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‘An example at 1 atm and 298 K: ‘System Diffusivity (ems) HeNHy 0.783 HCH, 0.726 ALCH, 0.202 He-CH, 0675 HEN 0.687 AisHO (0.260 ‘Ai-C;H,OH 0.135 ‘Aicbenzene 0.0962 {itl 265 Aol me cals me enrol (4) Ditasvtes of gases in the case of absence of experinental di Holman gives a semiempirical equation by Absolute temp, Ki Absolute pressure, stm My, My -molae weights oF A,B, g/mol Vg.Vp. ~molecular volumes of gases A,B define by sum of roleculr volumes ofall elements. In case of enzene, naphtalene or tnthraoen exist the molecular volumes must be mins strture constance (benzene 15; Naphalen 30; anthracen 47.5) Das is proportional to 1/P and 717% Tee 4 rl nama lg pt se coy med er Som Tories compo ‘mem igmal Compu ince 7 Soe ccmanaciNm 74 yao Tay Ni eNO Re molested s Ouse 0. 236 Nim ne, NO sot 33 Oum mip cen Nico a aa agen, db ot 1s Oypm inant i ‘Caton momaabe, CO 307 Hygena, S329 Tmociepieysnin 103 Sue Bs Cate Gone COM) brs 5 Niner weary oto __120 Cateylsti. OS «SIS here, ae oven) | Dia =i ines hoc pressure nam “molecular weg 7 “tementureink X,_“aumef tne tain volume component Djs is proportional to 1/P and T'75 For very large spherical molecules (A) of 1000 molecular \welght or greater difusing ina liquid solvent (8) of small moecules p,, = 296x108 T ag = _ applicable wa" {or biological Day = aitsivy in ons solutes such T = temperature in K as proteins = Waroatyofsluton in kim = Vz solute moar volume atts normal boing point in mekanol Das is proportional to 1/y and T iii ves fr snp kek, For smaller molecules (A) difusing in a due liquid solution of sober) D, 1.173 x 10°? (® Mg)? T 43 = ———__ Co jg tusvty meme for biological IM, - molecular weight of solvent B T” temperature in K = viscosity of solvent Bin kgim 5 Vg ~ solute molar volume at is normal boling point in m/Amol © association parameter ofthe solvent, which 2. for water, 1.9 for methanol, 1.5 for ethanol, and sa on solutes For smaller molecules (A) difusing in a clue quid solution of solvent (8) 8.928 x 10° T (1/n, + 1/n.) D243 =< (1A, #17) Diag is iusivity in ems 1,8 the valence of cation 1. isthe valence of anion 1, and Aare the limiting ionic conductances in very ite solutions Tis 298.2 when using the above at 25°C Das is proportional to T Diffu n in solids Diflusion in solids are occurring ata very slow rate. However, mass transfer in solids are very important. Examples: Leaching of metal ores Drying of timber, ane foods Difusion and catalytic reaction in slid catalysts Separation of fuds by membranes Treatment of metal at hightemperature by gases. Diffusion in solids Diffusion in lids occur in two diferent ways: = Diftusion following Fick's law (does not depend on ‘he structure of the sold) - Diftusion in porous solids where the actual structure ‘and void channels are important Diffusion in solids following Fick's Law ‘Start with equation (19) from Set 1 Na= Dag OC 4 Ca (Nye) = (19) aC Bulk tem is set to zerin sods ‘Therefore, the folowing equation wil be used to describe the process: dC, a N, (3) Diffusion in solids following Fick's Law ‘The Knudsen numb, Ka, given by ‘__ mean re pathlength of the ifsing species owe ore diameter Diffusion in solids following Fick's Law Diffusion through a slab ‘Applying equation (38) for steady-state diftusion through a solld slab, we get Dap (Cas Ca) a2 N, oy “where Ny and Dyg are taken as constants mm Drive (34) and compare it with heat conduction equivalent Relating the concentration and solubility ‘The solubilty ofa solute gas ina solid ls usually expressed by the notation §. Unit used in general i the folowing ‘solute at STP 1m solid. atm partial pressure of solute Relationship between concentration and solubility: kro! solute im? sold where p, isin atm sTPof0C and atm Diffusion through a cylinder wall ‘Applying equation (38) for steady-state difusion trough a cylinder wall of inner radius , and outer radius f and length Lin ‘the ragial direction outward, we get Mass transfer per area per time, Mass transfer per time ‘Area of mass transfer 2H DulC, neal) Drive (36) and compare it with heat conduction equivalent. ™ ua) — 09 (ee \m Relating the concentration and permeability ‘The permesbiy ofa solute gas (A) in soli is usually expressed by the notation yn solute at STP (O°C and 1 fm) fusing per second perm cross-sectional area trough @ Solid tm thick under a pressure diference of am. Unit used in generals the flowing in solute at STP. 1 m thick solid 3 cross-sectional area. atm pressure dference Relationship between concentration and permesbily ne S Pi, where Dag i in ms and S is in mit Diffusion through a spherical shell ‘Applying equation (38) for steady-state difusion trough spherical shel of inner radius r, and outer radius rin the radial rection outward, we get Mass transfer perareaper time “N= 4 Mass transfer per time dC, ar (7) ane = De ‘Area of mass transfer ngs Attia Das(Cas- Cs) (on) Drive (38) and compare it with \ heat conduction equivalent. — (8)

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