2024 Drugs and Alcohol - Multimodel Presentation Task Sheet-3

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DATE: Theory lesson of Week 7 starting March 4th Indooroopilly State High
The teenage years can be a time of physical and mental
changes and conflicting emotions. It is also a time where
new experiences are available and there is the
opportunity for risk-taking. During this time, teenagers
can be exposed to unnecessary risks in the form of drugs
and alcohol.
Health and
• Work to be completed in assigned class time and home time
Physical Education
• Access to computers in assigned class time
• Presentation time limit: 3-4 minutes
• Planning sheet and PowerPoint need to be submitted via QLearn. Year 9

DIRECTIONS: Semester 1
 The presentation must follow a multi-modal format identified
by teacher and as discussed in class Term 1
 A planning scaffolding sheet must be completed
 Referencing to be used throughout the presentation (APA 2024
 Students who are absent on the date of submission
must show a medical certificate in accordance with
the school’s Assessment Policy.

RESULTS BY CRITERIA – Summary of matrix: Unit 1: Drugs & Alcohol


Overall result
Part A: Assessment Planning

Context: This term in HPE you have engaged in the Drugs & Alcohol unit. In the
current media, there are news articles that present contradicting views on trends
associated with adolescent drug and alcohol use. Your task is to develop a persuasive
speech presentation, with your class as the audience, stating and justifying your
viewpoint on the trends associated with adolescent drug and alcohol use.

Task: Select one of the statements and provide your opinion- agree or disagree. Use
the planning document to structure your persuasive presentation. Remember, your
planning document can contribute to your overall grade so complete each section in
full with accurate sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Statement (choose one and circle)

1. Young teenagers are becoming the ‘sober generation’.
2. Teenagers are drinking less, but they are replacing drinking alcohol with
3. Adolescents are drinking alcohol more than ever before.

Opinion on topic (choose one and circle)

Agree Disagree

State and explain your argument with supporting evidence for your viewpoint on drug
and alcohol use.
Nowadays, many teenagers are drinking less but more are using drugs instead.

Argument 1:
To begin with ,

Argument 2:
Opening sentence
Evidence (quotes, incidences)
Clincher (wrap up your argument and link to next):
Reiterate your arguments and opinion
Provide a call for action

Reference List: provide a list of resources used, in APA format.

Last name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Site Name. URL


Rowlatt, J. (2020, October 19). Could cold water hold a clue to a dementia cure? BBC
News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54531075

Part B: Multi-modal Presentation

Context: This term in HPE you have engaged in the Drugs & Alcohol unit. In the
current media, there are news articles that present contradicting views on trends
associated with adolescent drug and alcohol use. Your task is to develop a persuasive
speech presentation, with your class as the audience, stating and justifying your
viewpoint on the trends associated with adolescent drug and alcohol use.

 Construct a persuasive speech presentation. Use the information recorded in
your planning pages. The audience is your classmates.
 Provide your statement and your opinion on this; agree or disagree. Justify your
decision with the information you have received in class and gathered from
external sources. You will need 3 different arguments to persuade your audience.
 Present this information via PowerPoint with a voice over. The duration of
this should be no more than 3-4 minutes maximum.
 Remember that you must choose one point of view to present and you want
to persuade the audience that your viewpoint is the most accurate.

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