The Role of Construction Materials

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DOI: 10.4467/25438700ŚM.18.014.



The role of construction materials

in modern landscape design
The article deals with the peculiarities of application, along with traditional, new building materials and products in the
landscape design of the urban environment. The techniques and perspectives of their use in contemporary landscape design
and compositions are highlighted and examples are given.

Keywords: landscape design, traditional and new building materials and products

1. Introduction ties of their technology, it is possible to dis-

The main means of creation of landscape compositions is the tinguish the following groups: natural stone
harmonious combination of hydrographic, relief, plant and materials; ceramic materials and products;
other natural and artificial elements, such as geoplastic, water materials and products from wood; metal
devices, decorative coatings, small architectural forms and materials; concrete and reinforced concrete;
other elements of landscaping and arrangement of territories. glass and other materials and products from
The combination of natural and artificial components of the mineral melts; polymer materials. Among
environment, in accordance with a certain artistic design into them, it is possible to attribute the first four
a holistic spatial composition, is a major task in the formation positions to the traditional conditionally, and
of objects of landscape design. Their aesthetic quality and ef- the last to the innovation ones. Let’s consider
ficiency of improving the urban environment largely depends in a concise way the features and prospects
on the material and technical means of its implementation, of their use in landscape design.
among which a significant role belongs to construction pro- Natural stone is widely used in the organiza-
ducts and materials. tion of landscape compositions. At the dawn
Problems of landscape design of the urban environment were of human civilization, the artistic elaboration
covered in many scientific works and are in close connection of natural and artificial elements of the envi-
with the general scientific programs and processes, which ronment and landscape art objects, ranging
are united by the concepts of “Sustainable Development” from the Ancient World and the Middle Ages,
[1–5]. Aspects of the implementation of the urban environ- the greatest embodiment got it in natural
ment in the system of material entities and the introduction stone. Despite the use of other natural and
of architecture and design of modern building materials in re- synthetic materials in the new and modern
cent years paid more and more attention by various authors, history of architecture and landscape design,
mostly material scientists [6–13]. At the same time, the prob- it is unique “taste” of color and texture of na-
lems of the effective use of certain building materials in the tural stone range provides special artistic and
design of the architectural environment were not considered figurative characteristics to the environment
comprehensively. of streets and parks, city squares and bou-
levards, parks and estates.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the peculiarities of The main and most ambitious landscape art
application, along with traditional, new innovative building objects were and still are the palace and tem-
materials in the modern landscape design. ple complexes, agoras and villas, various buil-
dings of cultural, entertainment, commercial,
2. The main part and domestic purposes. The use of natural
According to the latest most informative publications and stone as bearing structural and finishing ma-
textbooks devoted to modern building materials [6–10], the terial for various facilities, buildings and sy-
classification of building materials is carried out on various stems is spread wide. As an example should
features, including by origin, chemical composition, features be taken two outstanding examples of archi-
of technology and purpose. By the features of the use of build- tectural and landscape ensembles – Alupka
ing materials and products during the formation of objects of and Livadia Palaces in Crimea that appeared
landscape design of the urban environment and the peculiari- composite cores of similar terrain parks. The-

* Vadym Abyzov, Prof., Dr. Sc./Hab. Ing.-Arch., Kyiv’s National University of Culture and Arts, Kijev, Ukraine, e-mail: 107
se masterpieces of architecture and landscaping art are orga- Ceramic materials and products play an im-
nically combined with the general design plan of external and portant role in creation of objects of landscape
internal environment of parks. A typical natural stone is used design. This most ancient artificial stone mate-
in almost all media of landscape design: ground plastic of rial, along with natural stone, was widely used
relief, water arrangements, decorative surfaces, small archi- in landscape art from the time of the Ancient
tectural forms, elements of decorative art and beautification. World. Famous temples, palaces, worship and
Natural stone is unsurpassed material for the formation of manor buildings and structures that are ba-
ground plastic of landscape objects. Plastic forms of earth sed on various variations and technology of
and rock gardens can be used in the formation of various ceramic materials, as well as other elements
spaces, limiting and marking the territory. The picturesque of landscape architecture and design, widely
mounds and hills of the surroundings that limit water bodies, used in all stages of historical development of
divide them in certain areas, form the identification spaces for art and architecture.
different purposes, creating memorable images. Macro relief Pottery significant advantage compared to
shapes, slopes, retaining walls, craters, canyons – carry out natural stone is more simplified capabilities
zoning areas and art images in the best way, create a comfor- of transportation because of its modular stan-
table enclosed spaces of various functional purpose (ill. 1). dardization and small size of items. These cir-
Ground plastic of landscape decisions of traditional and mo- cumstances are important for those regions
dern small gardens in the Chinese and Japanese styles is where the deposits and mining of natural sto-
impossible without the use of natural stone in a variety of ne are missing. This material is also charac-
artistic and stylistic compositions. This is due to the fact that terized in the exterior design with the ability
Far Eastern landscape art based on the reproduction of wild- to create integrated artistic and imaginative
life scaled in some way. Banks of natural and artificial ponds, landscape and composite solutions based on
rock gardens, different mounds and hills are arranged using respect for stylistic unity of the building deve-
natural stone. Many European parks is impossible without lopment ensemble and landscaping through
open and closed spaces, cascades and grottoes. In the appli- the use of modular sizes of ceramic products.
ill. 1. Natural stone and wood in the recreational area of Mallorca. Photo V. Abyzov
cation of various aquatic devices that enhance the imagery For example, the use of ceramic facing brick
landscape compositions, natural stone is most indispensable in the decoration of buildings and small ar-
material. To arrange decorative fountains and pools the use chitectural forms in the regeneration of the
of the processed natural stone is more typical. For this purpo- surrounding area was an important means of ramic materials are more common in regular style landscape and materials. The best architectural monu-
se, you should choose a stone of beautiful shape, according aesthetic subject-spatial compositions both environment with geometric grid plan and straight road terra- ments of such artistic works are included in
to their purpose should serve as a local accent in the space historically and in modern practice of the for- cing and clear contours of water objects. The ceramic bricks the UNESCO World Heritage list, and among
environment of the park. Natural stones are fixed with mortar mation of urban environment. The experience have got widespread use in the shaping of small architectural the objects in this list there is the joint Ukra-
when making thresholds. The formation of various pictures- of development and comprehensive impro- forms as structural and decorative material. They are used inian-Polish nomination for the Carpathian
que streams, waterfalls, cascades, streams of water, usually vement of Khreschatyk Street in the city of for bearings of benches, development of decorative walls, wooden churches.
carried out by varying forms of stones and their installation. Kyiv is worth the special attention, as its urban pergolas, pavilions, sunshades, as well as for various small Despite some constructive advantages of
The type and nature of the coating, which is a necessary com- planning and landscape composition is the business services. In combination with bricks, tiles are also stone and concrete materials in the process-
ponent of forming the landscape compositions is of aesthetic outstanding global model of construction and often used to cover roofs and creating various canopies. The ing of the land surface, the use of wood in
value. Therefore, in parks, gardens, park alleys often apply design of object-spatial environment. use of various types of majolica, terracotta, and glazed tiles the form of horizontal and vertical structural
a coating of dissected elements or plates of natural stone, Plastic possibilities of ceramic products pro- facilitates the achieving of high aesthetic parameters regar- elements provides good artistically-figured
stony paths with plants between the stones. Pathways and vide interesting examples of relief, creating ding color, shape and texture. These ceramic products are advantages in the arrangement of landscape
courtyards, patios can also be lined with natural stone. One amphitheatres and summer stages for cultural used extensively for items of decorative and applied art of design (ill. 1). At the same time, some types
of the options for quick placement of outdoor areas – patios, and educational activities and theatre perfor- landscape design, especially for decorative panels, walls and of wood, such as oak, hornbeam, beech can
terraces, verandas – a ready-made kit, consisting of selec- mances. The use of bricks, ceramic tiles and carpet tracks [11]. be used for a long period of time as bearing
ted stone slabs of different sizes from 30x30 cm to 90x60, other ceramic products for staircase is com- Wood, as well as natural stone, are widely spread building elements of structures that are resistant to the
thickness 2.5–3.5 cm, made of limestone, sandstone, slate. mon enough and is an important functional materials, that were used by mankind since antiquity. The effects of air and water. The unique urban and
Natural stone is used for the formation of diverse functionality element of relief processing. While making availability of wood in forest rich areas and its undeniable suburban landscapes of the St. Petersburg,
and spatial characteristics of small architectural forms. The design the landscape designer determines advantages, such as certain strength and lightness, the ability Amsterdam, Zhou Zhuang, and others are
most common is the placement of decorative stone walls and not only the location of the stairs in strict to keep warmth in winter and coolness in summer contribu- unique examples of above. Modern technolo-
pergolas, consisting of several stone arches connected by accordance with the direction and intensity ted to the common use of this material in buildings and stru- gies of the creation of modified wood, wood-
a wooden lattice. of pedestrian traffic, but thoroughly develops ctures of different purpose. en glued constructions of different contours
Depending on the total plan the natural stone is used in the the form of steps, the rhythm, the number of History of landscape art is full of examples of the outstan- provide new opportunities for the creation of
design of pavilions, benches and other elements of improve- marches, perhaps alternating with ramps and ding religious buildings, wooden houses, pavilions, gazebos, various types and forms of landscape objects.
ment, and for a variety of three-dimensional sculptures and a small playground. Decorative properties of where wood is an excellent construction, finishing and de- All this is manifested in the implementation of
monuments. The usage of, for example, marble or granite for ceramic products, such as colour, shape, size corative material. The most interesting examples are unique modern wooden structures of summer park
sculptures and landscaping elements of parks is common for of elements, and figure of surface are essen- Slavic churches and Far East (Chinese, Japanese, Indochina) scenes, benches and other small architec-
many prominent monuments of landscape and palace art in tial in creating a harmonious landscape com- Buddhist temples and pagodas, where handy color proces- tural forms, fences, sculptural compositions
Europe. position. And compared to natural stone, ce- sing discovers the tectonic features of the wooden structures (ill.2a,b).

108 109
of sidewalks, pedestrian zones, garden-park
and pedestrian paths, public transportation
and petrol stations[8].
The widespread use of concrete and rein-
forced concrete have gained in the creation
of small architectural forms – the main arti-
ficial means of landscape design. The use
of concrete and reinforced concrete for the
decorative-applied art of landscape elements
is common, and in the first place, considering
the high plasticity of these materials, for the
creation of modern spectacular sculptural
compositions. Diversity of use of three-di-
ill. 2a. Summer theaters in wooden structures. Kiev. Photo V. Abyzov mensional decorative sculptures, their con-
ill. 2b. Summer theaters in wooden structures. Kielce. Photo V. Abyzov
structive, color and compositional solution
depends on how they will be placed in com-
bination with vegetation, relief, pedestrian
Metal materials and products are used for the engineering corrosion resistance and ductility. The new streets and walkways, patio areas, etc.
constructions in the form of girders, arches, trusses, frames, technical and operational quality of metal ma- During the centuries-old history of the archi-
domes, frames, towers; as well as the light steel thin-walled terials is opening the further perspectives and tecture and design, glass received the most
quickly mounted structures; installation of roofs (copper, alu- creative possibilities of their use in landscape widespread and large-scale implementation
minum, zinc-titanium in the form of metal tile and profile deck- design. as constructive, and rather constructive-pro-
ill. 3. The pedestrian bridge (Helix Bridge) in Singapore. Metal structures and
ing), drain sewerage systems, staircases, pavilions, buildings, The use of metal products in small architectur- polymeric materials. tective and architectural-decorative material.
facades (using smooth, corrugated, structural sheets, panels, al forms deserves the special attention – small -helix-bridge-ot-cox-architecture-i-architects-61-singapur/ In addition to the traditional use of glass in
cassettes with aluminum and steel), small architectural forms, scale structures and devices for seasonal and a variety of buildings and structures, in the
lighting, street furniture, fences, etc. If the metal has tradition- year-round use, designed to serve the popu- landscape design it also was skillfully used
ally been used in residential and public buildings as the main lation in the urban and natural environment. -effective materials for arrangement of ground surfaces and in compositions of greenhouses and winter
load-bearing structures, then lately it is more common as They can be stationary or transforming and slopes, retaining walls, stairs, ramps, terraces, hills, etc. At gardens of palace complexes since the Rena-
a facing material in the form of a variety of texture and color have, as a rule, utilitarian, artistic, and decora- the same time these materials obtained a successful use in issance.
sheet materials. Aluminum composite panels most widely tive purpose, or only decorative. The utilitar- the simulation of natural landforms, embedding of various Nowadays, due to the rapid development
used in buildings of cultural, entertainment and commercial ian buildings typically include gazebos, public enterprises of domestic and cultural-entertaining character of new technologies the glass usage acqui-
purposes. In addition, interesting solutions of exhibition and transport stops, trade and information kiosks, into relief. The widespread distribution of concrete and rein- res new possibilities. Along with traditional
trade pavilions, summer theatres and restaurants, engineer- automatic trading devices, shading structures, forced concrete have in the arrangement of various aquatic protective functions of the geoplastic tools,
ing constructions and bridge crossings are known, where the lights, benches and other urban furniture zones in landscape design (waterfalls, cascades, etc.). The such as the establishment of microclimates,
metal supporting structures at the same time work as active [6,9,10]. latter often have interesting decorative characteristics of scul- protection against dust, wind, and sun, glass
compositionally structure-creating decorative elements (ill. 3). Constructional advantages of concrete are ptural forms. And these materials are used either as structu- products can be used actively as spatially or-
At the same time, for such items of geoplastics as terraces, known since the times of ancient Rome, whe- ral, forming the changes of the water flow in a few levels, so ganizing facilities. Elevated characteristics of
ramps, stairs, bridges, etc. as the protective material namely re the widespread distribution of this unique as decorative. In case of absence of natural stone or its high strength and new static and dynamic qualities
metal products are used. Their color, the nature of the pro- building material was of revolutionary impor- cost to implement design projects modern technologies al- of glass allow its usage while arranging the
cessing, artistic structure is combined with a general compo- tance to the world of architecture. The use of low to create landscape compositions that nearly impossible ramps and stairs, terraces and amphitheaters,
sition plan of landscape work of art. While often used artistic mortar mixtures for the brick vaults gave to to distinguish from the compositions of natural materials etc. Terraces and stairs are the most common
forging, which can be the connecting aesthetic and artistic mankind the new form – the arch; and later (ill. 4). The most common is the use of concrete and reinfor- functional elements of landscape processing,
tool for a variety of objects and elements of landscape de- its spatial derivative – the dome. The next ced concrete for construction of open and closed decorative which play an important role in the composi-
sign: fencing, small architectural forms and street furniture, defining moment in architecture and design and swimming pools. tion of space. The creation of these important
fences, gates, gratings, etc. Practically an indispensable ma- there was a combination of the steel reinfor- The main type of decorative coatings of artificial materials in compositional elements of the landscape of
terial is metal in the shaping of various lamps, fixtures and cement with the concrete and widespread use landscape design is a variety of artificial stones from concrete transparent glass gives new feeling and aes-
other lighting elements of internal and external environment. of reinforced concrete in the first half of the with different and pigments. Easy handling, they have gre- thetic impression [9,11,13]. Considering the
The strength and durability of metal materials are successful- twentieth century. Later the use of concrete at multi-variant use by size, texture, and color. Overlaps of fact that glass can perform the function of be-
ly used in the structures of visual communications – advertis- and reinforced concrete came into landscape concrete plates are characterized by diversity and affordabi- aring horizontal structures, it is also possible
ing boards, stands, showcases, etc. When creating landscape design. Structural and decorative features of lity. Shaped paving elements (SPE) have recently most wi- to organize bridge transitions and overlays of
compositions using small architectural forms it is very impor- these materials were reflected in the buildings dely spread as road surfaces in landscape design. They differ various form of runs. Transparent glass flo-
tant to ensure the unity of the stylistic solutions, and in many of residential, public and industrial use, as in a variety of shapes and colors, that expands the design orings can perform a purely decorative fun-
ways this may contribute to the application of the plastic well as in the infrastructure of the cities in the possibilities when implementing new architectural solutions. ction, but also can have a functional purpose.
properties of metal products and artistic forging. Along with construction of bridges, aboveground and un- Despite the widespread use of SPE, the concrete sidewalk As an interesting example we may call the
the traditional bronze for the sculptures of landscape design derground crossings, stadiums, etc. plates are still used for installation in different economic clear glass ceiling over archaeological exca-
other metal materials are used also – alloys of non-ferrous Concrete and reinforced concrete allow to zones and areas. They are made of heavy and fine-grained vations of ceramic soldiers in the first and the
metals – copper, aluminum, brass, titanium, that have high create flexible forms; they are the most cost- concrete and used for installation of prefabricated coverings ancient capital of China – Xi’an. The museum

110 111
which technology was suggested by the French designer P. Seasonal plastic street and garden furniture
Blanc. For the arrangement of such ecosystem a metal frame in the form of chairs, tables, sofas, benches
with a thin waterproof polymer frame is used, covered with play an important role in creating the design
polymer felt, and a system of plants feeding. Application of of the environment of summer entertainment
polymeric materials allows improving the reliability and dura- places, the terraces of cafes, restaurants,
bility of the structure and protects the building from moisture. shops, exhibitions, etc. Wicker furniture
Polymeric materials, featuring durability and high waterpro- made of polymeric rattan, that is strong, resi-
ofing properties, are used when constructing green terraces stant to the environment and durable enough,
on the roof of the building. Vegetation layer on the roof lo- gained popularity recently. The basis for the
wers its heating and dust content of air, protects the structure production of this kind of products is the de-
from ultraviolet rays, and provides extra heat insulation for velopment of fibres and ribbons on the basis
roof in winter. On the other hand, green roofs can perform the of a mixture of polyethylene of high and low
function of recreation area, and involve the use of the garden pressure. Fibreglass based on acrylic poly-
ill. 4. Concrete and reinforced concrete in the landscape of the hotel complex in Sharm al-Sheikh. Egypt. Photo V. Abyzov
ill. 5. The design of a glass house in the natural landscape by the plan of architect Carlo Santamborgy. „Clever glass” in modern architecture // furniture and small architectural forms, which are also often mer and glass fibre, which allows to obtain
Young Scientist. – 2013. – №4. – P. 86-88. – URL (reference date: 31/03/2018) made of lightweight polymer materials [9,11]. products of complex configuration, featuring
The arrangement of a variety of recreational spaces and zo- high physical and mechanical properties and
ning in landscape design is done not only using natural forms durability, is used for outdoor furniture and
and research complex is organized in such a way that the flow bodies in landscape design. At the same time, – embankments, mounds, hills, but also by creating closed or installations.
of tourists moves on the over ground level, directly observing considering the chemical resistance, low abra- half-closed space by using vandal-proof polycarbonate pla- Sun protection systems, that often also per-
archaeological excavations, carried out just under their legs. sion and a wide range of artistic and decorative stic, which performs the function of delimitation and protec- form functions of protection from the weather,
Decorative coating is a necessary component of the arrange- processing possibilities of polymeric materials, tion. Plastic structures can get widespread use in zoos and wind and of decoration of urban landscape
ment of many landscape compositions. Such decorative featu- they may increasingly be used as a material other landscape objects, where simultaneous combination of and façade of buildings can be made of poly-
res of coatings as a color, shape, the size of the elements, their for decorative finishing of the various pools review and protection features is necessary. Cellular polycar- meric materials, including fabrics made of
figure are essential in building a harmonious landscape com- and reservoirs, fountains, swimming pools, bonate 4 – 40 mm thick panels are widely used for the crea- high-strength polyester and polyvinyl chlo-
position. Glass products with a variety of colors and textured etc. (ill. 6). Despite the fact that the designers tion of city lights, translucent canopies, roofs, etc. The wide- ride. Such systems include awnings, cano-
processing skillfully used as in monolithic implementation, so try to use mostly natural decorative elements spread use of this translucent material, strong enough, with pies, and marquees (sliding hinged structures
as individual plate elements, such as panels with glass-crystal- (stone, wood, plants, trees, ponds), modern low thermal conductivity and resistance to solar radiation, over the windows and external doors) and
line material or smalt mosaic glass. Glass products can also be landscape objects may operate only by attra- can be observed not only in such small objects of landscape Reflexol – roller blinds installed outside the
widely used to mimic marble, opal and other natural materials. cting technical means, for example, a system design as transportation stops, shelters, shop windows, exhi- premises. Metal frame awning structures, ob-
Interesting opportunities offers the use of glass in the arrange- of artificial reservoirs, automatic watering, bition halls, but also in the massive buildings of the urban de- tained using advanced polymer fabrics allow
ment of fountains and various water surfaces and decorative lighting. Landscape construction nowadays sign – greenhouses, hothouses, various winter gardens, roofs to create the temporary buildings of different
pools. Glass products are used as structural and decorative is impossible without such modern materials of summer cinemas, entertainment centers and sports areas shapes, size and purpose – tent hangars, pa-
material at shaping of a variety of small architectural forms. like geotextile, films, varnishes, adhesives and and playgrounds (ill.5). vilions, open-air markets, sports facilities, sta-
Recently, the creation of various sculptural compositions both other polymeric products, allowing to minimi-
transparent and opaque glass gets to spread. A significant role ze the effort needed to maintain proper form.
in the arrangement of space using glassware play elements of In geoplastics objects for strengthening of ar-
ill. 6. Organization of an artificial lake using polymeric materials in the natural landscape;
monumental-decorative art. Mosaic smalt glass is widely used tificial hills special materials are used – geonet
nowadays for fixing decorative pictorial panels and reliefs. The (roll net material with polymer threads coated
high development of scientific and technical progress and the with protective layer with the same size holes
implementation of nanotechnology in the future open up more from 2.5 up to 40 mm) and geogrid (3-D cellular
aesthetic and artistic-figurative use of glassware in landscape structure with plastic straps, fastened as a che-
art while creating offbeat landscape compositions and bold ckerboard). For fast greening in that case the roll
creative design ideas (ill. 5). lawn is applied. The artificial grass lawn, which
Polymeric materials thanks to efficiency, manufacturability is made in the form of roll tufted carpet by using
and high plastic properties gained the wide spread in the ar- polyethylene filaments attached to a frame tis-
chitecture and design of the environment. One of the main sue, can sometimes be useful for the design of
means of shaping the landscape is geoplastic, which involves the landscape. Artificial gardening can be used
the use of polymeric materials that can mimic the texture and for decorating the industrial areas, centers of
pattern of other materials, including natural stone. Note also leisure, corporate gardens, patios, recreational
the significant efficiency of application of these materials and areas, balconies, hanging gardens, recreational
reduced labor intensity of construction by reducing transporta- areas on the roofs. Flexible polymeric curbs
tion costs and installation compared to natural stone. High pla- that are not destroyed, not rot, are quite strong,
stic features of polymers also contribute to the development of chemically stable and resistant to temperature
means of modelling the relief in landscape design. are used to decorate flower beds, paths and
Considering the low water absorption and high water imper- lawns distinction in landscape design.
meability, polymer films and rolled materials are most frequ- Design development of recent times is the
ently for any other materials used for waterproofing of water vertical greening of buildings and structures;

112 113
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