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Liberty Life

The number of people with diabetes is expected to rise from 177 million today to 370 million
in 2030. The first World Health Organisation (WHO) endorsed World Diabetes Day was
celebrated on the 14th of November 2007. The WHO estimates that approximately 60%
(33 million) of deaths across the world are due to non-communicable illnesses, which include
diabetes. Developing countries are particularly experiencing an increasing burden of these
illnesses which are putting strain on their already limited health budgets and resources.

There is an explosion of diabetes worldwide and developing South African perspective

countries like South Africa are worst hit!
About 47 million people live in South Africa; the burden of
non-communicable illnesses is staggering. We currently have
What is diabetes? approximately 6, 5 million diabetics in South Africa (14%).
Diabetes is a chronic illness that occurs when the pancreas
does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot Diabetes is rapidly emerging as a major public health problem
effectively use the insulin it produces. Hyperglycaemia, in South Africa. In South Africa, the prevalence rates of
or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes are already ranging between 4 and 6% especially in
diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of urban areas. Although all ethnic groups are affected, the two
the body’s systems especially the nerves and blood vessels. most at risk are the black community who are undergoing
rapid lifestyle and cultural changes, and people of Indian
descent who have a gene pool that makes them unusually
Types of Diabetes susceptible to diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is characterised by a lack of insulin production.
Without daily administration of insulin, Type 1 diabetes is In adults 30 years and older, 5.5% have diabetes which
rapidly fatal. Symptoms include excessive excretion of urine increased with age. Diabetes associated illnesses cause
(polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), constant hunger, weight loss, approximately 10 170 deaths alone each year in South Africa.
vision change and fatigue. These symptoms may occur
suddenly. Some illnesses associated with diabetes
Type 2 diabetes results from the body’s ineffective use of Heart disease and stroke
insulin. Type 2 diabetes comprises 90% of people with • Heart disease and stroke account for about 65% of deaths
diabetes around the world and is largely the result of excess in people with diabetes.
body weight and physical inactivity. • The risk of stroke is 2 to 4 times higher.
High blood pressure The Reality
• Approximately 70% of adults with diabetes suffer Diabetes is a manageable illness that can be controlled
from high blood pressure greater than 130/80 or use through: diet/nutrition, exercise, medication and weight
prescription medications for hypertension. loss. Currently in SA out of the number of people who are
aware that they are diabetic and are seeking treatment,
Blindness approximately 40% are controlled without complications.
• Diabetic retinopathy causes blindness and makes diabetes
the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults 20- So what’s this all about?
74 years of age.
Underwritings sweet new offering
Kidney disease In the past insurers were not able to offer any ancillary
benefits to diabetic clients and the life cover was always
• Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
heavily loaded (minimum 75% Extra Mortality).

Nervous system disease “Due to medical advances in the treatment of Diabetes as well
• About 60 to 70% of people with diabetes have mild to as early detection and public awareness of Diabetes, Liberty
severe forms of nervous system damage. The results of Life has changed their underwriting philosophy with regards
such damage include impaired sensation or pain in the to the assessment of Diabetic risks, and are now offering the
feet or hands. best terms including benefits.”

Amputations Now for the first time Liberty will be

• The rate of amputation for people with diabetes is 10 offering diabetic clients (type I & II) the
times higher than for people without diabetes. opportunity to have full comprehensive
cover. They will be able to select the
South African stats show that: following: Absolute Protector, Capital
• 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women suffer from a stroke or heart Disability, Impairment and Living Lifestyle
attack before the age of 60.
• 1 in 6 men and 1 in 7 women suffer from cancer; 50% of at a loading. Liberty will also have the
these patients are still alive five years later. most favourable/competitive affordable
• 1 in every 11 females will be diagnosed with breast cancer. rates on Life Cover. This will be subject to
• The average age of critical illness claims in South Africa
is age 41. the illness being controlled and without
complications. For more information,
please speak to your Liberty Wealth
Adviser or contact our call centre on
0860 456 789 or visit
Lesoba Difference 11530 March 2010

The information contained in this document does not constitute advice by Liberty. Any legal, technical or product information contained in this document is subject to change
from time to time. This document is a summary of features of the product. If there are any discrepancies between this document and the contractual terms and conditions or,
where applicable, any fund rules, the latter will prevail. Any recommendations made must take into consideration your specific needs and unique circumstances.

Liberty Group Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of the FAIS Act ( no. 2409).

© Liberty Group 2009. All rights reserved.

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