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NĂM HỌC 2016 - 2017

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút ( không kể thời gian phát đề)
Đề thi có 07 trang

Điểm Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách

Bằng số: 1.

Bằng chữ: 2.

Phần nghe có 02 bài, mỗi bài được nghe 02 lần (giám thị chỉ mở 01 lần đĩa tự động phát 02 lần). Trước phần
nghe có một phút để thí sinh đọc đề bài.
I. Listen to a conversation between a girl and a boy talking about the people they met at a party. Then match
the names with the right characteristics (10 points).
(Number zero is given as an example)
Names Characteristics
Your answer
0 Jenny
0. A) blond
1 John A. blond
1. …………….………………. B. famous
C. friendly
2 Mary
2. ……………….……………. D. interesting
E. quiet
3 Bob 3. ………………….…………. F. short
G. tall
4 David 4. ………………….…………. H. young

5 Sally 5. ………………….………….

II. Listen and fill in the blanks with the information you hear (Write no more than three words). (10 points)

1. New phone number: ……………………………………………….

2. New address: ………………………………………………………
3. Opposite: …………………………………………………………..
4. Opens on: ………………………………………………………….
5. And get a free: ………………………………………………………

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III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space
provided. (6 points)
1. A. off B. of C. safe D. knife
2. A. talked B. laughed C. wicked D. kicked
3. A. mother B. love C. office D. one
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your answers
in the space provided. (4 points)
1. A. sociable B. volunteer C. photograph D. beautiful
2. A. orphanage B. delivery C. experiment D. directory
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN
ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS . Write your answers in the space provided. (70 points)
1. For lunch, you may have ________fish or chicken.
A. both B. neither C. not only D. either
2. The clerk said she was tired ________ hearing complaints day after day.
A. with B. of C. about D. for
3. I usually go to work by bus, but _________and then I use my motorbike.
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
4. We arrived ________ to have some coffee before class.
A. enough early B. early enough C. too early D. early too
5. “What are you doing?” “I________the flowers. They ________ wonderful!”
A. am smelling / smell B. smell / smell
C. am smelling / are smelling D. smell / are smelling
6. We watch the cat ________ the tree.
A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. climbing
7. Tom: “Do you mind if I use your phone?” - Sue: “ __________”.
A. Not at all. Help yourself. B. You can say that again.
C. Yes, certainly. D. Yes, I think OK.
8. He was ________ he could not wake up.
A. very tired that B. such tired that C. too tired that D. so tired that
9. We bought __________ HP printer yesterday. __________ old one is out of order.
A. a/An B. an/A C. the/The D. an/The
10. He was made ________ for two hours.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited
11. “Where are my jeans?” - “They _________ at the moment. Sorry.”
A. are washing B. were washed C. are washed D. are being washed
12. ________ he comes in half an hour, I shall go alone.
A. If B. Unless C. Because D. When
13. He didn't pay__________ to what I said, so he couldn't answer the question.
A. action B. attention C. attendance D. decision
14. His clothes are too dirty. They need ________ .
A. to wash B. to be washed C. washing D. being washed
15. Keiko has $100. Betty has $75. Betty has less money than Keiko.
A. more money than B. not as much money as C. the same money as D. a lot of money
16. It costs about $30 to get a tooth __________ in my country .
A. filled B. to fill C. filling D. fill
17. I understand most of the lecture, ________there is still one point I would like you to clear up for me.
A. and B. however C. therefore D. so
18. He hates ________ to do something by others.
A. to ask B. asking C. to be asked D. being asked
19. Neither the director nor his assistant _________yet.
A. has come B. hasn’t come C. have come D. haven’t come
20. I telephoned the station to make _________of the time of the train.
A. true B. real C. right D. sure
21. The prefix “re-“ in the word “reuse” means ________
A. against B. again C. for D. no

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22. Do you know the boy________ to Mrs Nga?
A. who is talking B. talked C. talking D. he talks
23. This is ________ book that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting a B. so interested C. such an interesting D. too interesting
24. Everyone has to follow this way to get into the fair, ________?
A. do they B. doesn’t he C. don’t they D. doesn’t she
25. It's an hour since he ________, so he must be at the office now.
A. has left B. is leaving C. was leaving D. left
26. Our teacher asked us ________in class.
A. not to talk B. to not talk C. no talk D. without talking
27. It is a _______ girl with _______.
A. green-eyes/ red hair B. green-eyed/ red hairs
C. green-eye/ a red hair D. green-eyed/ red hair.
28. Drinking and smoking will do great harm _________ people’s health.
A. to B. for C. with D. in
29. He always ________.
A. avoids to meet me B. avoiding to meet me
C. avoids meeting me D. to avoid meeting me
30. The animals gathered closely together for _________
A. warmed B. warm C. warmth D. warmly
31. Of my parents, my father is _________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
32. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate ________.
A. with other B. themselves C. each other D. with one another
33. Have you ever read anything ________ Earnest Hemmingway?
A. by B. of C. from D. for
34. Do it right now, ___________ ?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you
35. I asked her why _________ school the day before
A. she didn’t go B. she hasn’t gone to C. she hadn’t gone to D. she has gone

VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space provided.
(10 points)
1. Everybody loves her because she is very kind with animals.
2. Though my English teacher looks young, she is twice older than I am.
3. She refused to tell us why was she crying.
4. The Eiffel Tower has designed by the French civil engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel
for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889
5. A five - thousand - dollar reward were offered for the capture of the escaped criminals.
VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space
provided. (20 points)
Have you ever been to Britain? I’ve dreamed of going there (1) ______ I was a little girl and finally, (2) ______
the spring of 2012, it happened. I was there three weeks and (3) ______ much of that time soaking up the
culture, history, and scenery of this incredible island. I visited several districts in England, Wales and Scotland
and even (4) ______ a site trip to Ireland. Every place I went to seemed to be more interesting and more
beautiful (5) ______ the last.
The tour I was with began in London. Of all the sights I saw there, the Tower of London was the most (6)
______. The Tower is a building complex of incredibly rich history.

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Also on the Thames are the Houses of Parliament and, of course, the clock tower housing “Big Ben”. I saw so
many landmarks I can hardly remember them all. Although it was just a glimpse of London I did, (7) ______,
get a chance to see all the (8)______ famous places.
After (9) ______ of days in London we traveled to the south of England stopping to visit Stonehenge. If you
don’t know about Stonehenge there are a couple of links on my links page that will (10) ______ you to sites that
can fill you in.
1. A. for B. while C. since D. because
2. A. on B. in C. at D. to
3. A. spent B. took C. did D. used
4. A. did B. got C. spent D. made
5. A. then B. as C. with D. than
6. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestingly
7. A. at first B. at all C. at least D. at that
8. A. more B. much C. most D. many
9. A. few B. some C. a couple D. little
10. A. reach B. take C. make D. send
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.(10 p)
Many people continue to skip breakfast despite its being most important meal of the day.
Busy people often rush out the door in the mornings with out giving their bodies the fuel they need to
handle a long day at work. They end up feeling tired by the afternoon and resort to the office snack machine
or biscuit tin.
Loysa Hourigan, from Nutrition Australia, said that catching up on food at lunch time did not provide the
body with enough sustenance to keep it going for the rest of the day. “Even if you have had lunch, you won’t
have as much food as you need. Your brain gets depleted of glucose and you feel tires.” Ms Hourigan said.
According to Ms Hourigan, wholegrain bread and cereals provide endurance. Milk, eggs and baked beans
provide protein, which helps people to alert. Rolled oats are also an excellent endurance food.

1. According to the passage, people should ………….. .

A. have breakfast B. skip lunch C. not eat snacks D. not have breakfast
2. The word “fuel” in line 2 means …………… .
A. food B. meal C. nutrition D. energy
3. Ms Hourigan said that if we did not have breakfast, we would feel tired because…………
A. our brain ran out of glucose B. our brain was full of glucose
C. there was no oxygen in our brain D. we did not have lunch
4. According to Ms Hourigan, which of the following is NOT mentioned as endurance foods?
A. rolled oats B. cereals C. wholegrain bread D. bananas
5. Loysa Hourigan might work as…………….
A. teacher B. nutritionist C. writer D. business woman
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (20

In Britain there is a (1)_________ now which people call Mother’s Day. In the old days many girls
from working-class families in towns and cities and from farmers’ families in the country worked in rich
houses. They had to do all the (2)_________ and their working day was usually very long, they often
(3)_________ on Sundays, too. Once a year, it was usually one Sunday in March, they could (4)_________
their mothers. They went home on that day and (5)_________ presents for their mothers and for (6)_________
members of their families. They could stay at home only one day, and then they went back (7)_________their
work. People call that day Mothering Day (8)_________Mothering Sunday.
Later workers at the (9)_________ and girls who worked in the houses of rich families received one
free day a week, and Mothering Day became Mother’s Day. It is (10)_________ last Sunday in March.

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X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (20
1. David may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
David’s ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. It’s difficult for older people to learn a language.
Older people have ……………………………………………………....................................
3. Nobody used this house last year.
 This house …………………………………………………………………………….
4. Would you mind not smoking in here?
 I’d rather ........................................................................................................................
5. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
 It’s .................................................................................................................................
6. He was delighted to receive his aunt’s letter.
 He was delighted that ……………………………………..…………………………..
7. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it.
time machine .…………………...……………………………………………..…
8. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
 I’ve never …..........................................................................................................……
9. The man was not able to go on an expedition to the Middle East because of his age.
The man was too ..................................................
10- “ You’d better not lend that man any more money, Mary” - said John.
 John advised...............................................................................................................

XII. Imagine you were a tourist in a certain part in Viet Nam recently. Write a letter to a friend to tell him/
her about your trip. (20 points)
Dear Hoa,

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Your friend,

___The end___


(Hướng dẫn chấm có 02 trang) MÔN TIẾNG ANH



I. Listen to a conversation between a girl and a boy talking about the people they met at
a party. Then match the names with the right characteristics (10 points).
1. E. quiet 2. C. friendly 3. H. young 4. G. tall 5. D. interesting

II. Listen and fill in the blanks with the information you hear (Write no more than three
words). (10 points)
1. 8472296 2. 98 Warnock (Road) 3. (the) bank 4. 21st of May/ May 5. travel bag
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your
answers in the space provided. (6 points)
1. B 2. C 3. C
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group.
Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)
1. B 2. A
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE
your answers in the space provided. (70 points)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. B,D 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. A
11. D 12. B 13. B 14. B,C 15. B
16. A 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D
21. B 22. A,C 23. A,C 24. C 25. D
26. A 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. C
31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. A,C
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the
space provided. (10 points)
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C
VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your
answers in the space provided. (20 points)
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1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.(10 p)
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (20
1. holiday 2. housework 3. worked 4. visit/ meet/ see 5. brought/bought
6. other 7. to 8. or 9. factories 10. the
X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (20
1. David 's poor health doesn’t prevent him from enjoying life.
2. Older people have difficulty in learning a language.
3. This house wasn’t used last year.
4. I'd rather you didn't smoke in here.
5. It's years since I enjoyed myself so much.
6. He was delighted that his aunt sent him a letter.
7. The time machine will be shown to the public when it is finished.
8. I’ve never seen a stranger film than that before./ I’ve never seen such a strange film before.
9. The man was too old to go on an expedition to the Middle East.
10. John advised Mary not to lend that man any more money.

XII. Imagine you were a tourist in a certain part in Viet Nam recently. Write a letter to a friend to tell him/
her about your trip. (20 points)
Marking criteria Point
1. Content: 8 .0
- Providing all main ideas and details as required: including 10
( 0,4 pts / 1 idea)
+ when you came there
+ distance from your place
+ how you got there
+ place you stayed
+ how long it took to get there.
+ how you felt/ feel about the people there
+ weather
+ what you did there: sights you visited; who you met/ saw (2 )
+ what you bought
+ How you felt then/ feel now after the trip
- Communicating intention sufficently and effectively 4.0
2. Organization and presentation 4.0
- Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion and
- The essay is well-structured 2.0
3. Language 4.0
- Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to
the level of English language.
- Good use and control of grammatical structures 2.0
4. Punctuation and spelling and handwriting 4.0
- Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes 2.0
- Legible handwriting 2.0

___The end___

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