also scored very highly, demonstrating that
like embedded technologies, high-resolution the knowledge-based economy also brings the
sensing, and image analysis are perceived to use of these data down to a more personal level.
have particular niches. Also of interest is the Alternatively, miniaturization and embedded
fact that some markets — defence and security, technologies were seen as being the least impor-
for example — seem to be able to draw on tant for future industry growth. A listing of the
many or all of the technologies extensively, technologies in terms of their overall effective-
while others such as the property and health ness as determined by the technology scanning
market draw on only some specific technolo- process is included in Appendix C.
gies. As was the case when analyzing the
markets, the level of familiarity with the tech-
3 Observations
nologies can also have an impact on the effec-
tiveness ranking given by the participants to Despite its weaknesses, this application
various technologies. Miniaturization and of Simons's technology scanning process


is very insightful and provides a base for strength of this evolution over the next few
analysis of technology-related issues leading years. As such, it is very difficult to describe
toward decision-making choices. This is not how the industry will look at any time in the
to suggest that the concerns expressed by the future with any degree of certainty.
participants during the consultation process
about the limitations of the process are not Many industry leaders believe that the use
equally valid. They simply do not affect the of "print-oriented" policy documents in
attainment of the goal of the process, which rapidly changing high-tech industries such as
was to encourage a structured dialogue about this one are somewhat dysfunctional because
the future technological requirements of the of the industry's capacity to change rapidly.
Canadian geomatics industry. This document does provide both a reasonable
idea of the industry's market-driven technol-
This analysis is a good start at issue identifica- ogy issues and a base from which an iterative
tion, which traditionally has been difficult to Technology Roadmap process can proceed.
do. The exercise can, however, be improved This document can begin to help industry
with the incorporation of a greater number and government proactively plan to effectively
of completed grids from contributors in order respond to market demands, assuming that
to achieve a more complete sampling of the an on-line document similar in nature will
industry. The feasibility of the development immediately follow.
of the particular technologies and the time
frame required to do so can also be included The technology scanning process provides a
in future analytical work. structured method of collecting the industry's
views. The issue now becomes: How can
changing perceptions of the industry registered
CONCLUSION in these views be incorporated into a format
that can assist future planning and decision
This document provides a snapshot of making? The steering committee has sug-
technology development within the geomatics gested that the Information Highway's ability
industry, as developed through an extensive to draw on resources from across the country
consultation process. It portrays what the be used to feed this effort on a continual basis.
industry believes to be those markets that are This new information exchange medium
critical to the growth of the industry in the affords caretakers of the document an opportu-
next three to five years and the technologies nity to create a "living" policy document, a
that are essential for the industry's ability to "Virtual Technology Roadmap." Not only
address these market needs. Additionally, the would this allow parties to update their views
technology scanning process helps to develop on market and technology requirements as
a picture of the relative importance of these they are changing, but also it would allow
markets and technologies to the future growth for continuous feedback on the document
of the industry as perceived by the stakeholder itself. Perhaps most importantly, however, it
sample used at this point in time. would allow for the highly interactive devel-
opment of a continually adapting action plan
The geomatics industry is a knowledge-based for the industry. Initial steps have been taken
industry, having no bounds or limits at this to investigate the feasibility of a Virtual
time and having the possibility to evolve in Technology Roadmap, and every effort should
numerous directions. Technology advancement be made to advance this project.
will in part determine the direction and

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

The future of the Canadian geomatics industry

is driven by dynamically expanding domestic
and international markets, and the convergence
of continuously developing technologies all in
the light of the emerging knowledge-based
economy. In order to ensure the industry's con-
tinued success and growth, the development of
innovative solutions in an expanding number
of areas must be supported. This document and
the evolving Virtual Geomatics Technology
Roadmap provide a format for a continuing
dialogue among industry stakeholders for
exploring technology issues and can help
guide the innovative activities of Canadian
geomatics firms.


AIPPENOIX e4: Women in Science and Engineering (Prairie

STEERING COMMITTEE Region). She has made major contributions to
PARTICIPANTS the field of satellite-based positioning and has
received 20 national and international awards
Neil Anderson for her work. Dr. Cannon has been involved in
Vice President, numerous learned societies and has served as
Nautical Data International Inc. (ND!) president of the U.S.-based Institute of
Neil Anderson is vice president of Navigation (ION) in 1996-97.
International Business Development for NDI,
which was created to form a public/private Mark Corey
sector partnership with the Canadian Director General, Geomatics Canada
Hydrographic Service (CHS) primarily to Mark Corey is the director general of the
jointly produce, market and distribute Mapping Services Branch, Geomatics Canada
Electronic Navigation Charts on international and is also the chairman of the Federal Inter-
standards. He was the director of R&D for Agency Committee on Geomatics. Previous
the CHS for 15 years and was one of Canada's positions include director of the Geodetic
representatives to the International Hydrographic Survey Division, director of the Products and
Organization. His work experience is truly Services Division and director of the Strategic
global and includes sustainable development Planning Division for Geomatics Canada.
projects with the Canadian International
Development Agency. Q. Hugh J. Gwyn, Ph.D.
Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Robert J. Batterham Dr. Hugh J. Gwyn is a professor in the
Management Consulting in Geomatics Inc. Département de géographie et télédétection
Robert J. Batterham is a management consul- at the Université de Sherbrooke. His research
tant specializing in the field of geomatics, in and applications development in geomatics
which he has some 30 years of experience are in radar and optical remote sensing and
working in the private and public sectors in information systems applied to agriculture
Canada and the United Kingdom. During his and the Earth sciences. He is a member of the
career, he has worked extensively in, and with, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Advisory
the geomatics industry and at senior levels in Committee on Agriculture and Land Use, and
the Canadian federal government as well as has done numerous studies related to agricul-
with counterpart provincial and other national tural remote sensing and crop information
agencies. He has held office in a number of applications in Canada, North Africa, West
professional associations including the Pan- Africa, China and South America.
American Institute of Geography and History,
the Geomatics Industry Association of Canada Ed Kennedy, P.Eng.
and the Canadian Institute of Geomatics. President, Geomatics Industry Association
of Canada (GIAC)
M. Elizabeth Cannon, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. E. A. (Ed) Kennedy is the president of the
Professor, University of Calgary GIAC, where he directs the operations of
Dr. M. Elizabeth Cannon is a professor in the this national business organization, which
Department of Geomatics Engineering at the represents the interests of leading GIS, remote
University of Calgary where she also holds the sensing, surveying and mapping firms across
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Canada. Mr. Kennedy has worked in both gov-
Council of Canada/PetroCanada Chair for ernment and industry sectors, his most recent

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

position prior to joining GIAC being assistant Dr. Robert Moses

deputy minister with the Alberta Ministry of President and CEO,
Forestry, Lands and Wildlife. Mr. Kennedy PCI Geomatics Group Inc.
is a past president of the Canadian Institute PCI Geomatics Group Inc. has been ranked
of Geomatics, and has served on a number as one of the top 10 suppliers of geomatics
of advisory boards to government and the software worldwide and is one of the fastest-
academic sector. growing companies in this arena. Dr. Moses
is chairman or co-chairman of a number of
Guilio Maffini organizations including the Minister's National
Vice President, MIL Vision Solutions Advisory Board on Earth Sciences, which
Guilio Maffini is responsible for international reports to the Minister of Natural Resources,
sales and marketing for continental Europe and and CRESTech Ontario Centre
Latin America, and the worldwide Local of Excellence. He has also participated in
Governments vertical market for the VISION* a number of other groups, among them the
Business Unit. VISION* is an enterprise-wide Ministerial Advisory Council on Science and
GIS solution for telecommunications compa- Technology and the Canadian Advisory
nies, utilities and governments. Prior to Committee for Remote Sensing.
joining SHL, he co-founded TYDAC
Technologies, which developed the GIS soft-
ware product SPANS. He serves as an editorial
advisor to GIS World, a leading industry publi-
cation, is a member of the Urban and Regional
Information Systems Association
and the Geospatial Information & Technology
Association, and was a member of the
Mapping Science Committee of the National
Research Council in the United States.

John McLaughlin, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Vice President, Research and International
Cooperation, University of New Brunswick
As well as being a professor of land studies,
Dr. McLaughlin is a member of the New
Brunswick Geographic Information
Corporation and a Fellow of the Instituto
Libertad Y Democracia in Peru. He is
recognized world wide as an authority on
land administration; he has held positions
with universities around the world, has been
an advisor to numerous international organiza-
tions including the World Bank, has authored
or co-authored more than 200 publications, and
has served on the editorial boards of numerous
industry publications.


APPENDIX B: Calgary Meeting,

TINORICG R LI P October 3, 1997
Bob Bell
Industry Canada
Vancouver Meeting,
Octo ber 2, 1997 Andrew Christopher
Land Data Technologies Inc.
Bob Batterham
Management Consulting in Geomatics Inc.
Paul Delorme
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
A. S. (Pal) Bhogal
Canadian Forest Service
George Emery
Industry Canada
Dave Hill
Pacific Forestry Centre
Dwayne Fletcher
Canadian Forest Service
ESRI Canada Ltd.
Joji Iisaka
Patricia Glenn
Canadian Forest Service
Proactive Technology Trading Ltd.
Ed Kennedy
Jeff Lab onté
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
Geomatics Canada
Jeff Labonté
Gérard Lachapelle
Geomatics Canada
University of Calgary
Kevin O'Neill
Ray Lowry
RADARSAT International
Paddy O'Reilly
Fin MacCallum
Department of Geography
BOVAR Environmental
Simon Fraser University
Sheryn McGregor-S auvé
Misa Palacek
Geodetic Survey
Industry Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Fred Peet
Laurel McKay
Eidetic Digital Imaging
Applied Geoprocessing Inc.
Kraig Short Jim McLellan
Industry Canada
Position Inc.

Mike Michaud
Alberta Department of Environmental

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Tony Murfin Regina Meeting,

NovAtel Inc. October 27, 1997
Mark Archer
Misa Palacek GDS and Associates Systems Ltd.
Industry Canada
Bob Bell
Dennis E. Regan Industry Canada
Usher Canada Ltd.
Mark Brooker
Gus Ribeiro ATLIS Geomatics Inc.
GWN Systems Inc.
Mark Corey
Stephen Taylor Geomatics Canada
Canadian Geomatic Solutions Ltd.
J. H. Dyck
Rob Thomas Saskatchewan Research Council
GWN Systems Inc.
Len Exmer
Mike Toomey Kanotech Information Systems Ltd.
Alberta Department of Environmental
Dwayne Fletcher
ESRI Canada Ltd.
Peter Unger
Digital Planimetrics Inc.
Michael Friesen
Trigon Mapping Resources Ltd.
Dale Woodroffe
UMA Geomatics
David Gauthier
A Division of UMA Engineering Ltd.
University of Regina
Terry Woods
Ed Grenkie
Hughes Aircraft of Canada Ltd.
UMA Geomatics
A Division of UMA Engineering Ltd.
Al Zaver
Challenger Geomatics International Ltd. Gord McElravy
Autodesk Canada Inc.
Gary Zhang
John Potter
Saskatchewan Property Management Corp..

John Turnbull
Saskatchewan Property Management Corp.

Peter Unger
Digital Planimetrics Inc.

Brian Wood

Halifax Meeting, Simeon Roberts

October 28, 1997 NSCC, COGS Campus
Heather Campbell
Champlain Institute Brent Rowley
Earth Information Technologies
Don CUlTie
The SGE Group Inc. Mike Sheen
Industry Canada
Paul Currie
ADI Limited (Chair, Champlain Institute) Sheila Smail
Industry Canada
George Emery
Industry Canada Ed Smith
Geoplan Consultants Inc.
Randy Gillespie
Canadian Centre for Marine Communications Nancy Vanstone
Nova Scotia Department of Housing and
Ed Kennedy Municipal Affairs
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
David Wells
Paul LaFlèche University of New Brunswick
Marta Wojnarowska
Sandy LeBlanc University of New Brunswick
NovaLIS Technologies Inc.
Montreal Meeting,
Dave Loukes November 12, 1997
Geoplan Consultants Inc.
Yvan Bédard
Shawn Martin Centre de recherche en géomatique
CEF Consultants Inc. Université Laval

Neil McNaughton Luc Bouliane

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Alpha Dimension

Mary Ogilvie Marc-André Cloutier

New Brunswick Geographic MKS Informatique
Information Corp.
George Emery
Mike Pearson Industry Canada
GeoNet Technologies Inc.
Yaïves Ferland
Herb Ripley Doctoral student
Hyperspectral Data International Inc. McGill University

Geomatics Technology Roadmao

D'afio Gascoa Pierre Vincent

Centre de transfert technologique Viasat géo-Technologie

Mario Gascon Ottawa Meeting,

Centre d'intervention et de recherche appliquée December 1, 1997
à la géomatique
Mike Ballard
Daniel Godon Pole Star Geomatics Inc.
Université Laval
Pak Chagarlamudi
Florian Guertin Geomatics Canada
Agence spatiale canadienne
George Emery
Annick Jaton Industry Canada
Université Laval
Tim Evangelatos
Serge Kéna-Cohen Inter-Agency Committee on Geomatics/DFO
Intélec Géomatique
Ed Kennedy
Ed Kennedy Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
Hélène Lachance
André Lecure ENFOTEC Technical Services Inc.
Photo sur Géomat
David G. McKellar
Clément Lord Department of National Defence
Collège de l'Outaouais
Heather McNairn
Misa Palacek CCRS and Canadian Remote Sensing Society
Industry Canada
Pamela Menchions
Pierre Paradis Human Resources Development Canada
Collège de Limoilou
Dr. Udo Nielsen
Bernard Plante Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.
Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec
Misa Palacek
Philippe Poitras Industry Canada
Centre de développement de la géomatique
Paul A. Pierlot
Ancoste Sirois Industry Canada
Susan Pugh
Réal St-Laurent Canadian Institute of Geomatics
Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec


Chris Shadbolt Winnipeg Meeting,

Statistics Canada December 4, 1997
J. Clark Beattie
Sheila Smail Linnet Geomatics International Inc.
Industry Canada
George Emery
D. R. F. Taylor Industry Canada
Carleton University
Dr. Peter Hardi
International Institute for Sustainable
Toronto Meeting, Development
December 2, 1997
Larry Martin
Greg Duffy Manitoba Rural Development.
Compusearch Micromarketing Data and
Ian R. Shaw
Linnet Geomatics International Inc.
George Emery
Industry Canada Edward Tyrchniewicz
International Institute for Sustainable
Glen Gibbons Development
Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd.

Ed Kennedy .
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada

Jeff Labonté
Natural Resources Canada

Tony Murphy
ESRI Canada Ltd.

Misa Palacek
Industry Canada

Steven Peck
Peck and Associates

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

euppEruriusc This input is then used to calculate an

TECIFIIIN1C*1-1043V "Importance Factor," which gives an average
SICAIVIIIWIR110 Ira THE ranking of the importance of the various mar-
EOINL4XIIC4B EMSTFIV kets, and a "Solution Index," which represents
the overall effectiveness of each solution in
[Introduction addressing all of the problems as described
in the grid. The Solution Index is calculated
In the fall of 1997, the Service Industries and by adding together each element in a row
Capital Projects Branch of Industry Canada, (the individual effectiveness ratings of the
in conjunction with the Geomatics Industry solutions) multiplied by the corresponding
Association of Canada and Geomatics Canada, problem's importance factor.
held a series of workshops across Canada to
solicit industry input into a Geomatics Sector
The Geomatics Grid!
Competitiveness Framework and Technology
Roadmap. The workgroups were organized into The initial geomatics grid was developed by a
two parts. The first gathered feedback on what gold-plate steering committee comprising gov-
Industry Canada believed to be the priority ernment, industry and academic leaders. See
issues facing the industry today. Next, with the Appendix A for a complete list of participants.
assistance of a technique called technology This grid arrayed what the committee viewed
scanning, stalçeholder's views on markets that as the markets key to the future growth of
will be key to the future growth of the geomat- the geomatics industry against technologies
ics industry and on technologies critical to the viewed as being critical to the industry's ability
industry's ability to satisfy these markets were to satisfy these markets. In this case, the mar-
collected. kets can be seen as the goals or problems in
Simons's structure; that is, supplying these
Technollogy Scanning
markets is a goal or how to supply these mar-
kets can be seen as a problem, and the critical
The technology scanning schema was devel- technologies can be seen as solutions that help
oped in the late 1960s by Gene R. Simons ini- the Canadian geomatics industry attain its goal
tially to develop an R&D priority program for of supplying these markets.
the State of Connecticut. The process is based
on a grid on which a number of problems or The initial grid listed six key future market
goals are identified and arrayed against a num- segments:
ber of solutions or actions suggested as being
• environment: applications in environmental
able to address the goals or problems listed.
monitoring, environmental information
Participants are first asked to rank each prob-
systems, environmental impact assessments,
lem on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being lowest,
5 being highest) based on their perception of
each problem's importance. Next, participants • natural resources: applications in
are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of each agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining,
solution in addressing the problems identified oil and gas
in the earlier steps by assigning them a ranking • infrastructure: applications in utility
of 1 to 5 (1 being not effective, 5 being very and transportation systems planning,
effective). development and maintenance


• property: applications in cadastral or • defence and security: applications in

property registration systems, land records military, emergency preparedness and
management and land administration related sectors
• business: applications in commercial • health: applications in health sectors,
sectors such as shipping, banking, retail including epidemiology, drug tracking,
sales, food services, real estate and hospital management and imaging.
insurance, and in vehicle navigation
and routing Five technologies were added:
• society/consumer market: development of • image analysis technologies
new spatial data prbducts and services for • miniaturization and its related technologies
the mass market.
There were six critical technologies listed: • embedded technologies
• navigation and positioning technologies • geospatial data.
• high-resolution sensing technologies
• database management techniques Results
and technologies The results of the data collection stage must
• communication and distribution be looked at cautiously, because two factors led
technologies to variations in sizes used in the calculations.
• data visualization technologies First, during the consultations, the grid was
• user applications/solutions and continuously updated based on the participants'
related technologies. inputs (i.e. new technologies and markets were
added). Also, of the more than 50 grids col-
The workgroups discussed the technologies lected, many were only partially completed.
and markets listed and any additions or dele-
tions that should be made. In order to obtain Nevertheless, the analysis provides a great
as comprehensive a review as possible, addi- deal of useful insight not only into which
tional space was provided, and•workgroup technologies and markets are key to the future
participants were encouraged to add to the growth of the industry but also into where the
original grids any markets or technologies industry's technological efforts might bring
they deemed important after their discussions. the greatest results.
Additionally, revised grids incorporating the
additions discussed were developed and dis- Importance Factor
tributed in the Ottawa and Toronto work-
grotips. The most recent grid is included in _ The Importance Factor is simply the mean of
this appendix. the participants' importance rankings of the
markets, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the
Three market segments were added to the grid highest. The infrastructure market, followed
during the consultations: closely by-the natural resources and environ-
ment markets, was identified as being of the
• education and training: applications greatest importance to the future growth of the
designed for schools, professional and • industry. The health and edutainment markets,
personal development, and entertainment of the markets studied, were deemed to be
purposes the least important. Table C-1 presents the

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

numerical results of the importance analysis Table C-2 reveals that geospatial data and
and gives the Importance Factor of all the GIS technologies are perceived as being
markets included in the analysis, as well as extremely effective in addressing all of the
the number of responses received. markets listed. Again, it is important to keep in
mind that in many cases the sample sizes used
The impact of the level of familiarity with in the calculations were quite small and, as a
possible geomatics applications in the various result, the derived estimates may be skewed.
sectors on these rankings should be explored. Table C-3 shows the number of responses in
For example, the relatively low ranking of the each sample.
health, edutainment, and business/consumer
markets may be in part attributable to the fact Other exceptional "matches" include:
that these are relatively new and developing • navigation and positioning technologies
markets and, as such, the participants were and the defence and security market; database
not as fluent in the possible applications of management and the property market; and
geomatics in these areas. This may have user applications and solutions and the society
resulted in their assigning these markets rela- and consumer market. While many of these
tively low rankings, despite the fact that they pairings may seem obvious, this analytical
are growing rapidly and will become of greater approach provides at least some level of
importance in the longer term. analytical confirmation of earlier consultations
and subjective observations.
Technology Effectiveness It is interesting to note that some technology
Participants were asked to rank each technol- categories such as geospatial data and infra-
ogy from 1 to 5 based on its e ffectiveness in structure, database management, and commu-
addressing the various market segments. These nication and distribution seem to be broadly
figures were then averaged to derive an overall applicable across all markets, while others
assessment. Table C-2 shows the average such as embedded technologies, high-resolu-
responses of the participants and also presents tion sensing and image analysis are not. Also
these figures in graphical form: the darker the of interest is the fact that some markets,
box the more effective the technology is in defence and security, for example, seem to be
addressing the requirements of the correspond- able to draw on many or all of the technologies
ing market segment. extensively, while others such as the education
and entertainment market draw on only a few
to varying degrees.

Table C-1 - Importance Factor and Number of Responses

Market ilmportance Factor Number of Responses

Infrastructure 4.2 38
Natural resources 4.1 37
Environment 4.0. 37 Importance Factor Scale
Property 3.9 38 1 = Low importance
Business 3.7 38 2
Society/consumer 3.6 37 3
Defence and security 3.6 26 4
Health 3.5 20 5 = High importance
Education and entertainment 3.3 8

Table C-2 - Technology Effectiveness Rating

Key Future Market Segments

Critical Natural Society/ Defence and Education and

Technologies Environment resources Infrastructure I Property I Business consumer security Health I entertainment
Navigation and
LIE 2.8 2.7

2.6 2.7 2.2

EIE 3.3

and distribution

Data visualization .3.4 3.2 2.8

User applications/
solutions 3.2

Image analysis 3.3 2.7 2.0

Miniaturization 3.3 3,2 2.7

2.7 3.6 -111

Geospatial data
and infrastructure LIE 3.

GIS 3.3 3.8 2.7 3.0

Eff ectiveness ranking

0-2.9 3-3.4 4-4.2 Lune

Low High
Tabie C-3 - Technology Effectiveness: Number of Responses

Key Future Market Segments

Critical Natural Society/ Defence and Education and

Technologles Environment resources Infrastructure Property Business consumer security Health entertainment
Navigation and
45 46 48 46 47 47 26 24 6
46 47 45 44 44 41 25 24 6
47 47 49 48 48 45 26 25 6
45 46 46 47 47 45 26 24 6
and distribution

Data visualization 46 46 46 45 46 45 26 24 6

User applications/
46 46 46 47 48 46 25 23 6

Image analysis 20 20 20 20 20 20 . 18 14 6

Miniaturization 19 19 19 19 19 19 16 13 3

18 19 20 19 19 20 16 12 5
Geospatial data
and infrastructure 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 4

GIS 6 6 7 7 7 7 5 3 3

Solution Index General Comments

Perhaps the most important function of the The composition of the technologies listed in
technology scanning process is its ability to the technology scanning schema was the most
assist planners and policy makers in their broadly discussed issue throughout the consul-

resource allocation decisions. The Solution tation process. Many participants intimated
Index is a measure of the overall ability of that the "technologies" listed were not in fact
individual technologies to address the key technologies at all, but instead were end prod-
markets as a whole. In other words, the ucts developed as a result of the application
Solution Index gives decision makers. a sense of various technologies. Geospatial data and
of where they can get the most "bang for their user applications/solutions were a couple of
buck." Table C-4 shows the Solution Indexes the categories mentioned.
for the technologies examined in order of their
overall effectiveness. • Also, some of the categories were said to
be simply different methods of delivering
The dawn of the information age drives technologies that were already listed.
the global demand for large amounts of Miniaturization for example, was seen by
easily accessible real-time data and extensive some participants as simply the "package"
communications capabilities throughout the in which a technology is sent. When hand-held
emerging knowledge-based economy. The GPS systems were introduced as an example
geomatics industry is no different, as the par- of miniaturization, these participants stated
ticipants ranked the market-wide effectiveness that the technology involved was in fact posi-
of the geospatial data, database management, tioning technology, which was already listed.
and communication and distribution areas
quite highly. The user application and solu- One issue raised at the outset was that the
technology categories used were too diverse,
tions area was also scored very highly, demon-
strating the fact that the knowledge-based in the sense that some were very broad and
economy also brings the use of these data some were quite specific. To accommodate
down to a more personal level. Alternatively, these views, the grid was adjusted as much
the concepts of miniaturization and embedded as possible; however, it is acknowledged that
technologies were seen as being the least this issue continues to exist and, because of
effective. the diverse set of technologies found in the
geomatics industry, is quite unavoidable.

Table C-4 - Solution Indexes

Critical Technologies Solution Index

Geospatial data and infrastructure 140
GIS 135
Database management 134
User applications/solutions 131
Communication and distribution 128
Navigation and positioning 125
Data visualization 122
High-resolution sensing 108
Image analysis 107
Miniaturization 105
Embedded technology 105

Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Co n cil US ion This is a good start at analytically determining

an issue that traditionally has been difficult to
Despite its weaknesses, this application of
investigate. This exercise can be further devel-
Simons's technology scanning process is very
insightful and provides a base for analytical oped by addressing the issues that have been
brought up in this paper and by incorporating
analysis of technology-related issues such as
input on the feasibility of the development
resource allocations for R&D. This is not to
of the particular technologies and the time
say that the concerns expressed by the partici-
frame required to do so. In sum, the entire
pants are not valid; they simply do not impair
the attainment of the goal of the process, process as well as its results have been very
useful in the analysis of the future key market
which is to encourage a structured dialogue
segments and critical technologies in the
about the future technological requirements
Canadian geomatics industry. Furthermore,
of the Canadian geomatics industry.
this sort of analysis should not be confined
The geomatics industry is an excellént to the geomatics industry. The experience
acquired in applying the Simons technology
example of a knowledge-based industry.
The essence of its products and services is scanning framework to cuiTent work should
be continued, and the idea of future work
technology or its application. This is an indus-
in other sectors should be explored.
try where even products and services that
either are the application of existing technolo-
gies or are existing technologies in new forms
can be considered as knowledge-based or
"technologies" in their own right due to the
expertise and research required to develop
them. As such, all of the technologies listed
are valid "solutions" in the Simons technology
scanning structure.

Of greater concern are the sometimes

small sample sizes used, the difficulty of
encouraging participants to think about tech-
nological applications that have not yet been
developed or with which they are unfamiliar,
the incremental development of the grid, and
the participants' needs for greater definition
of the categories and process. These issues,
however, can be addressed with a more
planned and thorough distribution of the grid
and, for the time being, do not greatly hinder
the usefulness of the analysis and its ability
to give an idea of which technologies and
markets will be important in the future as
well as of how effective the technologies are
in addressing the future market requirements
of the geomatics industry.


D: Cadastre: a public register or survey that

GLOSSARY defines or re-establishes boundaries of public
and/or private land for purposes of ownership
and/or taxation.
Automated mapping and facilities
management (AM/FM) systems: systems Cartography: the art, science and technology
that ". . . automate the mapping process and . . . of making maps and charts.
manage facilities represented by items on the
map. In the past, when a map was needed, a CAT III landing systems: CAT is an abbrevi-
crew of surveyors, draftspersons and geogra- ation for Category, and refers to different lev-
phers would combine their resources and els of instrument landing approach guidance,
based on distance from and height above the
develop a map on paper. This map was created end of a runway (threshold) that is being
by hand, updated by hand and reproduced by approached. For example, CAT l is normally
a professional printer. Today, it can be drawn described at 1 mile (1.6 km) distance and
on a computer screen using a Computer Aided, 200 feet (61 m) above runway threshold,
and Design (CADD) software pro- Drafting and CAT III normally means zero distance
gram. The map program is then connected and 50 feet (15.4 m) height above threshold.
to a database containing a variety of detailed At these points during the approach, the crew
information related to items on the map. When are compelled to decide either to continue
the map is needed to answer a question, it is the approach to landing or to abort, depending
displayed on the screen automatically. Updates on whether they have visually acquired sight
are made quickly using a digitizing table, a of the runway.
mouse and a keyboard. The entire map, or just
portions of it, may be selected to be printed Cellular triangulation: a positioning process
on a plotter. The process is similar to word that uses measurement of signal transit times
processing for maps."g from known cellular coverage cells to adjacent
cells to approximate the location of a signal
Business geographics: the use of GIS (cellular user) within one of those cell sites.
technology in general business applications
CFIT (controlled flight into terrain)
such as retail sales, package goods shipment, avoidance systems: systems that assist in
real estate and banking. In these applications, preventing perfectly functional aircraft and
GIS is used to help identify optimum locations crew from flying into the ground while under
for new businesses, to' improve the efficiencies full control. This has occurred in the past in
of operations and to improve decision making. mountainous or hilly terrain where visibility
The business geographies market is driving is poor and the crew become disoriented while
the trend toward integration of GIS with flying on instrument guidance. CFIT avoid-
other information technologies to create ance systems are intended to assist the crew
more consumer-oriented decision tools. to maintain clearance with the ground under
these difficult circumstances.
Cadastral surveyor: a person who advises
on, reports on, supervises or conducts surveys Connectedness: the degree to which the
to establish, locate, define or describe lines, citizens of a nation or community have access
boundaries or corners of parcels of land or to the skills and knowledge information
land covered with water. infrastructure in their community, country
and world in general.

14 Geospatial Information & Technology Association ( 45

Geoma ics Technology Roadmap

Data visualization: the art, science and Epidemiology: ". . . the branch of medicine
technology of presenting data/information in a that deals with the causes, distribution and
manner, graphically, audibly, etc., that affords control of disease in populations."6
the viewer the greatest appreciation and under-
standing of the data/information content. Geodetic surveying: a process that measures
and represents the shape and size of the Earth
Dead-reckoning system: a rough method of and its gravity; an accurate three-dimensional
estimating position, based on using a known co-ordinate system on which all measurements
speed and direction at one moment in time, and of the Earth's surface depend.
projecting the position at any subsequent
moment in time, assuming that speed and Geographic information systems (GIS):
direction remain constant. a computer software system (often including
hardware) with which spatial information may
Decision support systems: interactive be captured, stored, analyzed, displayed and
computer-based systems that help decision retrieved.
makers utilize data and models to identify
and solve problems and make decisions: 5 Geomatics: a generic term that covers the
disciplines of surveying (geodetic, cadastral,
Differential GPS: a GPS receiver fixed engineering and marine) and includes the
at a known location (known as a reference site) global positioning system, mapping (photo-
that measures the differences between the fixed grammetry, radargrammetry, cartography,
location and what it derives from GPS satellite automated mapping/facilities management and
measurements. These differences are broadcast charting), remote sensing (data acquisition and
so that other mobile receivers can use these application), and the creation and maintenance
"corrections" to improve the accuracy of their of spatial or geographic information systems.
own measurements. Typically, GPS system
errors are removed to improve mobile position Geospatial data: data and information that are
measurements from 100 metres to between referenced to a location on the Earth's
1 and 5 metres. surface through precise scientific coordinates
such as maps, charts, air photos, satellite
Edutainment: a process whereby interactive images, and land and water surveys.
technology is used to both entertain and edu-
cate. Edutainment products can either entertain Global positioning system (GPS): a satellite-
or educate or do both at the same time and are based positioning system permitting the
often in the form of a CD-ROM. determination of the location of any point
on the Earth with high accuracy.
Embedded technologies: the inclusion,
integration or "embedding" of different tech- GLONASS: a Russian satellite navigation
nologies into electronic components or con- system similar to GPS.
sumer products, often so that the user or
person benefiting from the technology doesn't Gyro-compass: a compass that makes use
need to know about the integrated technology. of the properties of a continuously driven
Engineering surveying: provides control
for the design and development of man-made
structures. It is the foundation of all construc-
tion and development projects.
15 D. J. Power, DSS Glossary, 1997 (littp://

46 16 1TP Nelson, Canadian Dictionary of the English Language (Toronto: Nelson, 1988).

High-resolution sensing: satellite imagery Interoperable: the ability to use applications

from space-borne satellites that can detect or information effortlessly-within different
objects and activities as small as 1 or 2 metres. systems, applications and software platforms,
performing in consistent and predictable
Hydrography: the art of measuring the manners.
topography of the sea and its characteristics
and dynamics (tides, etc.). Intranet: ". . . a local area network,
which may not be connected to the Internet
Hyperspectral imaging: a procedure that but which has some similar functions. Some
measures the reflection of hundreds of wave- organizations set up World Wide Web servers
lengths of light from ground features, from on their own internal networks so that employ-
which it is possible to more precisely classify ees have access to the organization's web
land cover. This is done by comparing the documents."
measured response of a feature in the image
with a library containing standard responses Laser profiling: the science and techniques
from a set of known features. Scientists have involved in using airborne or space-borne
already developed many techniques for using instruments utilizing lasers to produce a con-
hyperspectral imagery to determine mineral tinuous record of terrain elevation along a
content, and are now making advances in specified line or flight path.
applying the data to determine vegetation
cover. Object-oriented database: ". . . a database
in which data are stored as objects in an
Image analysis: techniques used to enhance object-oriented programming environment,
the visible image (e.g. brightening, sharpen- and which is managed by an object-oriented
ing) or to derive information by analyzing database management system.""
the digital data that comprise an image
(e .g . texture/roughness , classification).
Object-oriented programming: ". . . an
approach to programming in which each data
Inertial navigation system (INS): ". . a
item with the operations used on it is desig-
self-contained navigation system consisting
nated as an object; the routines used to operate
of gyroscopes and accelerometers to provide
on the data item are called methods; and
altitude, heading, position, attitude, body/
objects are grouped in a hierarchy of classes,
inertial velocity and acceleration information;
with each class inheriting characteristics from
a primary navigation data source. INS loses
accuracy with time due to drift of gyroscopes.
the class above it. Some uses of object-ori-
ented programMing are simulation; work with
INS-DNS is moderately accurate over land,
vectors and other mathematical objects; and
but not good over water." 7
work with graphic objects. Examples of
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS): object-oriented programming languages are
". . . the application of advanced computing SIMULA, Smalltalk, C++, Object Pascal,
and communication technology to transport Objective C, Oblog. ,921
management and operating systems to achieve
increases in efficiency, safety and reductions
in negative environmental impacts."

17 http://g.oswego.eduddl/acs/glossary/section3_1.11tml
18 Industry Canada (littp://silicon.sim.qc.cants_constintst.litml).
19 Computer Currents Magazine (http://www.currents.netiresources/dictionary/dictionary.phtml).
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
Geomatics Technology Roadmap

Object-relational database systems: the "health" of the visible satellites. The

database systems that ". . . have some of corrections are collected at a central location,
the capabilities of object-oriented database sys- and a wide area correction is formed, which is
tems and additional unique capabilities, such as then broadcast throughout the coverage area.
the ability to contain sets of record-structured The coverage area is normally over the area
values in a single column or row."" where the reference sites are located, and the
signal is normally distributed by satellite
Ortho-imaging: the technique of creating an uplink and is re-broadcast.
image derived from a conventional perspective
image by differential rectification so that it is • Seamless: information or data without
devoid of displacements caused by camera breaks or gaps in coverage, regardless of
or sensor tilt and terrain elevation. how the information is stored, managed and
Photogrammetry: the art and science
of obtaining measurements from aerial Server centric computing: a computing sys-
photographs. tem in which "the database server (typically a
mainframe or Unix machine) does all the work
Polychrome mapping: the technique of and the clients are merely dumb terminals . "24
digital, full-colour mapping.
Spatial data: ". . . data in the form of two- or
Radargrammetry: the technology of tliree-dimensional images." "
extracting geometric object information
from radar images. Spatial data infrastructure: a national net-
work-based solution to provide easy, consistent
Relational database systems: ". . . a database and effective access to geographical informa-
in the form of tables that have rows and tion maintained by public agencies throughout
columns to show the relationships between Canada that provides and promotes the use of
items, and in which information can be cross- geographical information in support of politi-
referenced between two or more tables to cal, economic, social and personal develop-
generate a third table. A query language is used ment by all Canadians.
to search for data. If data are changed in one
table, they will be changed in all related tables. Standard Query Language (SQL): ". . . a
A da.tabase that has only one table is called a language used to create, maintain and query
flat file database."" relational databases. It is an ISO and ANSI
standard. SQL uses regular English words for
Remote sensing: the science of capturing, many of its commands, which makes it easy
identifying, classifying and evaluating objects, to use. It is often embedded within other
areas or phenomena using data recorded by programming languages." 26
sensing devices in aircraft or in satellites.
Supervisory control and data acquisition
Satellite wide-area systems: systems that use (SCADA): ". . . the process by which real-time
differential corrections from a network of sev- information is gathered from remote locations
eral reference sites. These corrections include for processing and analysis; and the process
differential measurements and information on by which equipment is controlled. SCADA is

22 price Waterhouse, Technology Forecast: 1998 (Menlo Park, CA: Price Waterhouse, 1998)
P. 474.
23 computer Currents Magazine (littp://

48 25 Computer Currents Magazine (http://www.currents.netkesources/dictionary/dictionary.phtml).

26 ibid.

used in the electric, telecommunications, trans-

portation, pipeline, water/wastewater, oil and
gas, and infrastructure/government fields.
AM/FM/GIS and SCADA relate by allowing
for "live" maps and real-time databases that
are used to manage large systems and net-
works. Through the integration, SCADA
becomes spatially related, and AM/FM/GIS
systems become real-time.""

Video-imaging: the use of video technology

to create an analogue image and scanning to
produce a digital image.

27 Geospatial Information & Technology Association (http://www.amfmintlorg/scope.html). 49

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Canadian Institute of Geomat
Geomatics technology roadmap


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