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I ) Answer the following

Q.1) Define selector tool, list the applications of selector tool?

The selector tool or F1 is used to select an object using left click on the
mouse. when an object
is selected by clicking once, eight arrow shaped handles appear around
the object .
cue. Q.2) Describe the different kinds of fill?
Ans: • Solid colour • Gradient fill • Texture fill
A) Solid colour - It is filling an object using any plane colour like green
or blue
B) Gradient fill – In a shape, when a colour has to be blended,
C ) Texture fill - This pattern can be used to fill an object in the canvas.
Q.3) Explain cloning and the types of cloning?
Ans.This creates a copy of the selection, which is linked to the original,
known as
Q.4) Explain Ubuntu?
Ans:Ubuntu is an operating System. It is free and open source software,
it is named
after the southern African philosophy of Ubuntu (which means humanity
to others).
Q 5). Explain the steps to edit path?
Ans: 1. The Bezier tool is used to draw the path. To convert the line into
a curved line, using
selection tool . click on the line , A handle will appear. Then click and
drag on the center to draw a curve.
Q 6). what is the name of the tool used to draw calligraphy lines? write a
brief description about it?
Ans: It is the calligraphy tool. Dragging the mouse on the canvas to
draw the line.
Q 7). What is the purpose of an editing path ?where can it be applied?
Ans: To modify shapes of the path, Node tool is used. To activate the
node ,click on the node button ,or press F2 key.
Q8.)what is transformation? What are the transformations available?
Ans: The objects placed in Inkscape canvas can be resized rotated and
distorted in an angle.
The available transformations are
1)Scale: Resizing an object vertically, horizontally or both
2)Rotate: Rotating an object,
3)Skew: Distort shape horizontally.
Q9.)what is the purpose of grouping objects ?
Ans: More than one object can be merged together to form a group.
Q10.)What is the purpose of align and distribute tool?
Ans: This option allows to arrange multiple selected objects in the same
line and distributes them with equal space.
Q11.) What is layering?
Ans: The objects and shape can be placed one in front of the other facing
the user.

Q12). Define the purpose of layout guides, where and how it is used?
what will happen if the layout guide option is not available in Inkscape?
Ans: For arranging text and pictures in Inkscape the objects to guides
option in object menu is used.
We may not be able to place the objects precisely.
Q3. how do you snap objects in Inkscape write a brief description about
Ans:The topmost section has an icon called Master snap toggle, which
toggles on and off all other buttons. The second and third sections
contain different buttons for snapping objects.
1. What is inkscape
inkscape is a software that helps us to create logos, graphics and design.

2. How are graphic files classified?

Define them.
a. Raster image or graphics when some images are enlarged they lose
their clarity such images are
called raster images.
b. Vector images or graphics
Vector graphics are a combination of paths defined by start and end
3. What is a pixel?
Ans :Pixel is a short form of picture element .
7. What is OS? Write its function and give an example.
Ans:Operating system is a large program made up of smaller programs
which makes your computer work .
Function - Recognising input from the keyboard,sending output to the
display screen and controlling devices such as printers.
Example – Windows.
8. What is GUI?
GUI is a graphical user interface that helps navigate to various

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