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ELCC1999 Observation Practice, Let’s Play in The Kitchen

Children’s activities-
Alyssa and Eva- imaginative play within the toy kitchen space, pretending to have different roles
and tasks such as stirring, "stirring the hot chocolate, I'm going to put hot chocolate in my
coffee", cutting, preparing food. They interact with each other, the educators, and
materials/props- creativity and social skills while exploring different aspects of kitchen play.
Aarranging materials, pretending to cook, caring for baby doll. Roleplaying skills, cooperative

Alyssa- empathy, inclusivity, involving Eva in activities, asking “​​wanna cut with me?” and asking
for her preferences in the food toys
Eva- perseverance, cooperation, participating in the play even though showing some struggle
like opening the container

Gathering materials arranging them in kitchen space=enclosing schema, organizing the objects
in the boundaries of the kitchen area
Connecting schema, talking about preferred colours and engaging in cooperative play like
cutting the melon together, linking objects together/building relationships through social
interaction. Sharing materials like the knife and spoon=cooperative play=connecting schema
Positioning schema, arranging materials in kitchen, setting up table for pretend play, arranging
objects in specific way according to environment
Rotational schema, stirring hot chocolate with spoon, pretending to cut melon in rotational
Transporting, bringing materials to the table, passing objects like spoon between each other,
bringing container to Alyssa
Trajectory- pretending to stir drink, cutting food, movements following a specific path

Conversations and body language-

Alyssa engaged in conversation with educators and friend Eva, social skills, communication,
asking “you like these things?” when looking through different food items
Eva using words, gestures in interactions with Alyssa (nodding head, shaking head)

What delighted-
Inclusive and cooperative behaviour of Alyssa, involving eva in activities, like asking for her
preferences in the food
Alyssa giving back the container for Eva to try and open on her own

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