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Exercise 1 page 126 Exercise 1 page 132
Answers will vary. 1 urgent 2 alarming 3 adopt 4 address 5 diminish
6 vital 7 resistant 8 instigated
Exercise 2 page 126
Possible answers: Exercise 2 page 132
1 onshore versus offshore wind farms 2 how a wind Possible answers:
turbine works 3 the advantages of wind power 2 droughts, problems with growing crops, the death
of livestock and other animals 3 less food and fewer
Exercise 3 page 127 habitats for animals; flooding due to excess water run-
off 4 food prices would rise and there could be riots,
1 F; five percent 2 T 3T 4 F; more expensive
starvation and death 5 prices of metals would rise
5 DNS 6 T
sharply; consumer goods would be more expensive
Exercise 4 page 127
Possible answers: Exercise 3 page 133
1 The energy is renewable and the wind itself is free. Possible answers:
2 It is very windy. 3 People are less likely to ob ect to 2 build water storage facilities (dams, irrigation channels,
the appearance and noise of turbines that are offshore or etc.) 3 protect forests; create national parks; plant new
far from their homes. 4 The turbines are noisy and trees; build dams to stop serious flooding 4 reduce
unattractive. food waste through education; encourage people to eat
produce that needs less land, enforce fishing quotas
Exercise 5 page 127 5 find new sources of metal; ensure that metal is recycled
Possible answers: from old items
1 There is widespread support because: the UK is windy,
people want to reduce CO2 emissions. There is also Exercises 4–5 page 133
opposition because: people think the turbines spoil the Possible answers:
landscape, they are noisy. 2 Experts know that fossil Reduce means to consume and use less. We can reduce
fuels will run out and we will need to switch to our use of electricity, gas, oil and chemicals for example.
renewable sources of energy. Re-use means to use things again, for example plastic
bags from the supermarket or plastic containers.
Exercise 6 page 127
Recycle means to collect and treat rubbish in order to
Answers will vary. produce useful materials Paper, glass and some metals
and plastics can be recycled.
READING 1 Exercise 6 page 133
Exercise 1 page 128 1 He implies that reducing is the easiest to do, but does
not say that one is better than the other.
1 wind power 2 geothermal energy 3 solar power
4 hydropower 2 They may not be available to people in certain places
because of environmental limitations; they can be
Exercise 2 page 128 expensive; they can be time-consuming to install the
a initial b generate c aquatic d offshore e required elements.
universal f utilize g inexhaustible 3 It is crucial for the future of the planet to follow the
‘reduce, re-use, recycle strategy’.
Exercise 3 page 130
C Exercise 7 page 133
2 motorized 3 medical; food storage 4 metals
Exercise 4 page 130
5 fossil fuels 6 solar; geothermal 7 the planet
1 solar 2 biomass 3 geothermal 4 hydropower
5 solar 6 geothermal Exercise 8 page 135
1 because people will be more careful about how they
Exercise 5 page 130
use or waste energy if it gets more expensive 2 because
1 hydropower 2 wind 3 biomass 4 solar
ar it uses so much energy 3 because it may not be safe
5 geothermal 6 hydropower 7 biomass or clean, and handling it could cause illness 4 because
following these laws could force them to raise their costs
Exercise 6 page 131 or reduce their profits
1 of or from the sun 2 easily damaged, broken or
harmed 3 when something is put or kept somewhere Exercise 9 page 135
for use in the future 4 involving or produced by Answers will vary.
the heat that is inside the Earth 5 animals that live
independently of people in natural conditions 6 to put
into the ground 7 to have a border with
Keys to UNIT 6 - READING

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