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Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you for coming to this unique event,

especially to my family, my friends, and also my very cute cat, cutie. Thank you ma for bringing

her here. She gave me the strength to speak here in front of you all. I also want to send my

heartfelt gratitude to General Roselyn Ordame, salute! And also to Miss. Ryza Kimno, how was

Korea by the way? Let's talk later okay, tell me about your experience there.

Today is the opening of my art gallery. I have been working on my exhibition for almost

a year ago and I can say that it is not that simple and easy. Sometimes I have to stop due to

financial problems and such. There are also times when I don't like my art and I can't imagine the

art that I want to draw. It makes me feel devastated and hopeless. However, thanks to my sister

for comforting me in my darkest time and enlightening me to keep going even though I'm

encountering such a dilemma.

Regardless of what I have experienced, I am here now in front of you, standing proud and

confident with those arts that are hanging on that white wall. Being here is an accomplishment

and it is a pleasure to open my art gallery after a year of hard work. I know that my art gallery is

far that's why I hope you will enjoy and love my artwork. And I hope that it can pass your taste

and make you feel that it is worth it coming here. Again thank you for coming and have a nice

day everyone.
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! I want to thank my family, friends, and especially

my adorable kitty, cutie, for attending this unusual event. Ma, I'm grateful you brought her here.

She gave me the willpower to speak in front of you all today. General Roselyn Ordame deserves

my sincere gratitude as well. Salute! same to Miss. Ryza Kimno, by the way, how was Korea?

Tell me about your experience there and let's discuss more later, all right?

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