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Wynter Martinez-Hernandez

College and Career

Period 8
My Service Learning Project
Established in 1975, the non-profit organization, Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC),
brings services and resources that benefit my community.
One of the centers is located at 1230 Menlo Ave Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90006. Their phone
number is (213)-3657-400.
KYCC’s website information is
Their mission is “to serve the evolving needs of the Korean American population in the greater
Los Angeles area as well as the multiethnic Koreatown community. KYCC’s programs and
services are directed toward recently immigrated, economically disadvantaged youth and
families, and promote community socioeconomic empowerment.”
The organization’s purpose is to help provide resources for families and children who struggle
economically, socially, and emotionally. It aims to also improve the city our community lives in
by cleaning and providing sources towards it.
Back when I was attending middle school, one of my relatives had gone to KYCC to
become a member of one of their programs to get the help they needed. During their time of
being in that program, my family was invited to many events that KYCC created. Those events
really helped since they would mostly be food drives or donations that had clothes or toys that
we couldn’t afford to get at the time. It left quite a big impact on me, so looking back at the
organization has made me recall those happy sentimental memories. Those experiences led me to
want to choose this organization out of all the others that are located in our community. The
whole purpose of this organization is to help out our community by providing support with what
the community needs. My community has families who struggle financially, socially, and with
mental health. They offer programs for various topics like drug abuse recovery, mental health
awareness, and education opportunities. KYCC provides many benefits for my community. One
of those benefits is donating food and clothes to families that need them. At most events,
volunteers or people donate food and clothes as well as other sources to the organization to give
to the families who are struggling in those areas. Another benefit this organization has provided
my community is beautifying places that have been polluted, and cleaning them up until they
look new. The role I envision myself as a volunteer for this organization would be to help give
out donations to families and clean up places in our community. I also would have hoped to be
an event organizer for community events to help make a difference and spread positivity so that
we can all help each other out. The personal benefit that I would gain by volunteering for this
organization is that I'll finally be able to give back to those who have helped me in the past. In
those days I would have always wished for giving back to that organization for all the help I have
received from them as a thank you for being there when I was struggling. Volunteering for the
organization would have made me feel like I could also do the same in helping others with
similar experiences and backgrounds that I have.

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